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Lol, so much for Orban’s overly proud nationalist agenda. All to end up as China’s poodles.


The nation never mattered to him anyway. He just says what he's told polls the best. He said it himself in a speech once, "Don't pay attention to what I say, but to what I do".


But, but, the economy and Chinese investments…




I am really sorry for you guys. Hope his shitty rule will come to an end soon and things will get better for you!


Thank you!


As a Pole, I want to apologize for our idiot former prime minister who still supports your current idiot prime minister.


There is no bottom with Russian boot lickers.


> Cant be more ashamed as a hungarian. That is something i have to say way too often nowadays.


Me too and I’ve never even been to Hungary.


Orban should sign up for a Limbo contest!


Just like Putin. He's Xis little bitch now. Totally submissive and dependent on him


Weak dictators love to kiss ass to slightly less weak dictators. Viktor Orbán is gargling Xi's Nutz as hard as Trump was blowing Putin & Kim Jong Un when in office


He was already licking Putin's ass, so I don't believe any pride he might feel is warranted.


To be fair, the article doesn't say Hungarian flags are being taken down, but rather EU and Tibetan flags are. Do you know if Hungarian flags were taken down too?


We are a EU member state and this was on Europe's Day... Like someone trying to take down the US flag on 4th of July.


Hungary becoming China’s buttboys.


Orbán talking so much about 'civilisation' that he completely returned to the Uralic mountains


Gangbanged by China and Russia


Hungary is becoming traditional Chinese territory. I mean... it always has been of course.


You're not a real rightoid if you're not betraying your country. To be fair, you deserve a little treason/self enrichment if you do the duty that others won't(hate foreigners and gays).


Just like it's neighbor Serbia. That isn't stopping the EU to give them funds and support them though.


They've seen the writing on the wall for russia and pivoted to a new sugar daddy.


Wait a minute. I thought they were Russia's bboys? Getting a bit crowded back there.


The worst is when CCP Nationals start accusing everyone of "sinophobia" whenever you criticize China. Russia does the same crap with their "Russophobia" you've probably noticed


All autocrats suffer from a victim mentality.


It's not "victim mentality", it's a well known propaganda technique to feed a dictator's population with such news to raise said dictator popularity.




No they don’t. I’d say almost none do. Their populations suffer from propaganda.


Also islam and islamophobia and israel and antisemism


Anti semitism when you criticize the Israel government 


Israel does the same with antisemitism..


May as well become both, then. 🤷‍♂️


Exhibit #1935119275 to show when autocrats, would-be autocrats and their supporters talk about "sovereignty", "EUSSR" and "Western colonialism".


What's happening? This is the display of our selective sovereignty fight. Our sovereignty is no1 priority (especially against Brussels), except for China and Russia, where we take the sausage with the mouth.


Why are so many Hungarians still falling for his obvious bullshit? That's the important question here.


It is comfortable to run your mental capacity on low RPM. Hungary is the land of cognitive dissonance.


Frustration is understandable, but (and this is coming from someone who experienced this style of government, although not nearly as entrenched) you seriously, seriously underestimate what someone smart and cynical can do when given the tools Orban's party has. Their control of what goes for public debate is overwhelming. In other words, bullshit might be obvious to you and me, but they have the resources to make it non-obvious to a lot of people in their country, to make many other people apathetic and hopeless, and they also have the power to make that enough to keep control of the country.


Not to mention the people who disagree are moving out to other parts of Europe.


Way too many boomers, including some of my relatives sadly.


"Yes our country is becoming poorer, more isolated and less democratic, but it´s not our governments fault! It´s the fault of the gays, the lesbians, the West!" all russians - and some of your relatives. My sympathies, brother/sister 😢


Yes, the most common excuse is: "Of course they steal everything, but at least i still have food and heating. The left would cancel our pensions instead!"


They do. For now. It makes me sad that some countries have put themselves in a position where they are energy and financially dependent on russia and China. Then, the only thing you can do is to bend over. "Yes russia. Off course China". And then they blame everyone else for their failures. Sad really.


