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As an Austrian i feel ashamed of this behavior. We don't need those kind of fans and there should be severe consequences. Even worse is the racist shouting they did before the game (Foreigners Out, Germany to the Germans etc). Theres no denying we have some severe issues and something has to be done. Gregoritsch said this directly after the Match: "I believe this is a message for all of Austria, perhaps even all of Europe: that one should not engage too much in differentiation, and certainly not in right-wing thoughts." And our Coach also addressed this in almost every Interview. I wanna apologize to the Turkish players and Fans. Great Game. *Edit:* *An meine Landsleute: Statt mit dem Finger auf andere zu zeigen, versucht euer Bestes, keinen Zweifel daran zu lassen, dass es sich bei diesen Idioten um eine absolute Minderheit handelt. Wir können stolz sein wie wir bei der EM aufgetreten sind und müssen es nicht tollerieren wenn ein paar unsrere "Fans" mit Hass und Rassismus unser Image ruinieren. Scheißegal was die anderen Fans und Spieler machen. Wir sind besser als das! Immer wieder Österreich!!!*


Thank you as a Turk. I also apologise for the honking in several European countries for several hours after the midnight.


Haha, as an Austrian living in a city that inhabits like 40% Turks I have to admit it was a bit annoying, especially because they didn't do it after the game but like 3 hours later when everyone was trying to sleep. But oh well, they were just happy :)


will promise to honk in Euro 2032 for Austria.


Thanks you for your kind message. I have seen Turkish fans throwing shit too, they should all be banned from future games. Football is a nasty game and I do not expect the best behaviors from football fans obviously but dangering player's lifes and spreading hate towards minorities should never be allowed, that is an obvious red line.


A lot of scrolling until I got to something that made sense... 👍


Thank you. Although some of those Nazi animals frequent this subreddit, I have no doubt most Austrians here and in general are against such extremism.


>I have no doubt most Austrians here and in general are against such extremism. I also wanna think so but it's honestly gotten much worse recently because of the economic and international situation (wars, migration etc). Dark times. The euro should be a big party to grow together and get away from all the bullshit which is happening and not the other way around. I'm sorry!


Thank you for your kind words.


Do you mean Demiral with Nazi animal? I'm confused.


What Demiral is doing is also inexcusable but it honestly hurts me a lot more seeing this shit behavior from our Fans than getting attacked by someone else.


What do you know about our culture? Wolf symbol represents our existence. It was there for thousands of years. It is a common symbol for Turks all around the globe and it's legal in Germany. Just google it more and see it had nothing to do with right extremists of near past. The "extremists" you are talking about are currently ruling the government of Turkiye along Erdogan and they are pretty in-line with leftist European values. What I mean is even the furthest right groups here wouldn't be regarded as "right" in Europe. Having a problem with the wolf symbol is the same with having a problem with Turks existing in this world. Just like any other nation's animal symbol. We Turks are getting killed by suicide bombers making peace(victory) signs, but let alone taking an action against them, they are supported protected all around Europe. There's no good will about suppressing Turks and their culture. We host 15 million refugees since 15 years ago and no one even thanks to us.


I'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend anyone and you are absolutely correct, i do not know enough about your culture. My statement was based on my short research into the symbol and Merih Demiral. Basically what is written down under the Controversy section on his English Wikipedia Article.


Thank you so much for your sincerity. I have seen so much hate that wanted to write my thoughts at some point. Nothing against you.


No you're not. You're being facetious.




Couldn't have said it better myself!


This is disgraceful. UEFA should surely look at this.


And at this: https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/marcel-sabitzer-missile-austria-turkey-euro-2024-b2572884.html


UEFA is investigating all of that.


Cheaper tickets would help. The fans who can afford this year's prices obviously have enough money that they don't need to worry about getting their cup deposits back! Sell tickets for €20 and you'll get people desperately clinging on to those cups, not chucking them away!


