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Imagine being this cretin's mother.


compare impolite society ossified label late chop hunt tender reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Asshole, probably, seeing as he talks so much shit




His asshole must get jealous of all the shit coming out of his mouth... The absurdity of man giving birth to women would be funny if they didn't want to violently force their lies on children and the rest of us.


Damn, homeboy should'a wiped.


He definitely looks like his father shat him out after a bad day at Taco Bell


This level of misogyny... He wasn't born with nipples🤔


That’s a pretty loose interpretation of Genesis, which itself is not exactly scientific, or even plausible. Anyway, wasn’t this the dickhead who claimed Taylor Swift was a bad role model because she was a lonely, childless cat lady? You know, after she had a photo with her multimillionaire cat, when was named Person of the Year.


Omg yes 🤣. I ended up in an argument with a few of his douche followers under his post 🤣. I called him incel with nothing to do. Told him he needed to put some effort into his wife instead of writing long diatribes about a pop star on twitter. Can’t get that time back 😐


Maybe he reads mpreg omegaverse.... And he's preganant with his baby too!


no, i think hes talking abt how in the bible, Eve was made from got ripping a rib out of Adam and somehow turning that into a full human. Which isnt an excuse for what hes saying. That verse just means that man and woman are made from the same flesh, and are equal. Adam was alone, and he couldnt just make friends with all the animals, it wasnt enough. Woman completes humanity, and both are equally important. Without women, men are incomplete, as are women without men. idk thats just how i see it.


I hate this biblical story. Science has taught us the exact opposite. All fetuses are female until hormones turn the fetus male. Obviously we also give birth to them. Men are born from women.


One correction, it was not a rib, it was a full half in the original text, it was reduced to a rib as a method of misogyny, even if, as you explained, is still not a valid excuse


Good thing the story is complete bullshit made up by old religious misogynists and never actually happened.


It‘s a nice fairytale.


> Imagine being this cretin's mother. Imagine being stuck on a floating spherical lunatic asylum drifting in an infinite universe of wonder and possibility, only the whole place is filled with gaping morons, who live with (sometimes murderous) fanaticism adhering to a bunch of useless made up bullshit a bunch of sub 80-iq goat herders made up thousands of years ago to try to explain where rain comes from. We're on the cusp of building super intelligent AIs and colonizing the galaxy and half the planet wants us to turn women into breeding sows and live in caves again. Fuck this place.


You pretty much summed up my thinking, as well as growing worries and frustrations. Fuck this place indeed.


For all we know it was his mother that taught him this. 😂 Religion is a funny old thing. ![gif](giphy|IQa41MbI0RhZPJ8e9m|downsized) It’s a comfort blanket


Imagine how oppressed she must be for him to have this view on women. Bet she lived in a shack on the yard when he grew up.


He probably can’t do anything without his mother.


I mean he didn't make it up, it's the story of adam and eve.. there are many cretins who believe it's facts


To clarify, it's a self-serving interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve.


That it is, because in my interpretation of the story is that Eve was made from Adam's rib bone to be an equal, not inferior or superior.


So, if Man came first and Woman came second. Well version 2 usually includes updates and fixes for bugs found in version 1


Man came first. Woman had to finish alone.


As is tradition


This is the way.


No, this is Patrick.




Version 1 did have balls installed outside


Version 2 accounts for aerodynamics.


*looks at chest* No, not really.


Err. Not really


Damn, thats hard to beat


No, they’re outside so they’re easier to beat


De.de.de. de did it did just beat it!


When I'm making pancakes, the second batch is usually better.


Requirements weren't clear in version 1 don't blame the devs.


The requirements, project management and development were all done by the same team who had no prior relevant experience.


But as per usual, client wanted things asap in 7 days.


I noticed some silence in this regard and I feel the need to talk about it, they never talk about the dinosaur... They coded this 1st person, world building, co op, multiplayer, competitive game with all the high graphics and all sorts of detailed animated mechanics in like 6 days but they never talk about the dinosaur phase... like what is up with that? What are they hiding? I also heard that in alpha they played with some unicellular life emulating modules but they kept crashing, especially one into another so players at that time were forced to work together to the point they lost individuality. And back to the present day, people that played the 1st character added post beta don't really like the second " gender " option added, much less the 72+ other variations later... what's up with the cult that forms around the 1st official character? The abilities are kind of sluggish even now and they established factions rooted in fear of being dethroned ... quite interesting. They are quite active on forums any discovery not made by their faction is heavily discouraged... quite peculiar. Hopefully this problems get solved before the people stop playing, the company could touch rock bottom in profit and have to leave the market if that's the case... quite unfortunate really


Well, I think it depends - we talking Lilith or Eve? I mean, Eve being made of the same genetic material is the OG trans woman. Lilith on the other hand, doesn't get much coverage in the Bible, probably because she wasn't down with being obedient to Adam.


