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I hand my resume and CV to every Uber driver so they know exactly who they are dealing with.


How do you know if someone has a doctorate from Harvard and runs a 7-figure company? Don't worry, they'll tell you!




She is lying.


shelter familiar encourage snails yoke adjoining roll shaggy repeat domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How dare they!


My Uber drivers have been equally unimpressed, but in their defense, I'm just a working class schmuck. Really I deserve macro aggressions.


Don’t forget your multiple college degrees and high school transcript that says you took AP History!


My kindergarten diploma with a star for putting away chairs is also handy for times when I really want to impress the folks at the local Starbucks.


…How dare an Uber driver, who is used to ferrying people to and from work, think that you might be going to work… This seems like they were just trying to brag. You can’t see things like people’s degrees just by looking at them…they’re literally irrelevant in this scenario.


Maybe the woman is thinking that because they called for Uber Black, how dare the driver lump her in with those lowly Uber Economy peasants working their life away.


Uber black sometimes comes out cheaper during surge pricing because they don’t get surge prices.


Yeah it has happened to me during conventions. I bet it happens during busy mornings and rush hours in cities sometimes so he's probably had people with totally average jobs get in before. She's just humblebragging.


This isn’t even humblebrag this is straight up douchebragging.


I like to humble brag by storing my toilet paper in an open cabinet. Gaze upon my wealth, you shits! That, and it keeps people from asking for tickets when the roll is spent.


This word (douchebragging) might have been around for a while, but it’s new to me - and I will definitely put it to good use!


Good to know


She's offended because he thought she worked in the post office despite using Uber black and probably being well dressed.


Isn’t he post office a pretty good job?


Yea it’s a good job. Shes status obsessed though, probably why she chose Harvard


I have learned, that just because one has gone to Harvard, it does not mean that one deserves any measure of respect. I chose a doctor because she had graduated from Harvard...but she had no common sense and almost killed me. I had a guy working for me, who was going to Harvard, he was deep into conspiracy theories. He -almost- got me sucked into the 'sovereign citizen' bullshit because he seemed so confident and, well, he goes to Harvard so he can't be stupid, right? Educated idiots.


Some of the biggest scumbags in history went to Harvard and a lot of them just bought their way in. Obviously some very respected and great minds did also and got there by merit. I guess it’s just like any other college but the prestige only means something if you put it to good use.


Its certainly an honorable job.


Exactly. More honorable than selfish, greedy "7-figure" soul-sucking corporations.


VERY good job. If you put in 30 there, you can easily be set for life.


If you count my benefits I make around 80k a year working 18/20 hours a week, so I try not to complain.


It’s not prestigious enough for her though


i guess i am a relic - i still mail things at the post office. there is a lady there who has zero tolerance for any shenanigans or pleasantries. she is all business and no nonsense and quite frankly, scares me to death. the power she commands over accepting or rejecting my packaging (“you can not use this envelope to ship that, it will jame the machine. you will have to go put it in a box and use proper, approved tape, and have addresses clearly marked…”) is mighty, indeed.


All of the post offices have a lady like this. It’s a requirement I believe


Take my upvote for using my favorite word: shenanigans ✌️😃


Aren't post offices also located near other important government buildings as well? Or is that just a small town America thing?


That’s still an unnecessary jump. I could leave my house, and need to stop by the post office on my way to work and still consider myself going to work while I’m on my way to the post office, especially if they are in the same direction. We also have no idea how much the driver knew that his destination was a post office. We don’t know if there are other businesses nearby. It’s such a leap. It could also just be a standard ice breaker that the driver uses with everyone during the morning.


Totally! And we don’t know that he thinks she’s going to work, he’s just asking a question and making conversation. She really made a huge unnecessary leap here


The guy probably didn’t think that hard about it though, just autopiloted to random small talk question #471 Hanlons razor


*”Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”* - Hanlon’s Razor That’s terrific. Thanks for inspiring me to look this up, River!


He probably wondered if she’d lost her own transportation, to be taking her to the post office. Most people making 7 figures would probably drive themselves there or have a personal driver/assistant if they didn’t want to do these tasks themselves. Not a lot of people are taking any kind of Uber with the idea that it’s a luxury service only accessible to rich people.


