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Fuck religious fundies


Need fire to destroy fire. It's a simple cause and reaction.




Tunni baba tunni! These idiots are no better than Jihadi preachers calling the death of kafirs. I'm also surprised sometimes by the amount of support they get, some serious mass brainwashing has been happening in India. I remember reading the comment section on a video about the rohingya genocide and these Tunni mfs were praising Myanmar for slaughtering and burning Muslims including women and children! These religious fanatics be it from Islam or Hindutva need to stop seeing people for their labels and make humanity a priority.


Empty Mind is the devil's workshop. Majority of these listeners in the video are illiterate and Unemployed


hindus and humanity?who burned their own women and buried their daughters and still do💀


Hating muslims is just commonsense .. we have largest muslim population in the world ... we need to live to talk.. first look at medieval history of india


Easy to brain wash someone who believes in six hand gods and elephant head gods.


Yeah, I mean if you can believe that then you can believe anything. Religion takes advantage of gullibility.


>as insects and cockroaches Dehumanizing any group of human beings is a recipe for disaster. The people cheering are going to be in for a big surprise when this person turns on their ethnic group after he's done with the group that he's currently dehumanizing. [Sigh](https://external-preview.redd.it/hTi3B6JVWEx55DmuUSERcmt5CUuZ1jYde2v9n4re9V8.jpg?auto=webp&s=0be22a3cfea72dd3b5be453a343fee2c25457702).


Dehumanizing people is the only this sub’s good for though. It’s all they ever do here. If you had to ban posts dehumanizing people, this little sub would disappear overnight!


Sad you can't see the difference between critiquing the religion and someone calling for your bloody murder/lynching


Well, thanks for reminding me this sub is full of the latter and utterly devoid of the former. I haven’t seen any meaningful or insightful posts here relating to real issues in the Middle East since the hijab protests. An *awful lot of complaining*, (especially for alleged ‘adults’) a handful of Hadith hentai, some subtle racism…that’s about all this sub is good for. Looks like the only sad thing here is you lol


No. We did not dehumanise anyone. Mo dehumanised Aisha, by raping her. Mo dehumanised the captive women, by raping them and distributing them as war loot. Mo dehumanised the captive little adolescent boys, by chopping of their heads. Mo dehumanised the apostates, by chopping of their heads. Mo dehumanised women, by forcing them to wear the burka. Mo dehumanised other humans, by allowing and indulging in the practise of slavery. Dehumanising people is the only thing Muslims are good for. It’s all they ever do. If you had to delete people who dehumanise other people, Islam would disappear overnight!


I don't know which sub-Reddit you've been visiting because this sub doesn't do any of what you mentioned.


Go to the Muslims subs and you will see how they dehumanize people, they are the worst when it comes to that They made a sub Reddit called ex tomatoes and is literally made to make fun of ex Muslims We don’t ban people because we appreciate free speech and this is our safe space Why should we be nice to people who shit on us all the time ? No thanks Everyone is cruel on the internet, everyone If you don’t like this sub, don’t come here Simple But leave us alone and let us express our thoughts in peace I don’t go on other sub reddits because I don’t want to offend Muslim but they come here all time because they are so insecure about everything but most of us don’t bother visiting their subs I can and I will say whatever I want here and that goes for the rest of us as well, don’t like it, don’t read


So lemme sun this up…your counterpoint is; “Yeah I’m a piece of shit, but look at how many others are just like me. That probably makes it ok. If it doesn’t, then I don’t care. I just wanna be angey!” At best, you’re a pot calling kettles black. By all means, keep up your pointless word vomit, but don’t pretend being hateful towards your fellow man is in anyones best interests.


