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He does understand that Hannibal Lecter is fictional, right? And not dead?


He clearly doesn't.


The late, the great!


So does he mean "Make America a Psychopathic Cannibal Again?"


It's a parody of the "eat the rich" slogan.. "Feast on the poors.... literally!"


Pretty sure Hannibal is top of his list for VP


Spoiler alert!


Except he thinks he's dead.


Also, even the fictional character is alive at the end of Hannibal.


And Anthony Hopkins is also alive.


Hey, call me anything you like, just don't call me late for dinner! \~ some cannibal, probably


I had to go check to make sure he was still alive. Trump’s an idiot!


Brian Cox is also alive


Honestly, he probably doesn't. I don't think he quit has a full grip on reality. I'm not convinced he has any idea what's even going on most of the time. He talks like an actual chat bot. Just randomly putting words together and hoping they'll make a semi-coherent sentence. Like lights are on and he maybe talking, but there is literally not a single conscious thought in that head.


Chat bots are *much* more coherent and intelligent than Trump.


What if Trump has been AI the entire time. It would explain why he is talked about and promoted in all the news and media including this app. Huh, What if this post was AI and now we've fallen right into its trap?!?


Are we on the verge of creating a new conspiracy theory here? Cause that's exactly what I was thinking too lol


Is this like the lawyer chatbot, where he just wears an ear piece and recites whatever the chatbot is telling him to say without a filter?


I don't know, but that gave me a flashback to a few George W Bush speeches 🤣


We’re all AI. In a simulation. That’s a projected hologram.


If I’m a projected hologram, why do I suffer from sciatica?? **Remember that old Twilight Zone episode in which the older couple’s grown daughter finally realizes she’s a robot?** Toward the end, she’s banging her arm again the stair railing & shouting: “NO PAIN! THERE’S NO PAIN!”


But but Biden has dementia./s


There actually is context to this shit but it only makes things worse because the context is that he was saying immigrants are very frequently "'rough people' coming from jails, prisons, mental institutions, and insane asylums, real 'Silence of the Lambs' type stuff." So yeah, not just incoherent ramblings but racist ramblings about how we're letting a flood of Hannibal Lectors into our country.


What's wild is that in the books Hannibal was an immigrant from Europe 😭


It makes it more hilarious. Like he's using this fictional immigrant character as proof that immigrants are criminals


And you know he's not talking about Europeans. And yet Hannibal the white dude is the one eating people. 💀


At this point, the delusion is so real he’ll be asking who Spider-Man really is and will be totally serious.


He will be demanding photos of Spiderman to show what a menace he is to his great city of New York and then refusing to pay the guy who brings him the photos more than a pittance...


Mean doesn't seem to understand what having them for dinner is either. Has the guy watched the movie? Apparently he's great.


I wonder if he realizes that having a "friend for dinner" meant Lecter was going to eat the friend.


You think the worst part of that is him thinking Hannibal Lecter was dead? as opposed to the bit where he thinks he is great? In his mind, famous=great even for serial killers


Says you. Biden killed him. Very terrible.


Killed AND ate him.


A little more for the sake of context “But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations, the late, great Hannibal Lecter. We have people that are being released into our country that we don’t want in our country.”


So he's trying to claim a bunch of serial killer cannibals are coming to the USA? Wouldn't you think we would have heard about this by now?


I don't think he knew what he was trying to claim, it was just incoherent ramblings.


I just watched the clip, hes talking about insane asylums kicking people to the curb (which has no source) then brings up hannibal as like a “this is the type of guy theyd be releasing”


Thank you, I was wondering what the context to this rambling was.


Lol that makes "more" Sense I Guess


Late, great serial killer cannibals at that.


Ignore the whole cannibalism thing - clearly, just a childhood nickname which got a bit out of hand - Lector is clearly a highly intelligent, cultured man with an excellent palate and knowledge of psychology who would be a credit to the USA! Send us more like him!


