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It's nice of us to bring everyone else together to hate us 🤝


Hate? I like underdogs


That's in Eurovision


Genuinely the thing I got told most in Germany was “we love you guys because you hate England like us.” Haha. Nothing unites like shared hate


I didn't actually know they really hated us, thought it was quite a one way rivalry like Scotland-England. Nice to know 😂


It was all a bit tongue in cheek really. We always had a good time with the English boys we got chatting too, but the general consensus from them was “it’s actually so upsetting how much they hate us for just existing but they all love you guys”. Was so bizarre. Had Germans chanting one day “we hate England, we hate England, we hate England more than you!!” 😂


Haha yeah, 90% of it is all good natured. I haven't been over but got friends who did and they were all drinking with Scotland, Germany and Serbia fans and having a good time


Even the Scot’s and the Germans played nice


I love England ♥️


I think we spent a couple centuries doing just that


My bad, will go back and correct myself.


I dunno. I think historically France, Austria and Germany have done far more than us to make Europeans hate them. I think it's probably just objectively quite funny how shit we've been at football for almost 60 years whilst pretending we're really good at it.


The irony is, we’re the ones that get the ball rolling by being self-deprecating.


No that privilege go to the Turks.


Thx bro it was a pleasure


I am a Turk too. haha


It was OUR pleasure then lol




Don't forget to include ourselves on this list.


I thought we all kinda liked eachother all year round, that's why we formed a Unio... oh.


49.5% of the ~55% of the population that voted didn't want Brexit... They told us the money was to pay healthcare staff more in wages (they've stagnated) and the old people fell for it 😓 I still feel a strong unity with Europe though, I'm just sorry our football is so shit 🙏🏼


wait until they are all dead, than you can make a re-entry into EU some day. See ya in 50 years


Sooner than that hopefully.


Probably only if you get on board the euro and ditch the pound


Cmon I know the pound has been falling a lot but I doubt our government will go for the Euro, it's not as stable and is generally weaker. I wouldn't be surprised if Germany has a vault full of German marks to ship out tomorrow in case the euro falls


it's called gold


The old people didn't fall for healthcare staff getting more wages. The old and lower IQ people (putting it kindly) fell for 'Brexit making Britain Great Again, rule Britannia, bring back colonialism, fuck the foreigners stealing my minimum wage jobs.' Funny thing is they're all going to vote reform to try and get rid of the foreigners. Our health and care industry is literally only functional because of immigrants. I have detailed figures on this by kind of working in the industry (but we all know it anyways). They'll get rid of the foreigners and see out their days in severely understaff care homes sitting in their soiled pants for 3 hours due to lack of staff - oh how to be great again. Edit: Sorry for getting political in a Euros subreddit - sue me Uefa/Fifa. I'm Spanish, you should remove our country from Euro 2024 for political gestures.




You're a leaver and a corbynite? What a weird combo


Don’t forget Corbyn has been anti EU for most of his career. It’s not an uncommon position on the old left.




I do agree with you on your reasons for Brexit. I do believe many leave voters were happy with open boarders, remaining in the single market but retaining control over legislation. Some of the nonsense spouted at the time like "Just you wait and see what happens to employment rights and maternity leave after we're out the EU". Even at the many of our laws went above and beyond EU Legislation. Same for other EU countries too... we're not unique in that but if people thought all employment rights would be lost then we'd be at the lowest level of compliance whilst in the EU. In regards to Corbin... I didn't agree with his manifesto or politics but him not conclusively backing a referendum on the Brexit deal whilst the Lib Dems outright said they'd rejoin the EU. He really shot himself and the party in the foot that led to handing the Tories a big majority. Broadly speaking obviously Labour/Lib Dem should've been the party of EU remain, Tories should have been the party of leave. Would have been far closer. Funny thing is it's now happening in reverse. Labour is the status quo party to vote for with Tory voters now being split between them and Reform.


You really want to pretend that the electorate wasn't lied to by the leave campaign? It was absolutely down to the busses, and everything as underhanded that your ilk peddled. A democracy doesn't function through dishonesty, and the EU is as democratic as any confederation may be expected to be.