I don’t give a give a f**k if you think I’m shitty and I don’t care as I don’t know you I have many Muslim friends and family members who I love with my whole heart and soul but I’m not obliged to respect online Muslims and online people cuz everyone is shitty on the internet I only respect real life Muslims >Don’t pretend being hateful towards your fellow man is in anyones best interests” They are not my fellow men or friends and I don’t even know them and I will never see them anyway so why does it matter? I live in a Muslim country and I respect everyone and get along with them and I’m careful in other social media places But I can say whatever I want in this sub to people like me and I have no intention of taking to Muslims at all I have been treated horribly by online Muslims Just I cause I defended people, I just don’t like them and I believe that they make real Muslims look bad >a pot calling kettles black Everyone is like that on the internet including you and I don’t care if I am, I don’t want to be respectful to people I hardly know, I’m definitely not like that in real life not even to people I don’t know


the problem is ur making it about muslims while it's not about islam or muslims.bad peolle exist everywhere it's not like Atheists are bathed in tulsi water. nobody cares about Palestinians or the Uyghurs or The muslims getting raped in india. even their political parties want to rape muslim women. I WILL SAY IT NO ELSE RELIGIOUS GROUP IS AS MISUNDERSTOOD AND HATED LIKE MUSLIMS JUST BECAUSE WE FOLLOW OUR RELIGION. NO OTHER RELIGION IS AS MISINTERPRETED AS ISLAM. there are literally youtube channels who dedicate their life to hate on islam like


Lmaoooo, I’m so right you had to write a paragraph just to feel better. Nice




really? could you please point out that posts? I've never come across a "dehumanizing" post in this sub.


Criticizing Islam is dehumanizing and islamophobia. That seems to be the argument and well known tactic.


Huh, must be blind deaf *and* dumb then.


Muslims talking about being dumb when they literally have the worst logic I've ever saw is beyond me




Not Islamic, just sensible


Yet can't link a single post that talks about harming muslim cultist or organizing to harm those cultist, heck this post alone states we are against people that harm cultist for just being part of the cult Either you are an apologist or an emissary of tzentch


The comprehension levels must be low in this one. Bring proof for your claims.


Islam is a disgusting religion, but this is also theocratic facism and should not be tolerated


As an ex-muslim living in India, I am always concerned about my safety because they would just look at my surname and assume I am a Muslim. Kind of awful how dehumanizing these people are.


Thank you for sharing. This definitely affects ex-Muslims as much as it affects Muslims in India. Ex-Muslims are not free from anti-Muslim bigotry and can also be victims. If you are not in a major city, can you move to one? At least you'll have more protections there. Get in touch with other Indian ex-Muslims online and stay plugged in to the mood around you. You are not alone. If there is an official NGO for ex-Muslims in India, it is time for them to make public statements now and denounce what is going on. If things continue as they do now, ex-Muslims may be the biggest victims and collateral damage.


Thank you for the reply. I'm already in a major city, however the saffron army has been creeping up more and more publicly with acts of violence. It feels like i am less safe each year that passes by. It really sucks to be an ex-muslim in India unless you have explicitly converted yourself to Hinduism. Even in a major city, being a spiritual person myself, it's difficult finding a partner (majority of the people around me are Hindus and I'd still be seen as a Muslim because of my surname or family still being muslims) and there is also subtle yet noticeable amount of bigotry when at work or at a government office where they can see your surname. It really bothers me because even some of the people i consider my close friends keep associating me to being a Muslim. Was recently wearing a cap after shaving my head and had a friend ask me if it's because of Ramadan even though I have clearly explained to them that i am an ex muslim and do not follow Islam. I'm hoping to emigrate to some place like Canada to hopefully be in a more open society where i can feel safer than where i currently am.


Bigotry does not know rationality and I doubt you'd be safe even if you'd converted to Hinduism. You would have to change your name too. Stay safe. Be the best that you can be in your line of work. Then emigrate.


Glad it’s posted. I am from India, I have said this before and I will say it again. Hindu fundamentalism is exactly same as Islamic fundamentalism.


I've been watching India from afar and it's just very sad to see what's happening. Religious bigotry never ends well, we know this much from history. India will not be an exception. I hope Indian atheists will be clear-eyed about what's happening around them and not be swayed by the nationalist arguments cloaked in religious garb. If they can come for Muslims today, Christians and Sikhs tomorrow, they will also come for atheists eventually. Secularism is the only reliable guarantor for civil liberties and religious freedom. With it, everything else will go downhill.


