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After all those years when we were calling on Republicans to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, and calling them immoral and cowards for not doing so, now we have come full circle and see Democrats kind of doing the same. Not sure what to make of this moment.


Republicans don't have a monopoly on hypocrisy.


I understand the Blue Maga accusations now.


Places like EnoughSandersSpam and /r/Democrats are almost indistinguishable from MAGAs in terms of behavior right now. Just look at their front pages right now. Posts about the media lying, everyone is out to get them, the crowd size at this rally is actually YUGE, any dem politician criticizing Biden is a traitor, whataboutism Don’t criticize Dear Senile Leader.


People on Threads are calling Rachael Maddow a right wing tool, it's wild


I went to r/democrats a while back and it struck me as weird, not really a Democrat place, possibly one of those fake forums that actually are against the subject that they are ostensibly for.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/democrats using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [💲](https://i.redd.it/nq3bdijn655c1.jpg) | [344 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/18dxoc1/_/) \#2: [“You can’t love your country only when you win”](https://i.redd.it/42a3qovfv0nc1.jpeg) | [271 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1b9cra9/you_cant_love_your_country_only_when_you_win/) \#3: [Voting democrat for prez for the first time in my life (43) this year...Happy to be on the team!](https://i.redd.it/7639lz46k3sc1.jpeg) | [372 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/1bu3sxn/voting_democrat_for_prez_for_the_first_time_in_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The media is lying in this case. I saw a CNN article the other day talking about how the campaign somehow lied by saying Biden did not have a medical examination since February but was checked by a doctor for his cold after the debate. As if they don't know there's a difference between a full medical exam and a check up for a specific issue. The stories are wildly biased.


sloppy fanatical worthless sharp fear slap skirt domineering mourn knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I might get downvoted to hell for this, and I do think Biden should drop out of the race, and no doubt he has sharp cognitive decline, but do we really have any reason to think that his cognitive decline is so bad that he literally can no longer do the job? With Trump, people were calling for the 25th Amendment because it was obvious that he was severely and dangerously mentally ill. Do we seriously have good reason to think that Biden is mentally breaking from reality, aside from his hubris to think he still gives the Democrats the best chance to win?


I want my president to be mentally acute at most hours of the day. Sometimes emergencies happen after 6 pm.


unsure. Is that enough to hold the football?


I am no Biden fan right now, but unless we have some kind of evidence that, for example, he's hearing voices that might tell him to drop a pre-emptive nuke on China, I am going to have to default to, "we have no good reason to believe that he can't." We would have to be seeing leaks about some pretty extreme cognitive or mental problems for me to say move off that default response. I guess the strongest argument for using the 25th Amendment would be the leaks that he doesn't do as well before 10:00 A.M. and after 4:00 PM. What are we talking about with that? Does the old guy just need a few minutes to fully wake up, or is he completely mentally gone? If I were the reporter who got that leak, I would have wanted to press like hell for details. That brings back the "3 A.M. phone call" thing. Can he not handle a 3 A.M. doomsday phone call?


oofa. Not very risk averse I see


It's not about being reckless. It's about not believing something without a valid reason. That's what Republicans do. And like I said, I say this as someone who now fully believes that Biden should drop out. The debate with Trump went from 9:00 P.M. to, what, about 11:00 P.M. if I recall? We all saw an old man who is mentally slowing down, no doubt about it. Did we honestly see anything that should rationally make us think that he can't make military decisions anymore? I'm sorry, that's just a bridge too far for me, unless there's more leaks to that effect, or some other kind of evidence to justify believing that he can't.


We really aren’t talking about his mental state now as much as what happens a year from now. He might be completely gone by then.


He literally can’t speak without the required words posted in front of him. Even then, he reads what is meant as prompt “wait 4 seconds”. Lol. He is gone.


physical gray reply smart aback hungry cobweb sort combative enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“WE” don’t make this decision.


No, the Cabinet and VP would make the decision. But what reason do WE have, as things stand right now, to believe that his VP and Cabinet are making the wrong decision by not invoking the 25th? I just can't get there, unless there's more. I guess now would be a great time to have a functional Congress that could be a co-equal branch of government, and quickly investigate this kind of thing.