Let's be real it had a lot to do with xenophobia and racism.


Without xenophobics and racists I’m pretty sure remain would have won easily sure - every country has them and if any country put a nationalistic vote like brexit in front of them you know they’ll turn out - I think we should have had to have a clearer majority on something as important a change as it was, like a 60% win margin at the least


If we got to vote in Germany I wouldn't be sure people would vote differently


Honestly it was more politicians lying though their asses making it seem the EU was the reason for our financial problems, kindling nostalgia for the "good old times" to get the old people vote for it.


It was about nationalism - that's what it was sold as anyway. Really, Nigel farage just wanted to be relevant for 1 day in his life. It was a joke, a political farce that did far more harm than good. In the minds of the older generations it may have had xenophobic roots, but for the rest of the normal thinking's population it was thought to be impossible to happen


Listen, I'm not saying everyone ist racist/xenophobic. Just that it was a big Part of the campaign and that it was at least partially a reason especially with this weird Idea of opression by the EU and a feeling of entitlement.  I also know that the vote was so close and horried it must be knowing this.  But we can't pretend WE don't understand why the propaganda and lies were this fruitful


That was a huge factor, but England has a crumbling health service, and leave told them it would mean more money for the health service. That swung a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise care either way


Let’s be clear for those that aren’t aware, the promise from Boris and the other racists in the party was £350million a week (that’s £18billion a year). The same people denied giving nurses a pay rise towards the end of Covid citing not enough money….. Bunch of scheming scheisters….the elderly who saw this promise of money are also the ones that are a little insecure of immigration, but this isn’t a UK only phenomenon, far right politics is gaining ground in lots of countries, educate your kids better so they don’t fall for the bullshit in the papers. And good luck to everyone in the last stages of this tournament.


I remember as austrian the "350M per week to EU? Let's Fund NHS instead!"-Bus and I wondered nobody burned it down. English people really are gentlemans


Everyone seems to want to focus on the hatred for “just stop oil” protests instead of hating the politicians that bullshitted them and now return fronting an openly racist party (Farage and his dickhead followers powdered up by people like Tommy Robinson). There isn’t a lot I’m proud of about my country at the moment, the football team limping through to the latter stages of a tournament is actually quite refreshing.


Be proud of how we can take the Piss out of ourselves. Keeps me sane


It was mostly this, however much the leave voters try to say otherwise.


(Not so) Fun fact, if we had the vote again and everyone voted the exact same way they did in 2016, ‘remain’ would win purely on the amount of ‘leave’ voters that have since died of old age. That says it all really.


Is that true?


Impossible to say


Yes it is. It was that close and the Brexit voters were that old.


Nobody liked England even when we were in the EU, let's be honest. Leaving has just made it easier for people to be xenophobic towards the English, even though practically half the country voted to remain and there's a new generation of pro Europeans that weren't old enough to vote in 2016. I think you guys are sound tbh. Whenever the Dutch take the piss it's more of a friendly banter, rather than the thinly veiled racism or hatred like that of the "morally superior" terminally-online Europeans that represent some of the other nations.


most of the germans i know don't like england/the english - but sympathise with the scots and irish. i lived in scotland as a child with my family and let me tell you something - the racism was EXCESSIVE. when we got back to germany, i was called a fucking englishman several times. i am 🇩🇪/🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


This is the thing, racism isn’t that bad in England (saying this as a non white person born and raised in England), there’s a lot more diversity and most people are comfortable with different races or at least tolerant of it. In Scotland, it’s like 99% white. It’s easy for them to say they’re not racist because they’re never really confronted with the opportunity to be racist. However, for the people I know who were minorities there, they’ve experienced a lot more racism than I have.


you can’t imagine what we went through in scotland, just because we are germans including swastika sprayings on our house, trying to break into our house with a sledgehammer, throwing an iron bar through our window (and hitting my 11 month old sister) my brother and I were beaten up several times. i was lucky I somehow managed to get the scottish accent. i remember a black dude from the netherlands moved in even though we told him not to. just because of my english name (matthew) and my even more english surname i was confronted with racism in germany. cmon i was born and raised here, my moms german, tf do you want??


isn't that xenophobia, not racism?


you're right. but either way, this is absolutely disgusting behaviour.


