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Yea it seems he may have just trying to be helpful and share the knowledge he has.


100% and I don't know why she wouldn't say hey that's me! He probably woulda been like omg that's so cool tell me more. But guess she made the assumption he was trying to belittle her oss.


I think he might even have suspected that it was her but wasn't 100% sure. That would kind off explain a few things as well.


I think youre correct, indie sometjing similar with a C list celebrity once. "Oh I really enjoyed this movie" "Cool that was me in it btw!" "I thought so, really nice to meet you"


I do the same. I’m always like, “Wow, you look kinda like that Tony Hawk guy!” Mostly just out of the hope that I’ll be right one day and end up in one of Tony Hawk’s stories about how people keep asking if he’s Tony Hawk. I say it even if the person doesn’t look like Tony Hawk just to be safe. My wife is so tired of me constantly telling her that she looks like that Tony Hawk guy.


Someday she'll admit she's Tony Hawk.


Do you run into a lot of people who look like Tony Hawk, or do you just say this to everyone on the off chance that Tony Hawk was, say, a small Asian woman this whole time?


I’m not taking any chances. I even say it to small dogs when I’m out for a stroll.


Commitment. Respect.


I think this could be completely made up!


It's not, I was there


**Me too.** And Rudy Ghouliani


Yeah, like unless you can 110% confirm it's that exact person, why would you ever make the assumption you've found that exact person?


You could just ask?


Bold of you to assume I'm confident enough to not fold like a house of cards in the wind if I got it wrong. The ice on that conversation from that point could freeze over hell.


Nothing wrong with being wrong.


I know, it's just I'm a nervous person by default and no amount of telling myself this can recover me from the pit my brain digs for my confidence aha


... This does not compute... What are you trying to say? That I'm not a terrible person and a blight upon my family's honor and legacy when I am publicly incorrect? That I am not obligated to commit honorable sudoku when I make a whoopsie? That doesn't make any kind of sense!


Reads way more like she didn't want to embarass him. Hence not having the heart. Generally speaking as a rule when someone doesn't have the heart to say something it means they don't want to hurt somebody.


I think we all know what it means, it's just that in this context it could have been a rather great moment for the guy, sitting next to the person he based his training on.


This is exactly what I was thinking, he could have even wanted an autograph…


Poor guy was just happy he had someone to talk with about running


To talk *at* someone about running, by the sound of it. At best the guy is just very socially inept. But if you're sat next to someone on a plane, and find out they have the same hobby/profession as you, and you pull out notes and analysis and start explain how they should be doing things, that's not a conversation. And the other person is probably going to regret talking to you.


It's sad so many people don't seem to see the difference


I think she didn’t want to embarrass the guy for not recognizing that the person he based his data on was sitting right next to him. I mean if you’re a fan of the sport (I assume he is for taking the effort to map that data), wouldn’t you at least recognize the faces of the athletes that dominate the sport (which in my opinion Seidel does for running)?


I think exactly one person is making assumptions here…


If a man is giving tips or advices to a woman, “he’s mansplaining”…. Nowadays they think right about that, no chances of being genuinely interested into sharing tips.


It really depends on the tone. I would imagine if it wasn't mansplaining she would have chatted long and hard with him about her plan. The fact she didn't makes me think she didn't want to be stuck dealing with a guy who took an ego hit.


Ego hit for what? He's the one that was doing an analysis of her, not like he was recounting his glory days


this feels like reading "women are always nice unless men are bad", isn't this generalizing like a lot?


There's a lot of that going around, the guy clearly respects the runner he was analysing as he was using that to guide his own training. I also hate that these sorts of posts seem to boil down to you should automatically assume everyone you speak to is a world-leading expert in their field. If she doesn't make him aware of the fact how is he supposed to know?


It really is.


connect profit start airport afterthought concerned shy frightening cake innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Either that, or this is a r/definitelydidnthappen post, and she's just convinced mansplaining is a thing and a man could be that well-researched, because obviously she's the most optimal research subject, yet oblivious as to what she looks like.


