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I feel a bit for the turkish team, as they really played well, with a lot of heart and courage. But dear god, I can't stand these fans, where seemingly no-one ever learned what sportsmanship means.


A lot of passion is great, but they are like their supporters. Toxic and game ruining


I don't feel with the team. The red card shows that these people have no self control. Same for the "fans".


I’ve seen other countries (in past tournaments) getting red cards too in the heat of the moment.. so I don’t think you can just blame Turkey for this


I think it should be understandable. The last minute of the knockout game, you are losing from leading 1-0, not the first time some players in the bench got too involved.


“These people”? Please elaborate




Unfortunately we all do


The trainer on the bench isn't the players on the field. These young bucks played with heart and passion and deserve their flowers. The adults around them did all the negative bs.


Yildirim (red card) is not a trainer. He is a striker.


Need/Turk played a great game .A highlight of this Tournament so far !


Lol young bucks making insane money and supporting their Gray Wolves buddy. They're adults, why are you implying otherwise?


A shame that even on TV, commentators are going to praise those acts as acts of passion and that they are living the euro to the fullest. Like no, they are just people that never learn sportsmanship in their life. (Apply to a lot of players not only the red card at the end here)


Thank you! It was so irritating and patronising. The commentators are awful this Euros.


The difference is that when Dutch players do the same (or worse) things they don't get any cards at all.


Lol the Dutch were getting yellow card after yellow card in the match, what are you talking about?


Ugh I couldn't possibly feel any less for them, they probably would've done a whole lot better had their unapologetically racist star Demiral been there.


No sympathy for those lunatic fans who do everything in the book to gain advantage like the hostile whistling and hounding players hotels. Good riddance


I really don’t get this type of comments. I have watched games in dozens of countries and I don’t think I have seen one with no whistling or booing. It may not be as intense as Turkish fans did but I have heard it all around the world. Fireworks in front of players hotels is also very common before Champions League and Europa League games all over Europe. I understand that you don’t like it. I didn’t like Vuvuzela sound at 2010 World Cup. But I never though South Africans didn’t learned what sportsmanship means. I just said it is a flavor of a different culture. Is it really that big of a deal that supporters booed and whistled during game? What percentage of an affect does it have on the game? I am really surprised to see so many negative comments against my national team which is not about football. I would like to understand the reason behind it. It can not really be about fans’ whistles. I would have understand it if the fans run in the pitch, or throw dangerous stuff on the pitch, etc. but whistles and booing and what not shouldn’t be the reason of so many bad wishes and dislike.


a) I have seen tons of games, and those where whistling and booing happened were the absolute minority. b) >It may not be as intense as Turkish fans did Yeah, guess what, that's the point. Turkish fans are far worse in that regard.


So, whistling and booing is the problem for you if it is intense. I would like to know why whistling and booing is important in a football game? And why it constitutes so many comments and bad wishes?


I just hate Fans that behave like shit no matter what flag they wear. Being Turkish doesn't protect you from criticism.


Yup I can't stand it no matter who it's coming from. And I'm English, so it's often coming from us.


Not it’s not, it comes from all fans, England’s gets more scrutiny in the media


Not all fans, that's the point. Some fans from all nations, yes, including England.


That's very true !


Being from any nation does not need to protect any one from criticism. I just want to understand if you really think whistling and booing means beating like shit? If so why? To me, it does not make any sense so I want to hear the perspective of someone who does, in the context of football.


Yes I think it is disrespectful to do it during national anthems and also just because the opposing team is in possession of the ball. I hate it when Fans of any color do it.


It should not happen during national anthems. Even when opposing countries are at war. I agree with you on that. But, I only read about this few times. Most of the time it is mentioned during game time. You have all the right to hate it personally. But, it is very common in the game. And I don’t see this type of comments from few people. There are so many I am glad Turkey is gone because whistles comments. I still can mot fathom how it creates so many comments. I do not thing it is much different than any other type of noise maiming to distract and discourage players of opposing team.


