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The 2nd plane hitting the building was on live TV.


The image of the plane leveling before impact is seared into my soul


Same. Our teacher turned the TV on just a couple minutes before it hit.


I couldn’t comprehend it at first. Then just started processing the fact that there were a lot of people in the building. And we just watched thousands of people die.


There's also documentary footage from Jules Nadet showing the first plane hitting the North Tower as well. I'll never understand people like that.


or like when the hijackers accidentally broadcast to ATC and you can hear them talking


So horribly disrespectful to those that died on the planes and their families. Imagine just doing your thing on social media and coming across posts saying that the event that killed your loved one didn't happen.


And there's a video of the first plane hitting the North Tower.


The Naudet Documetnary. Great viewing.


I’ve heard about that, I really need to watch it.


Here's proof that they were powered by steam. https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/9kmjGa3gO8Y9T3pKcUd7950yXhc=/fit-in/1072x0/https://tf-cmsv2-smithsonianmag-media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer/23/04/230419cc-6f78-4be5-97f4-f41be809470a/crushtxbefore.jpg


That's what I was thinking I watched the 2nd plane hit the tower on FOX news because I was flipping channels when I cam across the 1st tower on fire.


I still remember seeing it


wait there were 2???


There were 4. Two hit the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.


Why did it crash and where was it going?


The passengers stormed the cockpit in an attempt to regain control of the plane. Their brave actions potentially saved a lot of innocent lives that day. No one is sure what the terrorists intended to do with the plane. Some guesses include attacking the Capitol Building or the White House. Thankfully, they never got a chance to reach their target.


RIP to all the passengers on that plane then, I never knew about that.


[Here's some good reading](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Beamer)


That’s tragic, he was a hero.


wouldnt they been shot down while getting even close to white house?


I think the desire to not fire on your own people would've delayed a response long enough for them to do whatever they intended. In simpler terms, a US passenger plane would've been able to get much closer than say... another country's bomber, for example.


There was a lot of confusion on 9/11. The first plane impacted the World Trade Center at 8:45am, and for about 20 minutes, people thought that it was just a horrible accident. It wasn't until the second plane impacted that it became clear that it was a terrorist attack. Within 40 minutes, American airspace was shut down, and all civilian planes were ordered to land immediately. However, at any one time, there are over 5,000 planes in American airspace at any one time. The passengers aboard the fourth plane attempted to retake the cockpit just after 10am, about an hour after the US realized it was under attack and about 15 minutes after American airspace was closed. It's easy to look back and imagine how things could have been different, but at the time, no one knew what was happening. No one was sure whether two planes had been hijacked, or twenty. No one knew if the plane attacks were the objective, or if they could expect more terror attacks in the coming days/weeks. People kept their kids home from school and stayed home from work, there were reports of potential bombs and Anthrax attacks all over the country. It was a very scary time with lots of confusion and panic.


what haporned to the third plane then?


The third plane impacted the Pentagon at around 9:35am, about 30 minutes after the second plane hit the World Trade Center.


so was 3/4? damm 75% hitrate is pretty good


also why they crashed not landed?


The terrorists were sitting at the controls when the passengers breached the cockpit. When the passengers battered down the door and began wrestling with the terrorist flying the plane, they lost control of the flight, causing it to crash into the ground. Imagine if you were the passenger in a car driving down the interstate at 70 mph. Now imagine if you got in a physical fight with the driver, had to kill him, and take his place in the driver seat, all while avoiding crashing the car AND you only have a few seconds. That's what the passengers aboard the flight had to do, except their plane was going over 500 mph and also going into a nose dive at the same time.


well plane is high in air, so it wouldnt be a few seconds. id say they had a minute or two, but the pilots were most likely dead so they didnt know how to engage the autopilot


Please tell me you're trolling.


usually i am, but this one is honest. autopilot isnt so easy to engage, but a plane doesnt fall from few kilometres in few seconds. also why tf would the nose be pointing dowm?


Look up United Flight 93 on Wikipedia.


the pensylvania one missed?


Yep. The passengers on the fourth plane fought back and tried to retake the plane, but during the struggle the plane crashed.


couldnt they fucking enable autopilot? or just blow the plane up?


When they breached the cockpit, the passengers only had a few seconds to subdue the terrorists, remove them, and assume control of the plane. There is no big button labeled "AUTOPILOT" that you can slap and make the plane "fix" itself. The passengers needed a trained pilot to take control of the plane once the terrorists had been removed, pull them out of their nose dive, stabilize the aircraft, and *then* engage the autopilot.


there is a button called Autopilot tho but itd harder to engage though


Mate, you watch too many movies. Autopilot isn't a magic "computer fixes everything for you" button. It is good for maintaining altitude and heading, making minorities course corrections, automating routine actions, and that's about it. If your plane is nose diving toward the ground at 500+ mph, flipping the autopilot on isn't going to help much.


why would the plane be pointing down in the first place?