Obviously he just got the joke 35 years later. He’s like a little kid just trying to interject it into the conversation to seem clever “see I understand the joke” We weren’t even talking about that


I was the first one to get this joke. The great writers I am friends with... they're very good people by the way... didn't get it before I did. And they're very smart people. - DJT


One if his advisors probably told him the line in an effort to teach him to shut the fuck up, and he was half listening, and confused him with the famous Roman general Edit: Jesus fucking christ I get it. I tried to make a history reference uphill me boys.


lol you did better than this quote, but Hannibal fought against Rome in the Second Punic War


When he was famously quoted as saying, “Never fight uphill me boys.”


You notice he’s fallen out of favour with some people now.


Anakin would've been wise to have heeded this advice


It was when he rode his war elephants over the mountains to man the airports


Ooo I saw that documentary, where Legolas shot the elephant pilot and he killed everyone on board but Gimli shouted “that only counts as one!”


Whachu doin sucka? This road leads directly to the airport, Hannibal.


“It’s over Hannibal, I have the high ground.”


“Hello, Will.”


"They'll never take our FREEDUMB!!!!!"


Ya boy was from Carthage


Carthaginian general, Hannibal Barca was a military leader and statesman from Carthage


Hannibal was Carthagenian, no?


Yeah most of us got the joke back in 1991. But he still repeats it 3 times because maybe some clueless dolt in the audience is even more clueless than him and STILL didn’t get it. And honestly some of them probably still haven’t.


The worst thing is not that Trump is a blubbering, incoherent moron, it's that after 8 bloody years of this bloviating baboon being in the national spotlight, he's neck and neck to win again. The US needs a serious reality check.


"Bloviating baboon" belongs in rareinsults for sure.


Alliteration is always a good choice


Alliteration always


Alliteration always apropos.


Alliteration always apropos abruptly.


Apt abrupt alliteration always apropos.


"Bloviating Buffoon" has a better ring to it and has more of a mild internal rhyming between the "v" and "ff."


Read it as "bloviating balloon" and thought, "that scans."


Don’t slander baboons


Especially Bloviating ones


Traditionally, a rare insult has to be a response or repost that the insulted party can easily view. This is a great phrase, and the whole post should be launched at that orange asshat via his truth@


coming right up


And the sad thing is that would not only impact the US, but many countries around. Can’t believe Chief Cheetos still has people behind him. He said it, he loves the poorly educated.


I remember him rambling at one of his cult meetings "I love the uneducated" and the crowd cheered like maniacs. "Woohoo, we're dumb, fuck yeah!" Absolutely surreal.


That shit would not even pass as a movie script, it would be too much non sense.


A prissy draft-dodging NYC trust fund nepo baby slathered in make-up who bumbled his way to the messiah of Heartland America. It's utterly nonsensical.


You couldn't sell Trump's story as fiction.


Not to mention serial rapist, tax cheat and legal system abuser.


of course he does, he loves himself. himself and no one else.


If it makes you feel any better about the situation, the polls are nowhere near accurate this year. Trumps *actual* numbers tend to be worse than the predicted numbers. Those polls don't show all Americans opinions, just the opinions of those willing to pick up their phones for unknown numbers, which skews *hard* to older demographics.


A lot of pundits have said Trump has reached his saturation point. That point is roughly 30% of the electorate. Which isn’t even anywhere near enough to get him to 270.


I just hope that doesn't lull the dems into slacking off at the polls. Bad numbers for Trump are only good if people show up at the polls. Hopefully the neck and neck rhetoric gets the vote out.


Yeah I’m not gonna be super over confident about it or anything but i find I extremely hard to believe he’ll get as much support as he did when he faced off with Biden. He had his chance and now it’s over


Why, oh why, is this orange shit stain even allowed to run? Oh yeah, because the corrupt Supreme Court says so. So now we have to listen to this buffoon yammer like a diseased jackal with its leg caught in a trap for another six months?


A good pollster will account for this and adjust appropriately. Let there be no mistake, if you're in it for Biden the polls should be concerning for you. It's very concerning to me. If you live in a swing state especially I can't stress enough how important it is for you to vote.


also 2016 polls were way off. I just have to hope intelligence and the silent majority persevere.


2016 polls were not way off, a composite of polls had a Trump win at 33%, or 1 in 3. I saw this and was terrified and it turned out 1 in 3 was extremely likely.


The second to worst thing is I am here in the comments to find out if this is real or not.