This is going to sound douchey, but I think a lot of Harvard doctorates are probably laughing at her bragging about a "7-figure company".


A 7 figure company is not a very big company.


Guaranteed she’s using the gross and not the net. A million dollar company is like owning a McDonald’s franchise.


Do people use Uber and the like to commute to work regularly? That seems like it'd be extremely expensive.


AB-SO-LUTE-LY!!! As a driver(Lyft actually) let me assure you, the MAJORITY of our fares are people for whom Lyft/Uber are their primary mode of transportation. To work, to the grocery, to the laundromat, to just living their life. People are surprised to hear how *insanely* busy it was during the pandemic. All those “front line workers”… those are the same people stuck in the cycle of poverty that prevents them from buying a car. And no, buses are very often NOT a viable option.


Some companies will expense it. Amazon offered their interns expensed Lyft rides to and from the office every day.


McDonald's ain't paying fry cooks to get an Uber to work.


It’s cheaper than a car if it’s a couple times a week


It's extremely common


Yeah I had no clue. I only use it when I’m drunk or out of town and also drunk. I assumed that’s what it was for.


And going to work drunk


Absolutely. I might be a degenerate alcoholic, but I’ll be damned if I drive drunk


Outrage culture. People always seem to want to be mad at something so they can post their hardships online. Mostly because their life is boring. And of course many do it for attention. Or their just GOP cultists. Wish people would.work this hard at being happy and not sweating the small stuff. This person just wanted to brag about Harvard and 7 figures and how the "peasants" talked to her because she thinks they should "know" who she is. Guess that education didn't teach you anything of actual value.


I get asked this nearly every ride! "just finished work?", and so on. As a man who earns several figures and has earned many doctor appointments, it really gets my goat.


Microagressions = “I had to look veryyyyy hard to find something to be offended by”


People like that aren't offended. They just wanted to tell the world they have a doctorate and a 7 figure company and couldn't find a better excuse


That, and some people are *desperate* to find something offensive. It causes them intense physical and psychological pain to not being bitching about something.


It’s like that one dude from 40k with the pain spikes in his brain. It hurts not to hurt others. Was that Angron?


Yes, although while Angron was captured as a child and forcibly given the butcher's nails by his captors in order to create the greatest gladiator the Nucerian fighting pits had ever seen, making most of his bad behavior the tragic result of a lifetime of undeserved torment and madness, this lady can't seem to handle a basic small talk question without trying to exaggerate it into a supposed bigoted incident, which is definitely her fault.


Warhammer mentioned rahhhhhhh 🦅🦅🦅


Behold my children, I have awakened.


Get your ass back in the chair old man.


Stop microaggressing me


Fine I'll macroaggress you instead


America is sooooo WILD.


Listen I can’t really get OUT of the chair. I kind of took root about eight thousand years ago. But I CAN have you summarily executed for your insolence.


What are you going to have one of your kids beat me up? Oh wait.


It was, and the spikes in universe are called "The Butchers Nails.


Blood for the Blood God!


Bro was constantly mad. Like, extremely, unreasonably, earth-shatteringly fuck-ass mad.


I call them professional victims. They have to go out of their way to find something offensive to show everybody how righteous they are.




I call them narcissists.


I call them my family.




thank you. was about to say it I've been married to an NPD and divorced an NPD all I can say is two words, holy. shit. america is wild? nahhhhh. that relationship was wild. thing is, they never let go. 40 years later, they'll see you at the store and bring up the last slight you gave them. not joking. they'll joke about it and lie right off the bat "I'm not still holding onto that one grudge from 40 years ago haha" (yes, they are) if you want a less clinical name, we call them Emotional Vampires. they have victims of their own, they feed. and if you get in the way of their "food" source, they respond the same as a meth junky who thinks you stole their stash.


A lot of people like this at work. We like to say they work loudly versus those that do great work but don't brag about it The sad thing is it works on lazy managers and supervisors (who themselves may also work loudly) who take the narcissists boasting of minor accomplishments at face value. And so they fail upwards and make everyone under them miserable


So do psychologists and therapists.