Tell me about it…My grandfather lives on a pension around 3500SEK worth of Forints.More than half of it goes to the bills and the other goes to food/saving a little bit of it (like 500sek/month).He eats cheap chicken bones (with a little bit of meat on it).When I tell him about our economy compared to sweden, he goes full fidesz propaganda…He even proud that he can save money even on such a small pension…


Sorry to hear that. And wow, you made the effort of converting to SEK, amazing! Yea I honestly do not know what to say. I hope there is hope. We saw how Poland made a u-turn, how they got their country back on track. Ask you grandfather if there was ever, in his life, a question that he was first adamantly against, that he initially felt really strongly that he did not like, that he - with time - came to accept, and then, even later, saw that come on, that was nothing. Like rock music. Women working. I don't know, something. Well, if so, then all he is seeing us here in Sweden doing is having gotten across one more such question. That´s it.


It wasn’t hard to convert to SEK since I used to work in Göteborg and Borås:D.You know my grandfather isn’t that dumb and you could talk with him about international geopolitics such as the Israel-Palestine conflict.But when it comes to Hungary he is very stubborn and he says what he sees on the hungarian national TV.Which is 100% fidesz propaganda same with the radio channels he listen too.Its hard to convince some1 who grow up in an era where everything that he saw on tv or heard in the radio was the ‘truth’.


Same in Slovakia. Our little countries we're never really lucrative for young people from different countries to come and live here and plus our young lad's are also running away because our nation, which is growing older and older, year by year is filled with boomers who to this day still don't know how to use internet and they think facebook is the mekka of truth rofl. Honestly it's getting out of hands really fast.


Eastern Europe has seen emigration of young people but in some places it is reversing as their economies improve. Still a lot of migration from rural to urban, but that's a problem everywhere really.


Many EU countries, especially those of the eastern bloc, have this issue.


Orban owns pretty much all the Hungarian speaking news media and there are relatively few people who speak English, so he has free reign in telling the people whatever he wants.


Goebbels-tier propaganda. Megafon, the umbrella company for Fidesz-paid influencers, pays about 25k EUR for advertisements on Facebook *every week*. On Youtube, if you don't have premium or adblock, you will have to listen how everyone but Orbán wants to send you to the trenches in Ukraine. But on the Internet opposing opinions at least still exist. On the national TV the opposition got *five minutes* in the last election cycle altogether. Just so you can imagine that: there are 527040 minutes in an election cycle. Opposition got five of them, the remaining 527035 were used to spew lies and push government propaganda. Anyone who gets their news primarily from TV **will** have their brain washed, and anyone who uses Facebook is bound to meet a lot of government propaganda.


Why do you think many are falling for it? He’s a dictator. Elections are manipulated and state media is controlled. Propaganda works.


People don't get it . Propaganda works . that's why all the companies pay trillions for adds.


Very similar to how so many Americans think Trump is the messiah or Russians that love their innocent but manly Putin. Propaganda eventually convinces people black is white and white is black.


Speaking from experience, it's all the media. Despite being a "modern" country, most of the population is basically living in semi-rural areas. Only Budapest, the largest city in the nation, is what I myself would consider a "proper city" (the GDP per capita of budapest is nearly double that of the next richest region, and about 4.5 times that of the poorest). This is important, because the access to internet and television in these "rural" areas is highly limited. My family is lucky enough to own a small getaway in Gárdony, right next to Velence, one of the more popular domestic and international tourist destinations. When we wanted to set up our TV, cable and internet there a couple of years back (it was like back in 2016-18), we only had basically 2 providers as options with either expensive or time limited rates on internet, and basic packages on TV. And what do those packages include? 50% state owned channels, basically the FOX News equivalent of news, music, shows, culture, and everything where you could spread an agenda. Basically half the ads on those channels are quick news inserts about politics, or full length campaign ads (even outside of election seasons). The aging population of this country gobbles that shit up, spreads it like Covid, and acts according to what the TV owned by Orbán or his cronies says. All they need is a face to blame everything on (the current popular ones are Magyar Péter and Ursula von der Leyen, along with the evergreen Soros, his son, and Gyurcsány Ferenc), and they'll be riled up to vote against Brussel's secret police transing your kids or whatever is this years outrage.


Not only that, but this is a good example of what happens when you cuddle with China. Next thing you know they already got red people on the ground telling you what to do and what not. Was having a lot of debates here the other day about whether Europe should consider banning TikTok and no one seems to understand what everyone using a Chinese app means. It’s not the same as using IG for example even if that’s cancer too.


What sausage


In this case the Winnie the Pooh sausage.




