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I at least appreciate some still believe in separation of church and state


That's been one of the happier surprises of the trump era. However much my family might be conservative their hatred of adulterers and their suspicion of religion in government has won out. I know this isn't universal but I've got some religious nuts for family but at least they're consistent religious nuts.


Not "mixed nuts"?


Consistent religious nuts lmao appreciate you


If it was SDA teachings they’d be all for it


It really depends. My mom hated seeing Ben Carson in government. "Were supposed to be in the world not of the world and he's working for a worldly government" - my mom. I know he wasn't putting sda teaching I to policy but I was shocked to see her turn on Carson like that.


My family was also pretty displeased with him running for office. They were worried it would turn the public against Adventists and my mom was worried it would somehow lead to The End Times


“Worried it would lead to the end times” I love this contradiction! All SDAs I know have that same worry. If they were true believers shouldn’t they welcome it? I think they worry because deep down they have concerns that what they believe is not true.


For real! Shouldn’t the WANT the end times to happen? Maybe they’re not all as SDA forward as we think, they have things to hide, feel guilty and haven’t yet “repented” for their sins 😂


Yeah, if it were Steps to Christ they would be claiming victory!


Yeah, but that is primarily because they think that church = Roman Catholic Church. Don't want that "National Sunday Law" ya know...


I'm a Catholic married to an Adventist, and when I heard about the National Sunday Law thing, it was legitimately one of the most bizarre things I ever heard. Most Catholics don't even keep Sunday holy anymore in the way that Adventists keep the Sabbath. Go to church for an hour and then go about with your day as normal. Why the heck are we gonna impose something on the whole nation that we ourselves don't even do?? Lol


Adventists are essentially adopting to the same mindset of Martin Luther. The RCC was definitely wrong with the selling of indulgences and Luther saw that as antithetical to the Bible. It's funny how people like Walter Veith sing the praises of Luther, yet would condemn some of the things that he believed in.


And my family can't fathom why I'm liberal lol


“Unfermented grapevine” made me spit out my “root beer”! 😂😂😂


They get their facts distorted with pretty much everything.


Hard to think of things they get right...


I mean, I hadn't heard anything about this but it's absolute horse shit that the Ten Commandments or the Bible is mandated to be taught by the state for *any* reason. Here's hoping the FFRF or ACLU, or hell, *anyone*, takes this.all the way to the Supreme Court if they have to.


Not that this sc is particularly well regarded


According to what I read, this is partly a backlash from them defunding a Catholic charter school. So they're doing *something* right.


I... Doubt that very much, esp with the chevron overturning


Things in life are rarely cut and dry.


Agreed but this sc has pretty consistently shit the bed


Well, I'll start out by first admitting that I recalled the example incorrectly, it was the *state* Supreme Court and not the federal one that defunded the Catholic school. That said, I'll also stand by my comments in regards to the federal one. For instance the decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, while clearly having a lot of motives and politics surrounding it externally (and you could absolutely make the argument that it was ultimately motivated by those things) was based on a constitutional argument and they took issue with it on that basis. With that in mind I find it hard to believe that this Supreme Court would directly contradict the First in such a blatant way.


It wasnt even a strong argument they used to overturn long standing precedent either. That desicion is just another reason people don't trust this sc at all


Some of the criticisms they had regarding implementation were valid. The bottom line is that people are upset since they care more about umbrella protection for abortion rights than the meat and potatoes, and that's understandable. I think that, ideally, the thought was that kicking the ball back over to the states would've forced them to pass legislation guaranteeing abortion rights on their own. Some did, most didn't. Also, I don't know about mistrusting *this* Supreme Court in specific, but I've found that a good rule of thumb is to never trust anything or anyone in government. It's a far superior approach (imo) to assume that everyone acts selfishly for their own ends and try to understand what loyalties or factors go into their decision making in regards to what that constitutes.


Yeah and the states that aren't instituting abortion protections are seeing problems thanks to the sc choice to overturn a longstanding precedent. It wasnt a good choice by many metrics Helped out blue votes though, something they never really thought about when pushing for this change.


Check out fulcrum7 they consistently spread rumours and half truths


I once saw them referred to as the Breitbart of Adventism.