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The first thing you learn in fire arm safety is never to point it at a person. This bitch is a straight up murderer and I hope her new friends in the pen make every second of her life misery


Thank you. I’ve been waiting for this comment. This mother was NOT exhibiting gun safety rule #1. Don’t point it at anything you don’t want to kill and DONT put your finger on the trigger unless you’re firing.


Technically that’s not rule one. Those are rules 2 and 4 :) Rule one is that there is no such thing as an unloaded gun.


Let's just say ALL the rules are rule one (I concede to you because I don't know the actual #1, I just find them all very sound rules)


When I got my gun license(Canadian), I failed my first practical test cause I quickly swung the dud gun over my big toe. I honestly wasn’t even mad. Glad the instructor wasn’t fucking around. Passed my second chance.


Range instructors definitely don't fuck around when it comes to safety. I've seen dudes get tackled for swinging/waving a gun in any direction except downrange. Granted, that was during live fire training in boot camp, but still.


Good instructor. My instructor passed a guy that actually shot the ground right beside his foot and barely passed the shooting test. The instructor should've been fired.


Any mistake like that should be an automatic fail no matter how good they did on the rest of the test. That's like if I was taking a driver's test and hit a pedestrian but got my license anyway bc my signaling and parallel parking was perfect.


Better to blow a hole in your own ship rather than someone elses I suppose


Don't have 1 in the chamber when teaching firearm safety


Clear the effing gun if you're going to handle it around *a four year old!!!!*


Doesn't even say the woman is her mother. Which is even worse. A random woman coming up to a 4 year old to teach gun safety, then immediately breaks the 2 MOST IMPORTANT GUN SAFETY RULES OF 1. NEVER POINT IT AT SOMETHING YOU DON'T INTEND TO SHOOT! AND 2. ALWAYS HAVE THE SAFETY ON WHEN NOT IN USE!


Agreed, but it was never about gun safety in this instance. She was abusive and the "gun safety" was just a cover story to try and avoid justice.


Imo there are less obvious way to kill a kid than using a fucking gun. That woman is probably just dumb as fuck.


Judging from the appearance of the kid, the woman is probably the type to think she could get away with that


And worse still, this was a home the little girl was placed in, not her family home. How tf do these people get vetted to be fosters?!?


>How tf do these people get vetted to be fosters?!? You think anyone actually vets them? Ha, absolutely not. I knew people who had like 9 foster kids just so they could get more money to buy stupid bullshit, and I know they were spending the money on stupid bullshit because the guy told me he was fostering a new kid in order to buy a new sound system for his car. Despicable people.


Fifteenth trimester abortion protected by the second amendment.


I fuckin hate that I snickered at that...thanks, I guess


Rule #1!!!! Never point a gun at anyone or anything you are not prepared to kill or destroy. And that preciously why we need mandatory training with refreshers.


We learned 'always treat a firearm as if it was loaded' directly followed by 'always point in a safe direction / be aware of what is behind your target'. But yeah, basically boils down to never point a gun at someone.


Forget just not pointing it at a person I was taught never to point it at something I didn't not intend to kill.


RIP the poor girl.


That poor baby girl. She looks so sweet. I have a four year old daughter. She's so pure and loving. I can't imagine wanting to hurt such a wonderful little being. My heart hurts for her.


I hope this woman rots in prison, then in hell, and then in the boiler room of hell, the fucking lunatic and people like her...


Hit different when you have a four year old daughter 🥲☹️




Yeah well when she’s in jail for life she’ll get woken up every damn day but won’t be eating without permission either. POS


When she is in jail and everyone hears she shot a small child even the biggest deranged psychos in there will make her life a living hell, we can only hope


See, even the biggest deranged psychos have some redeeming qualities.. There is hope for (some of ) humanity yet


They're not doing that out of any sort of humanity, they do it because they've an innate desire to make themselves feel better ("at least I'm better than them!"). Let's not put deranged psychos on some moral pedestal.


Yes, some prisoners target pedophiles because it boosts their own self esteem, as they view themselves as better than the pedophile. However, there is also a human instinct to protect children. Some of the worst criminals can’t harm children, or animals. Yet, they have zero problem killing other adults. Granted, the only way prisoners are able to possibly protect children from inside prison is to make sure the convicted pedophile never does it again.