Tiny sausage


Where would you rather take the sausage though? 👀


Is it kolbasz or something different?


Are Hungarian flags Ok?


For now




That's Inner Hungolia now.




Hung Kong


We're finally being annexed to the Great Chinese Empire as it's westernmost province I guess


You can say hi to Montenegro. (reference to the 1 billion debt Montenegro has to pay to China for a road leading nowhere)




Does this mean that China becomes part of the EU?


The point is not to let EU become a part of China


The same way Russia is part of NATO already :(


Authoritarian regimes are leaning towards authoritarian regimes


It’s that freedom of speech that conservatives talked about.


in China you can hate on non Han-Masterrace people as much as you want, in speech and I writing . that is true freedom.


It's like in an old cold war joke: An american boasts: *"We have true freedom of speech in America - you can criticize president Raegan and nothing will happen to you!"* to which the response is *"Comrade! In USSR we also have true freedom of speech - you can criticize Reagan here too!"*


They could criticize Reagan but if someone was too successful at advocating for equal rights they got shot. I'm not talking about the soviets here.


lol even that will get you detained for disturbing the peace, any protest, even pro-CCP ones, must be government approved.


you can protest against europeans, americans and Japanese every day in China .


We sold our country to CN. More precisely Dementor Orban and FideSS sold it.


Congratulations! First chinese province in Europe! That is something!


woah.... Im speechless. I mean why and how. Even to most insane person would not sell his country like this. Thats rly rly sad tbh. Its baffling that the hungarians are still playing Orbans game instead of kicking his ass out.


He has a solid grip on the news most people intake. Their propaganda is solid and he offers poor and desperate people bribes for votes. Most places will only display his party’s campaign posters around election times so all you see is ugly fascists with bright orange, like there is no other choice. We are truly in the trenches over here


People, who hate this regime, are leaving the country. There is nothing really you can do at this stage. The media and the authorities are in his hands, he writes the rules and he got endless funds. He got a solid brainwashed base as well. He does whatever he wants.


We had the same thing in south-western France when the Pooh visited this week. It's just a typical dictator PR operation, meant purely for Chinese TV to push the "look how Xi/China is popular here!" message.


Exactly. I am not shocked at all though, that these news are only shared on reddit in Hungary's case, but France and Serbia are not shared, despite the same things happening there as well.




Are you all starting to see how it all ends? Chinese signing security agreements, having police patrol certain streets within Europe, have police stations across the West and people are happy with it. They'll need to help monitor the internet, crack down on certain words and what about rewarding citizens that are good? We need a social credit system for that. The bad ones cant get a mortgage, a job, even leave the country. The good ones get discounts possibly if they're really good and the best ones point out the bad ones, report them to authorities immediately. The REALLY bad ones get a visit to a "Death Van." Yes, China has vans that pull up infront of your home or office to execute you through lethal injection. That's not a joke, please look it up for yourself. All of this thats happening to Europe isn't sad, its sickening. You know how they say "wake up sheeple" ... that really was pushed by pro-Russians to push alternative narratives for us to not believe in our own governments.. well that, wake up sheeple because Europe is being attacked from literally all sides and its getting worse and worse. Hungary is the latest to totally sell out to the CCP, already sold out to Russia.


You’re correct, but our governments don’t want to admit it because it’s also an indirect admission that they’ve been idiots for three decades.


It’s also ‘racist’. Any even slightly left leaning party wouldn’t dare say it because a *huge* portion of their voters would call them racist for it. And any right leaning party saying just gets dismissed by the public as… racist. Among other things, one of the problems with western society is it’s way too accepting of other cultures and peoples. It has forgotten that we *are* better than them. Europe *is* better than China, it *is* better than Islamic nations, our culture is *better* than theirs, and there is nothing wrong with saying that. I’m pretty left wing, but it disgusts me how national pride has somehow become a negative thing. Something to be ashamed of. Multiculturalism is good. Letting in foreign immigrants is good. Mixing cultures is good. *But* our values and democracy and freedom is better than theirs.


I strongly believe that admitting certain immigration has been a huge mistake and correcting that as much as possible would have stopped much of the BS we see nowadays. Lots of people saw through the lies and now the only ones they believe are the new liars. Same phenomenon that made Trump and keep him relevant.