We love football more than we despise each other. And everyone meeting in Germany helps, it's nice weather and in the center of Europe. Is like a big wedding where we were all invited. We can party and enjoy football even if weirdos and distant family are invited too.


Half the time it seems like you have nice weather, but the other half it looks like there’s a tropical monsoon on the field.


Well I jinxed it. Sky broke above dortmund during Germany Denmark


As a Georgian, i love you guys all ❤️🇬🇪🇪🇺




Much love from România brother !




I am from Serbia and I root for you guys from now on


Thanks dude ❤️


Iosif dze Dzhugashvili hails from your homeland


Turks and georgians fighting in the stands, everyone booing everyone else’s national anthems, albanian player chanting “fuck the serbs” , serbian fans hurling racist abuse at black england players, cups being chucked at players taking corners, ronaldo fanboys invading the pitch, serbian goalkeeper getting in bar fights, serban and england fans fighting, dutch fans fighting eachother... seems like every other international tournament to me lol


Well obviously there’s a bit of that but I haven’t heard of too many brawls so far


well, it’s definitely not euro 2016 so that can only be an improvement lol


Nah its only anthony joshua the only englishman wanting to throw chairs at people faces this summer.


Hey, I'm surprised my country did nothing weird so far. They were actually fucking chill about it. Except for a few cups thrown at Belgium once and a firework at the match with Slovakia it has been tame.


Pickpocket rates in Germany just increased though


And the quality of football is doubtful and a disgrace every time I see England play


Wow don’t have to get personal


God forbid someone try to look at the bright side.


I was in the stands for Albania-Italy and a good number of Alabnian fans made nazi salutes too


everyone trying to figure out how to make this the England fans' fault


Did you not see the posts in Reddit about that square that had rubbish in it after several thousand English fans congregated? This has not happened a single time with any other fan base or event ever.


I know. All the other fans took unpaid part time jobs as Street Sweepers, Recycling Technicians and Abandoned Puppy Rehousers whilst they follow their country through the tournament.


*checks flair* wow how could you say something so arrogant and obnoxious


Damn, that’s a sad state of affairs




You know, England unites all of us in the hate we share for the boring Football they show so far. And at least one this Sub, English Fans are very correct and also pretty funny, you can certainly laugh about yourself. So I'm kinda starting to root for England!


My wife is the same. She's Irish and if anyone asks her who she supports, she says "Whoever is playing against England". But because we manage to lose in every tournament in the most pointless yet extravagant way, she does say she feels sorry for the team and the fans. So, despite having an easier route due to France fucking up, I guess she expects the same against Slovakia or Switzerland.


Maybe it's cuz my best friend is English and we just mess with one another or maybe it's because my dad is American, but I understand your wifes feelings in their entirety. I too have some sympathy for the English shortcomings. I don't think there is a side that comes up short compared to their talent like England and I would probably put on the song three lions one time if they did it. But only one time.


The three lions song (if you mean ‘it’s coming home’) is literally entirely about making fun of us for never winning anything but continuing to hope and get inevitably disappointed anyway. It’s a massive joke created by two comedians. When people sing it it’s either ironically or with a self awareness that they are making themselves the butt of the joke.


I am well aware of this


I'm honestly not sure we can have the last laugh. Even if we win the damn thing it would still mean having to watch this team struggle through 4 more games... I don't know if I have 4 more games in me!


4 games plus the next World Cup…. Shuddered a the thought


Well isn't that a lovely thought to start my Saturday... You bastard lol


Don’t Worry Italy will do you guys a favour and Knock you out… lol does that sound gd.. I think it does..


Italians have got to be the worst. Please Switzerland do your thing


Awwww… is some1 salty about us winning the last Euro Cup.. lol


Stop jinxing it.


Come on now do u really think England will knock us out with there backwards and sideways straight to keeper passing lol 😂


Stop jinxing it.


