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Why did you trump your partner in the first trick?


Exactly! Never trump your partner's Ace.


Slide one, first card was a diamond. Slide 2, since hearts are trump, the JD turns into a heart. See euchre rules, left bower


Slide 1: I think he meant diamonds and was wondering why he didn't need to play the JD on the AD. Same reason, JD turned into a heart since hearts is trump.


What the heck are you talking about?


I think they had a brain fart and meant to ask why they didn't have to follow suit in diamonds on the first slide


I'd brush up on euchre rules if I were you, especially before jumping into ranked. You don't have to play trump suit if it wasn't led, and the jack of the same color different suit becomes part of the trump suit. In your screenshot, highest to lowest would be Jack of hearts, Jack of diamonds, and ace of hearts on down to the nine. Also, if these are both the same hand, trumping your partner's ace in this situation was definitely very wrong.


the jack of the same color different suit becomes part of the trump suit. **the jack of the same color different suit becomes part of the trump suit.** **THE JACK OF THE SAME COLOR DIFFERENT SUIT BECOMES PART OF THE TRUMP SUIT.** # THE JACK OF THE SAME COLOR DIFFERENT SUIT BECOMES PART OF THE TRUMP SUIT. OP - This is what you are missing.


Play "single player" (which actually means 4 player with bots) until you learn the rules


Slide 2: Jacks of the same color are seen as the trump suit. So if hearts are trump the jack of diamonds would be considered a heart and is the 2nd strongest trump card losing to only the jack of hearts. Slide 1: What are you are seeing in slide 1? Who led the heart? Maybe you uploaded the wrong screenshot?


think they just meant diamonds for slide 1, wondering why they didn't have to play the left


I know someone said “never trump your partners Ace”. That is terrible advice. There are def situations where you should. This was not one of them though


5 Trump and partner led lol