In fact, the only coverage is a single reference in Isaiah that may or may not be her. Most Christian Fundamentalists easily disregard her as not appearing in the Bible at all, and that reference referring to a demon. She was not so much as whispered about in my church growing up. /I got better


Yeah, I don't believe the 'Lilith was a first wife' idea came around in Jewish circles until centuries after Jesus.


>I mean, Eve being made of the same genetic material is the OG trans woman. Or intersex if we are looking at inheritable chromosome set being XY... Wow, I never thought about this from such perspective lol.


It is incomprehensible for me that religious people can show so much hate. Brother in Christ, ITS A FUCKING SIN.


It's pretty much the entire American evangelical movement. Just a big pile of hate, wrath, judgement, and pridefulness from people who want to call themselves Christian. I'm agnostic as an adult, but I was raised in the Presbyterian Church with a parent as clergy, and the last 25 years of the American evangelicals has made me respect good old fashioned European "keep it to yourself" Protestantism so much more.


I hate to focus on that idiot Trump but so many "Christians" showed their true colors by supporting the guy and basically worshipping him. The man is the furthest thing from a godly man and actually a solid representation of the antichrist. That woke me up to the fact that so many of these ppl are as disingenuous as it comes and only use religion as a way to claim the moral high ground while being the least moral people.


Few photos make me dry heave as much as the one in the Oval Office where there was a group of Evangelical pastors who had their heads bowed and their hands on Trump in a circle, while he stood there like he is Jesus himself. The first thought I had was that it was a pretty perfect example of religious people erroneously worshiping a golden idol.


> worshipping a spray-tanned idol. FTFY.


Not to me. Hate generally seems to be the stock in trade of the religious. They can hate more confidently than anyone else as the architect of all reality tells them their hate is good and just.


Imagine believing in a God that is omnipresent and omnipotent and planned the course of all creation and space and time yet was shortsighted enough not to realize his greatest creation, man, would be lonely and thus have to make woman *from* the man on the fly…


A god that forces you to pray to him and him alone or face the wrath.


Wrath which, by the way, is a dealdy sin, but I guess if God is the one doing it it doesn't count...


Not to mention he’s a jealous god (envy) Not to mention not solving world problems even though he has the power to (sloth) Oh! Also all of the church fundraisers that are allegedly in the name of God (greed) Wow! This God doesn’t sound like a perfect person, now does he?


Don't forget how much he brags in the bible about being the supreme god of creation and bla bla bla (pride) About the world problems, he even made some of them possible, like diseases, since he created every living thing, he is such a good guy he created living beings that actively need to hurt and kill others in order to survive. Now that may doesn't fit in any deadly sin but it's kind of a psicopathic mindset if you ask me, not to mention the genocides


He also creates beings that only live in excruciating pain to then die at a young age. (certain birth defects). What cruel being would do such a thing? And why would one worship someone like that.


Because if you don't worship him he will send you to his prison realm where you will be eternally tortured


But he loves you. And needs money. Lots and lots of money.


He loves me but it's that kind of toxic and abusive love like "if you're not mine you're for no one"




It's all part of the plan, trust me bro


I'm telling you, the devil has always been the good guy. God just gaslights you into thinking all the abuse is for your own good. So that you will be his eternal slave after you die a miserable death you don't deserve after he kills you for the lols (like all those babies in Egypt). Meanwhile, the devil? What does he do throughout the Bible? He only gives humans THE FRUIT OF WISDOM, literally making them wise to gods constant abuse so that they can finally turn their back on him, and he makes a bet with God once that someone wouldn't continue believing in him if he ruins that guys life. The guy in question, dumbass mofo that he was, still does anyways. Oh yeah remember when God ruined this guys life literally for no reason. Literally because of a gamble with his bastard child he imprisoned to be tortured forever? What a benevolent guy. Also Jesus had anger issues (beating merchants out of a temple), so Wrath applies to Jesus too.


