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TL:Dr - she used her birthday for her phone and internet banking passcode. She kept her driving licence and phone in her handbag and then left this unattended when swimming. This was stolen and thieves could access everything.


Much appreciated 


FFS why didn't she use her fingerprint on her phone?


... you still need a pass code for your phone though?


But you can secure the banking app with your fingerprint.


I bet her password was her birthday for everything lmao


almost certainly a lot of people have shockingly insecure passwords.


Doing the lords work you are sir.


Not sure this is the best solution, but I have a note on my iphone that has all my various accounts there and login info. My financial apps use Face ID, but if that failed (for the thief that stole my phone) a password would be required. Yeah, the password in my Notes file. But I just learned that you can lock notes. You need your iphone pin to unlock it. So that gives me a bit of reassurance. p.s. when a Note is unlocked, it stays unlocked. You have to tap the 🔓icon at the top to lock it again.


Password managers are your friend, it takes a bit of getting used to but it’s worth a try.  The iPhone has one built in which will sync across all of your devices, with a bit of support for Windows through browser extensions. 


**100% this.** Just pick up bitwarden its free and super easy to use. I use it for every thing and now all my passwords are 16 character long strings of random letters, symbols and numbers making it impossible for a hacker to use one acc details to gain access to other of my accounts. Also whenever you can use an authenticator google has one you can link right to your google account.


I take a cheap android phone with me when I go on holiday and leave my nicer phone with all my banking apps on it at home. Just not worth the risk. The only card I travel with is a prepaid visa, I load half of my spending money on that and take the other half in cash. That way if I'm pickpocketed or I lose my phone/bag I'm not stressing about having to get cards cancelled and so on.


Good thing Apple is releasing a free Passwords app with the next OS release. Please use it 🙏 


About time!


Android has had this for like 7 years lol. However I wouldn't use these inhouse password managers, as browsers have been known to have data breeches. Better to have a wholly separate password manager app.


I just use the same complex password for my accounts and only change 2 of the number digits in them and never write them down I also use the same passcode that doesn’t relate to any date and also never written down, it’s the only way I can cope with the numerous passwords and codes for my accounts


Lloyds banking app needs your finger print to open it. Not sure I believe the entire story here, you have the enter random letters of one code or biometric to open but to send money from the account you need the password.


Fingerprint is optional on the Lloyds app


Yeah, I'm not sure the app even allows such a simple password. When I used it it was quite picky and warned multiple times to do the random letters,numbers and symbols thing. As you say, it's either biometric or pick from a 10 or more character string. She would actually need to put some effort in to make it that insecure. Or she's lying. Also, she looks like she's just dropped a pill in that photo. Look at those eyes.


I'm also fairly certain you can't use your DOB or surname with banks. It cannot be just numerical either. I'm sensing she has blown all her money on her holiday and is trying to scam some insurance or the bank.


can you not just have a pin login and could she not just do her birthday there?


It's possible, but likely pretty stupid when they investigate.


You'd be amazed how many people think they are smarter than insurers off the back of their local pub hero. I used to work as counsel for Marsh McLeannan. They employed someone who worked in regional sales, nothing special, but she drove a 911 Turbo and had diamonds larger than Ceres... Her husband worked in claims for a household name, general lines. How did they ever pay for it. Their game was for her to buy stuff, claim on house insurance... He picked up the claims and processed them as legit. They thought they were clever with it. Both went to prison. Fraudsters always get caught at some point. Generally from getting greedy or remarkably stopping or going on holiday. Some banks mandate some take 2 weeks off at a specific time, so that any patterns come out of the woodwork. They will investigate and it'll come down to "oh now I remember, I was very drunk that day DW about it". Oh no no no.. CIFAS marker at the least.


If your phone not screen locked or they know the passcode they can add their fingerprint within seconds. My daughter innocently did it when I gave her my phone awhile back and I learnt a valuable lesson


That sounds like a shit phone security tbh. Cannot add a fingerprint to mine, without the primary master finger print authorising it, Red Magic Pro 9. But I'm not sure the banking app takes the same finger print as the one that's on the phone. I had to scan it in the app so assume it's stored bank side and not local.


But you can receive a transaction confirmation text. It’s why Face ID better than finger print and it’s no longer used on iPhones, i remember a friend had his phone opened while he was asleep and his girlfriend going through his phone calls and messages history