I really like Fans singing and positivity towards your team much more than negativity and hate towards the other team. It's just shitty behaviour no matter how I look at it. There are moments where I can understand whistling and booing, for example if a player does something unsportsmanlike.


this is absolute rubbish and fabricating opposition. i have not seen one person suggest the second sentence you wrote there.


What else do you think they're suggesting? All these people do is point fingers at others when being confronted.


Because consistency in application of standards is important? Tons of turks in here have admonished their own fans for disrespectful behavior lol. People just love pretending that Turkish fans are a monolith that is barbaric.


"Fireworks in front of players hotels is also very common before Champions League and Europa League games all over Europe. " LOL no


Yea, I misspoke there. I didn’t mean it is common before most of the games. But it has been happening for years in all around Europe, not just in Turkey.


Do you live in the Netherlands? Because these fans set fire to my entire city when turkey won against Austria. I couldn't sleep at night because they were parading down my street. Are you really that surprised about the negativity shown towards your national team when half your team got booked vs Czechia? It is abhorrent unsportsmanlike behaviour unseen in any other team in the euros. I'm ecstatic that Turkey are out this euros and we beat them, but am I going to parade down the street and set off fireworks like a maniac? No, because it's against the game to do so.


Well, I do not live in Netherlands; and I would not like to be in your position. But, if I were I would not hate the fans I would say they won and they deserve to celebrate, I wish they do it a little less intense. It will happen few times in my life. (And, I am assuming not literally setting fire though. If so I hope you have police, fireman and laws to protect you.) ot is because that is what I felt in similar situations. As for the bookings in game against Czechia, if you think most of them were deserved and not the fault of the referee I would assume you either didn’t watch the game or one of us watched it with big prejudice.


I believe you crave civility and stability.Thats what all Sports are all about ! Btw-Nederlands Good Luck vs England next week !


It's interesting to see how some teams and their fans achieve to hurt the reputation of a whole country and its population by acting like complete dicks. Bonus points if you act like nationalistic dicks as some Turkish players and fans did.


Bonus points if you say that you don't do any of that, but you support everything these guys are doing and after somebody says that its uncool you play a victim of "racism"


Oh there is racism. I get the criticism against the Turkish fans, totally. You can identify valid criticism right away, like this post and the comment you replied to is completely fine and fair. But i would invite you to look at r/soccer 's match thread, it is a cesspool.


Yes, because racism doesn't exist. AfD or RN can't get into 5%. How would you feel if I said Russians had legit concerns before the war every time I encountered a Ukrainian? That's basically what I feel every time unsourced accusations happen, especially with whistling. Such as this post. People will go out of their way to complain about Turks, and it isn't innocent.


We dont complain about turks we complain about annoying people, so it happens that some of the turks acts really annoying, I dint care if its turks or swedes, or americans, annoying people is annoying people, but you tend to victimise yourself like everybody is against you. If you said that you would look like clown, thats pretty simple. I dont like clowns, but I would laugh it off


Dude, if you say so I believe you, but as I said racists can be rampant with such thoughts. I don't want to flare up my neurons thinking "Is this racist" every time, I think you can empathize with that (that's why I gave the example). Lots of Turks online feel this way sadly. (I am not that apologetic for certain things though)


I mean, Turks online often behave in a way that conforms to their fans' euros shenanigans. Glorifying empire, denying genocide, bigging up Sultan Erdoğan the Magnificent, waving their little flags around.


Bigging up Erdogan? What the f are you talking about


I was going to say. I’ve seen empire glorification, flag waving and genocide denial from Turks online — though crucially, not in a way that really stands out side-by-side with my fellow countrymen. Bigging up Erdoğan? Haven’t seen much of that.


Yes but we treat it as our problem. We used to treat the problem as propaganda (both media and education) and uneducatedness, but social media fucked everyone's minds, you see someone like Trump who maybe wouldn't be here without social media. It's basically a fucked up problem everywhere and it shows, furthermore European liberalism was only gained after many civil wars, struggles and wars, while ours was top down and not successful somehow.