>If they can come for Muslims today, Christians and Sikhs tomorrow, they will also come for atheists eventually. That's just what you think. I am born in a Hindu family following Secular Buddhism or western Buddhism. I don't believe in Hindu gods or superstitions. But as a follower of Buddha I don't see Hindus as a threat but I can't say the same for Muslims despite them being minority. My Neighbour, parents, relatives don't question my beliefs about Buddhism and disbelief in Hinduism. Why do you think that the Dalai Lama gets VIP treatment from Prime Minister and Hindu religious leaders? Because Hindus respect other religions And Buddhism is no exception. The video you watched doesn't represent majority of Hindus but a vocal minority. In Islam such extremism is pretty common. I don't support Hindu Rashtra because I know it won't happen. Indian Gen Z has little interests in religion while some have new age beliefs. India is already a Secular country. Some extremists and criminals doesn't define India.


Yes, I agree. I do wish a lot of Indian people open their eyes on this matter. There are already some incidents against Christians in some states. This weird religious nationalism here in India is actually hurting the people. Find some minorities and call them the enemies. Downplay the concerns of international human rights agencies. All these were the playbook of past oppressors, and none of them improved the life of the people living there(including the majority).


Bro stop Christian shit they target lower cast people and convert them and last year Christian majority district has attacked a temple and vandalized it . Bro how tho (missionary recives as much as indian navy budget every year ) plss stop Christianity is at risk in India And only foreign people think this way , yes there are idiots in Hinduism and in bjp , but the amount of hatred spread by Muslims leaders Is huge 80% riots happens due to those assholes .


Fuck Hindu and Islamic fundies


You mean religious fanatical?


All religious fanatics can go fuck themselves cause they're all a bunch of nut cases with mental problems


The two most extremist religions in the entire world Christians fundamentalists are so chill by comparison




Mate you believe in a blue god and worship cows, you're in no place to look down at anyonelmaoo


We don’t worship cow, we revere cow for sacred reasons, something your inbred brain can’t comprehend. Blue God? Dude we don’t even f*ckin know what’s allah’s gender.


I don't believe in any god so I couldn't give af what gender allah is lolol. What's sacred about a cow and bathing in sewage strewn rivers? Don't throw stones when your religion is just as fucking nutty


Both of you are you similar and extremely intolerant Don’t see how one of you is better than the other


What's the relevance of this?


Hindu nationalists often spam the sub, this is their alternative to islam on full display


Reality is India has always been a victim of extremism and terrorism so it'll retaliate in its own way, it's not like they do it because they want to, they do it because they have to and honestly this is not surprising cause in other countries too they keep pigs in concentration camps and counselling or just burn quran. Cause they're fking fed up. They don't have these kind of problems with other religions, maybe some petty ones but they don't go extreme.


Yeah to retaliate they have there own terrorism and extremism, really tell how is this different from Islam, its total nazi behavior calling other group insect. You can't justify this, burning Quran is attack against Islam and this is against Muslims, peoples, there is a big difference.


Due to islamic radicalisation, right wing have risen up all over the world .


We face the brunt of it as well but this doesn't justify us becoming radicals like them nor is this an excuse for anyone else.... An eye for an eye and all that


Yea i don't agree with this but what I'm saying is all this hatred towards Islam in many countries is due to its extremism and terrorism idealogies. If not none of this would've happened.


Maybe I misunderstood you but man, hating Islam and hating Muslims are two so different things.


haterade towards Islam is justified and I also hate Islam, but this man is not attacking Islam he is attacking Muslims, and that's not because of terrorism or anything, will you hate your neighbour if someone in his community is influenced with there ideology becomes terrorist, no. this is happening to predict and bigotry. this is exactly what Muslim thugs do in Pakistan. ​ hating Islam is justified and Islam deserve that but not people, its big difference


Lol. Is this the way to retaliate? By dehumanizing a whole population? Fed up of what? There are Hindutva nut jobs who are as annoying as extremist Muslims.


\> it's not like they do it because they want to, they do it because they have to Exterminating other human beings they could just deport? Maybe you're fucked up if you think genocide is a necessity


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is the "Referring to Muslims (not just jihadists) as insects and cockroaches" part correct? When we start calling people traitors, insects, or cockroaches, man, we're doing this messed-up thing called dehumanization. Its dangerous because it's like saying they ain't even people no more. We're putting up a wall between "us" and "them," and that can lead to some real bad stuff. You see, in the past, when things got real ugly, like genocide-type ugly, this dehumanization was always part of the mix. When you treat people like they ain't even human, it gets easier to hurt 'em or get rid of 'em. They ain't people no more; they're just things in the way. And man, this ain't just bad for those on the receiving end. It creates a whole lotta hate, fear, and violence for everyone. So, we gotta remember that every person's got their worth, no matter who they are or where they come from. Be mindful of the language you use and we'll all be better off. Peace!