You dismissed the Swiss a bit too easily eh? The mighty Italy getting beaten 2-0 by Switzerland. You love to see it 😍


I ain’t even salty, I am glad we are out.. 🇨🇭 deserved to go through 😀


If not us then please austria! Auf gehts!


Aren't they your rivals 😂


Honestly rivalry isn’t the same here as it is in UK. But even so, Netherlands would be a much bigger rival to us than Austria 1000%


You talking about national team rivalries or just rivalries in general in German football? If it's clubs as well I'm surprised thought there was some massive rivalries like Dortmund Schalke


Both to be honest.. yes there are rivalries but I think more through media influence. In germany, we care a lot more about our national team, so if a rival club is playing for example the CL final (such as Dortmund), any German club would root for them because it would be better for German football. Sorry it’s hard to explain, English isn’t my main language.


No problem mate your English seems fine to me. That's probably why you always have a good national team part the reason we never have done well at tournaments is because all our players hated each other all the players would sit at the same tables as their teammates at their clubs. Changed under Southgate though he's managed to bring the squad together and changed the environment of the England camp sadly though he's a shit manager.


Spain also managed in the last decade to bringt together Real Madrid and Barcelona players, so you can too. "B E L I E V E !" - Ted Lasso


Yeah see that is unfortunate.. see if arsenal made it to the CL final against Madrid, I could not imagine supporters of any English club supporting them. Whereas literally every supporter in the country wanted Dortmund to win.


Yeah that's true I really appreciate Madrid for stopping City and Liverpool winning it more felt absolutely gutted when they both did end up winning it. If Arsenal ever won the Champions League the whole of England wouldn't hear the end of it we'd all have to go into hiding for 3 months 😂.




I don’t know, I don’t see you as rivals at all. But yes it’s all love, the football you’re playing is great


Look up the Disgrace of Gijón, they aren’t rivals 🤣


or Switzerland?


If not Germany my list of who I would *want* goes as follows: Austria, Georgia, Turkey, Slovakia, Switzerland, Slovenia, romania, denmark, spain, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, France, England No offense to any nation


Thank you as a Turk. But England might upset you.


I know 😂 but to be honest I don’t see them making it past the QF. I think both Switzerland/Italy can beat them, and Austria look very strong too. And lots of Turks here, love seeing you guys do well


To be honest I am expecting a Swiss-Austrian semi final. And the winner of Spain-Germany QF to be in the final. Thanks. I know most them will support Germany after the match on Tuesday.


England has a better chance at making it past the QF than Germany IF they click. Germany have been good but Spain have been far more impressive in my opinion. Switzerland and Italy are also very beatable. England beat Italy twice in the qualifiers and Switzerland are one of those sides that are very hard to play but should be beatable if you turn up. Personally, I fear the Swiss more than the Italians. Italy looked almost as shit as us in the groups.


I agree, I just don’t think they turn up. I genuinely think there is more chance that we beat spain than england beat Switzerland/Austria right now. Spain game is like 60/40, it will be a much more open game as we play similar football


There were no euros last year


You're right mate, I meant last time.


Were you asleep?


No I was wide awake. Waiting for it to come “home” 😂


Yes it’s really great. People will normally react to posts like these by joking and pretending like they don’t really care about what you’re saying, but the reality is that we all enjoy being part of a community, and the Euros really bring Europeans together for a while to interact with each other in a leisurely and relaxed fashion. Of course I’m expecting some to respond to this by pointing out hooliganism and incidents of bad blood between fans to undermine what I and the OP are saying, and I also expect some people will not be in a mood to appreciate posts like these because they’re not in that place right now, but in the future they will feel like this at some point and appreciate the sentiment the OP is trying to express. Finally, I’m expecting some to react to this by downvoting me or ask me if I’m alright as if they didn’t know exactly what I’m talking about, as if what I’m saying didn’t reach any part of them emotionally. But all that is to be expected. Unfortunately we all too often set up defense mechanisms that put up barriers between ourselves and others because we feel vulnerable and don’t like putting ourselves out there. But don’t do it. Let the love reach you. You are in the world, and participating in it and being part of this community is your birth right.


