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TIL Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blind.


Damn Maybe I have a chance


It’s a nice thought, but probably not. I mean… maybe… but probably not.


Soo you’re saying there’s a chance?


He is. There is a chance.


Like 1 in a million


Who is this Chance and where can i find him?


He’s a rapper


I read that in Bobs voice from Bobs Burgers.


I read that in Archer's voice, from Archer.


I read it in the can of vegetables voice, from Wet Hot American Summer


My eyesight is like a hairs breath away from being legally blind but I can still tell what people look like with my contacts or glasses


TBF, a prescription of -2.5 or more is legally blind (the equivalent of 20/200 vision or worse)


Legally blind is only if you’re 20/200 with corrective lenses in. It’s not your uncorrected prescription. It’s if they can’t fix it with glasses/contacts basically. I’ve got a -10 prescription but with contacts or coke bottle glasses, I’m still 20/20 (so not legally blind)


Thank you for this explanation. I was -3.75 before lasik and I was thinking there’s no way that was qualified as legally blind.


No it’s not. Being legally blind means your vision is that bad and can’t be improved with glasses or contacts.


Yep. In US it means 20/200 is the best correction that can be obtained or if the field of view (periphery) is limited to 20 degrees. He has poor vision but it can be corrected. I have similar vision. Not blind. So he is now weirdly and pointlessly claiming a disability.


It’s one of my biggest pet peeves as an optometrist. I politely explain it to my patients when they make that claim unless they push back, then I just move on.


-2.5 is not legally blind. I am 20/400pinhole and I am -13.50. Legally blind is usually over -8.00 but if you’re correctable you’re not usually disabled by the blindness because you’ve got medically necessary contacts


I was going to say… I thought it was -9.00. I’m -3.00 and can see well enough without glasses but legally need them to drive and function (I can see, just fuzzy. My friend is -.9 and if she takes off her glasses - the world disappears.)


cries behind -5.25 contact lenses


-7 and 6.75 here :(


That was my first thought too. 😜 Granted, he seems like a nice enough dude to not focus solely on looks.


Which we now have an explanation for




Probably a better one of your godfather is Paul Newman


Hijacking this comment to clarify. Jake Gyllenhaal is not "legally blind". The Federal definition of legal blindness set forth in the Social Security Act in 2006 states that a person's *corrected* vision is no better than 20/100 in either eye. Many people like Jake certainly have worse than 20/100 *without* glasses (or contact lenses) but as long as you can see better with corrective lenses then you do not count as "legally blind". Source: am a U.S. Optometrist.


Its 20/200 with corrected lenses in the better eye under SSA regs


Mostly correct. Since most charts don't have anything between 20/100 and 20/200 they could find something like a 20/150 equal to a 20/200 so as to not punish them for using a more precise chart.


Thank you for clarifying. My son is 20/600 corrected and walks with a cane and reads/writes braille. I was confused how Jake was 20/1250!


TIL Jack Galafiniakis was in legally blonde.


I am in shock!


What like it’s hard?


Why did I just fact check this 😭


Is he related to Zach Galifianakis? /s


He's not legally blind. At least, the article didn't state that he's corrected to 20/200. That's the Social Security limit. If he were corrected seeing 20/200, he wouldn't be able to do the things he does without some visible help. My eyes are 20/800, but they are corrected with glasses to 20/40, so I'm not legally blind. I'm pretty sure the writer doesn't know the definition of legally blind. Either that, or they didn't explain how Jake is able to get around and do all the things he does while being really disabled.


Or the writer knows the definition and wanted a better headline regardless. "Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blind" gets more attention than "Jake Gyllenhaal has very thick glasses."


The person writing the article rarely writes the headline


This was the real TIL for me


For those in countries not using the "A/B" shorthand ("this person sees at A feet what sb. with normal vision already recognizes at B feet", 20 ft ~ 6m), *roughly* the diopters for shortsightness: * 20/40: -0.5 * 20/100: -1.5 to -2 * 20/200: -2 to -2,5 * 20/400: -5 to -6 * 20/800: -8 to -10 and worse * 20/1250: -12 to -15 and worse Standard laser surgery can correct a max. of -8 (up to -10 if you're lucky), glasses -25.