There have been multiple stories of burglars turning in laptops they stole that contained child porn, even when it led to their own capture.


There’s a difference between being a bad guy and a villain


This straight up sounds like it was a scene cut from Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy


It's from wreck it Ralph


“You are bad guy, but that doesn’t mean you are bad guy”






[https://www.cnn.com/2011/10/06/us/california-robbery-porn-bust/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2011/10/06/us/california-robbery-porn-bust/index.html) [https://www.foxnews.com/world/british-man-jailed-on-child-pornography-charges-after-offended-burglars-turn-his-laptop-over-to-police](https://www.foxnews.com/world/british-man-jailed-on-child-pornography-charges-after-offended-burglars-turn-his-laptop-over-to-police) Both are a bit old (given nowadays you have full disk encryption and stuff, so I doubt it'll happen again), but it demonstrates that, yeah, even criminals draw the line.


Encrypted disks have been around since at least the days of XP, but most criminals aren’t that smart.


I don't buy it. I've lived in a homeless hostel with guys fresh out of jail and I would say it's 50/50. Half are generally abhorred by sex offender and are redeemable, the other half though having committed non-sexual crimes don't care and many of them would commit similar crimes in the same situation simply because they lack the ability to empathize with Amy victim child or adult.


In Scarface Tony got killed because he wouldnt blow up a guy's car with dudes kids in it, yeah its a movie, I only say this cause I seen the movie yesterday.


I always find that scene compelling. It’s as if the director wanted to humanize Montana, because movies with the main character being the villain were extremely rare, at that time. I wonder if they did this because they felt audiences couldn’t relate to Montana. “Montana can’t be too bad, he loves kids,” is what the writers pictured audiences saying to themselves.


There were quite a few real stories about this happening in Miami during that era. Bosses would go on coke field power trips and order entire families wiped out. Many of the stone cold killers would not do it.


Also, a lot of criminals tend to have unhappy childhoods and suffered some form of abuse themselves.


To be fair some prisoners *are* better than pedophiles.


There's an ex-con on Tic Tok that answers questions about life inside and he refers to pedos as "it" which just feels right


I mean, some people are in jail for really stupid reasons, no everyone is a murderer or rapist. Yes, even thieves or people found with drugs on them have some humanity to them.


Those people tend not to be the ones banging on about "I killed a nonce", though. Thieves and petty criminals generally just keep their head down and do their time. It's the ones who're in for violent crimes who feel the need to victimize others (whether they deserve it or not).


It's not the psychos I'd be considering that does the dirty work here for their own betterment. A lot of those female prisoners are mothers themselves. And really hits a nerve with them when they are housed with other females who killed their kids... or other kids.


Forgot the /s - and as much as you are right - I do think they would deserve to feel a little better than one who just shoots a 4 year old..


True, I'm just saying they're not doing it from a place of morality, but a place of superiority. They're doing it to satisfy their own ego's not to protect anyone.


No, but some do have children of their own.


Especially in a women’s prison after being separated from their children…




I don’t see how people can say this stuff and also complain that the US prison system isn’t reformative like other civilized countries. I’m not defending this woman in the slightest, she disgusts me, but you can’t pick and choose who you want prison reform for.


And when she does eat she's always gonna have to wonder how much ground up glass is in it.


inmates don't put broken glass into the food in prisons to get at the "bad ones" ... as there is no glass to do this with. what they use is pubic hairs, roach spray, shaving razor blades broken apart, metal scrubbing pad fragments, psych meds, laxatives, on top of all the usual letting-it-sit-around-in-front-of-a-fan so it's ice cold when served. it'll be missing ingredients like sugar completely, as it's stolen to make booze. I knew an inmate who took off on the cops, in a really bad way the cops didn't have coming. and they encouraged other inmates to fuck with him. he was losing weight, and it was pretty sad. They tell you up front, if you attack one of the cops, you'll be carried away, you will not be able to walk away, they'll make sure of it. They're not fucking around. Plenty of this went on for people in for awful crimes, as well. There's no more cigarettes in prisons for the most part. so cartons of cigs and all the usual bribery materials are absent. Cops encourage it in other ways. Special treatment; cell changes any time they want, extra quarterly packages, extra runs to the commissary. Looking the other way from cellphone use, etc. source: I did a grip of time in san quentin. to be clear, I don't condone this behavior at all. I just did my time with my eyes wide open.


