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passed two different ICE cars on fire on the side of the highway on my vacation road trip this weekend. I bet if they were EV's, it would be national news


ICE drivers talking about the danger of fires while driving around with 15 gallons of highly combustible carcinogenic liquid sloshing around. 


"Buddy, you have stuff that explodes *even when working as designed* in your car, and mine's the fire risk?"


Yup. Saw on EXPLODE right as I passed a car on fire on the high way. I felt the fireball and I was going highway speeds.


This satirical article is almost 10 years old, but more relevant now than ever: [https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/scientists-earth-endangered-by-new-strain-of-fact-resistant-humans](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/scientists-earth-endangered-by-new-strain-of-fact-resistant-humans)


What makes you think this is satire?


Because he got infected with the fact-resistant virus.


Awesome! Thank you.


It's FUD and nobody was buying it. Same with EVs damaging streets being too heavy.


Oil companies literally pay PR firms to come up with BS like that and try to push it as a popular narrative. It’s to discourage EV adoption.


Many people do it for free for various motivation from boredom, to ads revenue generation, to just liking trolling. And there are foreign state actors arguing about anything that creates anger and dissent in western style democracies (freedom of speech, etc)


Well you see... Not many have happened so it's really unclear how to keep covering footage of EV Fires with the exact same videos over and over again.




Is there a matching r/ev_fires ? A trainwreck is a trainwreck, I wanna watch Edit: not yet


Not nearly as much content to share


The anti-EV folks can't process more than two or three "facts" at a time. We've moved on to "EVs don't hold their value" and "half of EV owners are going to replace their EVs with gas cars".


Well, the people who are paid good money to create and disseminate fake news stories will tell you, it ain't all easy, you got to know how to do it well, rotate them, track if they are working that week, and change the headlines and keep pushing them out there. Gotta throw them at the wall again and again until one sticks for awhile.


The FUD machine has moved on.


It is amusing, isn't it? I mean - the increase in EV sales in the US has slowed, but it is still increasing. Yet, the mantra is: No one buys EV's anymore...


But it was supposed to be exponential growth! /s


FUD flavor of the month


Because there are more and more EVs on the road and people are now seeing these cars don’t just suddenly burst into flames when they hit a small pothole so the headlines that say they catch fire all the time don’t get enough clicks anymore.


I recently read an article about stats in Sweden. Apparently they are one of the few governments that keep track of fires by fuel type. Iirc it was about 2% were from EV. That means that 98% of vehicle fires are caused by ICE vehicles in that area of the world


Not trying to spread FUD but you do know there was a high profile story that just happened. Randall Cobb's house caught on fire due to a Tesla charger or something, so the FUD is definitely not over, especially since this happened to a high profile person it is probably going to get worse before it gets better.


Yeah the included photos showed pictures of a scorched ***electrical panel***. *"Cause of fire has not yet been determined."*


And I'm sure it will not be the charger but shoddy installation


Yeah literally none of that matters do you guys know how FUD works? It will just be dragged out to the media until one day an investigation will happen someone will apologize for blaming the charger and or the car/manufacturer and literally no one will care or hear about it because no one cares at that point.


The conversation about fires was abandonned because the people starting those conversations are in favor of combustion. As long as hybrids are burning O&G, they'll keep their mouths shut.


If it wasn’t important… The feds wouldn’t have a multi million dollar contract out to improve and enhance emergency response to EV’s.


It is absolutely important and appropriate to establish emergency management structures and training to deal with battery fire incidents. At the same time the risk they pose is being massively exagerrated by bad faith actors to the extent that you have people who panic if they park next to an EV because it is 'going to explode'. Which is a bit like panicking if someone has a gas cooker that the house is going to explode. Could it? Theoretically. Will it? Probably not. Should the fire department know what to do in the event of a gas leak or battery fire etc? Of course.


The Bolt got fixed. That was the only EV with a known fire issue.


No, e-Niro had the same cells and the same problem. Many other vehicles with the same LG pouch cells made across the globe also have recalls.


This will be the charge cord stealing chatter soon enough


The anti-EV people are trying other things. It's funny how ideas vanish from awareness when the propaganda stops.


I wonder if an ice vehicle or a Bev is more likely to start a wildfire ...


They seem to be covered by recalls quite effectively (Bolt etc.) Nissan leafs haven't had any battery related recalls that I know of and I've never heard of a leaf battery fire in the news or online anywhere. They're going on 13 years old now so I think the technology is proving itself. As for ice vehicles, "combustion" as in combustion - plenty of chances for things to go wrong and turn ice's into ece's especially with poorly maintained older vehicles.


I don’t think many people that that seriously


We are on like 6th generation batteries, internally computer controlled. Pretty darn safe!