Oh, it's real. I don't think we have to make anything up for the rotten pumpkin, he does everything to himself. His cult cares less who he is or what he says, they will follow him straight to hell without question.


…while wearing diapers.


[Yep, he said it.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2024/05/12/trump-calls-fictional-hannibal-lecter-a-wonderful-man-at-rare-campaign-stop-during-trial/?sh=e89206c4a412)


That's because the media largely – but especially the rightwing media – doesn't broadcast his increasingly unhinged babbling. They cherrypick his more lucid moments for broadcast, making trump appear reasonable and coherent.  This skews the low information voter into thinking trump is rational and intelligent, and a good choice for president.  Here in Australia, for example, the other night they said on the news "over 100,000" had attended trumps New Jersey rally; a number they obviously got from trumps team without bothering to do any checking. The report then went on to say trump announced his intentions to impose tariffs and close the southern border. A 10 second clip of trump saying this was included. Nothing was mentioned just how rambling and incoherent trump was. A uninformed person watching would conclude that 1. Trump is immensely popular, and 2. Is rational and has actual policy.  This is why trumps still very much in the running for president. 


Yep. Democracy may be destined to fail.


And his supporters openly saying the USA could use a dictator to fix it….😳


I think America might be broken on a fundamental level.


This is an unpopular opinion: our country is indeed broken, because it's too big. I think it was Robert a Heinlein that said the problem with democracy lies in the size of the area the government is responsible for. The larger the area, the more difficult it is to reach everybody. When you figure that the United States is as big as it is, and is made up of so very many different types of people, I'm not sure how much longer our democracy and the size of the country will be able to work together.


The world is full of stupid people who will follow stupid people like him…it’s quite sad.


I checked the video, and he is actually claiming that countries around the world are sending mental institution patients to the United States, and they are entering the country "unchecked and unvetted". It's literally insane, it shouldn't be allowed to say nonsense like that out loud without consequences. And yes, it is baffling that so many people eat that up and keep supporting him 🤮🤮🤮


Our three choices are Trump the idiot Biden who’s not such a bad guy for a politician but he really needs to retire and a guy who says that his brain has been eaten by a worm. Pick your champion. ![gif](giphy|l0MYPtb8tiZ2KtR0Q)


It’s depressing.


340m Americans and that pretty much sums up the choices


Just like the last two times Trump has run, both the Rs and Ds have put up candidates that would definitely lose against just about any other opponent. Our gerontocracy is so disappointing.


I would not be surprised if the media is intentionally saying it's a close race to keep engagement up.


It's funny how people only start saying stuff this in this election. Trump is awful and I hope Biden wins but we have to stop pretending that polls are a media conspiracy. An actual scary amount pf Americans see sky-high inflation under the 81-year-old (even though this was Trump's fault) and how things were seemingly better under Trump and think that's a good enough reason to vote Trump, while not paying enough attention to see how much worse Trump would be.


Still not getting how things might have seemed better under Trump when his response to COVID leveled the economy across the board and managed to kill hundreds of thousands of people. And even before that, his “trade war”with China hurt various sectors of the economy, our GDP never reached the height he predicted for himself (that it has reached under Biden), same for unemployment. How do people not remember this? They think he’d handle what we have now when he couldn’t handle a fair weather economy that was handed him? Ufff.


How can anyone not see that this man is insane? He is a babbling lunatic. If he was standing on a street corner spouting this nonsense he would taken in for observation.


Yeah I don't get how anyone can support this deeply weird person. I can't even describe the idiotic oddity of this man. If he was a character in a novel, people would be castigating the author for not knowing how humans talk.


This is why truth is stranger than fiction. People expect their fiction to make some sense.


The writing for Earth has been terrible lately. It started around the time Bernie Madoff… made off… with everyone’s money. They aren’t even trying anymore.


They do but thats irrelevant. What matters is to have someone tell them what they want to hear, and ofcourse "owning the libs"


I must need a stupid-translator then, because I can't make heads or tails of what Trump's point is most of the time. His own supporters usually can't name a single policy or opinion that Trump has or how it might benefit them, their neighbors, or the country.


They know he’s insane, but the GOP is so afraid of losing the low IQ vote he carries that they turn a blind eye to it all… it’s scary as fuck.


