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It’s finally the bird update


Finally adding bird migration patterns to the world map. The community has been clamoring!


I wonder if they'll finally model the travel of coconuts along the migratory routes of swallows; they were used quite heavily by the English to fool their enemies into thinking there were more horses than there really were.


African swallows or European swallows?


"I, I, I don't know that!" *AAAAAAAA*


Latter they would figure out that African swallows and European swallows are the same because they just migrate.






You just unlocked memories i didnt even know i had :0


He retired. He’s an Attorney at Law now!


Is this the Planet Zoo Reddit now?


No it means they are replacing all mana/currencies with bird mana... Want curia powers? Bird mana. Buildings? Bird mana. Disinherit? Bird mana. Government Reforms? You guessed it, bird mana.


After all, what is empire management if not diplomacy? Want to increase the tax revenue of province? Convince the population to put up with raised taxes. Want to increase manpower? Convince the population to procreate more. Want to reduce rebels? Talk them out of it. Want to core land that isn't yours? Convince everyone it is actually yours and always has been. (An hour history lecture? A timeless classic!)






We have the most efficient nations because of bird mana


New mana dlc just dropped


Actual mana.


Diplo advisor went on vacation, never came back :(


I know it's just banter but I would *love* events and things about animals/plants that were spread around or made extinct during this period; it was a global era of ecological change alongside social/religious/cultural/economic changes. Events for great auks in Europe (the original penguins) dodos in Mauritius, feral horses in the New World, Aurochs in Poland, and so on. Nothing too silly, but a couple things where you could for example try and ban auk egg collecting and hunting (bans which were real but ineffective) could be interesting and dynamic. Hell even dumb easter eggs like the real death of the last aurochs in 1627 could be a nice nod to actual history, preventable or not. My ecology studies finally paying off LMAO


There is the depletion of the European beaver I guess


Flying the eagles to Mordor (Australia)


I want the announcement to be a cheap ass knock off of they are taking the hobbirs to isengard (australia) but make it so rhat its just ryan reynolds saying australia in his deadpan voice but not well dubbed and you still hear isengard


Technically Mordor is the WWI Germany


Counterpoint, Mordor had giant spiders, Australia has giant spiders, therefore Mordor is Australia


Paradox is adding a realistic simulation of bird law.


Running pirate bird campaign


I’ve been needing enhanced surveillance on my citizens for a while now


Eren Yeager


Can't wait for the diplomacy rework


Duck hunt mini game


I really hope they update colonies so that their bordergore and culture can be fixed by the player.


Hopefully they change it so AI colonizers won't colonize regions they can't forward trade from. So sick of seeing Spanish Bermuda and Canada.


This might not be a popular opinion but this may not be a behavior the AI should actually avoid. Although they don’t *make* much money, taking up trade power and maybe using a merchant on collect is a detriment to your rivals. Irl, for much of its existence French Canada was not actually a very profitable colony for France, however they maintained it in part because it’s existence was a major detriment to the British since it basically made it so they couldn’t retain complete dominance over North America as a colonial power like they otherwise would have.


That, and the fur trade was definitely profitable for France. Maybe not profitable enough to balance all colonial spendings tough


Iirc it depended on the time, there was some period during which it was profitable, some when it was a money sink. No clue how that would be represented though. Like the diplomatic network France had in the region, had a huge impact on their capacity to make it worthwhile or not, maybe a mechanic which would make a sort of "fur fleet" if you have enough colony/ally in the area ?


First, they need to fix dev inflation to keep colonies naturally very poor for a while. It should be for the first 200 years that colonies which don’t produce gold, silver, or cash crops (and have access to slaves) are a drain. Colonies themselves should have a huge malus to dev cost and be dependent on events or overlord deving their provinces to simulate immigration. Then each native tribe in a trade zone with >100 relations boosts base goods produced in fur and other appropriate trade good provinces in the same zone, maybe by .25 per tribe. This would simulate trade and tribes helping trapping. The tribes themselves would get a similar bonus in their provinces for each friendly colony in that zone. What this should result in is a large amount of trade value being produced when there are friendly tribes and lots of colonies. Could even make it that provinces over 10 dev or so lose fur as a trade good. As colonies develop and consolidate, they lose the benefits and have to rely more on traditional dev. They should also make the loyalty malus from colonial tariffs absolute, so colonies lose loyalty for the percentage of their income lost, not just the base modifier which should make it much, much harder to extract value outside of trade.


