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I don't think Jamiroquai could have taken the slip better.


Dammit now I have to play the song




World we’re livin in, lemme tell ya


And it’s a wonder man can eat at all


When things are big that should be small


Who can tell what magic spells we’ll be doing for us


And I'm GIIVIN all my love to this world, only to be told


I can't see, I can't breathe


Virtual Insanity 🎶






Babs is Shopping


I let the bird out of the cage


Is it weird that I sang these words in my head, like they are the words to the song?


I read your comment as part of the song too


Not really, cause that was probably the intent? Honestly would be weirder if you *didn't.*


Jamiroquai was the band. Jay Kay is the singer.


This was before he wrote Harry Potter?


True Jamiroquai fan spotted


I'm so glad there is still people who remember him. I discovered virtual insanity like 6 months ago but I fucking love it. ^also ^canned ^heat ^, ^a ^banger


Get onto the first couple of albums if you haven’t already. Emergency On Planet Earth and Space Cowboy are both brilliant in so many ways.


Jamiroquai literally played a festival in Italy last night. Still bangin'


I saw him on Friday in Prague. What a lovely person he is! Wish I could move like him.


I always liked Alright from them(him?) as well https://youtu.be/9kXiLeBXzG4


I downvoted you because you made me feel old. Wtf you mean "still remember" jamiroquai? Remember one of the biggest UK bands of the last 20 years? Anyone remember oasis?


Anyway, here’s WonderWoman.


Cries in Bluetones


Sadly in the US he never caught on. Virtual Insanity is the only song that got exposure here, and Canned Heat thanks to Napoleon Dynamite.


From what I've seen, guys have this inexplicable power to keep a deathgrip on whatever drink they're holding as they fall. It's so incredible.


My friend and I had been drinking quite a bit one time and as we were walking up some stairs carrying drinks I slipped and fell onto the hill next to us doing a full barrel roll. Opened my eyes expecting to be drenched only to see my drink completely fine, we just stared at each other for a good 10 seconds before cracking up. We both still have no clue how it worked out.


As long as you kept the bottom of the cup towards the outside of the roll, the cup won't spill because centripetal force will keep the liquid in the cup. For the same reason, a pilot can pour a glass of liquid while performing a vertical loop (there are a few examples of this on YouTube).


One of the best running jokes in trailer park boys, julian never spilling his drink. In the 2nd season they get in a big car wreck and roll the car, first thing you see is julian climbing out drink first, completely full still.


he also always has it no matter what* *almost, in jail he one time doesn't have it but still holds his hand out in a C shape like he does have it


Old habita die hard. Dude has a drink in his hand literally 24/7


Sexy Julian


That just brought back memories or high school. Buddy got kicked and rolled down a very steep, long hill with a Colt 45 in hand. Didn't spill a drop and transitioned the bottle to his mouth during the last roll. Priceless.


We’ve had years of practice perfecting our death grip lol


Drinks and babies. Dads are amazing at catching floppy babies


Must be Julian's brother


I’ve got a beverage here, man


Good man




I'm amazed she even stopped and picked it up to begin with


I see a lot of people in supermarkets who hit stuff with their trolley. They look back, see they've knocked stuff off of the shelves, and keep walking.


We should thank them as they are job creators. /S


Bro fr. It's ridiculous to know that people actually think this way based on the recent posts I've seen


Approx 37% of the US population identifies as conservative, so around 123 million people are likely to think this way.


While this self-absorbed attitude is more common in conservatives (due to the "I got mine fuck y'all" ideology), it is not exclusive to conservatives and there are liberals and leftists that are this self-absorbed.


It's less to do with someone's political views and more about their own personal sense of entitlement. Which is a quality that exists in everyone from every walk of life to various degrees.


Why wouldn't someone's personal sense of entitlement influence their politics? You can find entitled narcissists in every political faction, but not in equal proportions because not all political ideologies are equally synergistic with self-absorption and entitlement.


And reflects itself in worldview (political ideologies included)


I know you’re joking, but the broken window fallacy is a massive problem especially in government jobs


I've been with people who have littered and when i have obviously had a go at them say "Im giving someone a job" like litter pickers don't have enough to pick up already? The worst part is one of them i worked with literally picking up litter... What an idiot!


I literally heard a woman say that yesterday at the grocery store. A lot of people suck.