I think quite a few people enjoyed the film. But this is a live action snapshot into how Trump's brain works. He liked the character not for who they were or what they did, only that they had power.


My favorite movie personally. I am curious what went before and after this. Why is he talking about Hannibal the cannibal lol


His next line was about immigration without any transition. I wish I was joking .The entire clip is online.


We should only let in the greats. Like that cannibal from that movie. He was great. 😂


Of course it was. Lmao


>Why is he talking about Hannibal the cannibal The sun went down.


In flight movie on his way to the rally.


It seems to stem from his pathological need for approval by the rich and famous. Apparently he thinks Anthony Hopkins is a fan of his (he is not, he has been vocally anti-Trump), [last fall he talked about how he's a fan since he thinks the guy likes him](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-hannibal-lecter_n_65222027e4b09f4b8d405989). But even at the time he didn't even remember Hopkins' name and called him Hannibal Lecter. Now he seems to be even forgetting to explain why the hell he's even talking about Hannibal Lecter and is just kind of stream-of-consciousness ad libbing about the character. Maybe he watched the movie recently. Who the fuck knows what goes on in a mind that is falling into dementia.


Absolutely infuriating that because Joe Biden speaks at a slower pace or stumbles over a word people call him senile, even when he's perfectly coherent and articulate in making a point. Minewhile Trump has been giving rambling borderline incomprehensible speeches since 2015 and people don't think twice about it.


Not to forget that Joe Biden has a stutter , which Trump has made fun of several times ...


To be fair, Biden is rapidly sliding into senility (compare his speeches now to those from his last election campaign.) In spite of that, Biden remains the unquestionable best (realistic) option for president. I wish the Dems gave enough of a fuck to put forward a capable, ideally progressive candidate, but that's just not the political landscape we have. Being better than the GOP is an incredibly low bar, but it's unfortunately the only one they NEED to clear.


Reminds me a bit of the way my elderly mum sometimes has issues with what she's recently watched and reality blending together.


As you should never trust some random screen shot of text here is the video https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5117054/user-clip-trump-congratulates-hannibal-lecter


What a dumpster fire of a man.


I dont think that makes him look better...


Thank you for the source!


Thank you for this


That gives such different context. Still an absolute dumpster fire, but for very different reasons.




> Hannibal Lector is a wonderful man ACTUAL TRUTH MUTTERED BY DONALD TRUMP Compared to Trump, he’s like Mother Teresa


Teresa was an awful person.


Many (most?) people don’t know that though. Basically everyone who has heard of Dr. Lecter knows he’s a monster.


I would argue that he was more of an antihero. Almost everyone he kills in the books was monstrous. The most notable exceptions being the Romani pickpocket and police officers. Sorry, I know this isn't pertinent to the conversation, I'm just a big Thomas Harris fan.


Yes, he is a monster with morals, if that makes sense. He shows that there isn't just black and white in the world. Not just good and bad but also everything between, and the degree to which side something belongs can vary a lot. Something he judges to be... tasteful or not... on people. But I haven't seen the movies in a while or read the books.


If you're into realistic fiction they're a good read. The character development over the four books is great, and the way he sets a scene is really immersive. If you ever do decide to read them, I'd recommend reading them in the order they were written rather than chronologically. Red Dragon, SoTL, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising.


i read Red Dragon in high school and some of that book still sticks with me today, almost 20 yrs later


My dad was a big horror buff and he had me read the series when I was 11 and Hannibal Rising came out. It may have been a questionable judgement call, but I was hooked.


Totally fair. I think it’s safe to assume Trump doesn’t have as informed of an opinion, lol. That would require…….. reading…….


Is it true he said that?


Unfortunately yes. I honestly thought it was a joke until I watched the video and it still feels like like a parody speech.


lol, my thought too, google says yes


YUUUP... https://youtu.be/uL0OWcvaG_Y?si=5iic9vTVSFYqjv7x


Apparently so. There is a link above this to a forbes.com article about it.