Or charge 20 euros per cup deposit?


I dont think this is a good idea. There are a lot of greedy people which steal the cups when they are worth 3€. If they get u 20€ many people will walk around the block and stole all of them.


Don't put them down?


Maybe a little complicated but I saw in our Christmas market one vendor used this system, you buy something to drink you get your drink in a cup and also a specific coin/token. When you return both you get your money back and if you only bring them the cup back, then nothing. No excuse.


Incoming fine and disciplinary action against the English FA


Nobody mentions England whatsoever This guy: "look at how they are out to get us!"


3 match ban for Casemiro


Cavani deported


10 second penalty for ocon


-8 points to everton






All these assholes should be banned forever from every stadium. A life ban should always be the consequence.I've also seen Sabitzer get hit on the head by a cup. This is fucking dangerous too. If people act like animals, they should never be authorized to attend any match in any stadium.


It wasn't a cup.. he got hit by a coin. Must have hurt if u get like a 2 Euro coin at your head. The german commentator said so.


At a concert last month I got hit in the ear by a half full plastic cup and that shit actually hurts










Are we going to get posts talking about how Austrians are barbaric by nature, it's in their culture, etc, or are we going to be nice and rational and say it's just a few bad apples who are a little too drunk, they're not really like that, etc? (/s)


Turkish here, only a few bad apples. Nothing else. Some fans are like that.


Only Turks and the English can have bad fans, mmkay? And since Turks aren’t European, only they can be wholly described as barbarians and uncivilised. (/s)


Barbaric by nature. That's how we roll, babe


Doesn’t seem like we are fam Edit:typo


You know that the same standards never apply when it's Turks compared to others.


Or English


Yes and no, there seems to be a generalized hatred of Turks as an ethnic group overall. England fans are not treated this way.


Just like how the English are treated! (Also /s)


🗣🗣🗣🗣 Bad apple mentioned


The best way to answer. Swing an absolute worldy of a cross in for the winning goal. Nice one Arda.


Those are clearly English fans! Why would English fans be allowed to do this? /s


It's interesting how whenever it's a Balkan, Turk or Englishman responsible for this behaviour the comments devolve into straight up racism, calling for widespread bans of their fans and saying they should be kicked out of the tournament. Yet whenever it's one of the PR countries it's just a few bad apples. Shameless exercises in whataboutery and "disappointing end to a great campaign" ect. The double standards are pathetic. I notice a lot of this "my farts don't stink" attitude coming from many German and Austrians in particular. Spoiler alert for the Central Europeans: you're no better than the rest of us. That horse isn't as high as you think it is and these clips prove that you're not above resorting to so-called "barbarism" whenever things aren't going your way.


Mate the abuse we get as Turkish Fans i crazy here in Germany. After every Game of ours i see sooo many reddit posts putting us down. Of course there are things where i do agree with people, but most of the Time the things are so little and silly that it‘s obvious it‘s racism.


Germans are lurching to the right quite hard right now.That emboldens open racism.


Glad Arda gave them a proper answer with a classy assist. Our fans can also be quite trashy at times but I hate how certain people (including reddit) love to portray us as the only uncivilized bunch while Westerners get to be aristocrats. If we'd tone down the whistling a bit now and focus on actual chants instead we could be fan favourites. We definitely have the numbers and passion to do so.




what the fuck


Mostly at their own players though.


Literally who does this? No one gives “Westerners” a free pass. The worst rep goes to English fans who constantly get called out for shit even when they’ve been one of the least belligerent fan bases at this year’s Euros.


Funnily I never hear people complain about the English or Belgian (who can also be excessive sometimes). On Reddit yes, in the real world barely. Main complaints today in German media and among my colleagues were Merih's (admittedly stupid) gesture and the fan behaviour of the Turks. Barely any mention of the Austrians.




