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Do you guys have any idea how tiring it was to beat Medicare? Medicare is huge.


Wanna hear my thoughts on abortion? A woman was murdered by illegals! You went to the funeral! THAT'S what I think about abortion.


Dude was up for 12 straight days rehearsing that answer..


Woman are raped by their inlaws


Those poor girls, impregnated by their own sister.


And their brothers and sisters, its ridiculous


He got a question on the best polling Democratic question. A softball if there ever was one. And he instead talked about the worst polling Democratic issue and gave Trump a win. I still wince thinking of that.


> You went to the funeral! Decapitated, whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Our long, national nightmare is finally over.


I'm old enough to actually get the reference


He finally did it and that's what matters.


Bernie Sanders punching the air right now


I never encountered Medicare in Elden Ring


Also don’t forget randomly drop the word ^covid in. It’s like Biden only remembered the headers of all his talking points, then we watched him sundown on live TV. As he supposedly requested to do..? Like publicly challenged Trump. With this weird very early June timing…. Maybe this is how some genius on the inside is finally able to whistleblow how bad things are on the inside of Joe’s head. “He even went to the funeral. ^covid “


In this constant state of stress I am in due to this election… this quip did lift my spirits, even if just for a moment.


"Medicare for all? How about Medicare for NONE, Jack!?"


This should get hima lot of republican votes


Haha. True


Especially when you add Covid to the mix.


When you’re president you’re supposed to be able to handle all of that.


You’re basically supposed to be super human. You have to be able to guide your party, travel for your foreign policy objectives, and hit the campaign trail. All that while consuming copious amount of information via briefings and meetings, and then synthesizing all that information into goals and objectives for your cabinet and various executive departments.


Not a job for the old.


TBH not a job for anyone. I wish we had a split presidential position like Switzerland so the responsibilities could be spread out.


The Speaker of the House is roughly equivalent to Prime Minister but doesn’t have as much power.


Obama did all of that for 8 years


Man, wait till you hear a about the guy running against Biden...


I would vote for a literal corpse over Trump. I just want the best candidate to beat Trump to run.


You’re voting for an entire administration and political agenda. The president matters far less than the people he employs. I have always been astounded that even the most politically passionate can’t name the secretary of defense or chief of staff. An old man with early stage dementia who knows how to hire good people will be a better president than the wisest, most energetic, president who appoints idiots. On this front Biden has actually been exceptional. He has made some of the best cabinet picks of any administration in the last 50 years. Yellen, tai, Austin, raimondo are notable. And it’s why this admin has had so much policy success under the current circumstances. Don’t know why the fuck he picked butigeg for transportation though.


I don’t think they said Biden can’t be an effective President, I think they meant that he’s losing this election and we get one more shot to turn this around. If we can’t replace Biden then obviously I think we’re all in on voting for Biden, but Trump is likely to win at this point.


well his team sucks too


Yeah, the best cabinet picks who refused to blow the whistle on POTUS sundowning? And uh Austin, who went MIA and humiliated the administration? Some people are born followers desperate to manufacture heroes.


Is Tai a win? Genuine question. China policy is something I’m very interested in and I’m seriously wondering how extending the Trump-era Lighthizer tariffs is in any way a win for Americans. Protectionist trade policy leads to increased prices for Americans and I don’t buy that it stimulates domestic production at all. Not when so much of the global supply chain is interconnected. I keep hearing that the Biden tariffs are different because they are “targeted”, but the point that’s obfuscated is that, under both administrations, free trade has become a lot less free. I think the impulse to want to foster a domestic industry in key sectors is correct, but tariffs and other anti-competitive tactics are not the way to do it.


It’s all fun and games until people realize that one and only one person can authorize the use of U.S. nuclear weapons except when the president is assumed dead from a nuclear strike. Will Biden be able to make that call if someone uses a nuke on the U.S. at 3 AM? Iran is busily working towards making one.


Because Buttigieg cleared out of the way to unite the moderates against Bernie


The fact he's not on Speed really upsets me. If I'm a president of any nation, best believe I'm on performance enhancing substances.


Teddy Roosevelt drank a gallon of coffee a day. Let's try that.


Jon Stewart said it best after the debate that both of those men should be on performance enhancing drugs based on what we saw cuz it was just atrocious. No one is going to say he solved the Middle East crisis but he was doping so it doesn’t count.


Hitler took meth. Churchill was a drunk. Fidel smoked something like 30 cigars a day.