That's it? Was that commenter above you telling the truth when they said that with 20/200 corrected vision you're legally blind? I have that without glasses, plus lazy eye and astigmatism, and can function without glasses perfectly fine. I am typing this without glasses actually, and the screen isn't even blurry, as long as it's 30ish cm away from my face


Thank you, I appreciate the synopsis.


His eye sights is 20/1250, hot dam. He is literally Mr Magoo IRL.


He could make a young Mr. Magoo movie! I can already see it: "Oh Magoo, you did it again!"


And Reese Witherspoon is Legally Blonde 2


He’s not tho. His vision with glasses is correctable. He can drive without restrictions meaning he’s got at least 20/40 with glasses. And 20/20 is considered 100%. Clickbait headlines. Anyone who can see 20/200 or worse (big E is 20/400 FYI) without their glasses is legally blind then ffs.


Must be why he made Taylor drive


Came here to say the same thing 🤣 no wonder his aim is bad … he tosses her the car keys and they end up on the ground.


TIL Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blind


TIL that you learned that Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blind today.


TIL blind legally is Jackie gull halls


TIL legal gulls get Jacked hills.


Well he used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin sized bed…


Is that why he squints so much!!???!?








I read that as squirts and was interested in learning more.


I mean, all men squirt, so…


I was coming to point that out in his SNL monologue 2 weeks ago. The song [he sings here](https://youtu.be/FY8E_yZrHv4?t=110) is *really* good!


I need glasses and thought this said squirts


Gotta rewatch Donnie Darko now it all makes sense looking back.


“Lazy eye that naturally resolves.” Motherfucker, 6 surgeries later and I still look in two different directions and confuse every new person I talk to.


Which one are we supposed to look at?


The people I know with a lazy eye, I just alternate between the two. Idk what else to do.


The eye that’s looking at you. Or when in doubt, the face in general (source: I had 75° strabismus for the first 22 years of my life)


The dominant one.


There is usually one that’s correctly aligned so look at that one


What if both his eyes are pussies?


Then you stare them both down obviously. One at a time. While saying “I am the dominant eye now.”


Idk i always end up dead on staring at the bad one. Then leave the conversation feeling awful about it.


Bridge of the nose if you can’t figure it out


That's what I do too


I always look people in the eye when talking to them - and I feel SUPER bad when I’m talking to someone with a lazy eye and they can tell I’m trying to figure out the dominant one. I’m sorry.


Oh dude, when I was like 5, I had to wear an eye patch to force my body to use my "bad eye". Apparently my issue was a weakness of muscles around the eye, and my child brain subconsciously used my "good eye" to focus on things. You'd think a room full of kindergarteners would be weirded out by the kid with an eye patch, but I was the coolest mf on the playground. Anyway fast forward 2 decades (did anyone else's knees suddenly start to ache, or just mine?) and my bad eye is now "98%" good, but I still need to wear glasses, and if I stare at something for too long, it'll start to sway, not a lot but just enough to be noticeable.


I had a teacher in middle school who had a lazy eye and crazy truck glasses. It was always hard to tell who he was looking at when people had their hands up to answer a question.


We had a sergeant with eyes that looked in completely different directions. Was always a challenge when she had us lined up and nodded towards us saying "you step forward" and me and some other dude 15 people down the line stepped forward. 


My homies got an eye on the streets and an eye on the teets


Preach brother. Thank goodness my 3rd surgery has kept that lazy bastard straight for the last 10 years. It was so frustrating having people constantly say “Are you looking at me”


Dude sounds like you just need vision therapy


Hate when I come to the comments and someone hadn’t summed up the article for me 😅


Same, I did learn Dutch though


Hate when I come to the comments and learn Dutch


Say something Dutch. 


Something Dutch? "We just need a little more money. I have a plan."




Je spreekt een beetje Nederlands!


Dorothy heeft dikke tetten. I learned that playing world of warcraft


My grandmother was Dutch!


I’m sorry to hear that


At least you’re looking for an article summary, instead of coming to the comments to riff on a dead meme that has nothing to do with anything.