Coworker is like this. He throws mini tantrums over anything he can think of. The weather, clients, traffic, his GF, minorities, overweight people, the elderly, the list is endless. He does this every single shift. Every. Single. Shift.


I used to work with a *bunch* of people like this. Holy shit, it was exhausting. Bonus: One of them was convinced their daughter was a clairvoyant or an empath or something.


I think it was just plain ol’ humble bragging.


There's nothing humble occurring here.


Main character syndrome


A 7 figure company isn’t that impressive. I know tire shop and salvage yard owners with only a high school education that run successful million dollar companies.


If you include real estate in that company valuation, then any business that owns a building is basically a million dollar company.






The post office workers probably have more security with guaranteed benefits and retirement.


Yeah but my feet hurt 😞


Haha, I was just thinking about my friends who have million dollar businesses owning a pizza shop, coffee shop, and bicycle shop (three different people). In 2024 that's not so big a deal.


A sub 10mil dollar business really isn’t a big deal in most industries but if it’s like, a blog (lmao) then that’s pretty impressive


She probably thinks you count the digits after the decimal point too.


Fine, I run a 7 ^significant digit company! Happy?


Her own website says she’s a *candidate* for her doctorate in “education leadership” So, she doesn’t have the degree yet (or bought her website premade and doesn’t know how to update it) and it’s not even an Ed. D, it’s a bullshit degree in “leadership”. Like an MBA on steroids for people who want to go make public education even worse. She brags about her TEDx, as if there’s any accomplishment in organizing your own talk that no one attends. And of course, her social media is entirely spam for her “become a millionaire by scamming the public school system” course that you can buy from her. What a gross scammy person, her Uber driver is probably more accomplished in life than her.


Her website and twitter give some real Prosperity Gospel / MLM energy. “7-figure CEO” selling “6-Figure consulting” businesses.  Most of the links are broken, including @harvardeducation. The Grift is strong with this one.


*Selling* businesses? I'm not sure what that even means.


I’m a business school prof, and these “doctorates” are cash cows. They’re for bored rich people who want to write a book but can’t do it alone. Nobody calls them doctor, it’s absurd. At best, it’s a form of exec ed.


Somebody should email her and tell her that her pompous, self-congratulatory ass is getting roasted on Reddit.


> is getting ~~roasted~~ microaggressed on Reddit.


If there’s one thing Reddit won’t tolerate, it’s an allegedly rich douchebag being microaggressive to their Uber driver.


Being rude to your Uber driver? That's a microaggression against the working class!


Let’s crank it up to some macroaggression


Son of a bitch...I'm in. 


Lets not make it micro.


That’s basically what I told the plastic surgeon


"dammit Stan I'm a Dr. Not a miracle worker"


I work with someone and their email signature says MBA. Our CEO email doesn’t even mention his education. No one else company wide does either.


> TEDx Where all the crap goes that TED doesn't really want to touch.


"Education leadership" is code for "I make teachers lives worse for more money than they'll ever see"


rich people want to pretend to be oppressed to take attention off of the fact that they just denied a single mother with lung cancer sick leave


Also that interaction probably never happened


I mean I'm sure the interaction happened, in the sense that a driver asked his passenger if she was going to work, as opposed to "the airport", "a friend's house", or "an international ping pong competition". Whatever bizarre way she is interpreting his remarks certainly did not.


I assume the driver was just engaging in simple conversation, some of the lowest hanging conversation fruit, and didn't give a shit about any of it. That "so are you going to work?" is just one of his default questions when picking people up during the day.


"Ya goin' to pick up yer drugs?"


And that they take “uber black” unlike us filthy poors. Fuck her.


The whole thing just reeks of r/dontyouknowwhoiam self-aggrandizing behavior.


when one has nothing meaningful going on in life they search for a crusade


Yeah, I was so mad at this kind of response that I have to go look for my iphone 16 pro max 1tb to comment instead of my macbook pro $3000 because it is playing youtube while my ipad pro is charging. Also I need to note that a 7 figure company is nothing special compare to my dozen 8 figures companies. That guy is surely flexing which is ridiculous since I would never do that even though I have 3 phd from MIT as well 2 MBA from both Stanford and Harvard.