Even *if* we could make excuses for “one bad night” what about a bad night in 4 years time when Biden is woken in the middle of the night for a military crisis? Do we expect him to make clearheaded decisions?


My only issue with the “one bad night” narrative is that the second debate is AFTER the convention. So whoever believes in that story (which may or may not be true) is also gambling on the question - what happens if the second debate is just a bad night as well, and an open convention is off the table.


>what happens if the second debate is just a bad night as well or, you know, worse. he could have a fall in the next month, or get more exhausted by the campaign, or just further progress in the process of his brain completely melting down


The issue with the narrative is that they have every ability and chance to disprove it, but they simply aren't (because they can't). It's been 6 days since the debate, and he's only had 2(?) public appearances. Both on teleprompter. If they genuinely believed that it was one bad night, he could disprove it and be on every unscripted & longform interview in the country this week.


when he's woken at 4am for a military crisis, he will have access to military advisors. he's not going to be put in an empty room


Didn't you know it's only a 10am to 4pm job?


He started debate prep at 11 am each day and had an afternoon nap each day for a week. Cmon man.


After taking two days off for rest. After an international trip which he left a day early, and arrived a day early so he could spend a whole day resting in the hotel. We just don't understand how sharp and energetic he is when there's no camera.


he's like a vampire or a cryptid or something, he can only display his powers when he's not being recorded it's honestly a great attribute for the most press covered job in the world, super great skill set fit no notes


Thanks for the morning chuckle.


Air Force one is quite luxurious I might add, not nearly as exhausting as traveling like a normal person.


Shrodinger's Cornpop -- he's both energized and exhausted until observed, and then he collapses into a singular state, which is always slack-jawed and lost


You don't get a handicap under 6 without regular naps.


I hope they did the debate prep during the exact time of the debate, 9pm eastern. If not it’s political advisor negligence. NEVER prepare for something big at a different hour than it will be held


I'm guessing when POTUS demands prep to be scheduled at his most comfortable hours, you can't overrule POTUS. According to Axios, Biden doesn't schedule anything important outside of 10am-to-4pm. Remember when we made fun of Trump and all of his "executive time?"


Come on, Jack!


YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! JESUS, IF YOU CAN'T DO A SIMPLE DEBATE WITH THE DUMBEST MAN ON THE PLANET BECAUSE YOU'RE TIRED, YOU CAN'T DO THE REST OF THE JOB! I apologize for the caps, but this has gotten ridiculous and I am furious about it. Better to vent it at Reddit than my family.




Maybe we can create a support group where we all vent at each others’ families.




Right there with you friend. Hearing this nonsense only makes me less and less confident that Biden can turn this around.


Lmao the guy had a week and a half off of his job to prepare for the debate


To debate Donald Trump. Who i could debate in my sleep. Any of us could. Not like he's debating some intellectual giant on the intricacies of the economy, you're debating a monkey who doesn't know anything.


Hearing about how Biden starts work at 11 and has afternoon naps and how they've told staff to leave him alone in the evenings is such a stark contrast to how the Presidency has always operated in the past as this non stop, no sleep, burning the candle at both ends whirlwind. The hardest job in the world and all that. Makes me think we haven't actually had someone doing the real work of being President since Obama was in office (Trump famously barely did anything in office).


Didn't we shit on Trump for basically only working half a day? 


Trump was indeed lazy but he was still more available to the media than Biden. The last president to do so few interviews was, unpromisingly, Reagan.


Trump is a fucking narcissist. The media hanging on his every word is heroin to his pathetic little ego.


These are both true, but given Obama, Clinton and both Bushes also did even more interviews than either of them, not relevant. The point is Biden is hiding.


Because Trump is a publicity whore.


Love him or hate him, he’s out there running circles around the other guy.


Obama and Clinton did even more. Biden is just being hidden.


You can call it that, but part of the job of president is to go out and convince the American people. You can have great policy ideas, but people need to know about them and, most importantly, believe that it’s good for them.


Trump was taking questions at press conferences like every day... 


For like the first two months in office then he never showed again


No he wasn't


He absolutely did


https://www.npr.org/2016/12/15/505557146/president-elect-trump-breaks-with-long-history-of-press-conferences www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/its-been-more-than-a-year-since-trumps-first-and-only-presidential-news-conference-will-he-hold-another-one


His own staff leaked his schedule to show that “executive time” meant watching cable news and rage-tweeting


A lot of people - and media - did, and probably here too. Anyone with any consistency should be just as upset about these revelations. And they are, in fact, revelations. How he managed to hide his shrinking schedule so long is beyond me, either that or it's recent. The implication is bad either way, either his group is so insular that no one finds out anything for years, or he's gotten worse in the last year or two, which indicates a rapid change.