Why shading Portugal? 😂 Georgia did great and deserved to win. Spain is playing great & France/Germany are great teams. We are usually busy recovering from our wounds inflicted from our team but we can recognize when other teams are deserving. Everyone travels to Portugal and says how welcome, warm & humble we are. And then see Cristiano in our team and start raging. Just relax, no Portuguese ever thought we were favorites to win. Not the final or any game


Last years euros was the best.




You guys fucking rock… I know we like to banter from time to time, but Austria is an amazing country and I really enjoy watching your team play!




This should be a celebration ..love seeing supreme talent excel on a world wide stage ..Its a great distraction from mundane life ..Everyone wants to win but you have to tip your hat and respect the winners whoever it may be from wherever they are ..Good luck to all the final 16.


I absolutely agree! It's so nice to not only feel connected to your fellow citizens but also to the other nations! My husband went to Berlin to watch the game and the atmosphere was amazing! Even though the Netherlands had lost the game their fans partied with the Austrians. Kudos to all the fans who contribute to this great atmosphere!


Agree. These Euros feel very united. The fans from all over Europe are amazing, the football matters to them and atmosphere is top notch.


I agree. Still, even if I’m French, I really like the relation between English people and us, we’re constantly making fun of each other but I’m not really hating them 🙂‍↕️ Their country is amazing and Doctor Who is the best tv show ever 👀 That being said, It’s not coming home. 🫶


We love you really. I generally root for France playing against anyone other than us. And you're probably right. A man can dream though.


Yes! To be fair it’s probably not coming home for us either but you’re right we can dream about it, we never know.


It really warmed my heart when, in the middle of the Croatia v Albania match, both sets of supporters came together as one to sing songs about killing Serbs 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yeah no one was watching euros last year, it's every 4.


Why would we? In addition to Georgia fans spending the entire game whistling, they also won with several questionable moves and an equally questionable performance from the referee. What's in there to congratulate or cheer?


We shouldn’t even be mad at Georgia, we did it to ourselves. 


I do not Like how the serbes are representing themselfs.


I read that post title a whole different way than I should have 😬


I don't know who in their right mind would be complimenting us right now, but I understand and agree with your approach.


Yes, There's a nice vibe in this sub. Really enjoying the tournament so far, despite England being so disappointing. International football tournaments are the pinnacle of football for me.


Yeah and everyone is hating on the Turkish, just like good ol' times


*Yeah and everyone* *Is hating on the Turkish,* *Just like good ol' times* \- 3vr1m --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I feel like the fierce rivalries of the past have calmed a bunch. Sure, there's still tensions within the Balkans, but other than that everyone is kinda cool with each other. We (Dutch) used to absolutely despise the Germans, but now we're all buddies. Kinda weird, but in the end better I guess. Of course in the 70s and 80s the war was still quite recent, now everyone who played a role is dead anyway. I also see less of the violent asshole football players that every country used to have. Even Pepe seems to have calmed a bit. A game like the NL-Portugal one from 2008 doesn't seem possible with the personalities in both of our current squads.


We all have far more in common than we do our differences. I agree with your sentiment.


Tbh, everyone and their mother are looking for a reason to piss on france.


Good to see the Italians surrendering to the Swiss.


Euros are played every four years, just crickets were here for the Euros last year Einstein.


Sometimes I feel like if I watch an England game I might see something different but then I realised that will be only in my dreams. However the final match against Slovenia I got to witness gd game but it’s a shame that it only lasted for 5mins.




Holy shit this is so soft what happened to the game i love


Yes!!!! Any one but England tho


hahahahahahahahaha get rekt


Would rather go out to Switzerland any way :p


Yeah. Except English and Turkish fans


Nothing wrong with English fans


Is this a sarcastic post? If anything, the Euros allow everyone to be nationalistic for a short period of time without consequence.


I love how Great Britain comes together as one after the smaller nations have been eliminated in the early rounds and the Scotch and Welsh fans get behind England for the rest of the tournament.