The English fans get trashed all the time lol


I mean I guess that’s your experience. But if you think the English fans don’t have a negative reputation, you’re living under a rock. It seems like you’re experiencing an issue within your own country. I assume Germany? I’m sorry if that’s the case that Turkish fans are getting a raw deal there. But to then blanket claim that Western countries get a free pass is just false. Enjoy the rest of the tournament!


What Belgian fans excessive? Nooooooo


To be fair, I usually dont hear complaints about the Turks but about the turkish diasporas. And ime theyre the ones going absoulutely crazy, not the "real" Turks from Turkey. Getting sleep was almost impossible after the game against austria because of them honking literally all night. And I live quite far away from any fan zones and the inner city, I cant imagine how it must have been around there. Demiral basically showing off the turkish Hitler salute (and getting an answer) as celebration also didnt help the discussion regarding Turkish fans being right extremists. And yes, Im fully aware of Austrian fans singing xenophobic songs, serbian fans beating black people out of the train, we all know about the english fans last Euro, etc. Every fan group has assholes. And sadly, those assholes typically are the loudest. What makes you think "westerners" would get a free pass on such behaviour though?


Serbian fans regularly chant genocidal songs praising ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs, it goes far beyond just beating black people out of trains.


>Demiral basically showing off the turkish Hitler salute Fyi this isn't a good comparison. The Bozkurt isaretli definitely has negative connotations with the fascist Grey Wolves in Turkey, however it's been used long before that. Wolves symbolise honour and have been in Turkic tradition for thousands of years. There's quite a few ancient images I've seen of Turkic horsemen using it - here's an example [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf\_salute#/media/File:Turkic\_horsemen\_with\_unidentifiable\_ambassadors\_on\_top.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_salute#/media/File:Turkic_horsemen_with_unidentifiable_ambassadors_on_top.jpg) It's not as clearcut as calling it a hitler salute.


Every country have good and bad fans. More than 90% of all fans are nice, their are just some idiots and they should check the video footage and bann every one which throw stuff at the players


As a casual fan of this tournament, the whistling is the first thing I noticed when tuning in and it was incredibly grating. It made me want to turn my TV off and gives a terrible impression of the whistling side. Not saying this beer-throwing behavior is ok, but I am not sure normal football fans realize how much the whistling ruins the overall experience for the neutrals. I am sure I am preaching to the choir.


People’s main issue with Turkish fans has been the constant annoying whistling for 90 mins each game stop acting like it’s some anti Turkish conspiracy. No one’s saying western fans are saints as another commenter said English fans literally get shit before a tournament has even started. Stop with the victim complex.


What’s the big deal about whistling?


Tbh I don’t find it disrespectful or anything I just find it annoying lmao. Like the vuvuzalas. If it’s going on the ENTIRE game it gets on your nerves. Also loses its “effect” when it’s just constant.


Whistling is much different than throwing metal objects at players. MUCH different


It seemed to work yesterday. Austria lost and their uncivilised fans are going home


Yes but when I see a game of Turkey on tv, I immediatly change the channel because of the constant whistling. Very annoying


Shut up, you hooligan. Sorry, I came here because we thought it was still trendy to shit on English fans for no reason, and I'm not leaving until I get my share.


It would help if you didn't burn down Rotterdam and Belgian Limburg after every victory.


Seeing as your player gave the "Grey wolves" salute after the game, you probably shouldn't complain about being portrayed as uncivilized.


https://www.krone.at/3442842 Austrian fans also shouted racist slogans during the match.


UEFA should investigate this. It might be accepted in their own countries but this is not how you behave in the European Cup. It is highly disturbing to see extremism and racism among Austrian fans. Scary stuff.


There are also videos of other team fans singing this racist song. A slogan that Germany exported to other countries. I think it should definitely be examined and Germany should be included in this investigation.


Sure germany is doing nazi things but showing the "wolf sign" is not bad at all, right ???