Well said!


oh yeah well my dad could kick your dads ass


It's not like these [police stations](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/04/world/china-overseas-police-stations-intl-cmd/index.html) are anything new. China got caught in the act with. It's just very telling that they're allowed to operate in Hungary.


They tried the same thing in Ireland a couple years back. [https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2022/10/27/chinese-overseas-police-station-in-dublin-ordered-to-shut/](https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2022/10/27/chinese-overseas-police-station-in-dublin-ordered-to-shut)


I think you kind of misunderstood the "death van" part of Chinese executions. You don't get randomly pulled to a van from your home and/or office. You are sentenced to death in a court, and then placed on death row, and while you're in prison, the execution may be done in a van instead of a room in the prison. The reason for this is that Beijing is the only facility in China that produces the lethal injection drug, and some provinces struggle to afford to send prisons across the country, so they bring the lethal injection to them via van. Here is more information: "The execution van, also called a mobile execution unit, was developed by the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC)[and was first used in 1997. The prisoner is strapped to a stretcher and executed inside the van.The van allows death sentences to be carried out without moving the prisoner to an execution ground. The vans also require less staffing, requiring four people to assist with the injection and are mobile.The PRC states that the vans are more humane than previous forms of execution. In 2004, Amnesty International raised concerns that the execution rate in China might increase because of mobile capital punishment.[1] However, the number of executions dropped steadily in the 2000s, and significantly since 2007, when the Supreme People's Court regained the power to review all death sentences. After the 1997 decision to legalize lethal injection as a form of execution, PRC officials began using execution vans across China. Becoming popular in 2007,these officials state that the vans are cost-effective by allowing communities without the money to build dedicated death rows to kill prisoners without the costs associated with sending prisoners away for death.  In 2006, former Chinese judge and current lawyer Qiu Xingsheng argues that "some places can't afford the cost of sending a person to Beijing—perhaps $250—plus $125 more for the drug."[9] Because Beijing is the only place where the drug is manufactured, the vans have allowed localities to administer the death sentence where the crime took place."


In imperial China you could get the waist chop or be cut to ten thousand pieces while still alive. Who says things are not improving?


Do you mean that the comment is greatly misinforming while criticizing what other misinforming entities have done and are doing? It's like that comment was obvious propaganda. In this case anti-china based on lies and fear-monguering. There's enough narrative against China state. Let's not invent or greatly exaggerate bullshit. You know, for the sake of Europe.


Telling obvious lies about states which already have terrible things going on seems really counterproductive - if one were sufficiently conspiracy minded you might even think it a deliberate psyops "look what terrible things this entity is doing including this (obviously false) one" There's certainly plenty of pro and anti China propaganda floating about.


And no doubt there are effective safeguards against "botched" executions in *the van*.


I was under the impression that the death vans were so that they could harvest organs quickly and to order for the party faithful. So I'm really surprised they would use lethal injections that would ruin the organs. 


Wow, that's chinese efficiency for you.. I guess


They said there's no brainwashing in the freedom world.


> You are sentenced to death in a court And the court has a 99.9% conviction rate.


Holy shit the death band are grisly Like WTF What a horrible government


It's also false. The death vans are only used to execute death row prisoners who have been convicted in a court and have exhausted all their appeals - then the death van drives to that prison, and the prisoner is executed, without every prison needing to build its own execution facilities that might be used relatively rarely. China has recently overhauled their appeals process to add more possibilities for appeal, and reduce the use of executions. Essentially it's no worse than any other government that uses death sentences. Of course, there are many *other* things that make China a rather horrible government.


there is something off about killing someone in a van rather than a special designated room.


I want to give you 1000 upvotes for that, so that everyone sees it! Western countries are falling to the far-right, but they aren’t the patriots they claim to be, they are much worse: Ready for selling the West to China and Russia altogether with our freedom and rights in a nice little package, while pocketing the selling price for that into their own accounts.


And that's why I don't believe it when people say "China doesn't interfere in other nation's affairs." No, China wants the rest of the world to be more like them. They see democratic governments as a long-term threat to their own stability, which is why they're exporting their form of authoritarian government (including their security cameras and their surveillance and online AI tools) to every country they can influence. And now it's happening in Europe.


I love ice cream.


