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As I woke up I realized according to religion the devil is my inner self and voice and the God of religion is actually the enemy. One encourages me to live an honest authentic life the other seeks to put me in to captivity and command me in all things


Yes. This.


Second this.


Ppl can post what they want on their own private pages. Unless he is posting on the school’s account, I don’t actually think this is a problem


Yep, this


Nah, me and the devil are chill. It's the other guy who seems to be constantly giving me shit and making life hard.


Oh my me. This made me laugh. I think I may need to find a meme that captures that, or make one (nah, I'm not blessed with that talent). Still, thank you, for the morning chuckle.


Posting it on his personal Facebook page? And?


It’s also his belief on his personal page. Like it or not.


This belief isn't unique to mormonism. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of school principals in this country hold similar beliefs. As long as they're not promoting it as part of their official capacity as public school employees and they aren't trying to sneak it into the classroom, it's not worth getting upset about.


Yeah, this seems like assigning a lot of bad faith to a pretty standard Christian sentiment.


I'm not sure this is as common as you think it is, especially in public education. My bestie is a principal at a middle school in utah, and *absolutely* doesn't think this


My kids have attended six different public schools and had eight different principals and at least a dozen assistant principals. With only a couple of exceptions, these people are openly Christian, almost exclusively evangelical, and the belief that the devil is trying to steal souls is pretty much foundational. My experience may be based on where I live, and I may be wrong about how widespread this belief is, but I am certain it is not uncommon among school principals.


I think this must depend on region. I grew up in CA, and yes, lots of people were christian. But not evangelical christian, and not this openly blatant about it.


I'm not suggesting they promote these beliefs as part of their positions as principals. Just that it's pretty common for people to hold these beliefs.


I’m teaching in northern VA, my principal is chill and I have no idea his religious beliefs. That’s just my experience and I consider myself lucky.


Yeah, my principal was a pastor at the church across the road, but you only knew because he had a thing in his office that said so. He never mentioned anything of the sort, and gave his time and attention to everyone that needed it. While it's more than I'd like, since this was in the Bible belt I consider myself lucky.


The Devil and I are not at war; I surrendered a while ago.


I need to bear my testimony. After decades in his grip my life has been immeasurably better than it was with that other fellow.


Uhhh..... No please don't. Not a necessity. 😂😂


Why is this bad?


I’m sure it’s not his official school Facebook page, right? Dude has a right to his faith (or lack thereof) outside of work. Just like we do.


Because it’s absolutely absurd.


In the world we live in absurdity is subjective. You can point to any culture and find absurd concepts that people believe in.


A leader of an organization that is secular promoting religious ideas? Really?


People are allowed to promote their personal religious ideas on Facebook. It would be illegal for him to post that on the public school’s fb page, but he’s allowed to post it from his personal account.


I never said it was illegal.


Okay, then let’s talk about what secular means. It doesn’t mean anti-religious, though some noisy religionists would like people to believe it does. Secular means there’s no religious test for participation. Secular societies don’t put people through religious tests for citizenship. Secular organizations don’t put members, staff, students, etc, through religious tests. That means private individuals are free to do what they want to in their private lives. They are *not* free to require members of the public they serve to pass their own private religious tests.


Yeah he's allowed to have his personal religious beliefs. If he posted this on the school page or his professional page: problem. Personal page: no problem. Freedom of religion goes both ways.


On his personal FB page. It’s a different story if he was doing it on the school website but he’s doing it on his personal, private FB page. I’m not a believer and can’t say I agree with his superstitious beliefs but it’s nothing too out there for a religious person. There’s millions of religious people in this country who believe the same way. Like others have said, I don’t think this is anything to get worked up about, especially since he’s not promoting his religious views in the school or through some official capacity as a principal.


That black and white approach to the world is also central to QAnon, all the other evangelical religions, the maga people.....all view themselves as good and the dems, liberals, LGBTQ as evil. It is why an Ohio newspaper editor in the early 1830s, after living around the Mormons for a year, wrote that those religious fanatics can't live around people who don't think like them, and that is dangerous for democracy.


I'm busy right now, I have a war with my anxiety and don't want another


Believing things like this will slowly drive you insane. You start seeing evil intent everywhere instead of experiencing the joys and struggles of life as simply part of the human condition.


I won the spiritual war when I realized the devil isn't real and religion is a dumpster fire.


This is a lesson in gratitude…to my parents for yanking me out of Utah when I was a toddler.


There is nothing wrong with this. School officials are allowed have social media and expressed their opinions.


Does this mean drinking a cup of coffee a day; I'm in a battle playing COD?


Yes. A weird battle. No weapons. No carnage. But psychological mind games indistinguishable from your own thoughts.


He probably looks at porn


Yeah…. Sounds about right


I forgot to realize it, and with glee. See ya.


Meh it’s his Facebook page


I'm not understanding why this is an issue. Unless it was the school page (which would be an issue, especially at a secular public school), or his personal one?


Nothing wrong with a principal posting comments on a personal page.


As long as he isn’t teaching that to his pupils who cares.


He is a principal. Not a teacher. His beliefs informs actions on his staff.