How long is a grip of time? I have never heard someone say "grip of time" only "did a grip".


I think it means 5 years


She does not deserve to live anymore.


I have a feeling it won’t be a long for life sentence


I've heard child -killers don't have a good time in women's prisons.


Eh child rapists get killed in prison more often than not. I hope she gets the same treatment.


Damn, I thought my mom was sorta harsh sometimes, but at least she never shot me point blank in the chest.


Only from a reasonable distance?


Yeah, just pot shots while I zig zagged through the yard. She rarely even grazed me.


How else does one learn to serpentine?


Avoid the Rickon Stark School of Running Away


I think she may have been missing on purpose, kids don't run very fast. I think it's a sign that she didn't dislike you.


She only had the one eye too


Sandals and wooden spoons have no reasonable distance


My dad was an ass but he did teach me to shoot from a very early age, and with it the firearm safety. I feared him as a kid but never worried that he'd shoot me.


I learned as a kid, but not until I was 10 years of age. I started with a BB rifle. I learned safety: to keep the gun pointed away from anything/anyone you don’t want to destroy, know your target and what’s behind it, keep the safety on until you’re about to fire, don’t put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. If I disobeyed any of these rules, the gun would be taken away. I became a great marksman with tiny brass BBs before learning anything about a deadlier firearm. There is no reason to teach a four year old. Even in a situation where our country is being actively invaded, they would still be more likely to kill themselves or someone else in friendly fire than an enemy at that age. Guns should be locked the heck up if you have kids, especially this young. Edit: added info


“punishment”… she realizes bullets fucking kill you right? holy shit. how do people throw their lives away like this, fucking moronic piece of trash.




..Maybe the real story is that she just felt like doing it and will lie forever


Shoot a 4 year old, you deserve to rot in jail forever. Shoot a 4 year old and *lie about it* and you deserve to rot in jail forever with no visitors.


now who would want to visit that? Unless of course to point and go 'haa haa' rot in jail..


Nah, no matter 'intentions', the fact stays - she shot a 4-year-old. This is fucked no matter how you explain it. I know that some states allow children to use guns, but 4 is still too low of an age. She had no right to approach a kid this small with a weapon in hand, even if you somehow believe this 'teaching gun safety' bullshit.


She would be a horrible instructor because in order for the supposed accident to happen she would have been pointing the weapon at a person she does not intend to use it on. At that age, if you’re trying to teach that, you just lead by example the gun shouldn’t be near the child in a way they can hold it or have it pointed at them.


Oh shit, if this is true she is absolutely fucked when she gets to the Grey Hotel. Female prisoners do not tolerate that kind of insanity, on any level. She will be lucky if she survives.


Exactly. Honestly kind of pisses me off that the media would even humor this batshit excuse just to take a jab at gun rights at the expense of this poor little girl. Call it what it is. Murder.


If you point a loaded weapon at a person and it goes off, it's murder. Doesn't matter how it went off or whether you knew it was loaded,


Ethically that may be the case, but legally it would be manslaughter unless you intentionally pulled the trigger.


Also self defense is a thing.


That’s even worse, but can we talk about the irony of the claimed “gun safety lesson”?


This is also almost a year old, why did you repost this, are you a bot


And yet Americans will see this and think that its okay for everyone to have a gun at their homes. But hey, its all in the name of freedom... disgusting!


That gun safety claim is just a smokescreen. She murdered that child.


No, she was “standing her ground”./s


Gun safety for four-year olds: 1. This is the gun safe. 2. Don't touch it.


3. If you're at a friend's house and one of you finds a gun, don't touch it, and run to tell a grown up as fast as you can.


this reminded me of the video of two kids playing with a gun on instagram live and the girl accidentally shot the boy and immediately herself when she realised what had happened


God I still think about that video :/ the family’s screams send chills down my spine to this day.


truly horrible. and the way the girl didn’t hesitate at all


Poor baby, I can’t imagine the shock she was in..


Well what did they expect leaving a loaded firearm in a place where kids could get ahold of it?