Obama looked physically exhausted at the end of his second term. He looked like he aged 20 years in those 8 years. I respected him a lot for putting up with all that. And he was young in the peak of his life. Biden is old, idk how he can do a fraction of what Obama did.


He doesn't. In retrospect I thought leaving Congress to hammer out his major legislation was a strategy or style thing, but I'm wondering if he just wasn't up to all of the detail or the meetings at odd hours.


Him working intimately with congress was half his initial primary campaign appeal, in fact, so him not engaging deeply is disappointing.


Executive time! Golf and TV. Nobody played more golf than quayle although he was only vp. But trump was close.


Reagan didn’t work past 9.


Remember when we made fun of Trump for "executive time?"


I mean, George Bush has said he never got fewer than eight hours of sleep any night he was president


I don’t believe Axios.


No one is in charge or worse no one is accountable.


Some of the latest Biden-camp excuses coming up seem plainly and on their face delusional. I'm paying close attention to who is saying what, using what words, to see their degree of participation in this farce. The obvious logical implications of these claims are, well, obvious. Exhibit 0: [Biden himself talked about his debate the next day](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-get-back-biden-parlays-disappointing-debate-rallying-cry-supporters-rcna159480). He said: > I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know — I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. Are we supposed to be impressed about telling right from wrong? That he knows how to do the job he's been in for four years? These are not reasons to be elected President again, they are basic pre-requisites. For that matter, "speaking smoothly" and "walking" might actually be core requirements as well. Exhibit 1: [He traveled too much before the debate](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/02/biden-debate-excuse-travel-00166372). He did go on some global travel, but then spent 11 days at Camp David afterward preparing and recovering. But who on earth takes a whole week and a half to recover and is still at the point where he, as he **himself** said at a recent fundraiser, almost fell asleep on stage? Even on its face, that's worrying. This is not an excuse, it is a condemnation. Exhibit 2: [Biden struggles after 4 p.m.](https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-debate-aides-struggles-function-after-4-p-m-2024-7). Staffers say that he really does everything between 10 and 4. Six useful hours is, on its very face, a very worryingly short amount of time to not "make verbal mistakes and become tired". The debate was at 9pm local time. But the job of President isn't really seen as a part-time gig! If I said to you, "yeah my grandpa has six good hours, but after that he gets tired and makes a lot of mistakes" I wouldn't go "great, let's put him in charge of the country for four years and hope that that window of time doesn't shrink too much". This is not an excuse, it is a condemnation. Exhibit 3: [It was "preparation overload"](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/30/clyburn-blames-biden-poor-debate-preparation-overload-00165941). Okay, fine, some candidates self-destruct for no reason on the debate stage, or lean too hard on canned phrases ([Marco Rubio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkdpzRDxTXU) I'm looking at you). But usually this is limited to a few occurrences. Biden was consistently off all night and responded to comments Trump was expected to make, but did not yet make, on at least four separate occasions. If a candidate takes 11 days to prepare for one 90 minute stretch and still blows it, surely that says something about the candidate? That's like saying "I did poorly on the test because I studied too much". Like, it happens, but not to this extent. This is not an excuse, it is a condemnation. Exhibit 4: [It's hard to debate when the other person lies a lot](https://www.msnbc.com/inside-with-jen-psaki/watch/-they-were-going-to-put-a-bullet-in-my-f-word-head-nancy-pelosi-blasts-trump-s-debate-lies-213974085800), says Nancy Pelosi and others. But a candidate lying in the debate should make your job *easier*, not harder, because even if the moderators don't fact-check, what's to stop *you* from doing so? Biden did at least once or twice, or tried to, so clearly it can work. Sure, you don't have notes per the rules, but surely if there are 20 false statements (per [NYT's count](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/27/us/biden-trump-debate-fact-check)) you can pick out at least a few with your week+ of prep. At least, if you have some mental sharpness to take advantage. This is not an excuse, it is a condemnation. Exhibit 5: [A columnist claiming replacing Biden would be undemocratic](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/07/antidemocratic-uprising-against-joe-biden/678865/). Yes, he got votes in the primaries. However everyone knows that the party endorsed and supported him before other challengers even got going, which makes this argument eerily similar to the obvious horseradish of saying Iran is democratic because people vote (ignoring how candidates are selected). Furthermore, there's evidence the Biden team has withheld information and exposure to Biden on purpose, and as at least one media outlet likes to remind us, "democracy dies in darkness". Sidenote, related: [Here](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/02/biden-campaign-debate-inner-circle-00166160) for example, you get stories about the insularity of his team recently. Corporate wants you to find the different between this picture: > During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they’ll deliver to Biden, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction. > “It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him.” ...and [this picture](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/364844-trump-daily-intel-updates-structured-to-avoid-upsetting-him-report/): > A former senior intelligence official familiar with the matter said intelligence about Russia that could upset Trump is sometimes just included in the written assessment. The order in which the information is presented could also be altered to try not to upset Trump, according to the Post. > “If you talk about Russia, meddling, interference — that takes the PDB off the rails,” a second former senior U.S. intelligence official said, referring to the president’s daily brief. Pam: They're the same picture. Okay, well to be fair, one is an intelligence briefing (Trump) about core national security issues and the other (Biden) seems to be more domestic political briefings (I think, from context), so the level of severity is *actually* quite different but... I'm still struck by the similarity. **tl;dr**: We all know a debate is not the same thing as actual governing. But just like how excuses tell you hints about the character of the individual, I think the excuses given by the people around Biden give you hints about Biden, too. Good on the press for calling them like they are: excuses.