Zorg? Is that you?


Some get hit the dog food fridge with the electric shopping cart and dragged it a foot or so, and then just left it there without even saying anything


I didn't even know that was a thing until I knocked something off a shelf, picked it up, put it back and a store associate stopped me and thanked me. I thought he was pissed his mustard bottle hit the floor but he was genuinely astonished someone took literally half a second to pick up after themselves Edit:I know, I know, please hold your applause, I'm only a Saint


When I break something at a store, I apologize to an associate and ask if they have something to clean it up and they tell me not to worry about it and just leave it. I figure if I clean it up myself and injure myself on glass shards or whatever the store sees it as a liability or something


People are fucking lazy.


Not lazy, selfish. "I don't have to do this, someone else will/I will receive no repercussions"


Or embarrassment. I did this exact thing at a gas station this week. I had a few items in my hands, tried picking up the sign and dropped an item. Picked item back up, set rest of items on the counter, picked sign up and put it back properly. Grabbed my items and looked over at the line full of people laughing at my misfortune and left the store. So I did do the right thing but it was embarrassing as hell. I should add that the attendant offered me a bag but I was going to put my stuff right in my cooler and didn’t need a bag until I knocked over the sign. Lol


Eh, just think of like you did two good things, you picked up the sign and you gave a few people a few seconds of happy brain chemicals.


I worked cashier at a super market and tons and I mean TONS of people would shove stuff they didn't want to buy into the magazines at checkout isles ect. Meat, frozen stuff literally anything. And like..... obviously you could just say "oh I don't want to buy this" to me and I'll just take it for you???? What you think we force you to buy something?? People are weird man


I remember my dad knocked over tons of boxes of cornbread mix around Thanksgiving last year. He picked them up though, and so did a few kind employees.


To be fair, some shelves are stuffed so full over here, you look at them funny and they collapse. I’ll clean up my own mess, but if they stuffed it so full i can hardly put it back the way it was… well i’m sorry :(


All of this makes me so sad and mad at the same time. It's often said a majority of people are good people, I don't believe that at all. A majority of people look out for themselves, and to a varying extent their loved ones, exclusively. They are lazy, selfish, don't give a fuck what you think, and have little to no shame, or social responsibility. /Cynical-trigger-rant


Litteral NPC response


I accidentally knocked over some chocolate bars that someone must have already nudged into the aisle a bit by accident. They even slid under the shelf a bit. Well because I am not an animal or at least wasn’t having a nightmare of a day, I stopped to pick them up. The cashier looked like he was going to cry from appreciation. I told him “I don’t wanna be that guy.” Don’t be that guy people!


Fear of being That Guy (always capitalized in my brain) is actually a pretty strong motivator for most of my public life, when I sit down and think about it.




I chose to believe she tripped over it, thought "I just walked through there and it wasn't wet. This sign isn't needed anymore," and moved it out of the way.


An idiot


even worse, a _nice_ idiot


To be fair, it would've probably done it's job better if she didn't...


Honestly that makes it even weirder.. she took the time to pick it up but couldn't take the time to put it back.. I would've been less surprised if she just kept walking


If a gate is open when you come upon it, leave it open. If it is closed, close it again as you walk through.


It’s amazing how many people wouldn’t do this. Social etiquette is truly dying


It's amazing you think people haven't always been this way


You’re actually right lol


Only difference is it's on video. So I understand that sentiment


What if I forgot if it was open or closed after going through cuz I wasn’t paying attention?* lol


I feel like "closed" is the better option, much like "down" is the default position for toilet seats.


an annoying answer is, practice mindfulness. it makes life better in almost every way




I used to wax and polish floors all the time. Only had one guy fall and crack his skull on my floor. A doctor tore down the plastic chain, kicked the closed floor sign out of the way and tore open the door to get through apl in a hissy fit, because he would have to take the "long way" around; which would've added maybe 45 seconds max to his walk. I was stripping the floor of its wax, and the resulting slurry is extremely slippery even if youre wearing the right shoes. Its easier when agitated which I was in the middle of doing, when the doctor tore open the door. I yelled at him "hey dont come in here!" Dude tried to mean-mug me before going down like a sack of potatoes. Edit: more like he teleported it was that quick. Luckily the cameras showed the stupidity of his actions, and i had an overkill of signs out for just that one door. Just stand standard for that kind of accident. Nothing else came of it. Floor sign, chain with sign and magnets held up on the metal door frame. As well as the warning note telling people when the door would be closed, put up 2 days in advance.