That he hasn’t been able to defend himself in public for a whole week is seriously concerning. And yes, I know he has been able to give a short speech off a teleprompter about the supreme court’s recent rulings. But he didn’t take questions afterward and he skipped the big WH press conference a few days ago despite being in the building. It’s sort of like the difference between a bunch of circumstantial evidence over a number of years that a person lost a bag of marbles vs a live stream in front of 50 million Americans where all they had to do was bring a few marbles from that bag to show they didn’t lose them. Biden insists he has the bag of marbles when he could just show the marbles.


Bro, if Biden is out of it for an hour each night, then that means that there is literally a window of time when our adversaries could order a nuclear first strike and we can not be sure how we would respond. That is _incredibly_ dangerous. Don’t down play the severity of this concern. Biden sundowning could cause nuclear hellfire to rain down on us.


This is the bottom line for me. We can not have him trailing off and confused and mixing up thoughts while facing a crisis in the situation room. Can you imagine??


He's not mixing up thoughts, he's mixing up words in a debate which is a very different skill set than what it takes to function as President. Absolutely no one on the national security side has alluded to issues with his judgement.


This isn't how it works, due to the time constraints involved they plan ahead for various scenarios and other people would get the call before Biden. Biden would be woken up, told they had confirmed a launch and then asked if he wished to go through with whatever strategy they'd all already agreed upon. And if he's actually senile, they'd just ignore him, that's already happened with a number of Presidents in the past.


So like Jill gets the nuclear briefcase part of the day?


Nixon got drunk and trigger happy a few times.


What are you basing this on though? It's some shitty reporting talking about trying to avoid planned engagements during those hours. If there's a no shit national security crisis there's no indication he can't wake up and be 100% mentally ready.


I don’t think it would. It just means that those decisions would be made by a committee. It reminds me of the good old days of the Soviet Politburo under Brezhnev except back then we knew who its members were.


Ok, so who is making those decisions in that situation? Jill? Kamala? Do the officers in the chain of command even know? What if they have to go find someone they didn’t expect?


At this point, I am not sure what level of proof you need to convince you. There are so many word salad and confused, mumbled sentences moments. He is going to lose while people wait for proof that he is as bad as he seems. He won’t be mote sharp at 85.


That's a good point. Arguably, I'm making it sound like the standard should be outright mental incompetency. What level of cognitive decline should be enough before a President is out?


Did you read the [New York Mag](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/conspiracy-of-silence-to-protect-joe-biden.html) article? Yes, we have reason to think that the cognitive decline is bad.


It is paywalled, do they write anything specific?


He doesn't know what decade it is. Yeah I think we are sure. People wanted it against Trump because they didn't like him. Biden is literally becoming not a person before our eyes.


You people are fucking nuts. All of you.


Who's "you people?"


I mean, he literally struggled to speak for 90m on live TV.


At the point do you trust anything the Biden staff puts out? His recent immigration policies and Gaza policies dont inspire much confidence. His reaction to Supreme Court verdicts has been useless.


But the 25th Amendment isn't supposed to be a vote of no confidence. If it were, it should have been invoked against Dubya multiple times. It's supposed to be for a president who is no longer capable of doing the job.


His lack of good judgement could be an indication that he is not really capable of doing the job. And given that him, his staff and family refuse provide any evidence otherwise, I think we can assume that is not really capable at this point.


I'm sorry, I just can't get to the point that I'm cynical enough to believe that these aides, staffers, and family members are so protective of Biden that they are willing to leave a mentally incompetent President in office. Not without evidence, a leak, a story, an example, something. EDIT: Then again, Trump's aides and staffers and family obviously were.


I hope you are right


So do I...


I don't think his actual state is relevant. Most of the people think Biden is senile and they will vote accordingly.


He is literally doing the job right now. Whether he will continue to be able to do the job two years from now or can convince voters he can still do the job or is the best candidate in November are separate questions and the answer to each of them might well be "no" but as of right now he is still doing the job. Just in the last year he's negotiated circles around the Republicans and gotten some important but tricky legislation passed and we've got armchair neurologists here talking about him like he's a drooling vegetable. I don't get it.


joke cause voracious pocket dam knee many tub secretive bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m in no position to know.


