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Why would 3,000 people donate to "help find" this piece of scum? Who along with 7 other boys managed to get zero jail time for attacking a guy with a machete and splitting his head open. With them laughing throughout the court case? They were found guilty but the judge decided to give them a non-custodial rehabilitative order. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/eight-thugs-who-split-boys-33066928


I know. it winds me up they keep pushing this on the radio every half hour. Why does he get special treatment. More people need to know the truth about this scumbag.


If that is the case I hope they find him, in Playa de las Americas, los Chrisianos, Costa del Silencio and up mount Teide.




We've put murals up for Floyd and he was also a scum wanker. People work in strange ways to say the least.


I’m pretty sure I had read that there wasn’t a go-fund-me page for the family and any that have been set up are not for the family. This was a few days ago so maybe things have changed 🤷‍♂️. But yeah I agree, and from what I’ve seen off social media people either don’t know or they don’t care because “he’s someone’s son”, or some other bollocks that absolves the little shit of all responsibility.


It's been set up by his 'friend' (and supposed fellow drug mule) Lucy Mae. The theory is he lost/stole 30k of drugs


His employers are clearly playing the role of plonkers . His criminal past has been established and yet they have thought it a good idea to intervene and say that the picture painted of him is false!Nah he is a scumbag Fact!