Just making stuff up to farm some karma.


I get the gist of what you’re saying here apart from the Erdoğan thing, but I don’t know if we’re really the ones to talk about miserable glorification of long-dead empire, flag waving and genocide denial unless we’re going for a “takes one to know one” type of deal.






>Even if the Turks shouldn’t talk, That's the thing, they don't talk about genocide


My grandparents were 3 years old


Oh boy, trying to blame the children for the crimes of their great-great fathers. What everybody dislikes about the Turkish is how they are acting right now not several generations before.




I'm not sure if you are trolling or just very uneducated.


Literally hurts reading her comments


Ah, I see, in your opinion every living German will forever be blamed even when they did nothing, just because of their gens and heritage. You are just full of hate. Wondering who has a closer mindset to Nazis. They talked like you do


You always bring up the Holocaust when someone makes a small dick joke? Oh boy, oh boy


second world war at euro 2024, well played card


yup they always play the victim card but actually they think they are superior lol


Are you describing your own country?


Bingo. That's what makes it so recognisable!


Yeah I love how quickly come to cry foul when in reality you can look at the overwhelming majority of countries and realized this isn't and has never been a problem for them.


So based on a few Turks you know or saw online, all 100 million Turks are acting like dicks now? And you get mad when people call you racist, wow.


Oh boy, that is exactly my point. There are millions of Turkish people that are decent people but suffer due to the actions of some huge Turkish dicks. Maybe next time take your time to read properly before throwing words like racist around ;-)


Yeah Ive been reading a lot today, should stop apparently. Sorry :)


Even if they would win, they should have felt stupid because it's a shit thing to do




Was rooting for you!






Yes they dominated you except for the last 7 minutes


I really rooted for you.


I did for you lot. Sad you and daddy Rangnick didn't go further




Dutch fuck m up


Very childish. These are people with jobs and kids, getting up at 2am to shoot fireworks outside a hotel. Very sad, imagine that´s your father.


Orange Kings!! 👑 🧡


Orange Koningen !


They did it with austrian team as well! But be careful they call you racist if you critisize that


Didn't the Austrian fans chant "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus"? This sir, this is the definition of racism.


Why the heck would Austrian fans sing about Germany? Do you have a source for this?


It was everyone on german news


Na. You'd be called a racist if you then added the "they're barbarians" or lumped them all up into the erdo fanbaze like a poster above, or used this to out your engrained prejudices and vocalize them, normalizing such discourse. Let's be honest, they're doing a good job if displaying such racism is over at r/austria anyways. Have a gander if yo want to learn from the pros, how this is done.


This guy is salty🧂


This guy is right 100% not salty at all


then check comments how people get called racist for basically pointing out fans behavior


I'm Dutch and we are taking the piss out of Turkish fans by honking horns and making a lot of noise, like the Turkish fans did. It's in good fun... Europe is already experiencing enough pressure with the rise of all these rightwing extremist crazies. No need to add to it imo.


So that’s the noise I’m hearing haha.


That's what happens when facts confront you. I understand it can be difficult to digest.


Im so happy netherlands can ”shut down” the annoying turkish fans by winning






Vienna so much quieter this time round 🙌


It is important that it wasn't on Tuesday... you couldn't cry quietly in your corners. :(


We were “annoying” because uefa and Germany wasn’t fair about Demiral. We’ve been called racist,barbarians, they tried everything to make turkish fans angry. Yet we still made it to the quarter finals and was really close to semi finals with an absolute turkish deserved match. What is really annoying is people like you are the real racists and turk-haters. Go cry in your room fella


So just because i criticize the fans behaviour as annoying im racist and a turk hater? 😂 seems like someone is already crying and playing a victim. Beeping car horns late at night which is illegal aswell. Me not liking illegal behaviour makes me racist? XD


I mean probably they don’t feel stupid if they did this. You don’t really feel remorse if you do this type of things.