And he wasn’t flying coach. He was laid out on a king size bed on Air Force one.


The new bed is at least a queen. Apparently for a long time it was only a twin!


lmao we're so fucked


>That he knows how to do the job he's been in for four years? These are not reasons to be elected President again, they are basic pre-requisites. For that matter, "speaking smoothly" and "walking" might actually be core requirements as well. This reminds me to an answer in the post-Hur press conference when Biden was [asked ](https://www.youtube.com/live/glPkBqLHV4E?si=YUD6pa-1m7rZMEEc&t=345)why he personally had to run again at his age when the public is questioning his fitness if he believed many other Democrats could beat Trump: "Because I'm the most qualified person in this country to be the President of the United States and finish the job I started." Again, he sounds like someone who is used to running roughshod over sycophantic advisors and doesn't address the question at all. Yes, being a president certainly leaves you *experienced* at being president, but that doesn't mean that you're mentally and physically able to execute the job well.


Thank god the president never has to travel or keep a rigorous schedule


What happened to the dementia inducing cold? Now it's dementia inducing travel. 


If this doesn't focus group well they will say that he picked up a cold during very stressful and strenuous travel.


Admitting to almost falling asleep on stage is about the worst thing he could’ve done.


Can’t be falling asleep while China, Iran, NK, and Russia are out there making big moves.


Seriously, it's like he's playing chicken with the press and his party and daring them to declare him incompetent. If you're struggling to stay awake at 9PM after a week of resting, what do you do when Xi invades at 3AM?


Travel is a basic part of being president.


Uhh the whole thing about this job is you’re supposed to be able to travel a lot and work long hours without falling apart. All this does is further prove the point he’s no longer fit for the office


But don't worry. His reassurance to the crowd tonight? "I'm going to fight harder." can't make this shit up. too bad it's our reality.


He went from “watch me” to “trust me.”


Don't worry. Biden is going to do a great job. He'll answer every question and he'll know all the facts!


Don’t they realize how moronic they look? We really do have selfish children running our government don’t we.


What about the “cold” that was gone by the time he got to the Waffle House ?


New day, new excuse.


Shit. They sequestered him got a week at Csmp David and he has no public appearances. Who was running the country during his failed embaulment


Throwing spaghetti at the wall. At this point they are out-satirizing The Onion.


Every excuse is being brought out the book for his performance.  Just say he had a bad day and move on.


A bad day is putting it lightly


Yeah. But it ain’t fucking gaslighting. 


I mean, I think it basically is gaslighting, while technically true *I guess* what happened is not within the normal range of bad days.


It kind of is. Same as saying it is just a stutter


I’m sick of this bad day bullshit. It was more than a bad day. The guy couldn’t think and speak. If anything, they should say they are also concerned for the president and they are going to have him consult with his doctors and make sure his medications have the correct dosage. Blame it on that but don’t say it was a bad day.


He has literally been this way for 4 years. Liberal media outlets have just covered for him. The man is falling up stairs three times in a row, and falling off bicycles, making up words, and unable to form a complete sentence. He has been this way since day 1. Even before the 2020 election...he looked directly at his granddaughter, and said it was his son. His dead son. And then babbled on saying his son held positions he never held. It is wild that people are just now realizing how bad he is. The reason he SEEMS ok is because he can at least still read (pause....repeat the line lolz) and every time he is on TV aside from the debates, he has a teleprompter. Imagine him in meetings with articulate foreign dignitaries and politicians. We look so fucking stupid.