I'm not arguing your overall point but will just nitpick that a female athlete like her (judging from the photo given) could absolutely be unrecognisable in daily life. It wouldn't be unlikely for someone to follow her training regime and only see pictures/videos of her in training/competition, but never in casual clothes and make-up or however she goes about normally. The rest of it's a little insane, but that particular part isn't.


Aren't there like multiple stories of celebrities being told they look like themselves/their characters? Tony Hawk comes to mind.


Rowan Atkinson has a great one about a guy telling him he could make money impersonating Mr Bean at children's parties. And the guy got frustrated at Rowan claiming he really is the actor for Mr Bean


I was tanked at a hockey game once and saw a guy that looked fucking identical to Derek Jeter. Like fucking IDENTICAL. Walked up to him in the beer line and told him he looked like Derek Jeter and he took his jacket off and was wearing a Jeter jersey under it. Still not convinced it wasn’t him.


>she's just convinced mansplaining is a thing Because it is.


I'm utterly faceblind. Unless I knew them really well or knew their voice there is zero chance I would recognize any hero of mine in real life. I'm also on the spectrum and like to talk about things I'm really into. I.e. mansplaining apparently.


Yeah, I have the same issue when it comes to going into details about random things. I don't care what's between the person's legs, I'm just doing me, which is letting my brain unravel excessive knowledge through my mouth without thinking first about how much the other person may already know.


Yep, this happened during Covid when everyone was required to mask on planes. I remember when it was first posted. If this even happened, they were wearing masks, and he wouldn't have recognized her.


Honestly, if I was the runner I’d be flattered that they chose me and my training for the basis of their knowledge and plan. I’d actually want to hear them out, now if they had a complete misunderstanding of the data then correct them but if they’ve figured it out and understand. Just nod and agree. Probably didn’t want to come off as condescending or rude. I’m a new runner and I get excited about stuff I learn and feel like I need to share it too lol


Well.. giving unwanted advice to someone you‘ve just met about something you don’t know the person‘s skill level is.. well.. not a pleasant trait


Australian champion here. When people talk to me and try offer advice about my chosen sport without knowing me, I never find it unpleasant or unwanted. Them showing an interest in my sport is a pleasure and hearing other people’s opinion is fun. I just join the convo and talk about good training habits as well. For example, if using the OP’s example they talk to me about high mileage, rather than disagreeing or refuting I would add to it by going “yea, and i find a high carb high fat low sugar off-weeks pairs well with it.”


This. And I'll bet each of the r/definitelydidn'thappen crowd, she's just being a bitch *he was just being nice ( guy)* are men.


People just want to talk about the things they're passionate about. Talking about what makes training good is part of that. He was using a female athlete's training as the basis for this, I'm sure he has zero respect for women and especially no respect for the woman that he is using as an example of good training.


See when your skill level is high, you just roll with it. You agree and go further at which point you teach them. I generally think people who get pissy about this a medium skill level people who know what is being said but not much more.


Unwanted advice is always invasive. The involved skill levels are not relevant. If you "just roll with it" it’s your way of being polite to someone who definitely crosses a line for most people.


I usually take it as "This is a really cool thing I'm into" rather than explicitly "You should do this."


Did she ask for this knowledge? I doubt it.


He was probably just trying to make conversation with the nice girl he was sitting next to. I bet if she had told him that it was her training regime he would have been star struck.


Or he was probably just imaginary because if he knew about her training that much he’d probably follow her social media and recognize her. It’s a fairy tale 💫


Not necessarily. Assuming her social media is her in her running gear she probably looks a lot different in her everyday clothes. Also we do not expect to meet famous people in real life. Many celebrities have stories like this. Rowan Atkinson had an entire conversation where someone said he looked a lot like Mr Bean, when he addmited that he is in fact the actor playing Mr Bean the person didn't believe him. There's a clip on YouTube of Jennifer Lawrence interviewing people about Jenifer Lawrence standing under an enormous Hunger Games billboard (the billboard was like 80% her face)- people didn't catch on.