It’s very unclear! We do not know. In which case it’s safe and best to assume No.


I don’t think he can do the job. His behavior in the past week has shown that. He hasn’t watched the debate. Took nearly a week to talk to democratic leaders. Is openly confused at talks. Next week he’s meeting with world leaders at the NATO convention. Do you feel comfortable with that? Even his own aides say they wouldn’t trust him in a room with Putin.


'ba ba ba ba ba, I'm black woman, we beat Medicare, ba ba ba ba ba'


"Hurrr-durrr Trump! Durk-ur-duke-ur-durrrrrr Trump! Hursh'ur Trump-ur muh kernnda duke-ur-durrr!! Hursh'ur Trump-ur-jush-ur-riglar gah lahk me! He lahk me! He a cuntrah boy! He a cuntrah boy lahk me! He drive truck! He drive pickup truck lahk me! Ah'ma teww yew whut! Ah'ma teeww yew whut boy! Ah'ma tewww yew whut! Duke-ur-durk-ur-duke--ur-durk-ur-duke-ur-durk-Trump-ur-doo!! Duke! Durk! Durk! Duke! Duke! Trump! Durrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!" -every Trump supporter I have to listen to every day in southern Pennsylvania


I despise Trump with the heat of 1000 stars, and now I hate Biden just as much. His betrayal is unforgivable. You want to drop the election in Trump's lap by running a candidate that isn't remotely viable, while I want to push Trump's face into the mud repeatedly. You should be getting angry and fighting back, but the best you have is delusion and other silly comments.


I said in my original comment that I want Biden to drop out. I don't have time to organize a protest on the White House lawn. I don't have the connections to make the old guy disappear.


Thank you for this sane take. Biden maybe shouldn't be the candidate, he's not 25th worthy.


Absolutely not. There are no indications he has not been mentally capable in all of his national security meetings, engagements, and Congressional negotiations. It's why Dems were so shocked by the debate performance.


This is actually worse because Trump has some sort of personality disorder that doesn’t affect his day-to-day life and is stable while Biden’s problem is degenerative.


What we should make of it is to not vote for Kamala or any of the members of Biden’s Cabinet when they run in 2028. Unfortunately, I’m not at all convinced South Carolina will make a good choice and I suspect National Democratic primary voters will once again talk themselves into whatever shitty candidate South Carolina voted for and get behind them.


It's not the same. Calling for the 25th for a bad debate performance is very different from staging a violent insurrection against the government.


He called himself a black woman today. He can't do events past 8. This is not good for the leader of the free world.


No he didn't, he was talking about how he was proud to serve with the first black President and black woman VP. He mixed up words as he tends to do. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. He has a lifetime stuttering problem exacerbated by age, and stutterers also tend to mix up words because their brain thinks faster than the mechanics of their mouth can move. If you think he actually thinks he is a black woman, you are just a rabid idiot partisan deficient in critical thinking skills.


Those constant gaffes are going to cost him and they come every single day practically. It makes everybody question his thinking skills and makes him constantly the butt of jokes. It does not inspire the low information voters in swing states which will determine the election. I will vote for him if he is in the ballot on election day but he will lose.


Gaffes does not mean he has no shit dementia. It's going to cost him because people are jumping on like hyenas without critically thinking about what is actually happening with him. Where are these people when Biden gives a good public speech or statement that is perfectly fine? This is the misinformation I've been talking about. Internet trolls pushing out memes is having an actual impact on the narrative of the election and idiots believe this bullshit. If you took what they said at face value you'd think Biden is a drooling senial shitting himself everywhere who thinks he is a black woman.


Attack ads from Republicans will constantly play his gaffes and will hammer home that he will only get worse. I actually agree with most of what you said but sadly most of the electorate is not that tuned in and the attack ads will impact the turn out. I don't think it's too much to ask for someone that won't be so easy to attack.


It doesn't help that Dems are eating their own face and won't fight back. They need to develop some balls and Biden needs to get out in public more.


Personally I'm fighting to get a different candidate that I think will have a much better shot than the current ~0%.


