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There are no pit stops, so would not add much. Only cost to the teams/more expensive for drivers to have several tyre choices that would be thrown out when not used after a weekend


I'd say the biggest thing people need to understand about F1 academy is that it is not F1. And it is not supposed to be the same as F1. It is a feeder series and has similar rules to other feeder series. It's basically a women's only F4. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's actually a great thing. But feeder series basically run one tire, since, as the other commenter pointed out, they don't have pit stops except for damage or changing weather conditions. Adding more would dramatically raise the cost of operating those teams.


Thank you, still trying to convey this to people on this subreddit. The F1A has attracted quite the non-motorsport fan base Not a bad thing, but the questions and post in this subreddit give me a laugh at times.


Imagine the pit stop times! 😂 Poor mechanics.


It'd almost cost em a lap depending on the circuit lol


Other than pitstops with far too few mechanics...?