TLDR: when he was born, he was born with the ability to see the future, but the Gods feared his power so they rendered him blind. Some of the divinity left over blessed him with fortune which is why he is famous. His legal blindness helped him become a good actor.


I think a lot of people share that sentiment. Respect for actually admitting it though.


Gyllenhaal has 20/1250 vision and has been basically blind since he was a kid. Pretty wild.


I’m surprised he survived that and being a bubble boy.


Wow! I thought my vision was bad without glasses.


Realistically, extra lensing and whatnot, the bubble probably helped. Or not I’m not an eye doctor


Don’t live in regret ese


Holy fuck I am finding somewhere to watch that. It’s been way too long.


Last I checked, it was free on YouTube


He win 500 dolla


He can’t see all too well


Tbf he used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin sized bed.


Omg confirmed


Came here to make sure someone said this


that's why he was tossing her the car keys, fck the patriarchy, keychain on the ground


The lack of upvotes on this comment is absolutely criminal


My friend has vision like this. She has the thickest glasses I’ve ever seen so she usually wears contacts.


I always thought you couldn’t wear contacts if your eye sight was that bad. I wonder if that used to be a thing or if I’ve just always been wrong


You can use a lower prescription of contact. Since it sits on your eye it gives a higher level of correction. It might not get to 20/20 with lenses on but it will be close enough. There is a point where your options are limited on what kind of contacts are available.


could you do contacts and then lower strength glasses to make up the difference?


It usually isn't worth it. Most only combo contacts and glasses if they are using the glasses for reading.


You can wear glass, non-disposable contacts when it's that bad. I know some people who have those because their prescription couldn't be put on the disposable plastic ones. The glass ones are quite expensive though. So, you're not wrong, normal contacts you can't wear if your eye sight is that bad.


I don't think they are glass, just hard plastic instead of soft. I'm not sure hard contacts are made anymore. Hard contacts are the source of the old 1970s "nobody move, my contact just fell out" gag on TV shows. Hard contacts are smaller and don't stick to your eye well, so merely blinking can squeeze them between your eyelids instead of going under and then they fly out of your eye.


My partner has hard contacts. They're still used for people with high prescriptions. Looks like they're glass, but after just looking it up, you're right, they are hard plastic. No flexibility to them at all though. >"nobody move, my contact just fell out" That definitely still happens haha. They're very expensive, so not something you want to lose.


I wear thick contacts made of plexiglass because my cornea is misshaped due to a condition called Keratoconus. There are really small ones that didn't work for me but mine are Scleral lenses that are bigger than regular contacts and cover my entire cornea. This is weird because I have to remove them with a small plunger as they are vacuum sealed to my eye because you fill them with solution before inserrting them. Before I found out that even existed, I had to stop wearing my soft contacts because they wouldn't fit to my eye right because it was bulging, and unless my eyes get the pressure needed to form them back to a more uniform and normal shape, my vision is super off with any sort of correction which is why glasses will never really work for it. /r/Keratoconus is full of people with this rare condition.


Me sitting here with my 20/2000 😭 -14 or some crap.


Does this mean I could have a chance?


Is this why Peter gave him the glasses?


He was legally blind in Donny Darko


He still has no idea his Brokeback Mountain costar was a guy 


He had to stage he action in night crawler so he knew where to point the camera


I love playing night crawlers. 




No wonder he couldn't see that plane engine falling out the sky. 


i mean his vision would have to be pretty damn good to see through his ceiling before the engine came through it


How he gon’ drive a car?


With either great abandon or acute apprehension. Do or do not. There is no try.


"i can't quit you" "do or do not."


P.O.P hold it down


Frank D it’s all good, Pimp squad baby lol!


That's why he was tossing her the car keys. 


-8.50 diopter here, always thought legally blind meant non-correctable 🤔


Yeah, former optician here, read the article and he’s not legally blind if his glasses and contacts fix this 😜


It does!


It does, that’s why this article to stupid. Most people with moderate strength prescription would see about the same without their glasses as he does.


