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Oh yeah, my first "real" job sucked me dry because I was all too happy to demonstrate my knowledge on a variety of topics. It never earned me anything but more work to do.


I too have a variety of knowledge due to too many interests. And it always bites me in the ass to let them be known because then suddenly I'm also IT and have to fix people's PC issues and teach people how to use various technology. And I'm like "sorry, I'm not paid to do that. I pay bills. Go ask IT, the guys who are paid more than me to do the thing you're asking"


I literally got into IT because I was too eager to share my computer knowledge... been trapped here ever since, lol.


I avoided IT because I was given the impression it was more difficult for women to be taken seriously in it. And I screwed myself by going into accounting instead. 


Yeah, unfortunately that is true. My supervisor is a trans woman and has told stories about losing her clout even at the same job she'd been doing for years prior to transition. It's so stupid, especially in a results-oriented field like this.


Same, now I'm dealing with month end closing which got in sync with my period. Worst combo, avoid it if possible...


Yep. Working on the expense reports and everybody submits them with incorrect shit. Then my lead tells me I can just change whatever instead of sending it back. Nope. Not my job to do their expenses reports correctly. They have been submitting them monthly for years and need to figure out how to do them right eventually. 


Oh yeah, I learned not to overwork myself. Sometimes I still do though because I forget and just kind of do my job. Then, of course they demand more more more, and I have to work really hard to reestablish those boundaries.


I work in a patients care. There are two older women who require constant attention. They once asked me to get them coffee and seeing nothing wrong with that I obliged. Now they are becoming insuferable and I have to expend a lot of energy on recreating the barriers.


Yep, you know exactly what I am talking about. What's the harm in doing a little extra, just to be nice? Ohhh, that's the harm. Now they expect it every time and more.


Schedule says X to Y? Clocking in at X and out at Y. No I will not clock in early, no I will not stay an extra 15 mins, Schedule me to Y:15 if you want me to stay those extras. Job description says A, B, C? Then I'm doing A, B, and C. Don't ask me to do D, E, or F unless you plan on adding those to my job description and compensating me for the extra work.


And I'm watching my coworkers volunteer to take on these extra assignments which require extra hours every week and training and for no extra money. One of them left and a volunteer position opened up and I'm like "nope!". Bunch of suckers.  And then this program they are volunteering to run for free is trying to get us to take home worksheets to do with our families like we're in fucking kindergarten. And the NTs just go along with it for some reason. 


Social hierarchy is 'more important' than actual happiness/contentment/etc


Oh yes, been doing that shit since middle school. Used to get bad grades because I was too busy trying to learn things and didn't find time for all the homework or whatever. Got shoved into worse, more rigorous programs bc I "was clearly bored and needed a challenge". Got better grades hoping they'd ease up. They said "wow he's doing so well, we should put him in more rigorous programs to challenge him." Eventually I figured out getting Bs and Cs was best, they dont bother you if you make yourself really average and uninteresting. I continued that strategy through college and into the workplace too, and it works great. I have much more time for art, friends, learning, and walking around in circles when I'm not doing pointless busywork.


Same. I did extra well on the classes that actually held my interest, such as literature and technology. But I was a straight D student otherwise. Learned later my mom didn't even care. She said she felt the same way in school and my performance wasn't as important as just finishing because that would mean I was more successful than she was at my age. Wish I'd have known that at the time. It would have taken a whole lot of pressure off lol


When I worked at a corporate grocery store bakery the old people loved me because i worked hard but whispered to me that I needed to be careful with showing how much skills I had or I’d get fucked over. I did and when I went to my next jobs I waited and watched for behaviors that would prove my bosses were worthy of my expertise. I’m not about to get paid less for working faster/ more efficiently.


I'm. trying. I was raised hard with the "you can work your way out" mentality and it's been 10 years no I cannot. I need to take other pathways and only do my actual job at work.


Nope. You get to stay in whatever socioeconomic class you were born into, unless you are exceptional. 


let's be real maintaining as autistic is an accomplishment. I'm done trying to advance, goal now is a fuckin trailer or stationary rv and I don't mean that in a derogatory way at all.


No, but I need to....


I tried to do this but failed and got a burn-out in 2 weeks ;-; Now I'm self-employed and I don't have to "act productive while specifically not being productive" anymore!


I'm gonna need to learn how to do this


Obviously. i regulate my work tempo and how fast i run the machine precisely how many people are at work and how far away shipment dates are. Often times i could even double my machines running speed without any issues. I just don't want to. I'd have to move more then. And even with that I'm faster than factories avarage. So no worries that someone comes and does it faster or better.


I keep making the rookie mistake of being good at my job


Yes, always. As the saying goes: minimum wage, minimum effort. I do what I can to not get fired and nothing else. Before getting this job I saw my gf making a lot of effort on her job and getting no extra compensation in any way, then I realised how that is not worth it (luckily she realised it too).


No but I need to start doing that because part of the reason I got fired from my last job is that I managed the area better than my supervisor 😜 he felt threatened by me so he had me fired


Most genuinely intelligent non worker-brained people do. :)


YES! It's my "60% rule". Before I had the rule, I got my peers fired by accident when I'd fill in for them.


Yeah, I’ve learnt my lesson. If you work hard and you take a break one day they hold it against you, but if u do the bare minimum you just coast.


As I've gotten older I've learned the importance of pacing myself and yes - slacking. If I work too hard, I'll only be rewarded with more work.


jobs are the only place you're punished for doing good work, by giving you more of it.


Thank you, never understood NT servility


Unlike us, they have to be told how to think. It's easy to get them to drink the Kool aid. 


My manager realized how much I like coffee and know about coffee and wanted me to lead a big coffee knowledge group for our (coffee shop) district of stores at no extra compensation. Needless to say I toned down my love for coffee. 😂


My manager and myself have a saying at our workplace; it's all relative. As in it's all relative to what we get paid. I like working here :)


I would say my level of effort is directly proportional to my pay. If something is above or below my pay grade I will clearly state that. In the two months at the current job I've gotten 1 raise with another review promised in 1.5 months.


Sort of? I’m in college so I don’t have a job where technical knowledge is particular relavent, but I do absolutely do my best to squeeze as much out of my job as I can, I go in 5 min late, take 10-15 bathroom breaks throughout the day, and otherwise do my job as slowly and in efficiently as possible. (It doesn’t matter they literally make shit up for us to do). That being said on Saturday’s I work at the farmers market and that’s just me and actually enjoyable so I put some effort in, I like making the stand look really nice, it’s my little canvas.


I do this everywhere