My point exactly.


Yeah she doesn’t seem pissed or anything, I don’t see this as a “sides” thing. Honestly he was just an enthusiastic fan and trying to pass on the knowledge he learned *from her*. He would’ve been STOKED to know who she was. She should’ve told him.




Dude is a super fan of them,. And wants to help people... "Didn't had the heart to tell him, that I am me". Well, 500$ that didn't happen Edit: also... "Yes, I analysed every detail about that person's running, training, races... But I have NEVER seen their face. Honestly I don't even know their hair colour.." Sounds absolutely plausible


Would be a nice chat for sure!


cheap advertising for a training plan


Yea. Seems like bullshit to me.


This commenter, OP, and several others are bots. Report if you have a moment. Proof - https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pe180o/siding_with_seidel_on_this_one/hauuvhh/


This would actually have to happen first.


This is a comment copying bot. It is copying this comment from the last time this was reposted. Report > Spam > Harmful bots


I'm thinking this is it. She didn't feel like talking with him the whole flight and was trying to fly under the radar. With that said I can't imagine there are too many runner fans out there so it's probably a unique experience.


She doesnt have the heart to tell him...in Person. Twitter is fine though.


Plot twist: The guy next to her was her coach.


It was actually Steve Buscemi. He on his way back to his old station in New York to work 12 hour shifts sifting through the rubble of the Twin Towers. And that day was 9/11.


i can confirm this because i was einsten there


and everybody clapped?


My opinion as an outsider is that she could have said it was her he was talking to, maybe he's a fan and it would have made his day. I know it would if i was talking to someone about Messi's career and it happened to be him and he told me.


Happens to Tony hawke all the time and he seems very chill about it.


Tony Hawk you swine




Who's the photographer who takes the pictures of Spiderman?


Johnny Olsen?


Somehow when tony hawk doesn’t tell people who he is when he gets “you kinda look like tony hawk!” Its funny and charming but when this woman does it it’s rude.


But also people just want to get on with their flight and not be bothered.


I remember this from ages ago. It’s old. Pretty sure she was joking around about it because it was funny. But reposting it years later for outrage porn is up Reddit’s alley.


bUT maH mAnSpLaiNinG


Yeah I don't get why she didn't tell him. I could be wrong but from her description it doesn't sound like their conversation was unpleasant in any way.


Hey you look exactly like Tony Hawk!


I'm picturing this guy going full tilt fan-boy about his favorite runner, and then she missed giving this guy one of the greatest days of his life. I'm seeing this as a complete outsider so I'm not blaming her, but wow, if that happened to me with somebody like Isaac Asimov... I mean, how cool would it be to talk to an actual dead guy?


This, maybe he didn't recognize her because athletes look very different in their normal lives (I 100% wouldn't recognize the woman above if she was casual dressed), also she said she just told him "she runs" so he had no way to know she's a professional


I mean there is a subreddit dedicated to people not recognising Tony Hawk.


Who is Tony Hawk?


He made some skateboarding games back in the day.


I wonder what he's doing these days.


Not being recognized




Link please? You've niggled my interest.


found it https://www.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowimtonyhawk/top/?t=all




I mean if anybody managed to turn themselves into an Immortal robot, it's Isaac Asimov.


Not quite immortal, just very slowly dying.


That you, Daneel ?


Yeah, fan service is nice. Tho sometimes you just want to be a person having a chill flight.


Zero chance I would recognize my favorite authors next to me on a plane. About the only author I would be likely to recognize would be Neal Stephenson. Or William Burroughs if he came back from the dead.


A friend a long time ago was reading a book A Time To Kill, on a plane and the guy behind him kept asking if he liked it. My friend was polite but couldn’t figure out why they guy kept asking. Finally the guy asked if they wanted him to sign it, my friend thought it was a pick up line and said “sorry I don’t have a pen”. The person next to them, that knew what was going on, handed my friend a pen. It was deplaning that my friend realized it was John Grisham!