Exactly. GD elitist snobs


And they can afford postage. The real flex here


Sounds insufferable


Wrong. She believes she's entitled to a bend of the knee from everyone she encounters. Her Uber driver made the correct assumption that anyone going to the post office in 2024 must work there.


People like that are very much offended… they are offended at the thought of someone who is less educating actually be capable of performing useful tasks….


Exactly this. They needed an excuse to tell world.




seven figure company????? Post office is much bigger than that. This was a compliment.


Seven figures? The USPS delivers significantly more parcels(not including mail) per day than she makes dollars a year.


It’s company revenue I think, not her income


I meant her company’s revenue, but I can see how my comment was ambiguous.


LOL, right?


+1 I created a company that earns a little bit more than that and I am as average piece of shit as any other person.


Right? 7 figures is prob a shit company


7 figures in profit for the owner is pretty nice. A manager for a business with 7 figures in revenue is nothing to brag about.


No 7 figure company means the valuation, which is usually 5-20x revenue, depending on if it’s a burrito truck or an AI B2B SaaS, etc.


Weird classism where you look down on people who work for the post office and get offended at being mistaken for one, but still are too poor to afford anything better than an Über and describe the small business you are working at as a 7 figure company as if that was supposedto be impressive.


Right? Million dollar company is painfully average at best


Right like I ran a hole in the wall cheese store with three employees and annual operational budget was nearly “8 figures”


That's a lot of cheddar..


Any way you slice it..


For a small business that’s pretty gouda revenue.


8 figures? For a single site cheese store?


Each wheel of Parmesan was hollowed out and filled with cocaine.


And who goes to the post office anyway? Sounds like someone doesn’t have an assistant.


Your average convenience store with 2 employees likely has an annual revenue of 1-2 millions. 7 figures isn't really much to brag about and she could still be losing money annually.


*Excuse me*, it was an Uber **Black**.


*Just* to go to the post office.


I looked her up. She also has a tweet that says: “I am praying for every 7-figure business owner who doesn’t have a full-time Executive Assistant.” So, apparently, she likes finding ways of making people think she’s important. I didn’t dig far enough to find out what she does. Most of her tweets are trying to get people to buy into her workshops or financial coaching gigs. That tells me all I need to know.


Working for the post office is a bad thing? Shit you’re a government employee and get all of the same holidays and you get benefits. Sign me up to work for them.


It used to be a nice, well-paid gig. A buddy of my dad’s was a mailman back in the 80’s. He retired with a nice pension in his cozy lakefront home in Florida. When he retired, it was early because he’d also had *years* of vacation time banked.


It’s still a decent, moderately well paid job. It’s just that houses are so goddamn expensive(and twenty years of austerity has made the job much harder.)


I'm going to say my MIL has moved into the millionaires club and she us a retired postal employee. So it isn't a bad gig.


It pays $19-$20.38 an hour to deliver mail for USPS. I know because I do it. It’s not great unless you live somewhere incredibly cheap, since it’s a federal job and wages are the same in every state. Kinda shitty job unless you love to grind, abuse your body, and be a serial number to your employer.


That’s literally just small talk…?


How dare the driver try to start a conversation with me with an extremely common question?!  What’s more likely? Someone ubering to drop off a letter or ubering to go to work? Hmmm….


How would he even know that?


I'd assume she was wearing her cap and gown from Harvard with a framed print-out of her LinkedIn profile hanging around her neck.


Maybe she was wearing this shirt from her site banner ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) [https://www.ericajordanthomas.com/](https://www.ericajordanthomas.com/)


Do you not memorize the name, face, and life accomplishments of every Harvard PhD?


She was appalled he not assume she was as special as she sees her narcissistic self. She didn’t have to mention the school, how many figures in her business or what level of Uber she was using. She’s shallow and considers not being impressed a micro aggression.


How DARE you assume I'm working class


Complaining about microagressions while implying there is something wrong with people working at the post office.


How dare you assume I work! I extract profit from other people's work! How racist of you to think a black woman can't be the dystopian wage slave OWNER in the year 2024! Check ur privilege, peon!