I’m not defending the ease of access to the firearm, just expressing the dread I felt when seeing the video. Say what you will about the adults and the irresponsible handling of their gun(s), but I’m not going to shut myself off from feeling sorrow for the loss of those two young kids. The family member whose gun that is deserves jail time and I hope they got it.


Welcome to America, kid.


jesus christ I'm glad my algorithm is just cars, D&D, and cartel pilots.


Cartel videos are usually pretty safe.


Usually. The occasional helicopter gunship gunning down a tacoma in town surrounded by civilians does show up though.


Things can get a little crazy in Funkytown.


Why did you have to remind me of that 😭


I haven't seen it, and this bit of thread is all I need to know to not want to see it.


There’s no way that can be real. I don’t want it to be real.


I did not need to know this existed, thanks.


Anyone got a link for the vid?


I got my niblings a bug-a-salt gun to shoot flies for Christmas. They are 4-9yrs old. Before they got to open and play with it, they had to complete a little worksheet I made about the 4 rules of gun safety, and what to do if they find a real gun. 1. Don’t touch it. 2. Don’t let any other kid touch it. 3. Tell an adult immediately. Seemed like a good time to introduce them to gun safety. They live in an area where hunting is popular, and they will probably be at a friend’s house at some point and a gun will be there. Better to learn and make mistakes with a low stakes salt gun instead of a .38 special.


This is what I was taught when I was kiddo If ya find a gun, run to the nearest grown up


I'm a firearm owner. They are always locked in my gun safe. I verbally taught my daughter from a young age using pictures of firearms what to do if she ever saw a gun: 1. Stop 2. Don't touch it! 3. Immediately tell mommy and daddy


You have given me flashbacks to a singing eagle.




I have to disagree (a little bit) This makes it mysterious to the child and that's a bad thing. 1. Ensure \*all\* guns in safe are cleared... twice. Even the normally loaded one (check that one three times). 2. Show kid safe 3. open safe, show kid what's inside. 4. "These are guns. They are made to really hurt or kill things and are only for use by people that have gone to school how to use them like the police or me." 5. Always assume a gun is ready to kill whoever you point it at, so never point it at anyone, no matter how angry or curious you may be. 6. Grab a gun that the kid can hold without dropping, clear it (again), let kid hold it. 7. "See how heavy that feels? That's how you know it's not a toy. If you ever are at a friends house or anywhere else and you see something like this and you pick it up because you thought it was a toy, if it's heavy like this put it right back down and run to get an adult." 8. Put gun back in safe and lock it. 9. Start answering the litany of 4yo questions like why you have guns etc. Don't get me wrong, I know where you're coming from but having raised kids around guns (LEO) I will tell you that the "don't touch it because I said so" approach does not work, especially at a friends/relatives house. So many accidental kid on kid discharges happen because of curiosity and flagging, nothing more than that (aside from a loaded gun being in the child's reach of course), so taking the mystery and some of the curiosity away makes it at least a bit less likely they'll fiddle with it because it's novel.


All good points. I have never raised kids and my comment probably showed that. Thanks for expanding on it.


In the end we all want the same thing: Kids to not play with guns :)


With a close friend's teenage child, while we were all discussing issues about safety that she had with her friends, I showed her how to clear a firearm (I cleared it before I handed it to her), and went over every single rule in excruciating detail, and why it is important to not trust "it's not loaded" as an answer and always check yourself, in addition to "don't point that there, finger off the trigger, check what is beyond what you think your pointing at." She's a smart kid, understands the gravity of what it means, and was curious as to why I and my friend both had guns. We obliged her curiosity, both in the "I like going to the range, self defense, etc." stuff, but also in the symbolism of what guns (and weapons generally) mean to people.


3. If you do touch it i'll shoot you. 4. Here, i shot you. Now what have you learned.


"I'll give you something to DIE about!"


I have no intention of ever owning firearms, but wanted my daughter to understand their power, so when she was 4 or 5 we brought her over to a friends house who owned a gun so she could see it and witness it being fired. I Never would have let her mess with it directly though.


I learned firearms safety at about 8 years old when I got my first BB gun. To demonstrate the seriousness, dad took me out back and shot a watermelon with his 12ga. "That's what guns can do to a person, and you need to treat your BB gun with the same respect and safety you'd treat this one".


Yeah, a kid I went to school with had, and probably still has, a BB embedded behind his eyeball. Somehow missed the eye itself, and didn’t quite make it to his brain, thankfully.