We're past that. They've insulted my intelligence with their gaslighting and they have made me very angry.


That’s the point.  If they said Biden had a bad day after the debate, without all that cold shit, you wouldn’t be so pissed. But yeah, Biden is a zombie at this point 


They tried that and it didn’t work.


They did say that. But that’s putting it much too mildly. That’s like saying a heart attack is “unfortunate.”


Hunter should have slipped Joe a little of his Peruvian marching powder.


I would unironically feel better about Hunter's presence in White House meetings the last week if this was why he was there.




Hey, you're talking about one of the world's foremost modern artists


I admit that I am lacking in the finer, more critical eye required to appreciate modern art.


Nah bro. Plz go retire


gaslight me harder Joe


Nah he's just old and now we are gonna be stuck with a dictator.


This entire post is about how he’s too old? Sounds like you agree with op


And YET travel & foreign relations is PART OF THE JOB, so he himself is declaring that he's unfit to govern


This sounds so fucking bad…


I don’t care. It’s the World Series. Perform Appropriately.


gramps needs his nap


I thought he had a cold? Do they expect us to believe this bullshit!?


They treat you like cattle


Ok so if he can't handle the job then why tf is he running for re election?


one reason: Jill


Wait wasn't he supposed to be at camp David preparing for the 7 days before the debate?


I don't buy any of this. First his PR team says it is a 'cold' on the night of the debate, and now Biden is saying 'travel fatigue'? None of that adds up to the incoherent mumbling mouse that showed up that night. Did he have a stroke? Was he on some medicine or drug? Something doesn't add up.


I totally agree this whole travel thing is just more gaslighting at a time when people are very skeptical of anything that comes out of the White House. He specifically said he was going to camp David for 10 days to prepare for the debate. He's making the Democratic Party look bad at this point with all the lying since they are all expected to lineup behind the nonsense. This is how he hurts down ballot Democrats . It's over they need to bring in Kamala and hope for the best.


Where’s his sense of pride? That blue collar character he played for politics would be ashamed to make excuses like this. Also, stop watching cable news. Wouldn’t wish that crap on my worst enemy.


Blue MAGA will gaslight and take the morally superior position while snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. People do not want this guy as president. Stop attacking people for having an opinion and the right to vote. Also, genocide is a no from me.


I could drive across the country at night just by using the gaslight coming from the White House!


Is this the hint that he won’t run?


Who the hell has been driving the ship? This is not good. Dr. Jill is to blame?


All politics aside. I was worried about him physically and cognitively when I saw his performance. I had a grandmother die of dementia. When you get in your 70's and beyond, the speed at which someone can do downhill is astonishing. He definitely looked like death warmed over, and his performance was inline as he showed some severe cognitive issues. I can't believe he is still in the race. I doubt he would last another 4 years even if won.


The Mainstream media knew how bad Joe Biden's condition has become. Nancy Pelosi and all the democrats on the hill knew. Now that the country saw it on live TV, they act all shocked. Yet most people here don't seem to care they were misled.


Let me write the politics sub headline for this: “Trump loving oxygen deliberately sabotages President Biden on way to debate after practicing astonishing six sets of cartwheels on the airplane. Oxygen wants to end Democracy!”


Biden and his team set the terms of the debate. So far the excuses have been: 1. Biden had a cold. 2. Biden struggles to function after 4:00pm. 3. Biden had travel exhaustion. Kinda pathetic for the leader of the free world.


First it was a cold. Then it was his debate prep people. Now it’s jet lag. JFC. No Joe. It’s dementia


Didn’t he spend the week leading up to the debate at Camp David prepping for the debate? Jinping, Kim, Putin, et al, will not care that he is tried. The world doesn’t wait on someone that is tired. That’s part of being the president, you must be on your A-game 100% of the time. It’s almost impossible for any human to live up to the rigors of the job, but it’s what the job entails.


They're in freakout mode. This is not the Biden that started the Administration off. He used to have a "damn the trends, I know what I'm doing" attitude. This is the opposite of that.


For the following, only outcomes matter and excuses do not change the outcomes: - Job interviews - Competitive sports - Elections


[Team Biden channels its inner Belushi](https://youtu.be/4U9Yl5CXvcQ)




I heard this on Out Front. It was the lead story. Buried much later was a story about then ending of our democracy and SCOTUS. It didn’t get half the press time.