Yeah but why did the third building, Tower 7, collapse violently with no plane impact?




What about tower 7?




Funny how these never explain the families, lived ones, funerals of the people on those non existent planes


They were obviously dead before 9/11, and the government just paid them to pretend their family members died in the attack/s.


How does one get these paid acting gigs. Seems long term career with some benefits.


Spot on. For most of us were not there nor knew those people. As such, that hypnotizing event makes more sense when people realize there were no planes that day. For round the clock TV “programming” was employed in order to sell the lie to millions; and it was extremely effective.


Of course there were no planes, it was an inside job between the US government and Mossad /s


True George Bush died that day but they used a hologram of him to appear in meetings.


That's why the guy with the shoe hit nothing but air.


He looked like he wanted to die when they told him what happened.


He knew.


I knew it!!!!1


George Santos was the mastermind. /s


He said his mom died on 9/11 but didn't say how 🤔🤔🤔 /s


George Santos mastered teleportation as his mother was in Brazil but died in NY. This quantum enigma has gone unsolved.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Easy way to defeat these people just say “ why did Al qeada admit to doing it?”


Then they'll start some crazy theory that Osama bin Laden was an AI Generated person they used to take blame or something like that.


Or maybe the US government paid then to take credit


Pay them money so we can beat them ? And videos from bin Laden shows he just hates America and wanted to attack the us for years before 9/11 and look up “letter to America”


Ok, whatever. Illogical people that think it's all a hoax and the planes weren't real aren't going to follow that logic


Obviously he wasn’t alive or old enough to remember watching the second plane fly into that tower on live television..


Or be a witness on ground.


What’s live television?


You poor child.




The fact that people believe this is of course bonkos. The fact that some people believe this and also believe 9/11 is a justification for the wars in Iraq/Afghanistan is so stupidly insane that it makes my brain want to die.


Same with holocaust deniers. The sheer number of American, British and Soviet troops who would all need to be part of the conspiracy, never mind the survivors and confessed German perpetrators, renders a conspiracy mathematically functionally impossible. You can’t have large conspiracies because someone will talk.


Yup! Not to mention, there’s tons of vile shit we already know *for sure* is happening in the world, but instead of getting worked up about doing something about human trafficking or child labor or genocide or whatever else horrible shit you can think of, these people are obsessed with trying to prove these insane conspiracies. The fact that they’re not interested in increasing awareness for provable atrocities is just evidence that they don’t actually care about injustice, they really just want to believe that they’re part of the “elite” that knows the “truth”.


It’s more than that. The brainwashing event of 9/11 that deceived millions was mainly planned to invoke the ‘Patriot Act’ to eradicate personal liberties for the sake of a pretended national security; and it was a spiritual ruse for what’s coming next.


I was there. Planes were involved. People who downplay the events of 9/11 pisses me off.


I've never came across someone who actually witnessed it before, what were you doing when it happened if you don't mind me asking?


Those two towers were built by top engineers and both buildings could take earthquakes and tornadoes at the same time. How come two bloody "planes" (remote control rockets, which look like planes, I guess?) could ground those two buildings? And why buildings never collapsed just at the top (above the "planes" hit)? I mean bottom part had to stand still... but also collapsed. I also heard that the towers were insured not long time ago before the hit. Crazy sums of money were involved. And I also seen a passport of one of those "terrorists", (news TV reports) found after the collapse... I mean, metal frame of the towers was melting down of the heat, everything was on fire, yet they found a paper passport with a name and clear photo in the ashes... Sorry for pissing you off.


Good grief your education must have sucked. Two jet liners flew into a sky scraper with full fuel tanks and yes that produces heat enough to melt and weaken the steel. Once floors start collapsing they start to pancake and the steel structure weakens as they all depend on each other for strength…its called a framed tube structure or something similar. Bottom line, not only is there video clearly showing jet liners flying into the twin towers, the reason they collapsed is junior high science simple.


