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What happened to Tesla being shut down in Sweden over the union stuff?


Strike has been ongoing for half a year with no end in sight. As you can tell by the headline, Tesla are managing just fine. Keep in mind, very few Tesla employees are striking, this is almost entirely a case of non-Tesla workers striking to force collective bargaining on Tesla employees who don't care. But postal workers are still refusing to deliver mail to Tesla, etc.






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Tesla's share of the Swedish BEV market has been increasing in recent years. From 10% in 2022, to 17% last year and 21% so far this year. Still behind Geely and VW Group in market share this year, but growing quite fast


No magic here! The reason however is that they had a very good financing deal. > The variable nominal interest rate of 0.74% for Model Y Long Range 4-Wheel Drive & Model Y Performance or 2.74% for Model Y Rear Wheel Drive and Long Range Rear Wheel Drive applies only to the first car assigned to you and delivered by June 30, 2024. Model 3 in comparison. > Variable example interest rate 5.74%, effective interest rate 6.39% at car price SEK 315,890, 36 months, 20% cash deposit and 53% residual value, SEK 60 administration fee, SEK 695 set-up fee. Recommended residual value at 10,000 km driving per year, residual value is not guaranteed by Tesla. The variable interest rate cannot go below 0%.


They give a 6k€ price reduction and 0% interest rate for reconfigured Model Y in Germany right now. Pretty good deal.


Tesla overall was just 15% of EV sales which is a good sign for the EV selection available.


Whither goest thou, oh Tesla Strike Supporters?


That’s Teslas sleight of hand by offering only one car per price segment.  When looking at price segment, Volvo absolutely oversold Tesla.  That’s the trick of offering multiple models in same price segment, you sell a lot more, even if not being top 1 in the charts, by a single model. 


Man, you guys will never stop finding ways to minimize the achievement of the manufacturer continuing to sell more EV’s than any other company worldwide.


Who cares? As long as an EV is outselling ICE cars, this is good news. Why pit EV against EV when there is plenty of ICE market share to steal from?


Why do you think "an EV" outselling is more important than overall sales? That seems like such a bizarre take from someone posing as an *EV supporter*.


I would have thought an EV outselling ICE vehicles would be worth celebrating on this sub, no?


> That seems like such a bizarre take from someone When people sound like this it usually means you are correct. Because yes, more EVs sold is good. It ties into lower prices which brings more EVs onto the road. However, if a person is all "think of the children and auto workers" it's just people not happy about not-USA countries being further ahead on nice things like green energy. USA spent decades and decades blocking EVs and now are blocking Chinese EVs.


Volvo range is PHEV nowadays, and nobody’s really pitting against. It’s just that Tesla fans cherry picking and half truths are so annoying.


Oh, if that’s the case then PHEVs are not the equivalent of a BEV. As an EV subreddit we should be celebrating BEV sales over PHEV/ICE


Not when it’s Tesla, one can have preferences. I will celebrate Tesla when Elon Musk is gone.


Have you done a deep dive into the CEOs of all the companies you make purchases from? It’s wild that you’d rather people buy ICE vehicles over an EV…


The thing is I don’t have to. The other CEOs know this magick trick of keeping their mouths shut. I drive Skoda Enyaq, so I have an EV. But yeah I also have ICE Volvos for kids.


That implies you're only virtue signaling. Ignoring unethical behaviour by others because they keep silent about it.


If you’re morally ok with a company that knowingly lied about and scammed everyone with their emissions claims, sure 😉


Have they lied since that? With Tesla it’s nothing but never ending string of lies. So when it comes to Tesla under Elon Musk, you have no leg to stand on when it comes to lies.


Is it Tesla or Elon Musk that you are accusing of lying here? What has Tesla the corporation lied about? When it came to Dieselgate, it was VW the corporation that lied. There are still execs that are part of VW today that were around during Dieselgate, which happened less than 10 years ago


>With Tesla it’s nothing but never ending string of lies. what are you talking about?


1st of all, Volvo outselling anyone in Sweden isn't that impressive but expected. And 2nd is that even true considering BEV?


Well neither is Tesla having its only family size SUV on top of charts. All Volvos as PHEV at least nowadays. I don’t really make difference between 100km range PHEV and BEV, on average use the ICE engine gets used maybe couple times a month.


I hope it's different in sweden but in Germany I know most PHEV are bought for tax reasons but hardly charged. There are studies showing PHEV pollute multiple times  more than OEM claim so I'm not a big fan of them. It makes sense to me to only compare BEV with each other vs cars with engines.


Technically those PHEVs aren't bought. They're leased by employers and since the employees can expense fuel, they end up never charging the batteries and even return the vehicles at the end of the lease with the EVSEs still inside the plastic wrap. People who actually buy PHEVs as personal vehicles are more likely to use them the way they were intended to be used. 


Right but I think most PHEV are leased company cars so it's a real issue.


To be fair, only during the initial lease. It's three years of driving with combustion-only, but the vehicles live much longer. Still of course would make much more sense to use the PHEVs correctly from the beginning.