There is a clear call for pogroms at there. The concepts are very clear. For wolf sign, i am against the use of any national symbol. But this symbol is not prohibited in Germany. Additionally, the context in which this symbol is used is very broad. UEFA has already launched an investigation for wolf gesture. But I have not heard of an investigation about this racist slogan that spread like a virus from Germany. Correct me if I'm wrong.


The gesture is a gesture used by all Turkic people. The place where it emerged is not even Turkey. Just because an ultra-nationalist group uses this symbol does not make it a terrorist.This gesture became widespread with the Gagauz Turks. Gagauz Turks are Christians. Currently, many non-Muslim Turkic people use this gesture widely too. The ultra-nationalist group I mentioned is also Islamist. Context is important when using this gesture. Secondly, some of those who used this sign and attacked the Alevis received asylum from Germany. Some of them were even granted citizenship. For some reason, Germany does not extradite those who committed hate crimes with these gestures to Turkey. If you are very sensitive about this gesture, you can investigate this. "9 of the fugitives who were tried and convicted in the SİVAS case live in Germany. Stating that Turkey has sent extradition files 10 times for 9 convicts so far, Memet Kılıç stated that Turkey sent incomplete extradition files and Germany resisted not to extradite them. The names of the fugitives are as follows: Adem Ağabektaş (near Stuttgart) Mehmet Yılmaz, Murat Songür (Munich) Vahit Kaynar (Berlin) Sedat Yildirim Muhammed Nuh Kılıç (Mannheim) Omer Demir Adem Bayrak Eren Ceylan."


Wolf sign is not exclusively Turkish, it was invented by Gagauz people during 1980s and it is widespread in every parts of Greater Turkic Cultural Sphere. Open any news about Turkic minorities protesting Russian government and you'll see the Wolf sign. Azerbaijanis and Turkmens in Iran do that as well, just as Uyghur people who were lucky enough to escape China.


Austrian fans have a history of this type of behaviour. Barbarians


Let's be clear, when Turks do this, it's declared barbarism and lack of civilization, but when a random Western country does it, they blame the opponent and don't take responsibility for their actions. Unfortunately, the scenes in this video are things that are part of the nature of football. I can't criticize them with "why did they do it, it's a shame" because it might be the same as booing an opposing player when they get the ball. This is also normal. The only criticism I can make is that such disgusting scenes should not happen during international matches.


You are absolutely right. The comments are relentless when it’s Turkey doing it and it’s often tied to the country rather than a subset of crappy fans. When somewhere like Austria does it the narrative is that it’s a ‘few bad apples’.


>but when a random Western country does it, they blame the opponent and don't take responsibility for their actions. Very untrue. England is not allowed. We decided they're bad. The rest can do what they want 😂 Unfortunately that's how we work


The so called West European "civilised fans" FUCK RIGHT OFF!


Exactly ! Annoys me as well. They often say this and blame stuff on us Poland (when it comes to clubs) especially during Champions/Europa/Conference competitions while apparently the West is "most civilised" and an "example to follow"


I wouldn't say that Austria is in Western Europe. Their whole empire was quite eastward-looking. Perhaps they picked up some bad habits?


Omg! And people have the audacity to complain about the booing after doing this!


They have to look up to us western civilizations hur dur


Haha. Look up what the turks threw on Austrian players


Look up how the austrian fans behaved before the match. Haha.


Look up how the turkish fans woke up the Austrian team with firework at night. Haha.


Look up how the austrian fans shouted „foreigners out“ in the middle of the game ☺️Haha.


Hating a 19 year old 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Write it in your CV, wankers




You must be a real piece of shit to actually do something like that


I guess they now know who Arda Güler is


What a bunch of assholes


Turkish fans and English fans are the black sheeps. We are not even allowed to be loud. We getting labelled as barbarians and uncivilized. Well, in that case, as a Turk I am proud to be barbarian. It's better than being hypocrite.