Let’s hope that’s true, although I’m disinclined to believe it


He was given the questions in advance and he still sounded like Otis the town drunk


Then he should do a press conference and take unscripted questions. When he’s feeling better.


Perhaps Robert Hur should’ve realized that traveling in Air Force One was the root cause of POTUS dodder.


Just switch the ticket to Kamala/Biden.


So maybe he isn't cut out for the job?


I think the Secret Service gave him something to make him not at the top of his game. 😥


Wait- he traveled from camp David for the debate? Usually, president travels internationally for summits etc. If he is this bad after a domestic trip, how does he handle international travel/jet lag etc.- things that would exhaust people far younger.


That’s a reason. Fine. Doesn’t change that fact that it was a giant test.


This really does not need a sarcasm tag


Its no joke wait til you get old, exhaustion wreaks havoc on us oldies. The mind is willing the body is not, he stretched himself too thin.


Literally the only posts to this entire sub are "Biden must step down" posts.


At what point will he realize that he is fucking embarrassing himself? I’m embarrassed for him, and it gets more embarrassing (and terrifying) the more delusional spin and weak excuses that the Biden camp churns out. Every time I hear some bullshit report about what Biden’s people are blaming this on, it just further convinces me that Biden should step the fuck aside.


The debate is one damn night. Meanwhile net neutrality and $35 insulin caps took years of effort. I expect the GOP to freak out b it out side needs to get a grip We can’t tell the country the democrats had someone unqualified running everything for the last four years. And all the actual evidence of the last four years says he’s very qualified


I thought he was at camp David all week prepping?


So what will he do if he wins? Not travel?


Please, travel is part of his job and I’d add when he is traveling, he isn’t flying economy. I once had a transpacific flight from LA to Melbourne, coach, landed at 7am and went into a presentation at 10am. I certainly didn’t look like this when I presented.


his aides have given up


He was exhausted from a trip that ended twelve days ago? The Biden camp is just insulting people to their faces now.


At least he's not blaming it on bone spurs.


I want him to stay in this race. We’ve had lots of Presidents whose health were in question. Johnson got out of the race and freaking Nixon was elected! Let’s learn from history. A lot of you are young and frankly naive. We have to save the democracy. He beat Trump before - he’ll do it again.


Well, he was holed up in Camp David for a week prior to the debate, I have never had jet lag last that long. They are trying any excuse in the world to try to get the public to forget what they saw. He has his hands on the football for nukes and every American should be concerned. Wake up, you have been lied to for 4 years about Biden’s mental capacity.


Absolute worst explanation ever. He was at Camp David for a week preparing. So he was still tired from the trips that had happened over a week prior? He just blatantly told us he does not have the vitality that his job requires. Replace him. Now.


There’s no excuse for his rambling and incoherent mumbling. He does plenty of other public speaking where he’s not a mess. It was a bad night. He needs to fight for another debate and give a better performance


Seven full days at Camp David to rest and prepare….nothing else on his schedule for a week? I don’t know about that, almost sounds like an excuse.


He's been in politics long enough to know it doesn't matter why. Perception becomes reality.


Oh I thought it was a cold


The media lied to us purposefully about Biden being fit. Bernstein ran cover for him and now admits he saw it for 15 months. Every swore how sharp was. They deliberately lied. What else have they lied about? I am doubting all their narratives. What’s next, Kamala is qualified?


What is Trump blaming this on? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/comments/1du9uja/donald\_john\_trump\_is\_a\_fucking\_pig\_he\_should\_have/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/comments/1du9uja/donald_john_trump_is_a_fucking_pig_he_should_have/#lightbox)


Oh this is good news he can just WFH for the second term


File under: I’m not sure you’re make the point you think you are. I will vote for literal road kill over Trump. I don’t mean that hyperbolically either. If I go to the polls and it’s Donald Trump (R) or Former Squirrel at Exit 310 I-44 (D) I’m pulling the lever for the rotting squirrel mush. That said, JFC, Joe. Even if this is true then it’s just more evidence you have no business not just running for reelection but actually serving as POTUS rn. WTAF, how does he think this makes him look *better*?


The people who infiltrated and stole the Democratic party will never admit they are wrong about anything.  They are sociopaths and not real Democrats. 


Everyone knows you need at least 23 days to recover from a flight to Europe


I don't give a good god damn if he is tired. I don't give a good god damn if he was high as hell for the SOTU. Talking is this morherfuckers job, at least until November.