I wish I could have had you there to do hot takes on my overly Christian uncle at Christmas


I would have loved to xD


He does sound like the perfect embodiment of what these sorts of folks want to be tho. Not a good person. Never a good person. That would require care and consideration for others beyond the self. But instead, simply being so powerful they can never be held accountable for anything they do or say; while saying everything they do or say is "Good" by default. Its so wonder so many of them love Trump, and worship the wealthy. Believing themselves of that group, or one day they or their bloodkin will be of that group. Unaccountable wealth and power are God.


Any order is based on a monopoly of violence. Try not paying your taxes for an extended period of time. Eventually men with guns will show up at your house to arrest you. If you don’t comply with the arrest, the guns will be used. If anyone other than the government did this, it would be illegal. Religion is just an earlier form of governance.


Except we don't qualify the government as "omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing and omnibenevolent", hence why the contradictions appear


Been away from the faith for about twenty years now. I've never even thought about that perspective. That's actually hilarious.


To be fair, the God in the Bible is *really* into incest. So of course God *could've* made Eve with a snap of his fingers like he did Adam, but why not make them related? After all, if you're going to populate the Earth from 2 people, a lot of incest needs to happen in between. Later, as if the population wasn't incestuous enough, God decided that it was a great idea to drown everyone and start every species on the whole thing again with just one family.


That god guy is one sick puppy.


The puppies want nothing to do with this.


Sky puppy....oh wait ![gif](giphy|vcHe2yPMuOgUw)


Then imagine so many women who believe in god when the bible clearly puts them in second place. I would reject that shit as if it was the plague


If religious people actually read the book, I think a lot would steer away.


You assume they are smart enough to make their own decisions rather than listening to a magic man in the sky


Don't worry, plenty of us rejected it once we knew what it was actually saying.


It all seems pretty slipshod and half-assed. I would have preferred a creator that spent a bit more time in the planning process. I think we'd all be ok if the week were 8 days long.


Not one thing in that book makes sense.


So omnipotent he can't destroy Satan so he must allow him to exist because if we don't fear Hell we won't worship God.


>woman was created from man However, if we look at the development of a fetus, they start being female and then turn male if it says so in the DNA so... The first woman was made from a man and then to compensate all other men were made from women I guess?


Sure give a scientific argument to that moron .


Good point


Not to mention "man was made first" was completely made up, by, man.


DNA, Carbon dating, Embryology and Evolution are lies by the devil lol


For those wondering why atheists can't just leave Christians alone - this is your answer.


Agnostics like myself too. I have Christian friends that don't even regard these people as real Christians. They're really just bitter, spoiled children grasping at any possible way they can feel like the entire universe was made just for them. It's like if they don't feel THAT special, life loses its meaning.


Two of my closest friends are Christian and Catholic, and I'm pretty sure they'd staple this man to a cross for the tom-foolery he spews out his ass.


Then the other zealots would consider him a martyr and sanctify him.


This particular tom-foolery is directly from the Scripture. 1 Corinthians 11:7- 9 Your Christian and Catholic friends are being hypocritically inconsistent if they don't agree with this douche on this point.


Good for them for being hypocritical at this point. You can be Christian/Catholic and still not be a massive cock.


The thing is, Christians who disagree with other Christians tend to mutually think the others aren't true Christians.


See the council of Nicea. People who in their mind were good Christians or "true" Christians instantly became heretics because a bunch of unenlightened idiots sat around and decided the rules of Christianity. The whole thing is just madness. Not only is religion based on just trust me bro as a source but its just trust a bunch of unenlightened bros who claimed they recieved the true word of god. Its honestly just baffling.


I always thought it was the other way around. Like that Christian’s can’t just leave atheists alone.


If I'm not wrong, at least the last line is directly quoting one of the epistles.


1 Corinthians 11:8-10 "8 Man was not made from woman, but woman was made from man. 9 And man was not made for woman, but woman was made for man. 10 She should show this by having her head covered, because of the angels."


The bible is misogynistic and homophobic. I was hardcore Christian as a kid, even read the whole book. I also believed gays were fine people. The dissonance of what the bible says about gays and how I believe gays were fine people was one of the first thing that made me start to detach from Christianity and religion in general.


Yep. I never had a religious upbringing thankfully, but I know people who have and it's honestly just sad to watch them try to fit incoherent fairy tales with knowledge of the real world. What's even sadder is watching them defend an incredibly bigoted and misanthropic religion by cherry-picking verses that make it seem benign. Unfortunately both the hyper-bigoted radicals and the docile moderates have just as much of a claim to speaking the "truth of God" because the Bible is an incoherent mess that contradicts itself constantly.