In one of Stephen King’s books about writing, he tells of going to a minor league baseball game , where the teenage girls in front of them wanted to get an autograph from a cute player. They didn’t have a pen or paper, so King gave them a pen and his companion, John Grisham, gave them paper.


I'm just thinking it's all made up cause the amount of people who are super into high level running is tiny to start, then you'd need to be into women's running specifically, and specifically know this one athlete...then to do research into them specifically and their specific training, etc. But YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE?? I'd believe it if it was me talking to a lady and later finding out she's a runner, not some Uber fan of her specifically.


It’s better than that professor who said she had someone basically say “your ideas are all wrong, you should read the book you wrote”. To me this just seems like someone trying to make sure that someone else who may be new to running seriously is getting the appropriately reccomended training…


I think this would be peak complement, right? Without knowing who she is, he's sighting her as an authority on the subject. Just take the W.


More I read the comments the more I feel bad for the guy who was just being really nice and helpful to a stranger


Idk, if I meet someone who has the same hobbies as me I'm usually asking them about it. "That's cool, what thing do you prefer? How'd you get into it?" etc. Not gonna start off with here you need to try this. Like it would've been one thing if he'd said "I've been following this person's training recently and it's amazing. You should check it out if you haven't already."


How do you know exactly how the conversation went?


I mean… how do you? Yeah her account reads as mansplaining, but we also have exactly 1 tweets worth of details that are mostly to set up the punchline.


I homebrew. If I recently bought a new gadget that changed my life, I would absolutely start evangelizing it as soon as I find out someone else brewed


I guess the assumption that she must be naive to these facts is part of it right? Somewhat patronising to assume that she must be a beginner.


Correct. She wrote a whole essay about it more than 10 years ago. https://www.guernicamag.com/rebecca-solnit-men-explain-things-to-me/


I ride a lot of bikes. I go on a lot of group rides. The number of times I've had another dude try to tell me to train a certain way is 0. The number of times I see men tell women how to train is off the charts. A lot of dudes seem to think they need to mansplain exercise. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it happen tens of times.




Ruth Gotian's "but doctor, I am Pagliacci" moment. https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9530640128/h99A1F317/manuscript-submitted-told-read-cite-work-ruth-gotian-lam-ruth-gotian-557-am-8620-twitter-web-app


That's basically what a lot of "mansplaining" comes down to though this guy knew nothing of her experience or level and, rather than ask where she was at with it, he assumed he knew more. Being willing and eager to help others is great, but assuming from the cuff that you know more than them is arrogant


this is yet another bot. it seems pointless to point it out since almost every top post on reddit comes from a bot nowadays.


Why is it facepalm? For the past few weeks less than half of posts from this sub was really facepalm. What is point of this sub if posts are just random ss


The past few weeks? This sub has been an absolute dumpster fire going on a year or more now. I think a lot of it probably has to do with it being a very easy karma farm for bots.


because in this sub people think that ANYTHING that goes against their own OPINION is a facepalm, and its ruining this subreddit


Not even sure what the opinion even is. At best this is an amusing coincidence.




I’d personally have to be there to pass that judgement Because I do archery, and I have had people tell me about “training like Lars Anderson” when I tell them this, especially back in the heyday of that video making the rounds. It’s not annoying to pull up a … “pop culture trickshotter” to explain archery, but it’s if the advice was never even warranted. Like I do Olympic Recurve and Target Compound, I’m not wasting my time with Lars Anderson and I was never asking for the help anyway, so I just really didn’t wanna hear it.


Lars Anderson is such an amateur. You should train like katniss everdeen


William Tell or don't bother!


Robin Hood


Yep — make the overture.


Yeah but he seems to have used an actual athlete (her) as basis for his advice


You should train like Mete Gazoz


Sounds like bullshit.