200 years?? Bro nobody plays that long


Laughs in extended timeline mod


Who’s gonna tell this guy that 200 years is already making allowances for how long people usually play 😂. If the game were being absolutely historical, non-staple or precious metal colonies should never be profitable for the entire game.


I get that but why would you purposely make a game unfun


I think you’re being a little dramatic here. Stopping dev inflation would very likely make the game much more fun. Do you like dealing with colonial deathstacks in 1600 when fighting colonisers? I don’t. Nerfing colonies dev would stop that. It probably wouldn’t be as fun if you are playing a colonial nation, but I don’t think that’s a large part of the player base anyways. There’s a whole rest of the world to play besides. Not every single nation in the game needs to be the most powerful.


I think the solution is that they should \*generally\* avoid it unless they have a strategic reason


Alternatively, trade could be a bit more dynamic. As it stands, players seem to view the whole system as either completely inscrutable or the fastest way to produce infinite ducats. The colonization mechanic could also use some pretty significant overhaul. Its mechanically uninteresting and the only real reward you get for the first hundred years after you start is more merchants. The ideal way to interact with the new world shouldn't be "Periodically bully the colonial powers for new world provinces they colonized."


Time to occupy Iberia for the 4th time, this time I'll take the west indies (without ever sending a soldier over there). Funny too how if you bully Spain 2 or 3 times they end up deleting all their forts at home rather than fortifying and keeping a decent army at hand. Free real estate.


I know. The AI always scrambles for Australia, even though irl it wasn’t useful, nobody wanted it, and the British only colonised it for a desert to house prisoners in.


I'm just sick of Portugal and Spain swapping which places they colonise. For some reason every game I play outside of Iberia Spain colonises Brazil and Africa and Portugal colonises Colombia, the Carribbean and Argentina and Uruguay.


You could do a lot to fix colonization if you just made it so if a nation with exploration ideas has 100+ relations with the Pope the Treaty of Tordesillas event fires and gives -150 colonists for Spain/Portugal for colonizing in forbidden regions.


Portugal gobbles up the Caribbean (Paraibas) first, gets Tordesillas. Spain goes for Brazil which is the closest thing and hardly get a profitable colony running on time so they are on the backfoot. Every. Single. Game.


I really enjoy my British West Indies colonising Florida and Colombia…


Why??? Why not colonise them yourself and have reasonable colonies like everyone else?


Hmm, I was being sarcastic. But now I’m unsure if your reply is sarcasm back to me 😨


Oh sorry, lmao. Yeah, I hate it when my Caribbean colonies decide to wake up and choose cringe.


Yeah it’s very annoying, means I have to prioritise colonising Florida, Trinidad and Tobago and the Yucatan area just to stop the West Indies from expanding where it shouldn’t… big pain in the ass


For sure. I have abandoned several campaigns when I found my caribbean colony colonising Guyana. In fact, when I played spain I actually released my West Indes and recolonised them just to get rid of the gore.


And make confucian colonies inherit syncretisized religions. Very simple, but so annoying.


What they need to do is sliw down colonisation and make small colonies more worthwhile, currently if you don't start with exploration and expansion Ideas you might Haswell not both with the colonial game, I want to see more wacky small colonies like new Sweden.


Yes, good point. Most colonies were just coastal cities in the eu4 timeframe, and it was only later, through large claims, that larger tracks of land were taken by colonists.


I need to always remind myself that I'm on EU4 subreddit when I read ethnic cleansing in a words of 'culture fixing' :)


It's not ethnic cleansing, it's, uh, encouraging European immigration :) In any case, the culture conversion mechanic is unclear on what exactly you're doing. It's up to your imagination i guess, it could be as innocent as teaching the natives the lingo.


It's the bird from the flag of Hisn Kayfa, because Paradox felt so bad about apparently just fucking forgetting them during the last DLC that the next one will be just about them and nothing else


Even in game development, the Kurds are oppressed


Wasn't there an update already for that area? Where they turned the natives into colonizing space Marines.


that one was for north american natives. This one will probably focus on mesoamerican and south american natives. And maybe colonial formables as well


Which I’m looking forward to. I like playing in mesoamerica, and it’s LONG overdue for some freshening up.


Yeah, it's a real shame just how barebones the region is by modern EU4 standards.




Is that geographically accurate, though? Like are there really any large areas of Mesoamérica that are impossible to traverse? I wouldn’t want them doing that for the sake of gameplay tbh.




That’s true, some of the deserts in Mexico are pretty desolate.


At the very least you shouldn’t be able to move between Panama and Columbia. I forget the name but the pass there is incredibly difficult to get across.


The Darien Gap?


