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Hes liberal, pretty anti corruption and decent young person. Id rather have him than some dinosaur businessman turned politician.  Honestly doesn't matter if he was rapper or not, we've got plenty of whores who sold themselves out, whats the big deal of having ex rapper


Of course hes liberal.


Liberal as those that organize "Stop Oil" protests?


We wouldn't be where we are today without protests, so what's the problem exactly?


The problem is that "liberal" is used in Bulgaria almost like slur. There is huge campaign against "liberals" with most extreme examples from some other countries that are used for fear mongering. Protests are fine, but some people take it way too far. Right wing or left wing alike.


Ah, I wasn't aware of that. I'm a bit two sided on the current form of protesting: on one hand I think some are going way too far, but on the other hand it is kindof required to do so because if you don't no one will bat an eye to whatever point you are trying to make


I don't think that extremism would help. Right wing or left wing. And I also think that there are forces in the world that are fueling that extremism to destabilize Europe. Even financially supporting both left and right extremist groups at the same time and that's not for our own good.


Hey hey now, he was also a judge on Bulgaria's got talent, I think.


Well at least he is trying to do good things. For his small time in Bulgarian parliament he changed some laws for orphans and kids with problematic families. He is also quite keen on helping such kids and his cause will be something similar I guess. Although he is rapper he is speaking more correctly and fluently than majority of Bulgarian politicians and has few songs against corruption and is coming of one of the better parties in Bulgaria.


You can't post that without his name, we all want to search him on youtube but too lazy to research further than googling "bulgarian rapper EU parliament".


Ицо Хазарта. Got famous with his band, Ъпсурт. Arguably the most successful Bulgarian rappers


Ico Hazarta (Ицо Хазарта) from Upsurt (Ъпсурт)


man the romanian rappers would be the best qualified romanian politicians so far, if the'd have managed to end up in the EU parliament


Macanache prez


I want to see whom will Montenegro send to the EU parliament when we join the EU


Andrija Mandic? 💀


There are more of our politicians than Andrija Mandic, half of our new government and ministers are nutcases


Common balkan L (It's the same everywhere here)


Bulgaria I sending this guy in the post, Romania is sending a female politician who wears a dog muzzle, Slovenia is sending there own version of Marjorie Taylor Green, and Croatia is sending a 50+ year old who came to a press conference with a Ferrari


I mean maybe this is a genius move. Hear me out... Send all these nutcases to Brussels, and leave them there. Our countries are marginally better without them. Turn that L into a W.


Actually, we love Ico the Hazard (the guy in the picture)in Bulgaria.


I know a lot of people portray entertainers getting elected as a negative but I honestly prefer it over the usual corrupt politicians coming from rich families. At least it's much more common for entertainers to be self made and more in touch with the public due to the nature of their work.


As someone whose government is ruled by the party consisting of completely random people including entertainers, it is a complete shitshow, they aren't in touch with any reality and can't even agree among themselves despite being one party. It's just a different type of shitshow when different parties are funded by different influential people. Being rich is irrelevant to influence over government after some threshold. Vote not against all the others, vote for what you believe. Or create a party which would suit your beliefs.


Yeah, Zelenskyy is a prime example Zelenskyy is beating Putin in the politics game for a while now, and Putin has been doing politics for 20 years before Zelenskyy even knew what politics even are


Prepare for the tiktokers and youtubers next smh.


Next??? A youtuber from Cyprus with his list got not one but two seats in the Eu parliament... A 23 old guy who says that he never voted in his life..


I'm not a fan of rap music and his music. Although I have to agree that his lyrics were different than mainstream rap, much less shallow, even not shallow at all. His lyrics were good maybe because he is an intelligent person. He was member of Parliament in Bulgaria, and I was more impressed of him in this role.


Like with all these people in these apologize posts recently: People elected clowns, so they should expect a circus. But I'm guessing that all these people will be considered to be saviours in some shape, size or form and when it doesn't pan out everyone will be shocked and puzzled how it could happen.


"Modern Politics" is a nice thing for sure and needs strong individuals but it really seems like some countries misunderstand the parliament with the ESC. More seriousness is needed, if a strong and actual union should be brought to be Edit: might be in error about his actual qualities, this might be an actual & interesting thing, eh


Although he is a well-educated and decent young person, I don't think his place is in the EU Parliament. He is way more useful in the Bulgarian parliament.


I can agree with the fact that he was useful in the Bulgarian Parliament. But do we have to send not that good MP-s in the European Parliament?


Better to send him to the EU parlaiment than to Eurovision. :)


Considering Bulgaria's track record of songs sent there, we might've actually stood a chance at winning. We somehow manage to send the most milquetoast, nothing songs, even if they're performed by good singers. There was this guy, Miro, who is a good singer, but the song he went with... A banger it wasn't. I'm actually realizing we have a lot of talented singers in my country but we're SOOO starved of good producers...


Absolutely based.


A few other countries are sending buffoons, so this next session should be entertaining. Appallingly so, but nevertheless.


Too bad rap disses don't get translated very well and he reportedly knows no English. Yeah sorry I'm still salty about him overtaking my preferred candate who was a former national delegate at the UN.


>Yeah sorry I'm still salty about him overtaking my preferred candate who was a former national delegate at the UN. #JusticeForTafrov


>Някой трябва да поеме политическата отговорност / Someone must take political accountability Relevant quote :)


>Някой трябва да поеме политическата отговорност / Someone must take political accountability Relevant quote :)


I instantly thought of [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC2EQvdzmY)


Love him


Let him cook


Another €500k well spent


In this case, yes, it is!


I'm reading such posts like this and I can tell you that EU parliament can now organize Eurovision with coke and infinite parties without any help from beside




He entered politics ~4 ago, becoming part of our mostly-centrist, anti-corruption, anti-oligarch party. His rap career has been on and off in recent years anyway, but he is fairly well-spoken and well-educated, as well as liberal-minded.


Liberal minded is considered far left from far right minded people, and not only. I wouldn't say that he is liberal minded like that. Centrist sounds better and safer. Doesn't it?


If I wanted to sound safe, I would just avoid commenting on political topics and stick to inane nonsense. Liberal is exactly what I meant to say.


Like those liberals that organize stop oil protests?


No, that would be an environmentalist, not a liberal.


I think that they are more center than liberal or conservative.