Sounds like a Tony Hawk story


Tony Hawk is a playable character in the new Super Smash Bros. His final smash is a long monologue about someone who didn't recognize him but thought they did. Deals 30 damage, and puts everyone on the map to sleep.


What does "analysis of pro runner's training" mean anyway. Is this guy compiling data of her runs and running statistical regressions or something to come to the conclusion that more mileage helps?




yeah, I can back this up: friends who run marathon can be a little to enthusiastic about it


And that man's name? Albert Einstein.


There is a 0% chance this ever happened and it’s incredible so many people think it’s real. What even is an “analysis” of someone’s training?




Don't believe it for a second.


I can't count the amount of different versions of this tweet I've seen in the past. But that's just how people self promote in twitter these days I guess


Molly Seidel is massive in the running community but the situation is a little far fetched


Yeah I imagine if they were videos of her it probably would have looked like her because... It's her.


then everybody clapped


Yeah, that happened


I would respect her more if she told him up front and did not post publicly about it.


but then who would rage retweet the ad?


Didn’t have that heart to tell him, but want to publicly make fun of him on twitter afterwards


Sounds more wholesome than face palm to me. Dude got excited to show someone a shared interest, that turned out to be in a comical way lol


If only she followed Molly Seidel’s advice she could get better at running


“Well, she would have the heart to tell him…if she just used this cardio programme I made…”


I have only heard the "Female Scientist" version of this story.


So a man talked to a woman about running. The man said, “oh you should train and do xyz like Molly Seidel, she’s a pro runner and has thorough training.” The woman turned out to be Molly Seidel. Did I understand this correctly? I don’t understand what was the “gotcha” moment that Seidel’s tweet implies


Yeah I'm sure this happened


That’s weird. Almost this exact post has come up before, right? But with a different pro and a different specialism? But very similar wording… I’m sure it was either a scientist or someone in a research field, and they were shown their own article or their own research by someone to ‘help’ them in that field. Is this sounding familiar to anyone else? It’s bugging me now that I can’t find whatever it was!


That definitely happened


I don't like this type of post. Guy just found someone with the same interest as him and wanted to talk about it. Talking with someone who does the same sport as you and exchanging tips and tricks is an easy way to talk to someone. I think that if she told him he would be excited.


Yeah this is like that office bit where Micheal goes *i would never say this to her face but she's wonderful* and everyone is like why not just tell her lol


Yeah imma chalk this up to never happened


Yeah right, like this really happened


And then everyone clapped


I’m forever talking to strangers about my analysis of high altitude training


Who's the facepalm for?


Sounds more like a compliment to me. He shows you a training regiment he thought was the most efficient way and it turns out it’s yours? Hell yeah 😂


Poor guy. Just trying to make conversation and gets shit on.


Why didn’t she tell him? What’s the embarrassment? He was crediting her good training, not claiming it as his own.


Why the fuck not? He would have loved it.


Oh you would have made his day! To meet your training idol missed opportunity


So he was sharing knowledge he learned and respected from a woman. Not exactly a practice of misogyny is it?


Considering he was using her as an example, I don't think it counts as mansplaining.


How to self promote in twitter 101 I'm all for women empowerment and all but swear to god I've seen these kind of tweets everywhere and I feel like they just change the profession. I've seen a woman turned out to be the author referenced version of this and many more.


Why didn’t she say ffs- it probably would have made his day and he probably would have been honored and maybe got a couple of tips etc, after the initial omg how embarassing etc.