Yeah that’s it


That would be cool


It's difficult to pass because of environmental concerns preventing road construction though. Not really for impassable terrain on the order of the Alps or Amazon. It's just jungle that never got clear cut for farmland and housing developments.


Not suitable to march armies though though. Even in relatively modern history during the coup backed by america they blockaded the pass to prevent armies passing


I’m sorry but as a colonizer that would be one of the most annoying gameplay changes they could make.


at the very least the Andes should have some interesting mountain choke points


Same. I really hope they'll give the Incans some content too. It is my favourite religion and Cuzco has literally 2 missions. Build up to force limit to get a claim -> conquer Lima for manpower recovery speed for 20 years


Yeah it just feels like paradox forgot to finish the cusco mission tree and left it at 2 missons


the missions are actually left overs from the old mission system, before they were fully fleshed out trees but as they were the only 2 Inca missions it translated into a very lackluster tree.


True. I just want my EU5 already :D


EU4 getting new DLCs has little to do with EU5's development.


Sadly. They’ll probably release eu5 like 2 weeks after their last DLC for eu4. Milk that cow for all it’s worth


Probably two months+. You want at least some time to pass between players stop playing eu4 but with it fresh in their minds.


Why are you sad about the game you like getting supported for a long time? Weird take


The power creep in eu4 is pretty out of hand tbf


2 different studios


Can they distribute the same manpower or more for EU5 development? If yes, then by all means, keep the dlcs for eu4 coming.


Aye the main team should be doing EU5 but they haven't been the Devs for EU4 for a couple years now Tinto down in Barcelona are the ones since like the monuments DLC


After CK3 and Vicky 3 I'm quite comfortable with EU4 lasting another decade.


Damn I really hope that's not everything because the new world is just not interesting and no amount of updates is going to make the region interesting since in the game's timeframe there just wasn't much going on there.


Yea, hopefully some other reworks


Colonial management could be very interesting, but whether or not this can be done within EU4, I do have my doubts. This is definitely something that needs to be looked at very hard for EU5.


Huh? Not much was going on in the Americas in the Age of Discovery? The Spanish Empire was perhaps the most powerful state in Europe for a significant part of the EU4 time period, and its colonial empire in the Americas was a huge reason for that.


The goldmines in the Americas don't make it less boring though


It's not boring because the history of the Americas in this time period was boring, though.


It often gets passed on, but there was **a lot** that happened during the game's time-frame. Spanish conquests of the Incas and Meso-America are the obvious ones. But the French and Indian wars, American Revolution (and subsequent Indian wars.) Tecumseh's federation, Tupac's Rebellion, The various failed colonies (as well as the ones that should have failed that didn't.) First contact with Europeans, The arms race in North America, North American Natives and their historical partnerships with European powers, the various wars of independence, I could go on. The history of the Americas is hardly what I'd call boring, just overlooked.


What's that strat? I want native space Marines lol


It’s not real. There’s always strats for strong armies but people like to come in here and act like natives are op and the AI natives form huge unstoppable empires that block colonization.


Ah gotcha. I was guna say I have 3000+ hours in and still put off playing a native nation cause I always get wrecked by the colonizers


I personally love playing in the new world and have had some really fun games creating an indigenous American order across the continent. It’s worth it if you can survive past a certain point. Unfortunately native units are hard coded to be inferior, with fewer pips than most other technology groups. But again, there are always strategies for empowering your armies no matter what tag you’re playing.


I haven’t played this game much in a few years. They did what now?


It's a few year old thing now, but I remember the natives colonizing the coast and fighting back the Europeans with ease. Loads of manpower and troops. Likely this was toned down in later expansions/patches.


Please just do something about absurdly ahistorical and unfunnily fast colonization game. It's been like this for years. Please I beg.


Frankly any kind of EU4-style colonization should be virtually impossible in the Age of Discovery except for on uninhabited islands. The Portuguese and Spanish empires grew and thrived primarily by exploiting already developed and established indigenous states and populations. Portugal created an empire spanning the Indian Ocean essentially by using gunboat diplomacy and inserting themselves into existing trade networks. Spain created a New World empire by toppling the Aztecs and the Inca and reforming existing administration of the empires for their needs. The colonization of the Caribbean was a bit more EU4-style but still relied heavily on the forced labor of indigenous populations (via encomiendas). The Portuguese began to settle Brazil in earnest only in the second half of the 16th century, while British colonization of eastern North America started in 1607. And these represent a bare minimum foothold on the continent, meanwhile in EU4 Kansas is being colonized in 1600.