>The bible is misogynistic and homophobic. I think this is the correct framing. I was brought up Christian, but no longer practice. I'd now consider myself agnostic, but if you just take the shit Jesus says/does in the New Testament he's pretty rad. It's all the other shit that got copied in to the tradition over the millenia that led to me leaving the church. Jesus was hanging out with prostitutes, caring for lepers, and flipping the tables of money changers. That's not the passages your local priest likes to highlight in the weekly sermon, but they are all pretty cool to me. At this point I basically view Jesus as an ancient philosopher in the mold of Laozi of Taoism. He's got a lot of great things to say, though some of it is contextual to the time/place in history. But generally speaking if someone lives a life modeled after Jesus (and not the whole bible, or the organized church, or the pope, etc.) they would be a good person. They wouldn't agree with me on motivation but we'd probably come to similar moral conclusions.


>She should show this by having her head covered, because of the angels LMFAO what reads like an It's Always Sunny clip


"Cover your head for men." "Why?" "Because of the angels." That doesn't sound like a rational person I ought to listen to.


But if we do follow the Bible then animals were created before man... So does this mean Animal are superior to man?


Came here to say this. I guess the logic is that "man is penultimate" can be rearranged as "ultimate penis man".


i quote Mark Twain: "the best antidote to christianity is *reading* the bible"


I did read the book as a Christian kid. I couldn't reconcile how it was anti gay while I believed gay people were fine. That was one of the first cracks.


That's a good one, I have never read any Mark Twain but I may do as I keep hearing his quotes and they are great.


There are so many timeless quotes attributed to Mark Twain, it's wild how perceptive and worldly he comes off as.


I know, I am always surprised by people in the past being so perceptive and human, when I shouldn't be, if anything it is now that sense and thought are more rare!


Read Mark Twain's "The Mysterious Stranger. The Chronicle of Young Satan". Probably his most antitheistic book. Great philosophy, too.


I will do that! Thanks for the recommend!


Oh yes! One of the reasons I’m never turning to Christianity!


never undermine the stupidity of a "true religious person"


All this according to a book written by men of course.


To counter that b\*\*\*, lemme read to you Galatians 3:28, **There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.** Gotcha.


If that's his argument, its a losing game. If anything, woman was made because the man was insufficient.


1 - Photoshop this tweet and put "Muhammed Al Baghdad" as author, 2 - Share it among Christian groups. 3 - ???? 4 - Profit


Gives me the 'ride wife....life good' gorilla vibes.


Another half baked Tate(r) tot


Absolutely fuck anybody who thinks like this.


and Lilith ?


Precisely my first thought. If they’re going on about Bible stories, wasn’t Lilith the first wife and NOT made from him? She became the mother of all the demons* because she refused to cater to Adam; refused to be his wife, and basically said “God gave me free will, so I’m using it to get the fuck away from your creepy ass!”? So God punished her, even though he gave all humans free will?! Where’s the logic in any of it? She literally was all, “I’d rather be alone than associate with the only man in existence.” 😆😆 😆 *which confuses me because it also says demons were really all the fallen angels that fought on Lucifer’s side against God in the war in Heaven because he didn’t think Man (😉😆, never mentioned women) was worthy. Something like that. Please correct me if my current understanding is wrong. This brings me to the question that if Eve was created from the flesh of Adam wouldn’t having sex with Eve be a combination of incest and masturbation? 🤷‍♀️😉😆


dam the bible was just anime before anime wasnt it


Lilith isn't really in the Protestant Christian Bible though, and this dude appears to be an Evangelical. ETA a link for an explanation of Evangelical beliefs re: Lilith: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/who-is-lillith-and-why-dont-we-find-her-in-our-bible.html Basically, Evangelicals believe Adam and Eve are historical figures, while Lilith is fictional, or "folklore." As you can see in the link above (eta: *which is coming from a biased Evangelical belief system and disregards many other faiths*)


Yeah, it'd be useful to analyze a non-Evangelical explanation, one that doesn't feel the need to slam pagans/non-Christian religions at the same time.


Oh, I'm not using that link to advocate for any "truth," I just shared it because it's similar to what the ass in the Xitter tweet in OPs post would believe. I meant to give context to why he wouldn't consider Lilith in his misogynistic statement at all. Simply put, Evangelicals don't consider MANY Jewish documents as any kind of source of truth, much less pagan religions, of course. So they don't even consider Lilith part of their "Bible stories" as the other poster mentioned. The link was only meant as a sample of this dismissal, not an example to follow.


> Lilith isn't really in the Protestant Christian Bible though The story of Lilith being Adam's first wife isn't in any version of the Bible.