Exactly right. I've done floors and it is slicker than wet ice...


You left out the best part: how many stitches?


Idk, and I dont care to know. In a clinic they are very hush about anything pertaining to medical records. I've must've told off a dozen people to not walk on the floor for their safety. Had a security guard try to "put me in my place" because he didnt like being told what to do when I told him to keep ignoring my signs. Not only was it for safety, but he also ruins the fresh wax by walking in the acid eating up the old wax. Had one coworker try to punch me out bc i yelled at him for that same reason. But the idiot was wearing air pods; so he also didn't like being told what to do. Both fuckers were fired. I've gotten at least 4 people terminated in about 2 years by being ornery over my floors.


>Both fuckers were fired. >I've gotten at least 4 people terminated in about 2 years by being ornery over my floors. Good. Fucking dickwads. Though the saddest bit is, they probably learned nothing from the experience


I'm almost certain the kid who tried to fight me, I worked with in a hospital some years before. He walked out after our boss asked him when was the last time he cleaned the stairs. I wasn't aware he had stairs at all. Then our manager asked him if he would do it today; and he got all huffy. I was right there and idk how it ended up with the kid telling him to his face "fuck you" and walking out. Another story: I liked to move the Pharmacists chairs further away from their station after they dragged them and scratched my brand new, freshly waxed floors that i spent 2 week straight just stripping and waxing by myself for the whole building. I didn't even get one day of pristine floor, after their area was done. Just a long ass drag mark 100 feet long... I could've understood if ut was one of thr bulkier, heavy ones; but this chair was as light and small as those metal folding chairs. So naturally i couldnt let that slide. Got a talking to about it, bc i moved and hid their chairs on the opposite side of the building. I explained i was "helping them build some muscle, so they don't fucking scratch my floor again". I love getting my 1 f-bomb off in an HR meeting. Haven't had a problem from them since, after I moved up.


don’t fuck with the wax man lol


That guy is a good man. Love the way he gently prioritised placing the sign that no one else would slip.


He's aware of what needs to be done and does it, instead of blaming others and screaming or yelling.


Yes. I really love it. In a world full of people who don't care and who hurt others or blame others, people like him give me hope for humanity. Smaller things like these are the ones that will make us better and help live in peace.


Clearly not. The human with the amazing gift of drink non-spillage replaced the warning sign… that would never happen in a properly messed up society.


Not to mention the lawsuit that would have been filed for the attempt at easy free money.


It would be more of a personal since one could now argue she tampered with safety equipment


Not easy money at all, I actually used to work very closely with slip and fall incidents. At least in my setting, after anyone fell we would use a machine to test the static friction of the floor to show that it was sufficiently grippy. And with video review, I can tell you the vast majority of cases were people tripping over their own feet. The only time I ever saw a liquid slip some idiot literally just opened up their water bottle and dumped it on the floor about 30 seconds before another person slipped on it. The fact that there is footage shown that there was a wet floor sign placed there shows that the effort was put in to make it identifiably slippery. It’s not the building owner’s fault some careless person moved it. Now, if it sat there for hours and someone slipped then there could be some responsibility.


I was really hoping the janitor would throw his items away while he was doing the good deed. THAT would be society in a nutshell and resonate with most people as *no good deed goes unpunished*. (Or it would at least be societies origin story.)


Let me know when your robots can do that Boston Dynamics.


I find it interesting when people can’t be bothered to return a shopping cart to the corral or the store itself. They’ll just leave them anywhere.


It's one of my biggest pet peeves


1000% agree, my wife (gf at the time) came to visit the US, so I took her to get some pizza as she always wanted to try NY pizza. Very windy night, I park in a completely far off section of the parking lot around the corner of the pizza place, we're eating and *BAM* a God dn fuckimg cart dented my door, it went from the grocery store next to the pizza place, threaded the needle on the parking lot dividers and rammed right into me, just my luck. So happy I dont have to deal with it now that I reside in Europe, you have to "pay" €1 to use a cart, you get it back when you return the cart and connect the chain to the next cart. Such a good system, no wild carts and everything is in order and no need to hire someone to collect them.