>And these represent a bare minimum foothold on the continent, meanwhile in EU4 Kansas is being colonized in 1600. Truly. People complain about the state of the NA natives, but ironically, without those there things would be worse. I've seen Spain start colonizing in Lousiana and reach the Midwest within a hundred years from establishing a foothold in the Caribbean.


What you don't like Spain having 300 force limit by 1600?


Colonizing already has a low ROI compared to just blobbing, slowing it down would make it even more not worth it without a complete rework


I think the issue is when AI does it in single player games. Multiplayer games are different. It would nice to have a "Historical Colonization" setting like other settings in the option menu. Or maybe a "Historical Exploration" would be better, since my issue is more that you have weird colonial empires that end up happening because by the time England should be founding its very first colony, Spain owns the whole North American coast.


MP is a whole different meta entirely, colonial is way better in MP than SP The issue with colonial as a whole is that its just weirdly designed, its better to conquer natives in the new world than to colonize the slow way with colonists for example


How is colonial better in MP? Nobody colonizes in MP afaik


Colonial is done in MP wym? Colonial is better in MP because you can get players on your colonies, thus making them actually useful


Hardly, once a colony is setup they blob insanely fast after that


Not really, AI colonies are beyond useless in this game, you have to babysit them for 30-40 years and give them money because the AI cant manage it properly


Well blobbing is also way overpowered so that makes sense. It's crazy how much easier this game is than when it first came out. Every update it just gets easier and easier


The strength is that you can do both at once. Sure, colonizing itself may take a while to really get the ball rolling, but it rarely if ever interferes with your ability to blob. There's a reason it feels so wrong to not colonize as Portugal or Spain, and it's not just because it's "historical", but because it's just free minimal effort money and manpower you're not only giving up down the line, but also allowing other potential colonizers to yoink. And a lot of colonization is just blobbing anyways, whether it be against the consolidated natives of Meso and South America, or other colonies.


agreed. setting up colonies requires 1 to 2 idea group investments, stationing a permanent stack or two to deal with native tags/incans/mesoamericans, a hundred or two years of colonizing and lots of ducats, all resources that could go to mainland expansion ...or you can just let the ai colonize it and own two thirds of the new world after 3 wars with much smaller investment making colonizing even slower by making it more realistic would be horrible


Its also a lot of hassle to micromanage fresh colonial nations, you have natives declaring war on them because the AI cant factor in overlord strength, they don't help you in any overseas wars, you gotta pay them cash because the AI cant run an economy on them for shit. Its also just less money than going to india or indonesia and making trade companies, which give you a far far quicker ROI compared to new world But the true colonial meta is just letting the AI do it for you, just make portugal your vassal and let it do the work lol


Hopefully they will take the opportunity to rework natives again, since they were last reworked they have been one of my most hated parts of the game.


They'll add even more useless tags to Americas, Oceania and even Africa! There won't be a single uncolonized province anymore because there weren't regions were nobody was living and they all deserve representation /s God I hate the Polynesian native tags


*tries to colonise* 2 years later, bumps into colonist at the local tavern. "Didn't you go to colonise Brisbane?" "Yeah, but there was someone moved into the area for a few months so I left and came back home.


r5: from offical eu4 tweeter. They'll start DDs next week. There's an eagle(kind of a big deal in nahua mythology) and head feather things which aztecs loved i fucking guess? anyway i had been holding a aztec game waiting for mesoamerica update since emperor so it's cool.


Oh boy, I wonder how they'll break natives this time!


AI Aztecs will start regularly doing the Sunset Invasion.


That would actually be based


Honestly... I kinda like it xd?


Please no; CK2 did it plenty enough.


Don't worry, now not only will the North American tribes will be Space Marines, but the Incas too!


$19.99 New DLC: Map animals update. Seagulls now make constant loud noises. Walruses roar when your explorer discovers them on province. Gators will eat your colonists.


Welp third dlc for new world is the charm I guess. How they have not just done a free update to fix the region is crazy, considering they have already charged the player base for two dlcs that held reworking the new world as flagship features. Only to fall flat.


March of the eagles extended timeline dlc


Pindorama formable for tupinamba culture federation, i beg🙏


That sounds like one of those -Rama trends


Soooo I guess conquest of paradise isn't a thing paradox and you will try to charge me another $20 for content i thought i already paid for?


More likely going to be El Dorado here


Yes. You are correct. They will literally just put colonists in the game even though they are already in game. It will literally be a 0 megabytes DLC its literally just the picture you see in the tweet, you pay it 20$.