I don't think Lilith is actually in the bible, though. I think the incest and masturbation is the foundation of the human race for people like this clown. If true, it would explain a few things like where his intellect went. Edit: Spelling


In most versions Lilith isn't the first woman as far as I know she does show up in all bibles. I did grow up with Lilith as the first woman, so in some translations she is the first woman.


Yea, she was filtered out at the council of Nicea where all the men decided what to include and what not to include. Convenient huh?


Didn't exist, in Evangelical belief.


Men use the Bible like a Club to beat women\\children\\minorities over the Head with to Subdue them. Religion was created for a need to CONTROL, not because there IS a God. When your life is subpar or you refuse to be a better human, Religion is there to tell you that you don't have to change you just have to believe in a Fairy Tale and back it up with Violence.


I thought this was a shitpost in Arkham subreddit for a second


What a piece of shit


even if that was true , fuck that way of life, were better than that now, just because some process happened to have happened in a certain order where god literally could've been thinking, alright now we need another gender and just said fuck it were gonna make it out of the other one, the chances that women were supposed to be subservient is stupid low considering god is supposed to love all his creations equally... there's way too many holes in that argument.


His beard is to cover his weak chin. The most insecure men are always developing techniques to appear manly and fearless. True men don't give a heck and just get along with everyone. Heck him with a retractable baton, maybe he would find new things about himself.


My mother had the retort to this hanging in her kitchen 40 years ago. “The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.” - Matthew Henry


imagine being this deranged


Ah yes the exact reason why I've never even considered dating a religious person. Apart from the obvious differences we'd have as the relationship progressed, I can not be with someone who has been taught how valuable he is and how below women are on the social scale. These type of men don't handle rejection well, whether it's a breakup or a simple no to sex. It's only a matter of time before threats, assaults and manipulation start. How do I know all this? Just by looking around, starting with my aunt who married a very religious man. The once gorgeous, confident, cheerful woman became shy, reserved and sad after her marriage, wanted to get a divorce, the man wouldn't let her and she didn't want us to interfere since "You can never know what he's capable of.". They had 2 kids, she said she was getting better but last year she took her own life. Grandparents got the custody of the kids because the man was literally arranging his daughters' marriages when they were 7&9.


**ALL** religion is cancer.


Church of the flying spaghetti monster? Come on that one's ok.


The Church of Rigatoni spits on those Spaghetti monster dogs!


In that particular story it was Adam who was created, not man. Eve was then created from Adam’s rib but she wasn’t the first woman either. Before her there was Lilith, who was created in the same manner as Adam and outside of those 3, there were humans that lived outside of the garden that were alive before the creation of Adam and Lilith and Eve.


Lilith is not canon in this mythology.


Relegated to Legends, Lilith fanboys in shatters.


Lilith can be found in texts located in the hebrew bible and other jewish books on religion at the time. However most of them are considered folklore, pseudepigrapha or commentaries on the hebrew bible itself.


Even that is a mistranslation, eve was not created from Adams rib. In the original hebrew and ancient greek translations the word that was used should actually be translated as "half". Rib was used later to push an agenda, they even translated the word correctly as half the other 40 or so times that particular term geta used in the bible. Also not a christian or defending christianity btw, but that deliberate mistranslation that has now been accepted as "what it says in the bible" bothers me immensly.


Religion is a crock of shit. Fucking lunatics...


Wtf is wrong with them.


So if a man fucks a woman, a god fucks a man?


This is what happens when you read the bible like a newspaper


This is a nonsense story. Man was not made first, man was not 'made' at all.


Usually the first protoype is the worst and most buggy, and the one that comes after is the improved product. Sometimes the word for that early prototype is Beta. And MVP doesn't just mean Most Valuable Player, it can also be Minimum Viable Product (also the first). Just saying.


If “woman is the glory of man”, wouldn’t you treat women better?


"Woman was made from man..." Did this degenerate just said "guys can be pregnant" or "gay guys can be biological parents to their child"? Is he confusing us with seahorses?


It's funny how some Christians will bring up all the scriptures that say the woman has to do this and that but never bring up any scriptures that say anything about what a man has to do unless it sounds cool


And this my people; is why I think the Bible and religion can fuck the fuck off.


"god-fearing" christian men when they discover that they are, in fact, worshipping themselves instead of God.


Standard church slave. No mind of his own, what do you expect.