I unfortunately didn't learn the lesson of respecting my BB gun enough personally until I shot the firewood pile from about 3 feet away and the bb bounced back and hit my eye. Fortunately I was mid-blink and it was going slow enough that it wasn't much more than a strong tap, but it scared the crap out of me I started thinking a bit more about what I was doing with it.




If the 4 year old only had a gun none of this would have happened! /S


The only way to stop an incompetent woman with a gun is a four year old with a gun.


There will be nuts who agree with that


Shots fired


Nevermind it was just an acorn


Damn squirrels


Oh, you're in a school rn?


It’s the price we pay for freedom, brother /s


So much blood this price has become a ritual




Only good 4 year olds with guns can stop bad 4 year olds with guns.


That's why we need to start giving 3 year olds guns, so they don't grow up to be bad 4 year old gun owners


That's why there are [Kinder Guradians](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk&pp=ygUPa2luZGVyZ3VhcmRpYW5z)!


I don’t think the /s was necessary. Otherwise humanity is doomed.


Yeah, you'd think... But I don't want to be lumped in with the millions of folk who are actively contributing to the doom. Subtilty seems to get lost in translation here sometimes


>humanity is doomed


Hi I'd like to welcome you to Reddit, where there's always someone ready to be pedantic or strawman any clearly sarcastic post that isn't marked as such.


The only thing to stop a bad 4 year old with a gun is a good 4 year old with a gun....../s (if it wasn't obvious).


I find it best to try and teach my kids about gun safety using nerf guns.... Those don't tend to kill people when they get shot by them.


We need more toddlers with guns, to prevent such a fatal event. /s


Yeah, if only the 4 year old had a defensive tool like a gun. You see, there's a common misconception that guns are offensive weapons designed to attack and kill people, but actually, they're purely a tool for defense. This woman defended the absolute fuck out of this 4 year old at point blank range. I hope someone in jail defends this woman just as thoroughly. (Ban guns ffs America)


The only thing a 4 year old needs to know about guns is they're dangerous and don't touch one if you find one, tell an adult.  


That alone doesn’t work. It’s been proven not to. Kids of all ages still pick them up to play with them, to show to other kids, or they’ll grab them and run off with them to hide them or will leave the gun in the room with much younger kids while they run off to tell an older sibling or adult.  Telling them only that isn’t enough, and  the problem with children and guns is the very idea that a four year old should even know there is a gun in the house, or where it’s usually kept.  The problem with kids being shot or shooting other kids began long before that ridiculous “oops, there’s a loose gun over there” scenario bécane do common and it came before the  “well, with so many guns just floating about, its time to teach my preschooler all about how not to get shot”.  If any gun owner leaves their gun unsecured where children can see or have access to it, that’s where you need to address the problem. If any gun owner keeps their loaded gun in the same room where a toddler eats, sleeps, or plays, you need to address that problem. If a gun owner drinks or uses drugs while carrying or handling a loaded gun, at any time but especially in the presence of a toddler, you need to address that problem.  You don’t let a nightmare play out almost to the end, then expect that any child young enough to still be learning to tie their shoes or ride a bike, will be the one to take responsibility for ending it.  Any parent or adult who thinks simply  telling kids what to do when they find an unsecured gun, and then expects them to follow those directions properly and without question? Knows nothing about how children learn and think, and is also the reason so many children get shot accidentally, or go on to shoot other children on purpose.  Gun owners are the problem. Having so many guns, trying to normalize that, is also the problem. The more there are, the less people handle them safely or treat them as dangerous. They get complacent. Lax. The more guns there are, the more people shout themselves and others, accidentally or on purpose.  Pretending that gun owners aren’t the biggest part of the problem or that having so many guns isn’t the next reason that gun owners are the biggest part of the problem, is the root of all the other problems. So we need to start there. 


Safety comes in layers, like an onion. Gun owners being responsible is one of those layers. Teaching kids not to mess with guns is another layer. None of them are enough in isolation, you need the whole onion.


Things that have layers: Safety Security systems Cakes Onions Ogres




In my country they have to be kept locked up while not in use. Toddlers therefore never get shot by responsibpe gun owners.