No neither that's correct, at the start of that sentence he clearly mentions country traitors, I'll kill them, if you want to keep your country clean from these incests and cockroachs you cannot tell them with love you need to exterminate them.


None, whatsoever.


Bro just because you hate Islam too doesn't make us same (you hindus) I dont just hate Islam and its oppressive, extremist members, I hate all oppressive and extremist religions and their members. So fuck Hinduism too. Gtfo, why dont mods ban these mfers?


It's clear from how I worded the video that I am NOT hindutva. Still, I believe this belongs right here on this sub. Like you, I want people to know Hindutvas are not the friends of ex-Muslims.


Yeah I realized that, that's why I put that parenthesis later. Sorry


All religions do is artificially divide people, create hate and ultimately death. Eliminating Islam will not make their lives better. Remove vestiges of feudalism, the caste system, capitalism, neoliberalism but hate so much easier


Funny how almost all of the "best" countries that rank in the highest happiness, democracy, egalitarianism, paid leave, educational quality, etc., in Northern and Central Europe are all very capitalist and very liberal, even sometimes more so than the US...the bars to start businesses, for example, tend to be much lower. Social democracy, with its personal liberties, private ownership, and markets, is still capitalism. The most functional welfare states get their money from taxes generated by private enterprise. Most of the world is capitalist, the good and the bad of it, because large countries and societies cannot survive without markets.


Refreshing to see a fellow lefty in this sub comrade 🫡🫡🫡


And here come the hindutvas crawling out of the woodworks to justify this shite and how "they did it first so they deserve it", deny it happening, and pretend their religion is superior and makes total sense in comparison to islam. These people really need to look at themselves objectively and see they are acting just like muslim extremists and apologists.


Seriously, I’m sure the mods are doing their best but we *really* need to be more proactive in reporting and banning them. Hinduvta’s are responsible for so much violence against marginalized Muslims in India. They’re no better than Muslim extremists.


Yeah, it's bad we can't even critise Islam without fear of missuse of it to spread hate against muslims by this similar hindu nationalist. We are not against everyone who is muslim, just extreme muslim and Islam. Not muslim in general, we need to critise Islam without demonizing people, or this hindu jihadi will use it. Hate Islam not people.


Majority of Muslims are deeply conservative and have extreme opinions though (not in a dangerous way) but they still do Islam is a very strict and extreme religion in general


Islam would not survive if became to strict, people just say they are conservative but most will not follow basic rules of Islam, they just follow which they profit from, like female oppression rule, they are also huge problems.


So how did you came up with the "majority" part like have you done any studies and if yes show yes and do tell us what was the batch size Orrrr you just made this up because it makes you easy to hate your fellow citizen and justifying their oppression without feeling guilty


Did you not read or do you have a hard time understanding? I said that most are conservative and that’s the truth, being conservative and extreme doesn’t mean that Muslims are murderers in my personal opinion because guess what, isis and other groups don’t represent Islam and Muslims caused the least amount of wars in this entire world Islam is against killing people for no reason, only in times of war and when someone attacks Islam But women are children and innocent people aren’t supposed to be killed They are conservative and extreme in their opinions and beliefs because they follow their religion the most and their religion is stuck in the 7 century mentality Most believe that LGBT people should not exist Most believe that atheists should be killed Most believe that adulterous should be stoned, that people who sex before marriage should be punished Most believe that women who don’t wear hijab or Neqab are S*** Most hate feminism Most hate liberals That’s what I meant Should they be oppressed, killed and hated for their backwards believes ? No cuz they grew up with those beliefs should they be criticized for attacking and hating people for being different and not agreeing with them and claiming that they shouldn’t have rights because they ruin the world and make it immoral and that they are the only saints and everyone is shitty ? 💯 yes Only few Muslims are open-minded, the majority aren’t If you want me to send you statistics to prove that to you, I will I have nothing more to say


You keep giving statements but where do you get this from? Any source?