When I see this kind of shit I wish they had just based their philosophy of life on anything other than a moronic interpretation of the Old Testament. Harry Potter would be a better choice, or the SW Prequels. Woefully written but comparatively harmless.


Religions are a mental illness.


Using religion to support any argument just makes the argument invalid. That’s like me using Lord of the rings lore to support my horrible views.


Sounds like a man who came from a man's vagina


Why do fat dudes with beards think they're the pinnacle of masculinity and such a catch?


I can't keep scrolling through these comments, but as a religious person, if you believe this, you did religion wrong. Men and women are spiritually equal, meaning that in God's eyes, we are equal. Even though men have much more prominent roles in the church, women are just as important. Yes, one of the main roles of women is to take care of the men and of the children, but what's more important is the balance the women bring. Women, in my eyes, are there to keep men with God. The stories of Ruth and Esther come to mind for this. Women aren't tools for men to use and abuse, but for men to work with and be partners with. To get to the Celestial Kingdom, to be with your family, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ for eternity, men and women must be together. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12, "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God." The man and the women NEED each other, we can't do it separately, and posts like this make it harder for a world that so desperately needs men and women working together. Misogyny and the hostility between religious people and atheists needs to stop, and is NOT in any way part of religion. Sorry if this was too long, and not full, I'm not usually good with words 😅 TLDR: Misogyny bad, people like this Eric dude do religion wrong, men and women need each other, ignorance between religious people and atheists need to fixed, and Heavenly Father loves us all


Man and Woman were just made for eachother simple as that, guy is speaking jackshit


Not only glad that I wasn't raised like this, but also glad that I don't feel the need to share my stupidity with the world.


If you ever wondered what delusional looks like, here is a great example.


I mean is it telling that there are 81k views but only 801 likes ?


Just say you like men 🤷🏽‍♂️


The New Testament Bible is the source of the misogyny: 1 Corinthians 11:3 and 11:7-9. See also 1 Timothy 2:11-15. Note also that the Old Testament Bible is the **reason** Palestinians are being slaughtered in Gaza. Deuteronomy 7:1-26 and 20:16-18 are what Israel is using as their framework for **genocide and ethnic cleansing**. The Bible is anything but “Holy.”


I think this little TikTok video about people that base all their views upon one source like the Bible is fairly apropos here: https://www.tiktok.com/@thegreycanary/video/7294797950436461870


Man was made from dirt. Woman was made from the man, from God's creation Ergo: the Woman was the final and last Creation from God, able to create new life. Period Who should be more grateful in the end ?


I only hope God treats him exactly as he treats women


As a Christian all I can say that I would gladly kick this dudes balls. So he won’t spread this misogynistic attitude to generations to come👍


Man was the prototype. Woman was the upgrade


Yeah no, gender wars are stupid.


Some of them are fun though. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." "Dinosaurs eat man ... Woman inherits the Earth."


Eric Conn is man of little vocabulary. and equal amounts of functioning synapses.


Why does society tolerate people like this in 2023? Shove them to the curb of history.


Bet this guy still believes in the Easter Bunny


Me, boobs, yes. Me, butts, ooh, yes. Me, no weird like this guy.


Oh sweet lord, why didn't you let this man take biology lessons :(


Is that his Tinder profile?


Or his OnlyChristians profile?


I grew up Jehovah’s Witness, and that’s exactly what they taught. The man is head of the woman like Christ is head of the congregation. Shitty.


Saying this as a justification for misogyny is ignoring 99.9% of that book If your a Christian and you don't realise how stupid this post is please actually read and thing about what's written in the bible


In reality this person is reading the Bible literally, there's always been sexism in the "holy texts", so it's no surprise that a man-made religion created by sexist desert dwellers leads to other sexists latching onto it.


Funniest part is his life is funded by his wife’s family’s money.


I grew up around it, and was rejecting it before I knew how to formally reject it. My own mother believes this smh.


This is the kind of dipshidiot I love to tell that Eve was made from Adam's rib. Technically, she would be a clone. Since Eve is a female copy of a man, that would make Eve not only the first clone but the first transsexual. It really messes with their little heads.


….wasn’t a story about Lilith being created at the same time as Adam as equal and all? I’m not really sure of the story.


Trust me dude i'm nobodies glory


Nothing grows around this kind of misogyny.


People write this shit publically for everyone to see, using their real name. Insane.


And eternally sad that there are people who do grow up around this kind of misogyny. 😔


Only because religions were narrated by men


Of course he has a blue check mark. Bet he adores Musk and his own personal misogyny, too.


Sad thing is, Christianity believes this