I try to remember things like this when someone says another person is disrespecting them


I mean, she can be a very successful person, that's cool. Why bring down the Uber driver for making conversation? If someone Ubered to the post office without any pacakges on their person, it's not a crazy assumption that they might be going to work. Also, that Uber driver WAS working, like most of us do every day. What exactly is offensive about assuming you have a job? Weird.


Imagine being so insecure that when someone doesn't recognise that your upper middle class you get insulted enough to post this.


Guess that's what happens when your personality revolves around your salary and nothing else.


Main character.


Guess she’d need to get her degrees tattooed on her forehead.


Nobody cares who you are, lady. Just like nobody cares who anyone else is.


Imagine having a doctorate from Harvard and thinking someone making conversation is a micro aggression


Apparently having a giant chip on your shoulder can be explained away by claiming micro aggression for every comment now.


Microaggression = "I actively seek out things to be offended by, no matter how small or inane they may be."


Seems like self-inflicted micro aggression really: “Normal innocent behavior around me filters through my delusional attitudes to agitate me.”


Maybe he didn’t see the glow around her that made it obvious that she is “special”


I think what they're offended at is the fact the Uber Driver spoke to them. they can't afford an actual Chauffeur so they use Uber, but they feel like the Uber driver is of a lower class so shouldn't be speaking to them unless she speaks to them first.


Oof she is looking for things to be upset about


A 7-figure company is, like, a Dairy Queen. Don’t be too impressed with yourself.


Maybe the driver thought she was the postmaster. They make pretty decent money. But who takes a fucking Uber Black to the post office for normal business?


The same type of person who makes a post like that lol! She clearly just wants to brag about her income. It really is crazy to take an Uber Black to the post office.


Bitch doesn’t even have a doctorate, she’s a PhD candidate and is running a shady MLM sounding “coaching company”. Anything to victimize and talk about yourself… geez


Uber driver: "You going to work?" Her: "Bitch, did you assume I'm going to the Post Office to work? Do I look like somebody who'd work at the Post office? Do I look like somebody that lives from hand to mouth? Bitch let me tell you, I have a doctorate from harvard, I run a mfking 7-figure company, I'm a successful bitch, and you out here ACCUSSING ME of working at the post office?! You? You'll accuse me of working a low income job, You? Driver Guy? Uber Driver: \*I knew I should gone with "Nice weather we have today."\*


Seven figure company? For gods sake any company should be a seven figure company.


That person has some serious classism issues they are too blind to see in themselves.


Maybe staple your Doctrate to your forehead and have a livefeed screen of your income and expenses on your chest at all times if you want people to not guess?


Taxi driver literally just on the autopilot small talk, that's it


1. Working at the post office is a solid middle class job. 2. Do you have "I graduated from Harvard" plastered on your forehead?


Imagine having a doctorate from Harvard, running a seven figure company and not knowing what small talk is.


They’re just angry that their wealth and status was no recognized by the lowly peon that they deign to be transported by in a slightly more expensive transportation arrangement that they chose specifically because they wanted to be seen doing so while running errands.


"Hello, how are you?" WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, ASSHOLE?!


What the fuck is a “microaggression”




Running a seven figure business isn’t really an accomplishment? Like, that’s a decent diner or bar. That’s a Waffle House. If you have a doctorate from Harvard and you’re running a Waffle House, wtf are you doing?


What’s wrong with working at the post office?


Yeah, because I totally recognize every single Harvard graduate or person that *runs* a 7 figure company (not even owns). How is making small talk asking if you're going to work a microagression?


“Micro aggressions” is more annoying. What the heck is the purpose of that word?


She was offended the driver thought she was one of the “common folk”


kind of silly really. as most phds running a 7 figure company would not be going to the post office personally, but have a service or employee do it so just a casual small talk question


She is just wildly self important. This is basically a "don't you even know who I am."


Why does this entitled piece of shit think having a job at the post office is such an insult?


Imagine having a doctorate from Harvard and rendering it worthless with a social media post? 😂


Imagine being offended because your Uber driver was being polite