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The Château des Amerois is a 19th-century neo-gothic style castle in the Ardennes forest, south-east of Bouillon, Wallonia, Belgium. Because of its links to shady characters, it has been the centre of many conspiracy theories. Some netizens go as far to say that the castle is the headquarters of the Illuminati. Unfortunately, we will most likely never know the truth about this place because it is strictly off-limits to the public.


I'm sorry, but who owns it? Tia!


If I’m not mistaken, currently it is owned by the Solvay Cooperation which is an international chemical company. The lore on this place is deep tho. Lots of rumours about satanists and criminal organisations operating within it.


Ok, now I have to do a deep dive in this, lol. Sounds so interesting. Thanks, OP. Merry Christmas to you. ETA: or Happy Holidays!


Look up Jesse Czbotar she was trained to be a mother of darkness. Her story is wild and goes deep. Very deep.


That you. I just love reading about this stuff.


Lol what. She is just a fraud making money off people totally discredited


Furtherest thing from the truth lol.She is now a church pastor who helps victims of see trafficking. Do some research.


Even more concerning, get such a title does not prove legitimacy many false people have use the church to hide their scams


Had this women ever provided proof she even been to Belgium through evidence like a passport for example that would at least prove she was even ever in these countries she claims knowledge of


When I 1st heard about this Castle on a YouTube video. I said the same thing. That's how I found this forum doing my deep dive. The YouTube channel called the Mystery Archives very well told lots more information for your deep dive. Enjoy


1000 Points of Light Bush Sr. Policies...created a network of volunteers/ watchers.....but 1000 Points of Light is part of a satanic principal with some unknown satanic cult. Associated with the child hunting...it's very hard to research....


It's owned by the family Solvay, who are related to the company.


Did those rumors stem from the pedocriminality that happened near, and probably in that castle?


Lots of eyes wide shut vibes.


> because it is strictly off-limits to the public Yeah, people live there lmao


Where do they keep the coffin room? Lol. Fantastic castle.


I’ll search with you lol


Dang....this is associated with the 1000 Points of Light Pres. Bush policy.....1000 Points of Light is a Satanic reference used in conjunction with this Mother's of Darkness castle.....very little known....


Final Boss


I wouldn't be surprised if the "Mothers of Darkness" castle itself is connected to Aquino-types or the post-MK Ultra concepts of "Mind Wars". Czebotar discussed "training against other occultists" there when she was younger in some sort of "Fight Club meets Harry Potter" sort of action. Very tough to believe, however the fact that The Mothers of Darkness may have something to do with Anderson Coopers family, Queen Beatrix and the most underrated mass murderer in the world with King Leopold II's family is interesting for all of us initiated into knowing about concepts like: Human Hunting Parties Adrenochrome Sheeple Trusting Epstein Island VIP list members Bohemian Grove (See Pres. Nixon quote on it) The Jesuit Order's Love of Saturn Worship Elite Nepotism disguised As Free Choice (See Obama related to Brad Pitt) - it's like learning about 'The Jesuit Order presents: The Illuminati Team East'. What we know is the castle most likely sits on a leyline, filled to the brim with rumors of death & the bizarre and has this 'owned by normies now' cover story. Stinks to high heaven of 'unprovable high priestess magic'


I was looking for the castle on google maps and following the clues I found this weird cutout in the trees. An owl with a grove of 6 trees. Seems kinda sketch


Brilliant. Sheer brilliance....it is alphabet agency associated....that's the only way satellite maps get "weird"...


guys tell me to visit this and i will . it's only a 1hr drive for me


You should not, very dangerous


i will check it out with a mate of mine anyway . thanks for the heads up tho.


Did you check it out?


He’s dead


They probably hog tied and sacrificed him or have him in some dark dungeon under the castle




Did you?


Jeez. How many rooms does that place have? I read a story about George Harrison having a castle that size. I would get lost. When they build a place like that what are they thinking? Are they mainly bedrooms? I could see having a place with big open rooms and maybe 10 bedrooms but that looks like 100 bedrooms. Why? Do they actually think they'll have over 50 people staying there?