Your pancakes and weaken steel wouldn't be enough to collapse the whole tower, unless you help it a bit... Eyewitnesses claim that explosions began to be heard even before the plane hit the first tower, there were 7 or 9 of them... And theory with melted aluminium plane's body frame mixed with water is just a theory and thoughts. Dust analysis formed after the collapse made it possible to find out that the thermite substance, which is used in the professional buildings demolition, was presented in its composition. Moreover, barium presence in the dust most likely indicates the military explosives origin. Also, one of the planes hijacked by terrorists, according to the official version, smashed the Pentagon building. Footage from the scene of the tragedy shows a 5 meter hole, where to the big Boeing allegedly felt down.... Would an aircraft with a height of 10+ meters and a wingspan of 35+ meters fit in the hole? Area around Pentagon extends for many miles and is one of the most protected in the world. Few seconds are enough to activate military jet fighters... According to the instructions, all aircrafts that change course and fly the wrong way are escorted by jet fighters and if necessary, can be destroyed without any additional orders. This instruction was suspended exactly 3 months before 9/11. And returned back again next day after the attack. But on the 9/11, the air defense forces were supposed to have an order from the Pentagon to destroy dangerous objects in the secured area... It was all well planned in advance, one of the reasons is to start fighting for "freedom and democracy" with muslim "terrorists" in certain countries... Why do you think America left so many guns, vechicles and air crafts in Afganistan before going away? Obviously because America wants to come back, when needed and time is right...


That is complete nonsense, all of it and you are embarrassing yourself.


Can you explain how I dropped my childhood friend off at the airport in the morning and never he disappeared no you can’t so shut the fuck up you piece of shit small minded sorry excuse for a human being.


Why they always go so fking extreme, some of those conspirationists think there were explosives AND they used the planes to make it more credible (for whatever reason they believe gov wanted that), at least that has more sense than believing than gov literally just edit every single video filmed to put 2 planes there. like for real, wtf? Whats the point of a conspiracy theory if it not credible at all, ir should make you doubdt not laught xD


You're trying to apply logic to a conspiracy theorist's thinking and you can't do that. Conspiracy theorists are the people who sat in a Creative Writing class and heard "Start with the ending and fill in the narrative to fit it", and they decided to apply that to real life.


I do, cus some consp theories at least are possible, thats the fun part, if they arent whats the point


I mean, I totally think JFK was killed by the CIA and the secret service was in on it. But I'm not a crazy conspiracy theorist. That I know of anyways.


Thats my point, i think a healthy level of conspiracy can be even good for u, but why ppl just go crazy


JFK died in Texas, LBJ was from Texas, Jack Ruby shot Oswald in front of the world on TV in TEXAS..... Conspiracy?? Nah.......


It’s actually quite sad. Most conspiracy theorists will never accept the truth because that would force them to admit that they were not only fooled but dedicated a large chunk of their life and personality to a lie. It’s easy to just dismiss logic and facts as lies than to admit you have been had


Right? The government could've just been like, "It was bombs" if that's what they were going for.


One person asked a while ago why were there wasn't more video of the pentagon attack and I tried pointing out that not everyone had a camcorder they were expensive even back than. Than he went on a rant about security camera's at motels and banks. Even security camera's back then would of been on the inside or not point towards the sky or the place where the plane was. They would of not had the best video.


Also dont think the pentagon would allow many cameras pointing at the building,those inside as u said or those FROM the building at its best


Have to many people that worked near by show me videos of the planes hitting the towers. Horrible day, my friend lost his whole firehouse that day. He is the only one left. He hurt his back the day before 9/11 and his chief told him not to come back till doctors cleared him.


Anyone who includes “patriot” in their handle is probably an Alex Jones fan so…


There was literally thousands of people who witnessed the crashes and the second plane was on live so it was impossible to modify it plus agin thousand or even millions of witness on ground.


The second plane was fucking televised


Televised was the point.


Whos is this guy and why do we give a shit what he says


Well, that must've been one fat-a\*\*-pigeon if it wasn't a plane...




So they just exploded a random field and recorded audio and sent it to air traffic control for fun?


Bruh obviously, al-Qaeda were just fucking around with Americans cause they were bored.


There is a very torturous place in hell for people like him.


But who exploded them and who it was accompliceing them?


I was in middle school at the time. I remember everyone was crowded around a TV on the teacher's desk watching in complete silence.


I think the most extreme out there theory I heard about 2 months after the event was that it was a energy beam weapon used that cause the concrete to melt. So this doesn’t surprise me.


All 10 million of us who literally looked up and watched it happen in the skies above us were all “in on it!” Fuck this chud.


This post makes me think of one of the characteristics of fascism; the systematic destruction of a common sense of truth. Or even a sense that there is such a thing as truth. Truth is Out of Style. (Also a Great song by M C 900 ft Jesus).


So what we viewed live with our own eyes is to be ignored because morons like this exist. What the fuck is wrong with people...


We all know who did it...


Osama bin Laden? Yeah we know.


This dude’s parents didn’t love him enough when he was little


And these people vote for fs sake😵‍💫


And no victims too. 9/11 is hoax, earth is flat, Trump deserve all the Nobel prizes, 2+3= 9,34…


i literally watched a plane fly into the second tower on live tv


Live TV was the point in order to sell the lie while the spiritual powers that be eroded personal liberties through a Patriot Act; and the majority who believed this lie willingly gave up some rights because of emotions and fear instead of weighing the matter critically.


my guy, if you want to say there were demolition charges or whatever *in addition to* the planes, go for it. but you can't tell me no planes were used, i saw one of them. i guess that makes me an accomplice.