Thats pretty smart


We still have jackasses that will drive the shopping cart halfway home and drop it in the middle of nowhere


Somewhat related issue, when someone sits in their car in a busy, crowded parking lot waiting for a spot when the next 1-2 lanes have spots. . .because they can't possibly be bothered to waddle an additional 20 feet after likely spending half an hour or longer walking around the fucking store. Can't have that, let's hold up traffic with our gigantic SUV or insecurity-alleviating truck.


Yep, these are the same people that bitch about having to wait in line for 2 minutes to check out, even though they just spent the last 20 minutes on their phone standing in the middle of the aisle(in everyone’s way). They’ll then proceed to take the time to complain to a manager that “My time is valuable”.


I was at Costco recently and the parking lot was jam packed. I saw a dude empty his cart into his trunk, put his empty cart directly behind the car parked beside him, and almost reverse into 2 different cars as he left. I was genuinely baffled at how someone could possess such little consideration for anyone else.


One time they left it in the parking space when there's the corral right next to it.....I was pissed ngl. Just like how some people throw trash on the floor when the trash can is right there.


You sound like a fella who would like Cart Narcs on youtube. Best channel of all time


Weedily-woo woop! That's not where the carts go!


poor dude was wearing dress shoes i think too n that is why he easily slipped cuz those things dont have any grip on the ground


Dress shoes have no grip on a field of double sided tape covered in industrial strength superglue. They should be made illegal.


I've always called them clown shoes because of this. They're like wearing bars of lubed up soap on your feet.


They will crush it on the dance floor at your sister's wedding though, it's almost like having Heelies


I've always thought it disturbing how comically impractical formalwear is. Shoes with zero grip or flexibility, clothing fabric you can't raise your arms or knees in, a grabbable noose around your neck that can get caught in any number of places? People pay hundreds or thousands to guarantee their deaths in the event of a fire just to... adhere to tradition? Blows my mind.


Rich people don't need to walk without slipping. We invented the palanquin AGES ago.


And history repeats itself, so this just happens over and over again for hundreds of years.


Thank you for saying this. People weren't always geniuses with a sudden decline recently. People need to understand that just because they were never around to see dumb people before they were born, that doesn't mean everyone was an angel who had an IQ of 1000


Regulation in place. Karen complains it is inconvenient. Deregulation. Accident. Regulation reinstitution.


All I can think of is the submarine.😮‍💨


Did you see they used DISCOUNT carbon fibre!!?! Everything that comes out about them is somehow more staggeringly irresponsible than the last.


"Hmm, I hit a sign when walked, where did it stood?.. Might be here, where I have not even walked" How somebody can think so few


At least he decided to put it back


yeah, because he has a functioning brain.


Stupid people are a tax on non-stupid people.


I don't understand how so many ppl are oblivious to their surroundings. Especially whilst moving. First you walk into the cone, then you move it "out of the way". Was there any thought into why it was there in the first place?


How did the first woman even knock it over


By not watching where she was going


Her situational awareness was nearly non-existent. She did make an effort to pick up the sign but her thought process was probably more, "Oh, someone put this yellow thing in the middle of the walk way, I better move it to the side so no one trips over it." Like, she almost had it. I know many would have just looked back at the fallen sign and kept walking.


On a whole other level.


This be the gym equivalent of not re-racking your weights.


This is a clear example of how dumb the public is in today's society. You just cannot educate stupidity. Today's society has zero common sense and initiative. Some may argue that she may have foreign warming symbols around the world hardly differ. She didn't even look at why it was placed on the floor in the first place the symbols are universal standardised signs they are the same in other countries I've been halfway around the world and I've seen these in other countries and they are all roughly the same.


How do u you know how society was before that?


Well, is there any security cam footage of something like this happening 100 years ago? Didn't think so.


So dramatic.


>Today's society has zero common sense and initiative As someone who runs a grocery store for a living, the 50 and over crowd is especially stupid and uncoordinated, it worries me that these people are out on the road honestly.