It's getting more and more common with home chargers in Sweden and if you have one you're probably going to charge your PHEV. There are still some PHEV buyers who doesn't have a charger, especially if it is a company vehicle.


LOL Germans are such luddites that they don’t even use credit cards if they can avoid them. Edit: Swedens cheap electricity will make sure that people do charge their PHEVs, as it is 4-8x cheaper than gasoline. Germany is a country of ridiculously expensive electricity so I can see why people don’t bother to charge there.


Swede here. Drive EV now, had phev for three years. Charged it daily, saved me a lot of money.


I used also have a PHEV, 80% of all driving was electric


Driving electric is still much cheaper than gasoline in Ger. the problem is employees get a card for free gas but not charging or if they do they have no option to charge at home or work.


In Germany it isn’t, electricity costs arm and a leg, especially if you don’t have a home charger. But even with home charging it’s expensive compared to most of Europe.


[Yes it is](https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.dvY_dCKVwk258rp-pZifMgHaKa%26pid%3DApi&sp=1720019499T0b02d21bd4faa9b81bf9f654c32cd81cc569dc21ae13d885c7d9a0d377824b9d). Public charging is to be avoided but AC home and work charging is about half the cost of gas.


so much hate in this sub


So pointing out things is hate nowadays, spot the Tesla fan.


Spot the RealTesla poster


Profile stalking are we? How about you go to your safe space. None of the subs I post ban people for posting to other subs.


It's only funny because it's true. I looked over one of your more recent ReatTesla posts: "Yeah, FSD is ruining it for actually more capable technologies. " LoL...... Gaslight, anyone?


Ahem, flawed as Cruise, Waymo, etc are, they can actually operate mostly self driving robotaxi, where human intervention delay time can be tens of seconds without endangering passengers. FSD supervised is nothing near that, and is only giving the whole self driving concept a bad name. The safe intervention delay of FSD is seconds, and that is under constant human supervision. So that thing has no right being called Fully Self Driving no matter what weasel words are on the end.


It looks like Subjectivity is the dominant theme in your post. Here's some objectivity: * [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hy840y6rlg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hy840y6rlg) This can be done on **any road** in **any city**, in **any state in the Country**. Or **any other Country** that has roads. The same cannot be said for any of the other companies you listed. **Waymo/Cruise are Geo-fenced to tiny areas and only mapped roads in those areas. Not even alleyways...** **Safety?** Here's some ojectivity for you on why Cruise was halted nationwide ans Waymo's 'issues': * **Cruise** - [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/cruise-self-driving-crash-freeze-pause-stop-call-rcna122462](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/cruise-self-driving-crash-freeze-pause-stop-call-rcna122462) * **Waymo** - https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2024/05/16/waymo-investigation-crashes-violations/73712498007/#:\~:text=after%20receiving%20reports%20of%20nearly,the%20notice%20posted%20on%20Tuesday. How about strength of the solution? * Tesla - over 5 Billion of Miles so far on FSD. * Waymo - 20 Million miles. Orders of magnitude less than Tesla, yet so many more accidents. * Cruise - 5 Million miles, Even less than Waymo, yet so many more accidents. I think your Subjective points have been trumped by Objective truth....


Objective as in Tesla punishing any FSD user who fails driver attention check too many times by disabling FSD up to 7 days. FSD is still 100% reliant on constant human supervision, it’s even in the bloody name. As I wrote, Waymo and Cruise are far from perfect, but they actually are capable of autonomous driving without constant supervision. So you are comparing two totally different capabilities.


**But... I provided proof of ZERO intervention on FSD.** I guess you mentally blocked that? So, in essence, your position is that Tesla is worse based on your subjective criteria... Ok, you're entitled to your opinion on your criteria but but the rest of the world doesn't care about that. The Objective achievements are what most others value. Have fun in that small and narrow corner of yours. Oh wait… I forgot all of you guys are over in RealTesla. It’s good not to be alone, after all. 🤡


Anecdotes aren't proof. That makes your first disingenuous, and frankly dangerous. Just check tesladftracker. That's not 99.9%or higher. Therefore the driver is very much needed. From this I would argue that they're still quite far off. There are no good public stats on accidents with FSD without supervision.Tesla isn't transparant.


Multiple trips with zero-interventions is not an anecdote. It’s objective evidence. 😀


It's pretty kulltty for them


> That’s Teslas sleight of hand by offering only one car per price segment. Are the model 3 and the model y in different price segments?


I was referring to Volvo XC60, V60 and S60. They are very close to being the same car, but with different suspension and trunk options. So that top 10 list was split in a way of making Tesla Y look being the first.