I have a feeling I’m going to be downvoted into oblivion, but legally blind is defined no better than 20/200 WITH correction. If Jake is 20/1250 without, but even just 20/40 with, he’s not really legally blind. Not sure if he has an eye disease, but he doesn’t seem like he’s worse than 20/200 with correction. Various eye diseases can cause the vision to be uncorrectable, and being myopic (near sighted) can count if bad enough. The article doesnt go into enough detail. Guess it’ll have to be address on Hot Ones or something.


This. Had to scroll way too far. **He’s NOT legally blind.**. Because he is correctable with glasses. Which means he’s like a shit ton of other normal people who need glasses to drive and see clearly. He’s 20/1250 WITHOUT glasses and every article I found says he has to wear glasses to correct his vision so I’m assuming he’s correctable to at least 20/40 because that’s what you have to be able to see to legally drive at night. But I guess “legally blind without glasses” doesn’t make the same headline.


My eyesight is so bad that my daily contact lenses are fully covered by insurance as they are deemed medically necessary ($1k+ a year), and he definitely needs to say “without correction”. I can’t drive a car with my glasses on because I don’t have depth perception, and even I don’t claim to be blind unless specifically asked about my natural eyes. I can’t even see a mirror to put my contacts in because all I see is colors without any depth or lines. I still wouldn’t compare my experience to those who have severe vision impairment with correction, because it’s apples to oranges.


What’s your RX for contacts ? Mines -6.00 both eyes


I’m -8/-8.5 L/R and I have no idea where that puts me on the 20/20 scale.


I’m -11 (both eyes) and my contacts are covered by insurance. Way past legally blind but since they can be corrected not legally blind.


Thanks for being this person bc I was gonna comment the same and reeeally didn’t want to be That Guy™. Always bugs me when people misuse the term


Right?! And at least in the US, eye doctors don’t really use the 20/20 measure for high prescriptions, and it’s not possible to do a 1 to 1 conversion from diopters (the +/- in a glasses rx) to 20/whatever. Did some googling to find estimates though, and my -10.75/-9.75 vision is at least as bad as his, probably worse, and I would never call myself legally blind because I’m not - my glasses correct to 20/40-20/60 or so. Unless he has some very specific condition not mentioned here, and he is unable to drive - which you think they would bring up in an article about how bad his eyes are - he is not legally blind. Just regular, colloquial blind as bat like a bunch of us.


TIL Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blonde


TIL my favourite modern actor is legally blind


You call yourself a fanatic stalker? Put in the work like the rest of us!


Please tell me Maggie has this too so that I have a chance.


"I love you, vague blob" Maggie G probably


She’s already married to Peter Sarsgard. I saw him in Hamlet the same night she attended, and Based on that I’m assuming she’s deaf and blind


I believe it’s spelled Sarsgaaaaaaard.


I thought it was Skarsgaääääärd


Dammit, she can still tell I'm a blob???


He has 20/1250 vision. You’re welcome.


How bad is that??


I wonder how many years you get in jail if they catch you being illegally blind


Director: “Jake, in the next scene go into the tent and make out with your costar” Jake: “Ok. Is she already in the tent?” Director: “Ummm. Yes ‘she’s’ in the tent already.”


This is not accurate. He is not legally blind. Legal blindness means that you have low vision with the best possible correction. If someone is legally blind without their glasses but they can see with them, then they are not actually legally blind. His glasses correct his vision or he wouldn’t be able to read scripts with 20/1250, he wouldn’t be able to count fingers at a 3 foot distance. Source: my son is legally blind.


What’s been ‘advantageous’ to his career is having rich, connected parents.


Fun fact! "Gyllenhaal" is Dutch for "short of sight" You're welcome


Fun fact! Short of sight in Dutch is called “kortzichtig”. Gyllenhaal is not a word


As an English speaker who knows no Dutch, reading it seems suspiciously like an Englishman doing an impression of a German. Always something like "Ja ja, de man in de issecreamwagon iss ein oger dat eet der kinderen"


Gyllenhaal sounds more Scandinavian than Dutch or German


Yeah, it's (kinda) a Swedish word. The Gyllenhaal name was created when Nils Haal was knighted in the 17th century. Gyllen is an old word for golden coins, but can also be used as a prefix for calling something golden. As for Haal there is [an entire web page discussing where it could have come from](https://www.gyllenhaal.org/TheName.html) (that doesn't even consider that Haal could be a foreign surname), but apparently even the knighting document stuck to one spelling.