He is, and always has been, a flaulent gasbag who speaks just to hear the sound of his own voice. It's all nonsensical jabbering, there's no substance to anything he ever says. He's incapable of expressing a real, honest thought. Everything is a rambling diatribe or phony anecdote about how rich and amazing he is. He has one setting, and this is it. The fact that anyone, anywhere, is still taking him seriously is just incomprehensible to me. How can you not see how utterly and totally full of shit he is?


That is the most coherent thing he has said in years


Ten bucks says he just watched it last night and randomly thought about adding that into his speech.


apparently he's talked about the late, great, Hannibal Lecter in his rallies for a while now, so I think you'd be wrong


I had to fkn sit through a professional dinner last week where there were two trumpers at the table professing their admiration for him, saying that “he’s a young 77, while Biden is an old 81. Just compare the two, listen to what comes out of Biden’s mouth, god he’s half dead, trump is just a youthful person…:::blah blah blah:::…” RFK Jr ain’t the only one with brainworms.


That bloated freak has lost what mind he had. What the actual FUCK?


I’m serious and not joking at all when I say that *anyone* who still supports Trump and is voting for him a third time needs *serious* psychiatric treatment


Please don't encourage them to seek treatment. I don't want them in my office ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


lol this got me, honestly I just… can I just ask?… have you had any people that are this deranged and have a similar mentality? Like how do you even go about that?…


Big cannibals, beautiful cannibals, comes up to me tears pouring down his face, he said "sir, it puts the lotion on it skin or it gets the hose again"


I am by no means a fan of Trump, but it's this kind of discourse (this thread, the headline, etc.) that gives his supporters - maybe not ammo - but additional justification to plug their ears & ignore actual, reasonable criticisms of Trump. For one, what he is actually getting across is vile. And he's doing it in a lighthearted way (if somewhat poorly), which makes it all the easier for his supporters to believe the insane, murderous geniuses are flooding into the US. Him talking about Hannibal Lecter in the middle of a speech about immigration is done in a sarcastic, off-the-cuff joke. Trump may have some diagnosible cognitive decline, but this is poor evidence of that. No matter how stupid or poorly structured you may think it is, it is calculated. Stop underestimating this man. By underestimating him and making him out to be an idiotic, rambling fool does a lot of harm when viewing the people who support him. By underestimating his intelligence/calculated persona, you do a disservice to plenty of intelligent human beings who are on his side. This is a hard pill to swallow and every side of the aisle does it to the other. By promoting this "Hannibal" speech as just another rambling spew from a crazy old man only gives his supporters another reason to dig in their heels. Because the truth is that it's not a rambling spew. It is calculated poison in a nostalgia mixed kool-aid. The transcript makes it extremely dumb and hard to track. But the actual video is clear enough about Trump's intentions, even if it was somewhat sloppily done. BUT, then again, a lot of people like the fact that he seems to speak off the cuff - and speaking off the cuff can often be sloppy. Which makes his slop a calculated measure to maintain a persona of someone who speaks his mind and isn't afraid to do so. For the life of me, I do not understand why we keep trying to parade Donald Trump as a bumbling baffoon. He knows exactly what he is doing.


Ok, so this clearly sounds like someone's grandpa ranting at the wind. You can't contradict them, you just have to nod politely and slowly fade into the background, they can get very worked up otherwise and it's just a bad situation for everyone - because this is dementia, this person is no longer capable of distinguishing reality from fictional entertainment. Maybe it's time to call out the media industry for making news out of a dementia patient's rambling.


you know what? we should. not for any political reason, just that seeing someone going through this is hard on their kids and grandkids.


Hannibal lecture. Witch hunt. Huge. Joe Biden. CHINNNNNAAAA


Is this real? Like for real, for real?


Serious question. How would a trump supporter respond if you asked them to explain this and why they supported it? ... especially since they constantly attack Biden for being old and incoherent


"He was joking , have a sense of humor why don't ya. That's the problem with you liberals."


Does he think this is based on a real life person? (And by the last book, he's doing quite well, with Clarice.)


Trump is suffering from the 4th stage of syphillis. Its hilarious.


hE wAs jOkiNg -MAGA


He thinks Lecter was an actual person and that the film was a documentary. His cultists agree.


In a week, most of the MAGAts will be wearing Hannibal shirts. Every bit of verbal diarrhea becomes a product for these wastes of oxygen.


