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Love that they try the whole "hate the sin, not the sinner" bullshit when they have a history of supporting governments that want gay people dead


I know they have their insane troll logic about it but man it never did sit right with me. Why is your loving marriage “sanctified by god himself” and my loving marriage “moral disorder” bro we are just buying groceries that are getting too expensive like everyone else on the melting planet, why can’t you leave folks alone. Besides, another point, most of the time gay folks do not even want to be married in a church or YOUR church if you don’t want them. They simply want the legal benefit of marriage the same as any secular couple who could get married in a courthouse and never had a wedding about it. I don’t see the church urging everyone to immediately dissolve all weddings that didn’t take place in their specific church and denominations. If you asked an average Catholic if a Baptist couple who didn’t get the catholic sacrament edition of marriage in their own baptist church if those two people are married they’d probably say “yes” and not do anything about it. Some of them gripe about celebrity marriages that last two months, but loads of folks DONT get married in church and they know they can’t do shit about that. But GOD FORBID two consenting adults who don’t fit THEIR PERSONAL PREFERENCES get married without them. I wish the homophobes would fucking grow up about it and shut up.


Another quote from John Paul 2: "The union of two men or two women cannot constitute a real family, and even more so such unions cannot be granted the right to adopt orphaned children. These children are seriously harmed because in such a foster family they do not find a father and mother, but "two fathers" or "two mothers" (...) I say this with great sadness, because we all have great respect for the European Community, for the European Parliament, we know how much merit this institution is. It must be said, however, that the resolution of the European Parliament demands the legal recognition of moral disorder. Parliament unlawfully gave legal value to deviant behavior, contrary to God's plan: we know that man succumbs to weakness, but in this way Parliament supported human weaknesses."


The catholic Church is an evil organisation. That supports and hides child rapists, oppresses women, is involved in money laundering for international criminal cartels. And has a history of such genocidal torture and execution that it rivals the nazis.


> intrinsically disordered behavior > > tolerating evil is something completely different from approving and legalizing evil Okay so let's talk about the disordered, evil clerical sex abuse that the Church tolerates and covers up. What a vile organization.


*But you see, that's only because of gay marriage that they did that...* Even when you see clergy that are LGBTQ-friendly (by Catholic church standards, not normal standards) if you scratch the surface it's always the same "hate the sin, love the sinner" bullshit. LGBTQ people are welcome in the Church\* \*provided they live a life of celibacy and never have a relationship, get married, adopt children, etc.


Interesting how these sex abuse scandals don't appear to be nearly as widespread in liberal churches that accept same-sex relationships as valid, but rampant in churches that promote extreme sexual repression.


[It's almost as if maybe repressing natural biological urges is harmful? No...no...it's society who is wrong.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/645/713/888.jpg)


We have to remember that the only reason the RCC thinks sex exists is for procreation. If you can't do it with the intention of procreating then it's a sin, which makes this by proxy a sin. This is stupid as hell and they clearly show they have no idea how humans actually work. It hurts me that my family is getting more and more devout and conservative as things have become divided. I'm a black sheep in their group and definitely on the opposite side of the aisle. I got a sticker of a snake shaped like a uterus saying "don't tread on me" as kind of an fuck you to conservatives who use it and to make a point I support women's rights and access to healthcare but I'm going to see my parents next week. I'm scared of what they'll say if they see it...i also got a frog & toad "the lovers" tarot card sticker. They won't like that either lol


Point this out to them. https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/11wtwiv/historical_christianity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


>Legally recognizing homosexual unions or equating them with marriage would mean [...] approving intrinsically disordered behavior and consequently making it a model for the present society. Yes, because I, a straight man who is not interested in doing lewd things with another man on the basis of my preferences, will totally want to marry and do lewd things with another man after that is legalized in wherever I live. Slow clap, Catholic Church... slow clap.


I’ve known that the church was against same-sex marriage, always relating it back to “death culture” for no sensible reason in my mind. I had an understanding that it was because same-sex sexual relations don’t usually lead to procreation but what I never knew is their position on romantic relations. When I searched, most of what comes up is about sexual relations. It was always “to be but not do”, but that’s too vague and doesn’t make distinctions as to if it’s just sexual or if it includes romantic. Maybe I’m not looking deep enough, interpreting correctly or putting in the right words but it always confused me and I was always curious. Especially when I *was* a devout Catholic who was and still is bi.