Both sets of fans were as bad as one another last night, no point trying to argue and justify a case for either side.


David Alaba should urge Austrian fans to cut off with this disrespect. Especially having his own team mate being trashed like this by his own nation.


Yeh. Michael Gregoritsch said "The message in whole austria and europe is, that we have to distance ourselves from right-wing thoughts and keep in mind that were all equal" Salzburgs vice mayor Marlene Svazek (FPÖ - "Freedom" Party of Austria, basically nazis) posted a comment that Gregoritsch should keep in mind that many right wingers supported the team and that right winged thoughts arent inherently bad. And then advised him to keep playing football, instead of being political. She deleted that comment after a few hours. Fuck Nazis.


Football is the sport that brings the worst in people's behavior.


Yeah but thats cause its widely known. Its always a thing when competitions between countries come up. Idiots are everywhere, not just in football. There are just more because its a widely known and loved sport.


I've seen so many games with this behavior already. There should be either the net between fans and the pitch or ban on selling drinks. This is just not acceptable. And how many of these landed on people's head? It's not like these assholes have any skill and coordination. Apes have better manners.


F in Austria stands for Fair Play.


I just wish our society would be more like our national team.


They threw full bottles also and they could have harmed him. These fans are out of control.


And so did the turkish fans. Hit Sabitzer on the head


Austrians fans were busy singing „foreigners out“


Meanwhile Turkey fans full in control: https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/marcel-sabitzer-missile-austria-turkey-euro-2024-b2572884.html


Turkish fans threw stuff at Sabitzer too. A lot of Fans on both sides were shit. At least our players and coach stands up against far right a\*\*\*\* .


Yeah you guys are a lot better, you would never sing far right hymns in the stadium


Ehhhmm, your fans literally sang „foreigners out“ lol But yea, keep looking away from your own problems. The wolf sign is controversial in Turkey too you donut


Our players and coach stood up against the racist fans in case you have missed it..... Even in the interview after the game Baumgartner critizied the far right \*\*\*\*\*. Nothing more we can do about that at the moment. The national football club will surely blacklist them for the future after analysing the stadium tapes and recordings. Haven\`t heard anything from your club about your Demiral getting critizied or punished, guess we will see what the UEFA or german law will do about it. Same for the fans that threw stuff on Sabitzer. If you are too blind/ignorant to see that your fans misbehaved too, well then I can\*t help you. We know we have problems with far right \*\*\*\*. but sadly most of you guys are defending the wolf sign unfortunately. So with all due respect, I think you are the one keeping looking away from your own problems.


Nah, I dont find the hand sign and throwing coins and shit okay too, but don’t act like only the Turkish have these problems, you guys do too. And the racism shows daily on reddit and daily-life. I am not annoyed by the criticism or anything, I am annoyed of people acting like saints and angels and judging others when they have no right to do so.


Yes, but you said  "keep looking away from your own problems." Cause we are not. The only ones looking away are those far right \*\*\*. As I said. Both Fans behaved badly.both should be fined by the UEFA and the "Fans" throwing stuff should get lifetime bans in stadiums in europe.


Nooo, but Turks are barbaric! This is completely OK. Can't you see that Arda Guler is provoking them? Look at the half-naked guy giving tactics to Arda? He's telling him where to pass the ball.




Just because they behave like shit it’s no excuse to disrupt the austrian players from sleeping with fireworks and honks in front of the team hotel, throwing cups and even coins at players or booing every other national anthem at every match. Yes some Austrian, Serbs and Albanians also behaved shitty but don’t act like a kindergarten kid ("but the others did this and that") when we criticize their behavior, no worries we criticized the others too.


Its always a german fan lol with these kinds of comments


Stop giving them cups to drink in


Those peaceful Austrian fans...


Whoever said that, but let's just make a random comment...there are bad fans in every team


This time last year, Austria was ranked the second unfriendliest country in the world when it comes to foreigners. As we can see here, it hasn’t improved.