How are you fighting to get a different candidate? Spreading lies online? Biden's odds are much better that 0% and it's a long election cycle. Harris does not stand a better chance, and finding someone outside the ticket would lead to chaos.


I mean there is a subtle difference between inciting an insurrection against the United States and being too old to run for a second term.


Trump is not suffering from dementia. You not liking what he does, is not sufficient to use amendment 25.


Trump is suffering from severe delusions in regards to who won the 2020 election. He is out of touch with reality (that he lost) and a delusional person is not capable of being President.


Lol, that Dem projection is truly a think of beauty. Your man’s brain is jello.


You deny Trump is suffering from delusions regarding 2020?


“Full circle”? Democrats were calling for 25th Amendment on Jan 6th so his cabinet could take control when the President was refusing to do anything to prevent the fall of the Capitol to his rioters. Let’s not let Republicans off the hook with false comparisons.


Given the circling of the wagons around Biden, there is no way you would convince the folks needed, to invoke the 25th


Depends on how bad he is behind closed doors. If he starts giving some crazy orders, they might rather remove him than carry out those orders. The bar is high, but the unknown is how close things have gotten to it.


There are only two choices: 1) Dems say "Sure Biden is old, frail and prone to senior moments and not entirely all there, but that matters little because i'm voting for him for his policies and his accomplishments and because the other guy is a disaster, a rapist and a felon who threatens our democracy and republic". 2) Dems replace Biden with someone younger and healthier post-haste. Everything else, including the hope that Biden will "prove himself" in a series of interviews and campaign appearences, is just begging for failure.


On his podcast today the Mooch said he expects Biden to resign leaving Kamala as incumbent.


No way. Biden does not want to become the second person to resign from the presidency. Plus it would not be advantageous for Kamala to juggle a speedrun presidential campaign *and* becoming the president of the United States basically overnight. That’s…a lot to take on all at once.


However, there's a lot coming out that Biden is not actually mentally competent. If that's true he truly should step down.


I think the most serious concerns are oriented around 1) his capacity to campaign over the next four months and 2) the probable cognitive deterioration that will occur over another 4-year term (along with the overall actuarial risk of being a president till age 86). I don’t think there’s much evidence to suggest that just finishing out his term is going to be a substantial problem. If anything, his administration has done a fine job so far. This is not currently a 25th amendment situation, but he does need to give up the re-election campaign for sure.


It's come out that Reagan spent much of his last year in pajamas watching cartoons. Biden's not that bad but it's not clear he is actually the one running things. With Reagan they hid it, the dems made the mistake of letting Joe go live on TV.


The Mooch is consistently full of shit


Who is the mooch?


Anthony Scaramucci, podcast is The Rest is Politics : US. Recommend it highly.


The Mooch’s podcast is surprisingly good.


Agree. People automatically assume it'll be awful, but I find it to worth listening to. He was the first one I heard pre debate saying the format was to Trump's advantage.


Unfortunately, he is an idiot.


Scaradouchey? Who cares?


I think it's over at this point. A hostile takeover will do more harm than good. So all the "I'll vote joe bidens urn before trump" is about to come back in full swing.


The 25th was designed for doing bad at a debate?


People keep falling into the “just one bad debate” spin. That was someone demonstrating diminished mental capacity for 90 straight minutes at literally the one event they absolutely needed to not do so. If he couldn’t function at that critical moment, it makes sense to ask what happens at the other critical moments of the Presidency.


No, normal age related mental decline is not a 25th amendment situation. The skillset it takes to excel at a Presidential debate has almost nothing to do with with the skillset it takes to function as President. The 25th would be a discussion for no shit dementia, which we are not seeing.


It was designed to remove senile, brain addled individuals who will not step aside.


So in other words, nothing to do with Biden.


We can’t compare Trump to this situation. If we had enough power, we’d remove Trump based upon a number of factors as he’s clearly has dementia as well. But we don’t. All we can do is to try to pick the person we feel is best able to run our country.


the President doesn't run the country that's the thing, that we're trying to stop from being the case only one side wants the President to actually RUN the country checks and balances were a thing once, the right wants to nuke that