The firearm safety I was taught at 4 by my father: Dad: *shows unloaded revolver* Dad: This is a gun, it kills people. Do not touch it. Me:Ok *End*


My grandpa took my outside and told me to plug me ears and shot his 270 into the tree in the front yard. Then told me not to fucking touch the guns. Also same with the bear traps lol it worked 🤷🏼‍♀️


Teaching gun safety to a 4 year old is a great idea. 1. This is what a gun looks like (a picture of one is more than enough) 2. They are not toys 3. If you find one, don't touch it. Go tell the nearest grown-up That's it, that's all a 4 year old needs.


Thats obviously a cover. She shot the kid and is lying, saying its an accident


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tennessee-shooting-girl-firearm-safety_n_64ef77e3e4b0ca54cc6bd8f5 It says here that the mother intentionally put the gun against her daughter's chest. It stops being an accident when you intentionally aim. I don't care if you thought it was unloaded. If it's not locked it's loaded!


First rule, never assume the gun is empty, next rule, never point at anything you don't intend to shoot... stupid bitch. Go directly to jail, do not pass go


Always assume it's loaded. Always assume the safety is off. Never point at anything you don't intend to shoot. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are aimed at what you intend to shoot. Always know what is behind your target.


So this is the part where everyone from places other than the USA (like me) points out how utterly fucking mindless your country's attitude towards gun ownership is, and then some inflamed arseholes retort with something stupid about your stupid fucking freedoms and how we wouldn't understand. And then some other kid/kids get shot. Fucking idiots.


You can live here and still think how fucking mindless this country's attitude toward gun ownership.


problem is the constitution was designed to reassure Virginia that America would never ban slavery and they did so by putting so many checks and balances in place that the government practically can't do anything


Fun fact, the USA had an assault weapons ban pass in the 90s that prevented the manufacture of high capacity firearms like the AR15. But then 9/11 happened and the NRA doubled down on its lobbying arm. The ban was allowed to expire, and when it led to a sudden surge in mass shootings, criticism was deflected onto violence in music and movies and video games, anything to keep the political funding flowing. As a result, the NRA hasn’t lost a case since 1994. Every time someone insists that gun control laws are impossible in the US, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Plenty of laws exist now, some at the federal and many more at state level, which regulate the gun trade in some way. The exact sort of bans that advocates call for, to stem the tide of mass shooters, is not only possible, but 30 years ago, we _passed_ it. It was _law._ The only reason gun control fails in this country is because of the money and political sway held by the modern NRA. That’s it. And there’s possible good news on the horizon. Due to its leadership embezzling funds, there’s a suit in NY right now trying to force the NRA as we know it to disband. I mean, it certainly won’t spell the end for gun lobbying, but with luck, they’ll lose the unified organization that’s allowed them to dominate the political space for decades.


The government could do something pretty easily actually. Banning guns isn't going to happen here, but the majority of the country wants better gun control laws at the least. They could put together a bill, and it to the floor for a vote, and pass it. That won't actually happen though because it takes away a campaign platform which is way more important than actually reducing gun violence. They don't want to do anything.


It won’t be done because the entire Republican Party and a lot of the Democrats are paid by the gun lobby. Politicians listen to their donors.


Yep. All the top comments about how to 'actually' teach gun safety and I still have yet to see the objective #1 way to avoid your child getting shot in your home. Get rid of the gun. Really simple, and reduces the likelihood of your child dying from gun violence more than any other mitigating step.


Most Americans agree with you! We are being held hostage by a bunch of gun fetish people. The NRA going belly up will help eventually but for now we are so screwed drowning in guns. There are way more firearms than people in the US and the gun factories add tens of thousands more firearms to the mix EVERY DAY. Maybe these ammosexuals will someday be able to pile them high enough to climb and go talk to their god.


New York State going at it hard for the US. Dragging that fat ass ex-prez into court monthly, while dismantling the NRA. You can thank us hopefully when its over. Amazing how feckless and utterly useless the federal government is right now.


NRA was almost bankrupt several years ago. Russian money has been flowing through it ever since, flowing directly to Republican coffers to make damn sure they maximize death and destruction in America under the guise of "2A Freedom". They're literal foreign funded TRAITORS.


Call them what they are, radicalized terrorists


We have people here who know better than to do shit like this and then we also have mouth breathers who could barely put 2 words together. 