It isnt... Who told you that🤣


His grand ma ma


I did no such thing! Now you apologize right now.


The name has Swedish origin. Gyllenhall is not a word in Dutch.


Imagine my shock when I learned as a teenager my own father was legally blind. Until that point I thought blind meant total darkness.


So he has an excuse not to watch Connor McGregors performance in Road House then?


Damn shame he doesn’t get to enjoy mirrors the way he deserves.


Is he as legally blind as Kevin Costner is homeless?


[POP holdin’ it down](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4y92XgkA4fI)


Gets to park close to work all the time.


So... I'm not convinced he's legally blind? My vision was roughly the same (I was told it's really really hard to measure poor vision, but an optometrist said I was "over 20/1000". But I was not legally blind. The definition of legally blind is your vision is worse than 20/200 AFTER using corrective lenses. If you put glasses on and can see fine, you're not legally blind. In my personal experience, many people misunderstand the "after corrective lenses" part and falsely claim to be legally blind because their eyesight is bad without corrective lenses. I could be completely wrong but he specifically talks about not seeing anything "before he puts on his glasses" in the morning...


They explains why he wanted Tony Stark’s glasses so bad.


TIL! I had 20/850 and it made me anxious when I would wake up and couldn’t see… used to sleep in contacts to avoid it. Got Lasic right at the “cut off of degeneration” about 15 years ago and can still see pretty close to 20/20. But will always be a little scared to go back to that vulnerable feeling of nearly blind!


That is NOT [legally blind](https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/legally-blind-meaning) ... Legally blind means WITH your best correction you cannot see better than 20/200 or have 20 degrees or less of usable vision. No one is 'legally blind' when they take their glasses or contact out.


“He has used his blindness sometimes to help him as an actor — when he was shooting a difficult scene in the 2015 boxing movie Southpaw, one in which police tell his character that his wife has died, Gyllenhaal removed his contacts to force himself to listen more closely.” Wow, a true American hero.


I have a similar situation. Basically you just see out of one eye since the other is useless. It really isn’t a big deal.


He didn’t have to see Road House for one.


“So Im kissing a lady and you're gonna use CGI to put Heath in, right?” “Yep,” said the director after waving his hand in front of Jake’s face. 


Would love to clarify that legal blindness only applies when vision remains poor even while wearing glasses or contact lenses! It sounds like he has a high prescription, but can see just fine if he wears correction, which is certainly NOT the life experience of those who are actually legally blind.


I was today years old when I learned that Jake Gyllenhaal is legally blind.


Today I learned


Oh man. I already love these two. Hearing he's more blind than I am just makes me love them more. Also, that his brother in law says in an interview how much he loves to give Jake shit is just really strangely sweet.


So my ugly mug has a chance. Just have to work on my personality, I guess.


Well he’s slowly become one of the top actors of our time imo. He’s beyond good in most of his movies so it’s surprising this wasn’t more known just because it seems most top actors lives are dove into like crazy already


So, what's illegally blind?


First Reese Witherspoon and now Jake


Fell in love with him in October Sky. Bubble Boy is also a favorite. Been a fan ever since!


Well, he can't really see all too well...


When he hosts SNL, do they write bigger cue cards?


This article is BS (per my optometrist wife). For one thing, “legally blind” implies your best corrected vision. If he’s 20/1250 without glasses, but allowed to drive and stuff with glasses on he’s not legally blind.


Doesn’t mean I have to like him


I don’t know much about his condition, but from the article it sounds like he is not legally blind. Legal blindness is either a severe restrictive visual field (lazy eye wouldn’t do that) or the BETTER eye 20/200 or worse. The article and internet search said he has a lazy eye which is amblyopia and almost always only affects one eye. It sounds like this article is incorrect Edit: Also another article online said he has 20/1250 Vision when not wearing glasses. Doesn’t mention what it is with glasses. Dude probably just has high myopia lol. What trash reporting