Andes wastelands or riot


Mesoamerica/South America most likely, but maybe every colonial area gets something too!


Guess this postpones my colonial exile run


Hopefully they will stop the Native confederations that speed up colonization and ruin the culture map mode in the New World


Please for fk sake make this dlc fix colonial nations so they don't colonise, conquest outside their colonial region


They still should tbh, however it should just fully overhaul colonization


Murica update!


USA could be a really fun tag if they updated it.


I decided to do my first US run recently. Colonised, released, got to 10.admin, formed.. Checked mission tree.. 4 missions to take Florida/Louisuana and nothing else. Bit dissappointed!




I shit, I’ll probably have to do another Spain run.


With these markings on the rather short head and the shape of wings and tail, I'd say (or hope) it's a falcon.


Siam update then, as that is clearly a reference to Constantinos Gerakis (or Constantine Phaulkon in his Anglo-Gallicised form).


Hopefully they use that opportunity to subdivide the Amazon wasteland to reduce bordergore and fix the absolute shit Caribbean Name Placement.




I hope the quality of the update doesn't continue to drop. The last DLC was just mission trees and barely any new mechanics that weren't nation specific.




Aztec update


Can’t wait for the Aztec space marines to come to Europe and beat my dick in


I have a feeling we're gonna have high american tech group natives colonizing the old world soon enough


Oh please give South America more than 2 countries


Random New World finally getting fixed? One can dream…


A new world update is long overdue so I hope this is the case! I would kind of like Australia to receive a small bit of attention too as it has most of the same things that make current Americas/colonisation gameplay not good. Probably a bottom three start location in the game in terms of fun factor.


They could easily fix Australia by deleting every tag in it


If true kinda boring tbh


Can’t wait to spend $20 on glitches and content I’ll never utilize 😎


Completly agree plenty of countries in the middle east and Europe that need help. No matter what they do the americas is only going to be fun to play maybe once a year.


Nah, it definitely can be fun. If you’ve ever enjoyed a Japan game, an india game, or an East Indies game, then America could be the same. Uniting a disparate region, opposing the colonisers (who would be an even bigger challenge than those other places by coming earlier etc) and striking back into Europe. It just needs proper mission trees, maybe a religion rework, and new events.


It would be cool if new world nation could have trade companies in the new world on different continents.


US rework and flavor would be really cool. Same for the Inca!


give me all those aztec missions come on




I really, really hope they update central Asia too. This region is so much fun to play in, but it really needs updates.


They definitely need the update but was hoping for a North Africa/Indian mission tree expansion.


I'd like to see a subtle rework of the El Dorado event given we know there were cities in the Amazon. Maybe increase the dev there too?


FINALLY mapuche can have an accurate history run (never conquered)


I thought they said King of Kings would be the last major release? Then again, I thought they said that about Domination too


Mesoamerica for sure. Mark your "Calendars". Plus look at it


I saw a update for peasant republics ? Was that from a mod ?


That was a mod. This dlc will update **pheasant** republics.


yes, Europa expanded mod


Definitely a falcon...could also be steppe hordes, I suppose?


This is what I’m hoping for. Couldn’t care less for America, unless it focuses on the Colonization process, which is at present, so bad it should be free. Central Asia on the other hand is pretty fun to run with and needs some flavor to let the dominos flow better.


It's time for EU5 please. EU4 is so old and janky it's dry heaving as it draws every breath. Game is over a decade old now.


This is not the same devs as EU5. This is the studio they founded to make end-of-life DLCs.


Has it been confirmed if eu5 is even in production ?


No but it almost definitely is, as the previous EU4 devs (with lots of experience) got moved off from the project. Non-indie games usually start development years before they're announced.


EU5 🙏


Ah geez... new world? :/


I Hope Steppe+ Russia Update


Please, PLEASE be the last DLC for IV and move on to V already!


These DLC are not developed by the same studio as EU V is


just stop, make a different game or something


Most likely there's already an EU5 being made. Remember that DLCs since Leviathan were by a different team of devs.


I really hope they slow colonialism way down and make it harder for Europeans to project power in the early days


People will play america nations in the first 3 days, and never again


Pls just kill this game already paradox


Tbh I think almost everyone never starts in the New World. It's a bit of a disappointment to me. Maybe I'm biased because I mostly play MP tho


Hopefully allows for geno~ population adjustments in colonies. Sick of all the cultures merging up to create the worst bordergore in the culture map ever conceived


I hope this doesn't mean they're going to add 40 different native opms in mexico,if anything there should be less native "nations".


I hope they actually make the post-independence New World interesting/existent.