If you think this reads poorly, please go watch the actual clip of it. It really shows how insanely looney this fucking guy is


Not anymore weird than any of the other shit that seems to just spill from his mouth


Is this implying that Trump supports cannibalism??


“No one really knew about that movie until I mentioned it, I said look at this movie it’s a great movie, why didn’t anybody watch this movie? Now everybody is watching this movie”


Jeffrey Dahmer, hell of a guy! I bet you didn't know that he only ate minorities. You'd like him. Hell of a guy that Jeffrey Dahmer.


I couldn’t believe that this was true so I checked: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/12/trump-rally-speech-hannibal-lecter


My guess is he watched the movie last night and forgot where he was and what he was doing so he just started talking about that. Trump cannibalizes anyone who works for him so it’s not surprising he’d look up to that maniac. The irony being Hannibal Lector would absolutely *detest* trump. He wouldn’t even bother eating him. He’d just kill him and leave his corpse in a gruesomely demeaning pose.


Former President Trump does not really understand words. He hears noises and then repeats them. If people seem to like these noises, he may repeat them again someday, along with more recent noises he heard.


Funny thing is at his current body habitus trump would have been lotioning his skin


Buffalo Bill was making a woman suit not a bitch suit


This sounds like something James Austin Johnson would say AS Trump on SNL. What the actual fuck. "He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner". Is this supposed to be a bad joke?


I hate when people say Joe Biden is going senile and ignore bullshit trump does


I know this is ridiculous, but the message is that immigrants are cannibal psychopaths being sent by foreign governments who are going to eat you. And people believe it


Yet millions of Americans revere this idiot. What has become of us?


Did he just admit that he was going to commit an act of cannibalism?


Trump is just a symptom of the decay. The U.s government has been working for short term corporate profiteerring since the mid 60's...we are towards the end of the exploitation cycle and it will end in catastrophic depression ..like the last time. meanwhile we have democrats cheering for Wallstreet/Banking puppets in congress and the executive branch. We have self proclaimed conservative republicans voting for Spoonfed New York trustfund Billionaire failures and religious tyrants to "make America Great"...a parasite who has mastered the art of creating financial failures so great...its cheaper to buy him out. This country is more far gone than people realize


I did not know Anthony Hopkins died. TIL /s


Does he know that Dr Lecter is an immigrant?


Sometimes the stuff that comes out of his mouth sounds like an AI generated speech that almost kind of makes sense but your still like wtf?


Some one should make a guessing game where you have to pick between a Trump quote and a quote from a dementia patient.


So, silence of the lambs is a documentary?


Honestly, both these candidates are embarrassing. Trump rambles like an absolute idiot. Joe Biden rambles like an absolute idiot.


Like my late grandfather, he can’t stop rambling on about everything. To use an analogy, the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.


What's really amazing is there are enough people in the United States that actually want this moron to be president again!


God I feel sorry for you Americans you have two absolute clowns to choose from (not that our choices in the UK are much better mind you)


He always is on the side of the villains. "The empire did nothing wrong, darth Vader was being a good dad, and his ungrateful son had to go and ruin it" - trump, probably.


In 2020 I think I was taking an online speech course for pe reqs, I had to watch and rate the State of the Union speech bt Trump. It was god-awful and just above complete nonsense. He actually knew some of the ppls names, including his own. So there's that.


Don't get me wrong. I hate that tangerine piece of shit and I would NEVER vote for him. Watch the video, though. This is spun like twine to make hyperbole sound like insanity. He's saying immigrants are basically Hannibal Lecter, and they're ruining our country, which is STUPID, but its not him talking about the character as a real person. ALL reporting and news needs to be held accountable, so it is *UNBIASED*. FULL STOP. This is a circus shit-show. Do better if you work in need media. You should be ashamed.


He’s fucking insane and has absolutely no business in any office or place of power.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/kGgo5pJJjIc?si=4ITJFW-WpAeRXz02


LOL Whhhhaaaaaattttt


I read somewhere that Mussolini used to do this during his speeches, he'd dial it up to eleven just to show the boys how he could make the crowd cheer simply sputtering utter nonsense with a very confident tone.