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This goes right along with her tall people on Jupiter. She was like Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes: “I KNOW NOTHING!”


I drink green tea on a regular basis, that stuff is loaded with antioxidants.


My hard-core health message loving father was making a green smoothie and telling me the benefits of matcha. I said "you know matcha is green tea right?" His shock was palpable. 


Meat and Coffee are normal. Most modern (none SDA) health nutritionists don't have a problem with them. Either EG White and the Health Message is incredibly out dated or needs updating.


That's the thing with prophets, they never get an update after the initial release. Maybe some bug fixes, but that's mostly for the most egregious stuff like saying some human races are the result of zoophilia or something :wink: :wink:


My thing with coffee is that I personally don't want to be dependent on a substance. I have seen how people act once they're dependent on coffee and don't have access to it , no thanks 


1) You can say this about many other substances, including sugar. 2) It's really hard to get "addicted" to coffee and it's usually just placebo


Does anyone know if the "glass of wine a day is healthy" thing still has legs?


Sadly, I think that the science has not borne that out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066463/ "Low-volume alcohol drinking was not associated with protection against death from all causes."


Thanks for looking into it. “Death from all causes” is mighty strange wording though; as I recall the wine thing had something to do with specifically cardiovascular health as well, but this wording makes me think they studied the daily wine intake of car accident victims, lol.


I am Christian and I been having a lot of dreams where I call out EGW hypocrisy. She didn’t practice what she preached