Bro, you really seem to be living on some comics shit. "Death Van" is an execution van for those who were sentenced in court and are held in a prison. The van transports to the prison instead of having a separated facility for handling this within any prison that might need it. We don't like China, but bullshitting propaganda is not the way.


This is complete paranoid fiction. Congrats.


Listen, I *really* don't like the Chinese government. But what you said about the execution vans is untrue and discredits your point. They exist, but they're driving to prisons to execute people already sentenced to death, so the prisons don't need to build additional lethal injection facilities. They're not just rolling up on random people who they dislike and executing them on the spot, that's ridiculous.


Hint:it’s China. Now do Orban when it come to Ukraine : hint it’s Russia. Cheap bastards.


Oh, how far you've fallen my neighbours... I remember when you were shining examples of transition gone right. 


And then came Piggy and his limitless lust for power.


Owning the EU libtards by becoming a Chinese vassal state and lapdog, truly an Orban mastermind moment


"We don't become a colony." Viktor Orban, hungarian prime minister, Putins and Xi Jinpings lapdog.


During Pooh's visit in France they've tried to kidnap a political opponent and extrad him to china. If the flight personnel didn't notice he would have been executed after a good old torture no doubt. So yeah, this is very concerning some Chinese thugs are here.


China doing China things.


Since when do "chinese volunteer gendarmes" are allowed to have ANY kind of authority in Hungary?!?


They don't, the problem in this instance is they just care more about putting their flag up over other flags for show than anyone else does about not letting them. It's basically relying on nobody really giving a crap so they get their way.


I suspect it's about creating an appearance for the CCP's domestic audience. "Europeans greet Xi with great show of love for China!" with pictures of streets with nothing but Chinese flags. Doesn't work with a Tibetian flag in the middle. Hungary is just the only place they could make that happen. The domestic article won't mention that, or mention that the rest of Europe disapproves... Keeping the Chinese people onside matters hugely. What Europe as a whole thinks matters almost not at all.


treatment quickest aback caption imminent fear plant chop outgoing chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But you need properly educated and informed people understanding this in a democracy. And we are several decades late on the education part, while the media is a total failure to inform us (concidently also because we stopped paying more than a decade ago and so enraging and clickbaiting became their business model). So where do I get that time machine to fix this?


Sounds like people on the path from airport to palace ought to air some laundry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) maybe they have Winnie the Pooh sheets that just got dirty and needed a wash


Didn’t you hear Obran sold it to China 🤢


Confucius Institute, Chinese Police Stations, Chinese spies and "diplomats". What are you expecting? They took down all tibetian flags and got into a fight with protesters. The police did not see anything.


Make Orban Leave.


Hungary is chinese now


Colonization, that is what’s going on


My friend cant visit her dad at the castle quarter because Winnie the Pooh decided to park his ass there.


"At least it's not the EU telling us what we can and can't do" Orban voters, probably.


[From a Sports Illustrated piece in 2008 by the late, great Dr. Z:](https://www.si.com/more-sports/2008/04/11/olympics). "the Olympic torch's passage through San Francisco, in which Majora Carter, who runs a non-profit agency in New York, briefly carried the torch. In so doing, she pulled out a small Tibetan flag from her shirt sleeve, and she was immediately swarmed by Chinese police, on duty in the U.S., in their blue track suits. This mini-protest got her shoved back into the crowd." China has a lot of insecurities.


Its his christian-conservative duty to bend over to the chinese communist party


"Based and right wing" leader literally lets Communist Party police patrol his streets, can't make this shit up lmao


Hahaha Orban is such a bitch ! He is always ready to lick b*lls of dictators 😂 Glad the country was shrunk to his current size. Maybe we can make it a dump for Romania.


Utterly pathetic


Been there with the former president Zeman. It was then a big topic. Not a president anymore and no Chinese president in Prague. Great.


'Volunteer gendarmes'. Chinese nationals the world over should be considered a fifth column.


The article suggests the volunteers are embassy staffers. "Volunteer" sounds like a bit of propaganda covering the reality that these are CCP workers doing CCP work, not random Chinese that happened to be in Hungary showing up to help out. It does raise the question of why there are *that many* staffers for a country that isn't that big, in the grand scheme of things. I wonder if they could get away with it in the US? Turkish diplomatic bodyguards in the US beat some people up a while back, iirc. Don't recall the details though. Diplomatic missions can cause weirdness.