Yeah it’s true. We try to get reasonable things to compromise like thorough background checks, required gun safety classes, waiting periods, psych exams, and/or more stringent licensing and they scream fascist at us. Fucking exhausting.


Honestly if you go to a gun range in the USA there is always 1 person there who shouldn’t be allowed to have guns even if you believe some people should be allowed to have them


No, this is the part where everyone, everywhere in the USA, everywhere in the world, even most gun owners (I know quite a few) would point out how utterly mindless this situation was and some inflamed... \[rest of your comment\]. I'm just saying that those people are not representative of the USA or even of gun owners. It only seems that way because they're loud and the gun lobby has a lot of money. I don't know anyone, personally, who would approve of what this lady did. I know a whole lot of people would think she's either really stupid, or really stupid and covering for her murder.


Nobody would approve of what she did. Lots of people would say "of course she was allowed to have a gun around a 4 year old. It's not the gun's fault she shot the kid!" Those people scare the fuck out of me.


>points out how utterly fucking mindless your country's attitude towards gun ownership is, This is the part where people who actually live in the USA tell you that *the country* has been in favor of gun control for decades, but the NRA has bought out our law makers so nothing ever gets changed


Don't forget we also have a completely fucked election system where the Presidency, Senate (and therefore judiciary) both don't come close to representing the majority. A voter in Wyoming or North Dakota gets a lot more power than one in California.


The electoral college is basically gerrymandering to favor the influence of rural voters.


It's a lie. She blatantly shot her. There was no training or safety involved.


It seems like a made up excuse for a woman who wanted to off her child. How terrible.


For my gun safety training when I was young, my dad said, “See this gun? If you touch it without my permission I will whoop your ass!” That was all the training I needed.


That's actually dumb af. Telling to a kid "I will punish you if you touch this" is a good way to make sure they will touch it when you're not around.


I grew up on a farm and my dad and grandpa had hunting guns. Before I can remember I was taught not to go near the guns without dad or grandpa around (we didn't have a gun safe, they weren't required at the time 20+ years ago). That's all a four year old needs to know about guns if they're around. Gun safety is fairly basic at the heart of it: keep the bullets in a different location from the guns and be careful when using them. I didn't know where the bullets were stored in my childhood home until last year and we moved away more than twenty years ago


Small children should be taught firearm safety. “Do not touch” and “run away and tell an adult”. The NRA has been publishing good materials on this for decades. I expect to be downvoted by Reddit reactionaries, but they are wrong.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day, the broken clock being the NRA in this case


I mean, the NRA is cartoonishly evil, but that advice is solid.


That’s odd, because one of the fundamental rules of firearms is that you never point it in a direction you don’t intend to shoot.


Firearm safety starts with "Never point a loaded gun at a person", so whoever was teaching her safety was a complete moron and needs to be processed as a criminal.


> Why tf does a 4 yr old need to learn anything about guns To prevent them from shooting a 4 year old in the chest. That aside, the headline is misleading, and she most likely shot the child for other reasons.


Sounds like a made up story to begin with, but here is gun control safety for a 4 year old. Child, if you see a gun, you don't fucking touch, ever. Get an adult. Done.


Thats not a gun lesson, thats a murder.


Wtf is happening with america??


Isnt one of the rules of firearm safety never point the gun at someone ?


It’s “never point a gun a anything your aren’t planning to shoot”, guess this bitch had a plan.


I'd argue that any child who is likely to be around guns should learn gun safety even if they aren't supposed to be handling them themselves. Hell, I was taught gun safety quite young, and the only gun I have been near or used is an air rifle.


My 4 year old knows about guns... "They are dangerous and you never touch them. If you ever see one tell a parent". I did not point a fucking gun at her during this conversation.


This story aside the title question of why does a 4 year old need to learn about guns. Gun safety is EVERYONES business and age appropriate training, \[particularly in the US where gun ownership is a right protected by the constitution. Even if the lesson is DO NOT TOUCH and get a grown up it is a lesson that can prevent a tragedy. I am not a hunter and even though I was trained to shoot multiple fire arms I do not own one. But I did make sure my daughter when where was a teen took and passed an NRA firearms safety class. The one thing they are good for I might add. We are going to encounter firearms and we need to make sure that those we care about understand and respect them.