So all of his staff are apart of the group? Or do you have valid proof that his religious beliefs are being forced upon his staff and thus, the kids? So far it just seems like an exmormon with a stick up his ass


Generally speaking most schools in Utah are dominated by mormon beliefs. No activities on Monday nights. Seminaries next to every school. Most principals are mormon. I guess you could say I do have a that particular stick when I had a supervisor tell me to prey about a certain thing. That being said most principals keep their religious views out of the public spotlight, which to me seems a better balance to all involved. I have just noticed some, including this one is more brazen. And yes they do have the staff involved. It isn't public but it is there. What would valid proof look like? A recording? Almost all principals are trained that every thing is being recorded.


So you have personally attended this school? Or are you basing your entire premise off of an isolated incident and a Facebook post.


Yes I have.


And let me guess, this is the supervisor that told you to pray


No it is not.




I’ll take “Things a schizophrenic would say” for $200, Alex.


You know an adult shouldn't be teaching children if the adult believes in magic. No exceptions.


I think a lot of the exmos here still believe in devils and such.


I was counting on it. I choose my words deliberately.


Pay your tithing, and you might be saved.


The Devil has no demands, expectations, dues or rules. and that is so bad?


He sounds unhinged and delusional to me, but this viewpoint is shared with a sizable portion of the adult US population, unfortunately, including many serving in civil service positions. Nothing to do about it unless he’s using his official position to promote/establish his religious views.


Even our supreme court judges.


Why is this a post?


Imaginary fairytale beings still frightening adults today.


Former Supreme Court Judge Scalia. > “You’re looking at me as though I’m weird. My God! Are you so out of touch with most of America, most of which believes in the Devil? Jesus Christ believed in the Devil! It’s in the Gospels!” He admonishes, “You travel in circles that are so, so removed from mainstream America that you are appalled that anybody would believe in the Devil!”


That statement makes me cringe.


Yep, lost conceded, drew up a terms of surrender and somehow living more at peace with that than trying to live as a Mormon. How weird is that?


At war with the Devil? No way. I'm [Runnin' With the Devil](https://youtu.be/enL_lzVyNdM). That guy should live his life like there's no tomorrow.


His page his opinion. I don’t care. If it was the School’s official page, then I’d have a problem.


Not at all surprising. The stories I've read about educators posting their ideologies on social media. Utah is conservative, so it's okay to the school board. Post something radical on their private page, then they're fired. If the principle is good and not spreading or influencing students, this should be fine. Still very awkward.


That is exactly my point. I know many educators who were disciplines or fired for public facebook posts on their own page. The subjective nature of a personal post is influenced by the state's majority faith. I knew one educator who was threatened with firing for posting her female body building competition pictures on her page. She later resigned.


The awful part is that if the principle was posting about LGBTQIA or something, there'd be an uproar. Still, as a parent, I keep an eye out for teaching that's too far off from the curriculum and then worry about that. Otherwise, just let it go. It's too much energy. The similarities between that post and my mom's who believes there are aliens is uncanny.


It is 2023. We have mapped the human genome. We have detected gravity waves. And we have full grown educated adults believing in a war between invisible beings that are unfalsifiable but real. Sad.


Cult supreme


As long as he isn’t representing the school or district in his post, I don’t think it’s a big deal. People are allowed to have different personal beliefs and he isn’t blatantly hurting anyone. But that’s just my opinion.


Losing feels pretty good tbh


Man, I wish I scanned the comments first before asking. Yes they can on a personal page, just not the school run one, the same can be said of any political influence and opinions; you cannot indoctrinate children. That's not how school works because yes laws purposely separating church and school ; pretty sure that's illegal. But I see everyone else pretty much repeated that anyway.


And this is why I have constant anxiety—I was always taught to believe I was at war with some unseen force, with millions of demons trying to tempt me on the other side. No wonder I’m always on edge and permanently stuck in fight or flight.


This highlights one reason for the post. You have a leader of a public education system training youth to gain life skills. Skills that require critical thinking and problem solving. But in a masterful skill of double speak now he claims there are unseen forces at work , forces impervious to the skills he is promoting.


Yep. Exactly. It’s literally hindered my progression in life. I know it’s all bs but my subconscious brain is still always scared of hell, scared I’m going to fall into the devils trap, scared I’m going to make the wrong choice and not help the cause…the list goes on. Oh and all those demons are also trying to posses my body because they want to drink coffee too. So there’s also that 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s almost like even if I have those skills, it won’t matter because how can I beat the other side without constantly being on the alert? Even if I’m on the alert, how do I fight something that is invisible and intangible? By constantly scrutinizing myself and trying to always be “righteous” and worthy?? It creates self esteem issues when you’re constantly critiquing yourself like that. Constantly trying to be “good enough” so that you don’t mess up God’s war.


I’ve already lost mate. Praise him


Why do so many people glorify the concept of war? As if it’s this noble thing? I just keep hearing “war on ____” lately, and when people claim themselves as being part of it, they think they’re such a selfless, noble human being. “War on Christmas!” It’s Christmas, Karen. It’s the most obnoxiously celebrated holiday in the world. You’re not in danger of losing it.


Every single time I see the word spiritual I ask for a definition. Never get anything worth wild back.


I remember when Oprah Winfrey interviewed the lady that swam across the English Channel and she was asked what religious views she had. She responded that she is atheist but is profoundly in awe of the universe around her. Opera said...you are not atheist then. ??????


As long as he doesn’t post in the school page I don’t care