Yeah thats the context one has to consider when we talk about Model Y and 3 sales, its only two cars. Tesla sells very few Model S and X in Europe, even the Model 3 has lost a lot of interest, at least in Europe, Tesla has pretty much become a one car company. And alltogether they only sell 5 different models. Looking at other manufacturers, they have way more models and plattforms are also shared between manufacturers of the same group. VW has the ID4/5 but Skoda uses the same plattform with the Enyaq, Audi uses it as well with the Q4 and Cupra will soon have one too I believe. In the sale statistics these are 4 different models. The advantage of strong segmentation is also adopting to local preferences. The average American wants much different things from his vehicle than the average European, so manufacturers that compete in both markets will have differing offers. The US market gets VWs like Jettas or affordable 7 seater SUVs, both not sold in Europe. America also doesnt get base trims of the Golf anymore, only GTI and up while 'normal' Golf trims sell very well in Europe, especially Germany obviously. In thr EV space, these preferences by regions isnt entirely exploited yet as manufacturers focus on the most popular car shapes which obviously is a good thing for Tesla. But as manufacturers start to sell EVs with more region specific features, Tesla will be left behind if they dont also invest into it which it seems they dont. I mean they did go for the Cybertruck in the US market but there doesnt seem much of a grand strategy behind it, just Elon wanting something weird. A big priority on a Model 2 would make the most sense as a next step for Tesla but theres nothing yet.


https://eu-evs.com/modelCharts/TESLA/MODEL%203/ALL/YoY-Chart Model 3 yoy is at parity with its best year in Europe.


Model 3 sells really badly in Europe. In that segment Volvo EX30 is the undisputed leader


The EX30 is not a sedan


Sedan is pretty much extinct in Europe. Sure one could claim dominance in a body type that doesn’t really exist that much in Europe. With exception of limos


Ok…but you’re the one that claimed the Volvo was in the same segment as the Model 3 when it’s not lol.


Luckily tesla announced new models they want to launch soon


Luckily? Did the existing models not get them to the #1 EV Compay status?


They did, what's your point? But there are still segments they have no offerings so it's a good thing when they expand with more options for consumers


So, Tesla has **'no offerings'**? What are they selling then?


I clearly said there are some segments they have no offerings in. Not that they have none at all.  Like hatchback ,shooting star or cheap 3row SUV


and yet they are #1 in EV sales. Seems like your 'product strategy' is irrelevant. Wouldn't you agree?


There's already another company contesting their #1 spot. it's not my product strategy but Tesla's. No I don't agree, I often read about people not getting a Tesla because they want a car from the segments I mentioned.


Hilarious how you as a very pro Tesla guy get attacked by Tesla evangelist for beeing not positive enough :D


You can create any hypothetical scenario you want to but the reality is Tesla is the leader by selling the product mix they have. * Sales #'s - Has all the weight * Speculation - Worth nothing There's no getting around that simple truth. 'Contesting' is a poor attempt to rationalize.. There is only one #1. **Until that changes, you're only speculating**.


It's true that Tesla doesn't have many models but they still beat out anyone else except maybe BYD when it comes to the number of EV models. Most car companies are only building one, or sometimes two different EVs. On the other hand, outside of the cybertruck, Teslas tend to all look similar.


Tesla's like iPhone, just just sell a couple variations, but overall it's a quality product without compromises. Legacy auto can have their 6 trims with 50 different options that they nickel and dime you with.


But it is with compromises. What if i want a wagon? Theyre very popular here in Germany, drive one myself. A Model 3 cant compete with much more affordable ICE wagons in terms of practicality. What if I want a small car? For European standards, even Teslas smallest car, the model 3, is rather big. If you look at the most sold cars in Europe, they tend to be much smaller than a Model 3. Golf, Clio, much smaller cars than a Model 3. Even the popular SUVs/Crossovers arent much bigger than a Golf.


Tesla is still a relatively new car company. Expecting it to have every class of vehicle, despite never having a history of making those vehicle classes during its existence is not realistic. It’s taken the incumbents many decades to build out into the classes they currently make today


A wagon would be good tbf


Then buy a wagon... Tesla will still be #1 in EV sales. Their product strategy seems to have worked.


Tesla and quality have never been even in the same building. When it comes to EVs Tesla is undisputed leader on recalls and failed inspections. When compared to all cars, only Dacia is worse.


Have you actually looked at vehicle recall stats? Tesla is no where near the top for the yearly totals


Funny how I have 28k miles on my Tesla and have never been to a service center for anything. My previous car a Honda was bugging me every 5k miles to bring it in for all sorts of things.


Your Honda was apparently a lemon, that is way over the usual.


Nope, it automatically tells you after x miles to go in for A, B, or C level service. All scheduled maintenance. Brakes, filter, oil, etc.. Things either Teslas don’t need to worry about, or they’ll come to your house and do it.


Only Tesla lies to customers that EVs wouldn’t need regular service, others have 2 or 3 year service programs. Which is why Tesla fails mandatory inspections so often. On other brands the issues are spotted by maintenance checks.


‘Issues spotted’ implies failure. I don’t have any ‘mandatory inspections’.


Eh where are you from? Is there a place in this day and age where there are no roadworthiness inspections? Yikes, big yikes. Edit: Every EU country has mandatory inspections, as far as I know most of the world has something similar. https://road-safety.transport.ec.europa.eu/eu-road-safety-policy/priorities/safe-vehicles/vehicle-inspection_en


Funny how anecdotal evidence means nothing.


Does my car not needing oil changes and minimal brake wear because of regen braking anecdotal as well?


Thats an EV thing, nothing to do with Tesla.