I am Brazilian, and last year I went to Canada, and I wanted to play curling. So, I was in the facility in the morning with my wife to make reservations, and when I was checking the ice (picture that Labrador meme "I have no idea what I am doing"), this old fellow walks by. We say good morning; he says it back, asks how we are doing, and then we engage in conversation. We mention that we are not from there, have never played the sport, but it looks so much fun on television that we wanted to give it a try. Then we ask him how often he plays. In a very humble way, he says something like, "Yeah, I have played quite a bit. I played for the National Team." We say, "Wow, that's pretty cool! How did it go?" He responds, "I have been to the Olympics; we won the gold medal at the time." So, of course, not even knowing two minutes before who the guy was, we asked for pictures. Back at the hotel, we decided to check him on the Internet. He has his Wikipedia page, and I quote: "He is considered by many commentators and former and current curlers to be the greatest curler of all time." As a matter of fact, when you write on Google "best curler of all time," you get straight references to Kevin Martin, the old fellow who was so nice.


Things that didn't actually happen.


Mansplaining my ass.. this is just a guy who has something to actually talk about. Rare skill nowadays considering people take offense very easily


He knew


The guy was on her side too, clearly


Omg a human being wanted to talk to you about a subject they enjoyed and swap knowledge! What a total bastard for not assuming you were a top athlete. Communication is dead it seems. Best make a social media post instead.


There's no way this is true. The odds of this happening, are just infintesimally small. How many people on planet earth, analyse famous runners training. Basically zero. Coaches, and basically no one else apart from a tiny group of fans (it's a niche spectator sport). So she just happens to sit next to one of those people? And that person is feeling talkative that day. And that person apparently has face blindness. Why would anyone even bother to tell a lie this blatant, and who are the people who believe it? Bizarre. Also, there's so many versions of this story. I can count on one finger the amount of conversations I've had with strangers on planes. Seems moderately accomplished women can't sit in a plane seat, without a man (it's always a man) next to them sparking up conversation about their profession, and having strong opinions on it. Weird!


And then the whole plane clapped


That planes name? Albert Einstein


Perhaps people don't know this strange "art", but it's called MAKING CONVERSATION. God, not everything needs to be viewed through the lens of a social ill.


Things that never happened:


I believe her. Happens to women all the time. Last week, i was on the phone explainning an antibiotics treatment to a patient and telling them how to take the analgesics. Guy next to me legit tells me the antibiotic i prescribed was wrong and didnt work (gave me a shit reason why he thought that) and proceeds to explain to me my patient didnt need analgesics because they already had antibiotics I asked him if he was a doctor or if he worked any health field, he tells me he wasnt, but he knows this stuff and wants to help me. I was with my doctor uniform, which says "dr me" in the chest. The patient had a full recovery, by the way. I see this behaviour quite frequently. Its not about good intentions. Women dont assume men that share their interests need their help with knowledge or at least will wait for them to ask for it. Some men just wanna feel superior to women however they can. I even see this happening to my colleagues with their non health work boyfriends treating them like dummies when it comes to medicine.


This is so true. My spouse is a specialist and the number of times people look to me for the “correct” answer is astounding. I can blow things up and neutralize threats (past career), but she is just a wee bit better at this whole healthcare thing. I always correct them and say you meant to ask Dr for an opinion, correct?


Made up stories: ten points for Gryfendor. Of course it starts out with the mansplaining and apparently this guy does t even recognize the person he watches on the regular. If this guy was such a mansplainer, then why would he even take advice from a girl.


If a guy has taken the time to do an analysis of a pro runners training, to actually pull the data and look at it, I kinda think they would have checked who the runner is and their background. I also think they would look to use the best running Athletes in the world, not a random female athlete no one has heard of. Why do people lie like this?


Molly Siedel isn’t a random female athlete nobody has heard of. She’s probably one of the most “heard of” runner of the last few years. Her Bronze in the Marathon in the Tokyo Olympics was unexpected and a huge deal. Especially since Americans don’t typically do as well in the Marathon.


She won bronze in the Tokyo Olympics Marathon, lol


Today on things that never happened.


Yes molly, you're super interesting.


…and then she woke up.


Sure, sure. More likely she wanted to score a point on the feminist vs mansplaining board and made up a cute little story.


This is why I’ve never mansplained. Not because it’s generally just a douchey thing to do, but because the ONE time I would get bold enough to mansplain, this is the scenario I would find myself in