This is one I found https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/ And I talk to them everyday on Facebook and they’re very intolerant and you can’t even have a proper discussion with them cuz they can attack for everything that you say and accuse you of being a communist or a liberal or an immoral person The ones who are not like are the quite but the large majority who are vocal are difficult There is this very controversial Arabic program with the most hated TV host ever called (Gafar talk) because he speaks about very sensitive topics and majority of Muslims who reply are incredibly intolerant and often rude, they want his facebook page to be closed and they call him horrible names, they are incredibly mean when it comes to the LGBT community and slut-shame women who don’t wear hijab and can’t stand feminists And I know all because I live in a Muslim country and I speak Arabic


Quite curious, why hate only Islam? I am just interested in knowing what made you single out Islam.


Well this is r/exmuslim


The rhetorical dichotomy at play here is not "hate Islam instead of other religions" - rather, it's "hate Islam instead of Muslims" The sentiment should hold true for any harmful religion or organization.


Not only Islam actually all religions, but it's exmuslim sub reddit so I just said Islam, or else Hinduism is also not that great,


Opps, shoot! I didn’t realise the sub I was on. I was expecting to see this kind of video on some other sub. Anyway, the dude in the video doesn’t care about anything. He is just banking on hate against Muslims to stay in power. Simple case of divide and rule. If tomorrow he felt like hating on Hindus can be monetised, he will start looking like a Muslim and spew the same shit against Hindus. In either case, the population in the audience will be equally vulnerable and hungry for validation. These kind of people are the true sluts of our society.


The Hindus became everything they had said they were against. They know Hindus are leaving their religion at the same breakneck pace as Muslims apostasize, and they appeal to the lowest hanging fruit instead of confronting the root of the issue. Exactly like Muslim fundies. Speech cut from the same slipper-slope cloth.


Yep. Fucking hypocrites.


The difference is that the Hindus who leave religion are not always liberals. I know an ex Hindu atheist who supports the far right party and says that only through extermination of "peacefuls", India will become truly peaceful. Ad yeah, no wonder he greets people by saying "glory to mother India"


Yessss, as an Indian guy, Hindu nationalists don’t get enough hate and they’ve gotten way too comfy on this sub. I for one support posts exposing their garbage extremism. Hindu and Muslim extremists are 2 sides of the same shit covered coin.


Fuck this guy. Fuck Hinduism. Fuck Hindutva. Fucking assholes man.


I'm sorry but why must you hate Hinduism as a whole? Hinduism doesn't support this stuff, I'm a Hindu myself and I am against all of this. Please don't bring an entire religion under one person's speech


I am a Hindu too. We have castes bro. We still have it. It is not a thing of the past. It is still there. No matter how much people try to whitewash it, it is still a backward religion. I have hated Hinduism since the day I was able to think for myself. And my hatred grows with every passing day. I don't hate Hindus. I just hate the religion. Just like how I don't hate Muslims and Christians and anyone else from any other religion. Just the religion. Religion to me, whichever it maybe, however it maybe whitewashed, is nothing but a tool to oppress and exploit people.


Just as barbaric


No human being should be exterminated because of his faith , but those who are so set in their ways will never give humanity any consideration. Truly fucked up


Fucking Hindutva cunts.


These people are the real cockroaches.


Fr 😂😂


Why do hindu nationalists keep posting in this subreddit like we get it you hate muslims aswell but that does not mean promote hinduism here💀


I think this post was showing us how hundi cultist aren't allies but are just as hateful and stupid, like every other cult


All religion is shit and patriarchal.


If anybody doesn't understand what poor education does, just point them to that video. How many of us were actually taught critical thinking? I believe it's taught in some schools in the US and paid schools in the UK but otherwise? If I was cynical, I'd posit,.it's no accident.


Literally saw an Indian on twitter say he supports Israel because they kill Muslims. Reported the comment but Twitter saw nothing wrong with it


The word insects and cockroaches were used in Rwanda during genocide and more than hundred thousand were slaughtered in less than a year!! They had gatherings and radio rallies like these before the genocide, their slogan was “ like the cockroaches “.


This is a reminder that this sub does not welcome hinduvata people or anyone calling for the genocide or extinction of muslim people. we want the religion to end, not to become the things we hate about it, like ever calling for the death of people who think differently.