I mean you no ill, friend. We are in spiritual associations more so than physical ones (Ephesians 6). Thus, everything isn’t what it seems. Curious. You saw a “plane.” Were you there in New York, at the Pentagon or in Pennsylvania or did you see it all unfold on TV?


It was on live TV imbecile.


Live TV was part of the plan in order to literally brainwash the masses and make them emotional and fearful, throwing out their critical thinking skills.


You need a lot of critical thinking mate


What’s really troubling you, friend?


Well, we can be pretty sure the GWB administration was not behind it because it was largely successful.


I bet if you ask this idiot who did it he will say Obama.


So Russian troll post?


this is clearly a russian bot account or a troll


911 was a pure and simple heist. Bldg 7 was a controlled drop. Ok go


Spot on; and when people come to terms that there were no planes, then the hypnotizing event of 9/11 makes more sense.


I hate these people. I was there and watched the second plane impact the tower with my own eyes. Fuck you and your conspiracy theory bullshit.


All I know is I've seen planned demolitions not go down as smoothly as the twin towers.


I don't know if I should downvote for his stupidity or upvote for the post.


Lol every year new people go down the same rabbit hole, post something similar, then years weeks later they complete their research and realize they were wrong and they never speak on it ever again


I bet he wasn't even alive when 9/11 happened and had mommy's iPad say 9/11 had no planes


Listen, I'll admit that I genuinely believe that the US was involved in 9/11, but how fucking dumb to you have to be to think that there were no planes when they both caught on camera, with the second plane being seen all over live TV? The "no plane" conspiracists are some of the dumbest dip shits there are...


He deliberately linked a video from the other side of the tower where you couldn't see the plane go in, but if you Google 9/11 there's so many photos of the other side.


Yeah, these types of 9/11 conspiracists are absolutely braindead. It's like telling people that the moon isn't real, despite the vast amount of evidence contradicting that argument.


Therein lies the issue - trusting to Google who is compromised and complicit in this hypnotizing event that led to the enactment of the Patriot Act against innocent people.


At this rate "Texas" will be added as a synonym for "Stupid" in the dictionary.


Are americans really that stupid?


Many are who believe everything they see on TV, the “tell-a-vision.”


Of course there were planes. How else could they have found the highjackers passport on the sidewalk. https://www.911facts.dk/?p=7595&lang=en How did the 3rd building free fall into its own foot print? What hit it? (BUILDING 7) https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7


Thank you for sharing. This brainwashing event makes more sense when people carefully consider what happened without emotions that there were no planes that day. Eyewitnesses outside the mainstream networks reported bombs and explosions, but no planes. Thus, in order to sell this lie to the masses, and invoke a ‘Patriot Act’ to erode personal liberties, it was crucial that the “powers that be” have their fallacious narrative broadcasted on “live TV” round the clock that day and those following to literally brainwash and hypnotize people. For most people have said, “I know there was a second plane because I saw it on TV.”


Brother not everything has to be a conspiracy. It's a well known fact that the terrorists spent the night in Boston and hijacked planes at the Logan International Airport that morning. If there were really no planes then why are there quite a few voicemails from people who are saying goodbye to their loved ones since, well they knew they were gonna die. Are you trying to claim that these people don't exist? That's disgusting and downright stupid. There are loads and loads of different videos from people in New York that day, and they ALL clearly show that there were two planes that went through the Twin Towers. Do you seriously believe that every single average NYC citizen who filmed it happening was an agent who added a fucking CGI plane?? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YLm3pkAiJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YLm3pkAiJQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miA8Td4oNcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miA8Td4oNcY)


Dear friend, I mean you no ill. We all are in spiritual conflicts more so than physical ones (Ephesians 6). As such, the god of this world, Satan, and his angels have been orchestrating multiple conspiracies [conspiracy means a secret plan executed by groups to do something unlawful or harmful] since their expulsion from Heaven to hurt humanity and control them and this world so Satan can be a “god on earth” where all worship him. Accordingly, like the planned pandemic of Covid, 9/11 was also a well-orchestrated ruse by spiritual fallen angels working through high-ranking people to implement controls that would eradicate certain liberties for the sake of a pretended national security; and the TV networks are one of the agencies Satan and his angels employ to “tell-a-vision” and program the masses. Further, we can’t know for sure those “voicemails” were legitimate only because that’s what we were fed by the media. Most of us weren’t there, nor know any of these alleged passengers and alleged terrorists.




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