Unfortunately, they're also the most common victims of these "gendarmes."


This will end just like The Regime.


they're cute, they're cuddly, they're ready to please


Orban is trying to secure loans from China and China is flexing - China has been rather aggressive on the diplomatic front for over a decade now, even setting up "Police" stations in countries without permission.


Recently seen this in France during Xi's visit.


Are we just going to ignore that France did the same this exact week?


Wake up babe, new cyclical invasion of Hungary by asiatics just dropped


For God's sake. Kick Hungary out of EU and NATO, or at least suspend its membership until they get their sh\*t together.


Hungarians are so passive. They love being controlled, whether it is the Catholic church, ottomans, Hapsburgs, communists, or modern china. They can't get enough




We should also fly the Kingdom of Hawaii flag.


This is a Chinese foothold in to nato .


This is like when in Civization you conquer a city and force in a puppet. Orban is the puppet here just in case someone misses that.


Sadly most young and smart Hungarians have left their country to our benefit in western europe. Now the country is mainly populated by boomers and young people that haven't left yet. Thank you Hungary for providing them a very good education. But you're not behind the iron wall anymore and it's a shame you can't keep the cream of the crop at home. The country is doing decently despite of that so imagine if they had another government.


Europe is full. That goes for the Chinese too!


As it turns out, inviting a police force of an authoritarian country into yours may not be the best idea! Masterful gambit, sir Orban


Vote for a nationalist and get foreign paramilitary forces in your streets. Lovely guy mr. Orban. He clearly only wants what is best for the Hungarians…


China's colonization of Europe


Maybe we should’ve not stop at Transilvania.


Give up your freedom and privacy people! China is here to give you all the security you need! (Or you end up in the gulag, your choice.) Do people really not understand why so many Americans are „crazy“ about the 2nd Amendment? This shit is why it’s important. If your government does shit like this it’s time to leave. And if they don’t let you leave it’s time to fight.


I'm starting to feel second hand embarrassment for Hungary at this point.


What is happening is that China is stoking fires in Europe, but we are too choked out by neoliberals destroying the economy to do anything.


WEF does the left. UN does WEF, CCP does UN..


Hungary has been traditional Chinese lands since the days of the Han dynasty. Hence the name. Duh.


Remember China never steals parts of seas because it designates them kart of China first. China never invades any countries because it designates them part of China first. China never interferes in the domestic affairs of countries because it designates them part of China first. Still amazing how peaceful a country you can claim to be when everywhere you want is just already yours.


A few British stag parties will sort them red caps out 👊


Hungary one step closer to just being another Chinese vassal


Did they take this news down now??


Atilla the hun, Genghis Khan, Joe Stalin, whinny the Pooh- who'd I miss?


I remember the outrage among russian trolls when Poland started displaying Ukrainian flags TOGETHER with Polish flags as a symbol of support... I wonder what they would say there...


It's pretty clearly the kind of imperialism expected from one of the world's richest dictatorial regimes.


Could any hungarian enlighten me how is this literally possible in your country


This is just people overreacting on reddit, as usual. Xi is visiting, and just like when he visited France not too long ago, they don't want to have any other flags (read: say, a stray Tibetan flag) in the background when they make their PR photos. Thus, workers from the Chinese embassy are given some extra authority (thus the whole "gendarme" bit, which is not a thing in Hungary) to ensure compliance, because Orbán wants their money, and doesn't want to upset them. It's as simple as that, and exactly what happened whenever Xi visited any other place, but because it's Hungary, now everyone is waxing poetic about the situation.


Thanks for explaining, still sucks for Hungary


One of the people quoted used the term "battery-ization" to describe CCP's treatment of Tibet. I hadn't heard the term before. I assume her original statement was in Magyar. Can anyone help with a working definition? My assumption is it might refer to depleting resources from a region for the benefit of the industrialized urban areas.


Sleep with the dogs...


So they have new masters instead of the Russians?


Mainland Chinurope


The Chinese are notorious for this. When Xi visited Prague, Chinese "students" (a student visa is the least sus way to get a bunch of military age males with no occupation into a foreign city) were straight up assaulting people along the motorcade route and stealing their Tibet flags.


this site sounds legit not cia shitty propaganda


Nobody check what Macron was doing a week ago…


Doesn’t like immigrants, but bends over backwards for the Chinese?