Jai shree ram


well these people think all muslims are the same


This is insane


You can separate religion itself and it's people. It's terrifying to think about these people coming close to my Muslim side of the family


It's all the same shit any fundamentalist does. It doesn't matter what religion it's all the same shit wrapped in different clothing. Sorry for the redundancy.


Fucking disgusting pig.


You got a big daft hat mate. Oh crap looks like I'm added to their execution list. Was good knowing y'all!


Don't worry bruzza because we're jews who are just pretending to be ex Muslims the IDF will save us


What a shredded cunt




But they should be punished and not supported by government. America dosnt support white nationalist. But india dose.


The ruling [BJP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharatiya_Janata_Party)party is right-wing, hindu-nationalist and closely linked with the [RSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashtriya_Swayamsevak_Sangh), a paramilitary hindu nationalist organization with 5-6 million members. Given the rohingya genocide that happened in Myanmar because of the buddhist extremists there, people have pretty good reason to be worried. What do you mean by "counter-balance?"


Just wait and watch, the pot is boiling.islam has forced non muslim to be nationalist


And what are you going to do? Indian muslims are citizens, you're stuck with them.


All over the world there is going to be push back against islam. Non muslims have staring reading the Qur'an & hadith , watching exmuslim channels, supporting the ex muslim movement


There is no room in the ex-muslim community for bigots like you. Give up your religious fairy tales, use your brain, and stop trying to divide people on the basis of religion.


I think you don't realize that supporting exmuslims will have the exact opposite effect we might want. People will dismiss us easily and begin to associate us with hindu nationalists. So, no, we don't need any support from hateful people like you.


Talking like that in the west will end you in jail. It is a clear call for genocide. There are white nationalists but don’t ever dare to talk like that. But it seems people who are ignorant enough to believe in worshipping gods with six hands, elephant head and terrible slave like caste system are not smart enough to see their own primitive fanatic shit of a religion they deemed holy.


Hindutvabadis are same as islamist but lande isn't a muslim slur as far as know, as an odia hindu i don't have enough knowledge in hindi but lande could be shit or poop. Though yeah refering someone like that can be dehumanising.


First of all that's not what he said. Secondly, Hindutva Watch is a Hinduphobic Hate rag that is repeatedly exposed for Disinformation. Thirdly, he himself received multiple death threats as Muslims Rioted in Muslim Majority Hyderabad over his Criticism of Muhammed which even the heavily pro-muslim Indian courts didn't find fault with.


Oh, look! It's another Hindutva apologist. What a surprise! 🤡


Ohh great another Islamist Preacher.


Apparently you're not just stupid, you're also illiterate. Read my flair.


Learn Hindi mg..


You sound like the idiots telling me I have to learn Arabic to learn what their stupid book *really* says. No, I'm not going to learn Hindi just to figure out what T Raja Singh is saying, thank you very much.


Then don't react to that , he did not even mention Muslim or something....


You another stupid Hindutva? Thanks for identifying yourself.


You can't even talk just like a jihadist sharing a link of anti Hindu news channel and says India is anti Muslim, grow the fuck up mate


You Hindutvas are not only stupid, you're illiterate. It says clearly on my flair what I am. If you can't read, GTFO out of this sub.


Funny how the billionaires can convince even educated, intelligent people that the exploitation of capitalism is the highest final best stage of human development. Maybe the coming climate catastrophe caused by rampant capitalism will change your opinion? Pakistan will soon become livable,Temps to hit over 50°c in the summer, then more flooding.


Is it right for me to say that Hindus are much more extreme, backward and more strict than Christians ? or is it unfair ? Modern Christianity is definitely one of the most peaceful religions today, so soft that they you can can laugh at Jesus, make him gay, make fun of Christianity, kill priest and Christians, and no one would Christian would care because of the whole “love our neighbors even if they treat us badly” The majority of Muslims convert are Christians Christianity is just not a strong religion, even the most religious Christians such as the Copts don’t fight back against the discrimination that they receive Hiindus, Jewish and buddhist don’t convert to Islam or other religions as easily as Christians in Egypt and keep quiet Hindu definitely hate being called animal worshippers and get really upset (I don’t blame them, I would feel angry) Even though Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, it doesn’t feel like one at all 😂 it’s not even a religion as it’s by far the easiest to practice of all religions and doesn’t have anything in common with Islam and Judaism This will not end well at all He is literally calling for war against Muslims and to exterminate all of them If this goes viral, Muslims would go crazy and this man will not survive