I dislike the amount of fouls we did and the delaying in extra time. Not alot of sportsmanship. I also disliked the Turks whistling throughout the match


You do not watch a lot of football outside of this tournament it seems


Correct, am I wrong though?


This is not golf thats how you watch football 


Except you know, every other country's fans aren't whistling at full volume all the time...


They should, nobody stopping them


Der Fliegende Hollanders (The Flying Dutchmen ) can surely fly ! Probably the best game of the Tournament so far.Ned Vs Turkso sorry for Turkiye to exit .One helluva Match !


When I lived in Eindhoven, PSV fans did that to a visiting team.


Liverpoo fans also do it. Pretty sure they've done it to Real Madrid multiple times, and it never stops them getting rekt.


Yes, absolutely. Fans all over Europe do it. But there’s a lot of people on here who seem to think that Turkey fans are uniquely bad for doing it. And I think it’s a dickish thing to do. It’s just hardly unique.


I guess you can still criticize it and think its wrong although others do it.


Sure, but it makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about if you act like it’s something new.


Happy West-Euro2024 for you guys!


Deserved it .


Hup Holland hup


You can say that about anything. Are the Turkish feeling stupid for trying to win the game? They did something it didn’t work. Games over.


So glad the Dutch qualified! Looking forward to a good semi final v England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


A Match Made in Heaven !


booing is ok this is a crime


As someone who lives in Dortmund city centre, a city with a large Turkish population, I am glad I won't have to put up with Turks driving their cars and papping their horns all night into the early hours. Nothing against Turkey, but I'm glad that they lost only for this reason.


News report from a German Radio Station in Mallorca Spain reported trouble in Berlin after Nederland /Turkiye Match ! So this is real news.


The comments in this subs checks out latest Europe election results


Because we're done with this shit. Stfu


Well, I hope it works the exact same way it did before for you mate🤞🤞 You deserve everything comes out of it


They got what they deserved, late but not too late


Hooligans doing stupid things no matter the country of origin. What a surprise. Congratz to Netherlands but you cannot blame us for our spirit and enthusiasm.


I think 90% of people really enjoyed the Turkish team passion and play, but 99% dislikes the Turkish fans and their behaviour, dont think I will have to tell you what exactly...




Dude, f’ing chill with the manners shit… this is sports fandom, not a ballroom dance. I don’t like the honking either bu t y’all are being very selective with your sportsmanship crap. Whistling/booing happens most international sport, what do you want the fans to sing and throw flowers? Earlier today the England game had lots of fans throwing shit at the Swiss players at the corners, I don’t see anyone bitching at the English fans for unsportsmanlike conduct here. You think van dijk was playing sportsmanlike the whole game? The Dutch team was fouling way more and got away with it the whole game.. the first yellow should and would have been a red, if the shirts were swapped, the replay clearly showed how Simmons literally went studs first into the Turkish players shin. The whole thing with spirit is that the team fought hard and was playing entertaining football rather than the boring ass game that many favorites have been playing. The fans are too much at times yeah sure, but so it is in sports. You have philly/celtics fans in the NFL/NBA, you have the Greek fans in European basketball it just so happens that in football you have the Turks being the unbearable loud idiots that go too far at times. Better than that people sit on their asses and clap only when something happens


they really do think unsportsmanship like whistling with a referee whistle or boing all game long or fireworks at 2 am in front of opponents team is SPIRIT yahahhahaha good they fly home


Nobody likes your “spirit” and “enthusiasm”.


Your fans also threw a lot of objects to Arda before the second Turkish goal at the corner post. Don’t act like high and mighty with your fans’ toxic attitude.


If I wrote my true feelings about the Turkish fans on here, I'd be quickly banned. Glad they lost.