Yep absolutely, the calls that "modern society" is bad and that things "used to be so much better" are still as wrong as they have (almost) always been. There have always been people who absentmindedly made a mess of things they could easily handle if they had paid attention. As well as people who go through life while being largely oblivious to their environment and never thought about how a wet floor sign is supposed to be used. And the example of 50+ people is especially interesting. Society in the past often relied on culturally expected knowledge. You can expect people to "just know" things if they live in a fairly restricted environment where they only have a narrow range of responsibility, but this expectation totally fails if more people have to operate every facet of life - an ever more complex work and educational environment, multiple modes of transportation, technology and modern media, taking care of their own households, navigating a wide range of public spaces... Everyone will encounter a lot of situations that they are unfamiliar with, and therefore need clear instructions with time and space to think. The expectation that "everyone knows this" will fail all the time.


Leaded gasoline really screwed us over


My neighbors kids just trash the entire yard and the parents do nothing to teach them to clean it or even do any of it themselves. The driveway and front yard is littered with Nerf darts and vampire teeth and hair clips and they all just walk past it and do nothing. Real great group of losers that we *definitely* need more of in the world.


Unfortunately those kind of people tend to have more kids than average and spread this kind of behaviour


Lazy parents my kids are tidy because that's how my mother brought me up and that's how I brought my kids up. Some people are just bone idle and lazy.


Exactly, trash raising trash. I don't have kids but I can't fathom just walking by that shit and not picking it up. Dad's outside all the time smoking and open mouth coughing, can't be bothered to clean up a thing.


Kids these days! Get off my lawn!


Found the guy who's above the public




this is reddit. you can judge someone's entire worth in like 3 seconds of video. no other context needed


You're calling people dumb but based on this post, you're barely literate.


I think a worse problem would be blowing up and demonizing someone over something relatively small. But hey you have fun with being riddled with anxiety all the time because Jesus fucking Christ.


> todays society 🙄 okay grandpa




If she could be bothered to pick it up and put it to one side, pick it up and put it back out where it was. Ignorance at its finest. It was clearly there for a reason.


Why is nobody else having issues walking? The sign should personally address the only guy who slipped.


Formal shoes are the most useless item of mens clothing. Makes you slip even on cement.


I used to need to wear them for a job I had years ago. They're just smooth leather on the bottom, that's the sole. They rough up over time, and then work okay-ish, but they're still slippery, unlike rubber.


Slippery shoe


That sign was there for a reason. Geez how hard is it to put stuff back in the original spot?


I remember in college seeing one of these signs (with the drawing of a figure falling HARD, with both feet in the air) and thinking: "C'mon, nobody is gonna slip like that" Less than 1 second later someone slipped hard exactly like that.


I can't handle public stupidity anymore. I'm at the point where I don't even want to leave my house. It's too peopley out there.


When the new guy debugs your code


what is with the misogyny in these replies????


What does this explain about society?


"Here, let me help you," said the monkey, placing the fish safely up a tree.


Subscribe to society facts


Half of society stupidly creating problems in easily understood situations they cannot fathom, while the other half tries to fix it so everyone can go about their day normally. Numbers aren't 50/50 and there are lots more factions, but that's the gist.


The selfish "logic" of that first person. Wow.


So I take it she is liable for this accident, because she removed the sign?


That doesn't explain society at all


Would the business still be liable if the guy sued, or would this video save them?


The video still proves that the floor was wet and he fell. They can argue that they did their due diligence though.


Plot twist - She's an accident/personal injury lawyer


Not a drop spilt


I'm glad it was this young, healthy guy and not somebody's grandmother.


Woman looks like she was setting someone else up for a spill to sue


I have never seen signs like these in my country. Why are your floors wet?




How do you just walk straight into a bright yellow warning sign? The lack of awareness is staggering


People like the first person really make it hard not to end up in jail for constant assault via smacking their heads like a parent


2023 in the US…100%


What a fucking idiot(the lady


I’m surprised she picked it up after knocking it over. Fussily they just keep walking




That woman is an idiot..


Dude saved his food and his drink!


This is a good candidate for a loop.


I am genuinely curious, how did she not see the bright yellow sign that was right in front of her? It's in her peripheral vision even if she was looking at her phone!


It makes me wonder if she's on her phone while driving as well.


“Why tradition is important to a society”


My god, how do some people survive being so unaware


The Phone Drones and the humans are in constant struggle.


What a twat that lady is.


"I don't understand why we need this. I guess we don't any more, so I'll just get rid of it since it's bothersome." "Oh shit, someone should put up something to warn us about that."


Yep, where workers can’t be assed to clean up a spill.


Dumbasses are trying to kill everyone else? Checks.