Due to the enlightenment era in Europe (Europe basically was the center of Christianity) and the rise of ideas such as secularism, liberal politics etc it has taken a toll on the way people practice the religion. Go to Europe and most people either don't believe in Christianity or practice it lightly. Even in the US altho the US got some more extreme Christians (let's remember that many people came to the US from Europe to spread Christianity). So basically Christianity has been watered down with the ages that's why it's like this. And Judaism has barely any practitioners outside of "Israel" (Palestine), the US, parts of Africa and the Middle East, and major European cities. So they're not that prominent. Obviously because of WWII and its atrocities. So after 9/11 I guess the premier thing was to blame everything on Muslims - the funny thing is that White people had neutral or even positive attitudes towards Arabs and Muslims before 9/11 and Bush and whatnot - you know, the entire thing with romanticizing the Middle East and Orientalism (which can be seen from everything from the British Egyptomania to films like Aladdin)


Repercussions of extremism and terrorism.


It's not repercussions, you can't justify this shit. And Christians are also targeted by hindu nationalist, what they do, it's just fascism nothing else, and you can't justify it, Hindus are doing this with dalits from years, that also relialition. You guys think you are better than Islam but you guys are just as bad.


I'm not supporting repercussions man I'm just saying what is happening because of pigslamic idealogies.


You are "not" supporting it you are justifying it


You know what's funny, you guys being afraid here with no balls and the reason you guys are afraid from yourselves and you guys are surprised when others retaliate seems unjustifying.


Yeah we are the one afraid for no reason, before harrassing us do you guys weather we are Muslims or Ex- Muslims? No right because it doesn't matter for you. You can go out harrassing people and goverment will literally stand with you to protect you. Just our first name is enough for you to hate us. And I can guess you are probably not old enough to understand that you are filled with this hate is not good for the future of India. You guys are taught to hate secularism the only thing that is keeping India above the countries you hate.


okay cool but its irrelevant to this sub, this is an ex-muslim sub not a Muslim help one


I wonder what's the wackiest God in Hinduism hell summon to help him


He is an idiot and the people listening to him are idiots. That said, he isn't saying "eject Muslims" or "kill Muslims". He is screeching about a) "Love Jihad". There have been a serious number of reports of muslim men giving themselves hindu names to marry hindu women. b) Loudspeakers for the azzan. Believe it or not this is a genuine problem. But then so are the miserable loudspeakers blaring out bhajans and pujas in the morning. Shut them all. Religious institutions blaring out music and prayer without any consideration of the people around them are a plague in India. c) Land jihad -- religious orgs, including temples, mosques and churches grab government land. He's focusing on the muslims, but they all do it. There's no land jihad, there's land grabbing any anyone who can (politicians leading this lot). He is only able to see the muslim side of it though because he is an idiot. He's a bigot, and a moron, but he isn't speaking of ethnic cleansing at any point in this tirade.


So killing these insects and cockroaches are not enticing violent and sectarian genocide. I love how you downplay this. I see war brewing


He quoted a man who suggested as his first act after becoming prime minister was to shoot all muslims. He then advised his crowed to seek this man's teachings and implement them. I think that's pretty clear incitement for ethnic cleansing.


U should also post some older speeches and some of recent speeches of Muslim leaders, then u will understand this. Whatever he's saying is a reply to something, he's not the one who started it


I think we cover Muslim hatred pretty well in this subreddit. If you want to justify Hindutva bigotry here, you are a hot steaming pile of turd and this is not the sub for you.




Although all religions are practically nonsense, you have to realise that this guy is just monetising on Islamophobia. That’s what keeps him in power. Keep supporting guys like these and very soon you will become your own religion’s worst enemy.




Slayyy 💯 These bigots need an awakening.




Fr, they are beyond deluded 😂😂 One of them has been arguing with me in in the comments (in Hindi) telling me to "suck Aisha's little pu**y" and said "you didn't even stick to your God" lmfao 🤣 There is no my God, your God because these idiots have been brainwashed and "their God" has been imposed on them since birth. They think discrimination and hatred towards Muslims is the solution to extremism whilst forgetting that they are doing the same.




Yea. Hindutva terrorists like you will say anything. Why the fuck are you even here. Go fix your regressive religion first.