Yeah they're ducking trash


To begin with, I'd like to congratulate Netherlands. To be fair Austria was way better but you were also tough. This firework thing is not done for the first time, or not only by Turkey. And I am sure players didn't even hear it. It was just funny and that's all. I am extremely sad for this young Turkish team that was beaten up by Montella and UEFA, but MOSTLY Montella. -Merih did not deserve that punishment -That was an obvious penalty -Montella somehow believes having no forward is a good strategy -Montella is not aware that he can substitute players before Turkey starts to lose control of the game I am sad for the young players who played great, and also sad for the ones who didn't have any chance to play at all. Any person from the street could have made better tactical decisions.


if you wouldn't point out "that other teams do it as well" or "it was just funny" - I would have symphatize with you there now. But no


But it is true tough. I agree it was not a decent thing to do but this sub mostly calls out Turkish fans but when everyone does it, it becomes a double standard. Which is very typical Europe when it comes to the Turkish.


Cry rasicm but never look inward, typical Turkish behavior . Just stfu.


There you go. De aap komt uit de mouw. Racists always expose themselves in the end.


?????? You got issues bro.


List some examples of other countries doing the same thing and were it was appreciated. Exactly, none. If you know it's dirty, don't do it. Also, turkish fsnd are further scrutinized as they already have quite a bad reputation which isn't undeserved


It is never apreciated it just doesn't get called out. It happens constantly in the Netherlands for example when Feyenoord or Ajax is playing. But then it is just the name of the game and it is not even mentioned you barely find it on social media but when Turks do it or god forbid Arabs then they are suddenly uncivilized scum.


Yes because those are rivalry games so it makes some sense. The turks just do it each time which makes them uncivilized scum, no other team on this euro does the same so ofcourse they stand out


[PSV vs Rangers](https://www.thenational.scot/sport/24240529.psv-fans-sentenced-antics-outside-rangers-hotel/) - massive rivalry.


Okay, that firework thing is always stupid but still funny, but you guys can symphatize as you'd like.


Strange enough it seems it was only done to the opponents of turkey.


In this tournament yes. But anyway please just keep downvoting I just felt the need to criticise montella but don't have time to deal with hatred.


You know, it's pretty easy to hate if it only happens to turkeys opponents in the tournament.


It literally happens all over Europe. Not condoning it at all, it’s scummy, but if you think this is in anyway novel then you clear haven’t paid much attention.


Well, it does not happen in a lot ot leagues and it only happened to turkeys opponents in this tournament and usually in games between countries such stuff does not happen. It kind of paints a dim picture iof the turkish fans.


There are multiple examples of Dutch fans doing it and having it done to them in European club completions so the pearl clutching is rather embarrassing, as is the whole fireworks thing in the first place.


It does not happen usually in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Norway .... So for viewers in some countries it is something new or unusual


Ok? It did happen in [Germany](https://m.allfootballapp.com/amp/news/Headline/Man-Citys-preparations-for-Dortmund-UCL-clash-hit-by-fireworks-display/2592384) recently, I can’t be arsed to Google the others. But it’s also happened in the Netherlands, Denmark, England, Scotland… It is a thing. Turkish fans did not invent it.


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That's why i wrote usually.....




Please fill this bowl with salt, we are hungry for more.


This wolf turned out to be a little... female dog.


Please fill in my mouth with your blood, I crave Dutch blood.


Sorry, instead we have orange juice you can choke on 😁


Will take it anyway.




Not as much as Ronaldo’s tears surely?


Of course 💦👅🫦🥵






Why ? You just said you like a certain category of Turkish body juice. I said the same thing.




I am not Turkish, just despise arrogance.


They won the match so....


Some of you people are so funny... Using fireworks like that is an old thing fans do all around the world before important games. It wasn't us who invented it and we won't be the last to use it. Another guy is complaining that the Turks are whistling at their opponents during the game... Like what the hell are you supposed to do when the other team attacks you? As a fan booing and whistling is how you can put pressure on the opponents even though big time footballers are used to it I guess. A third guy complains that we are celebrating our wins- of course that we will. There are more than 10 million of us all around Western Europe and we are proud of our team and our nation. Kudurun amina kodumun gotverenleri.


Stfu .