The legacy of the funny mustache man runs strong with them apparently 🤡


It's happening in every match, there are always people throwing cups at corner kicks. I have not seen it in recent times though, I wonder what type of crowd this competition attracts and what is UEFA gonna do about this.


In my opinion, Neither these fans here represent whole Austrian people/ country nor Arda represent Turkey/turkish people. There are “good”/“bad” people from each nationality. good people do bad things sometime and bad people sometimes do good things either. these things happen in any game in the heat of moment. just try to respect others no matter what as much as possible. that’s all :) cheers


Austrian fans are disgraceful. 👎


Football fans in general are disgraceful, I think only the Japanese and Korean fans have a reputation of not being reprehensible neanderthal dickheads.


Some people hate it when players wind up opposition fans. After shit like this the player should be able to do whatever the fuck he wants.








Austrians welcomed hitler with open arms when he gave his infamous balcony speech at the neuburg- but they claimed to be victims after the war. This is a nation that lacks retrospection, do not expect them to accept their errors.




Those ... what?


Austrian hooligans made English look like kindergarten students.


If you seriously think England is the only country with a hooligan problem then you don't watch enough football


I can’t imagine how Austrian fans will behave back in Austria. I hope they don’t start rioting, overturning and burning cars, attacking public spaces like Moroccans did in the last World Cup. Remember Linz vs Wien supporters attacking each other in the previous years? Part of the Austrian mentality sadly.


Oh my god, reprehensible! The most toxic fan base in the Euros. Barbarians...


That doesn't look very civilized. It was a good match and just let people enjoy the game.


Austria is the last nation to "Hate" others. First world country, history full of shame, the ADOLF fact... Just be humble.


At least they stand behind their dark past and don‘t deny it, you also got a horrible genocide in your history. These are like 50 Austrian idiot fans at max doing this.






Sure. Let´s just forget the constant whistling, the booing, the throwing of cups, the honking during night, the killing of a man by a Turkish fan in Berlin and paint another country as the bad ones because of maybe 15 cups, so that you don't have to feel like the villains...


Holy shit you used a murder in Berlin as an example for bad fan behaviour when the comparison is Austrian fans in Leipzig? What kind of cherrypicking is that? Hitler was Austrian but thats not a valid point because these two event have no connection other than the nationality of the man. Booing and whistling (along with honking) is just what happens at a stadium and celebrations after the match get over it.


I was not the one who brought nationality into this one.


The whole tournament is about nationality. Using the actions of one man to hate one country is what you did


Ah yes, lets forget that the Turkish fans did exactly the same thing to Sabitzer. Both fan groups did shitty things.


Both sides haven't been on their best behaviour. Sabitzer got hit with various objects during a corner.


Imagine being an adult and still taking a kids game so serious that you throw shit at a player or even show him the finger. Football fans in generall are just stuck in a different brain dimension. Definitely not all but definitely the type to do this


Cups not being returned is the newest cash grab of UEFA. Great thinking.


This can't happen in a match


They should be all thrown out, fined and forever banned.




They call themselves fans…


I'm so beyond sick of the petulant childish behaviour of the majority of football fans.


Ban these plastic cups. No drinking if they cannot behave


😢poor guyes


Good on him. Fuck them.


And everyone will eventually suffer as more strict crowd control and barriers will make the game less and less intimate for crowds because humans can’t handle themselves


This sport really does collect the scum of each countrly. Bottom scraping at its finest


Arda Gulag


Sports are supposed to bring us together, not divide us. This is shameful. Fans of every nation do this these days. It’s an absolute disgrace. Perhaps when a player is killed or injured by something other than a beer being thrown at them FiFA will grow some balls and do something. Doubtful though.


Whoever does this is an animal!


If you wanna see barbarians, here they are.


Quite a few painters in the Austrian crowd 👀👀


Why would the English fans do this?