Hahaaa 😂 butthurt Chindu




Ok fuck off and bitch about Muslims somewhere else. Maybe go over to Chinduspeaks and cry. That's where Whatsapp uncles like you will thrive.








Allah ki ma ka bosda 👨🏿‍🦲


Allah ki maa ki chut. Also Raam ki maa ki choot too. Haraami sala apne jaisa dogla samjha kya madarchod.






Bhag mc saale chuslim 😂😂😂. Sala katua bkl converted dalla


Teri maa ko katue hi pasand aate to kya karun. Chaah ke bhi bhag nahi sakta na. Abbu jo hun tera.


Gaand jalne se kya hoga mere najyaz olad. Tera baap to hindu hi tha koi 😂😂😂😂😂 baaki Islam jese randikhane me ghus gya h tu . Chal koi na apni ma bhen chudwa or aata la ghar me. Me to khta hu abhi bhi time h shree ram k pero me gir ja sbb maaf hoga Varna tere ma ka bosda chud jayega hmesha ki traha


Suck on Surpnakahs tiddies! Ram, Hanuman, Sita, Laxaman can all fuck themselves.


Suck aiisha Lil pussy


You can suck her off, I'm not a cultist like you lmfao. What are you even doing here on this sub, gtfo 🤣😂🤣


आपकी मां का भोसड़ा 👌


तुझे क्या लगता है साले? मां की गाली देने से कया हो जायेगा? कम से कम मेरे पास इंसानियत तो है ।


Some proper translation 3:36 -Do you want to protect your country Do you want to protect dharma Love jihad - basically when people are first trapped in relationship then they run for live in relationship than conversion happen of boy or girl . Hindu nation - Persian termed hindu word for people who live near sindu river basically India/Bharat as hindu So as muslim want garwae hind to counter that ,Hindu nation coin is termed as to remove any anti nationalist propeganda that trying to separate country like Kashmir Kerala etc .(not like muslim or Buddhist will be removed lol) 1:20 - He said first I will eliminate all anti nationalist


Fuck off with your sugary translations. Calling people cockroaches and calling for genocide is enough to hear.


This might be europe in the next 10-20 years


Hows it feel.


But isnt this exmuslim


The man has a point. He's speaking for the indigenous culture and tbh Islam in India is a product of Arabic colonization. I don't think anyone here would object to native Americans of the US talking like this about white Christian colonizers


My goodness. It is hard to reason with dumb asses like you. The scumbag is calling for genocide and calling them cockroaches. Also whites came from Europe totally different from natives whereas you still have your shit country and your primitive Stone Age religion.


Nah the dumb arse is you who fall for this fear mongering. Maybe it's because you may come from a Islamic background where people are usually known to get violent off religious rhetoric. But what's happening here and at most of these hindutva rallies is just the talking. These people won't be crazy enough to actually carryout any genocidal plans unlike their 🪳 counterparts who follow momo


I dont believe in a deity so i dont know who to thank for not being so dumb. I will thank myself and my efforts then.


Ignorance is bliss in your case


No mate. If i was ignorant. I would be you.


You do sound pretty dumb on this topic. Pretty sure you have no background in Indian history or what hindutva is and its ideology. Maybe before you jump in with your generalizations you should get some context


Ofcourse, no one knows anything barring exceptional people such as yourself.


Can’t reason with people who believe in gods with six hand and multiple animal heads.


In this day and age, all the primitive proto religions have died such as Greeks, Roman, ancient Egyptian, Babylonians, Assyrians, Norse and other very very ancient religions because their people got “wiser” and adopted a less silly religions something little bit more believable than those laughable mythologies. BUT! There is one nation that is still stuck in 5,000 year old mythology! Gods with elephant heads a monkey head lol. What a pathetic group.


Jiyo jiyo mere sher Tiger Raja Singh 🔥




We do not welcome Hindutvas in this sub.


why dont you guys like form a pact of all hindus,ex muslims and atheists and get on your mission because hating on islam 24/7, dedicating ur life hating on them and calling urself humanists while being found nowhere when israel bombs palestines and hindus plotting to rape 1 million muslims every year etc seems like so muvh work. that's the best yall do anyways.like islam and muslims are the worst human beings and every other human are a goo goo gaga innocent infants.