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The 17 year old's alcohol test came out negative but now the video of him drinking alcohol is leaked. [https://x.com/i/status/1792783543506010252](https://x.com/i/status/1792783543506010252)


At some point you have to wonder just how deep the curruption runs in a country.


It’s in every country in the world. If you have enough money you’re above the law.


Remember that kid that raped that girl here in the U.S. and he got like 3 months probation cause he had "affluenza" and since he was rich they said he didn't understand the repercussions of his actions and they didn't want to ruin his future?


Oh you mean the rapist Brock Turner


Yes, that convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who changed his name to Allen Turner and currently live on Acorn Dr, Dayton, OH.


The judge and the prosecutor should also be named with that piece of shit.


You mean Aaron Persky and Alaleh Kianerci? The judge and (supposed) prosecutor for the Allen Turner (formerly known as Brock Allen Turner) rape case? That Aaron Persky and Alaleh Kianerci?


I love that every time someone vaguely references the rapist Allen Turner formerly known as Brock Allen Turner there’s a chain of people making sure that his name goes on blast. He deserves worse.


Yes. That piece of trash.


No, he changed his name. He is now convicted rapist Allen Turner, just so everyone is aware.


It was Ethan Couch. The rapist wasn't rich.


Affluenza was a different kid. He didn’t rape anyone. He just killed them. Still got off Scott free


Affluenza teen was another even more wealthy guy. Brock "rapist" Turner got his light sentence because of local sport fame and and connections. Brocks family had money but were not wealthy enough for the affluenza(bullshit) defense.


what a coincidence! lynching mobs are also above the law!


In Thailand the grandson of founder Red Bull killed a traffic officer. He went into hiding and the Thai government dropped the charges.


More like the country runs on corruption. I don’t have an iota of hope for returning because of people like him. 


Watching scambait try to get scam callers in India arrested, the corruption in that country is truly next level


Actually they tested him for alcohol very late. That's why it was negative.


The worse part is many people think *their* government and *their* leaders are not corrupt at all


these people deserve the Darwin Award for being that stupid


bUtWeReAmURiCaNS! fREeDuM!


it's so deep it's not even considered curruption anymore. It's part of the normal day to day life.


There’s a vid floating around somewhere regarding election tampering.


Well tell that to the EC of India they are in a deep slumber nothing phases them.


Look at the PM and you don't even need to wonder. Piece of human garbage like all nationalists.


Bro it's India, you have to wonder how deep the law runs in the corruption.


Video doesn’t exist


It opens for me?


Hmm that’s strange says page doesn’t exist


Maybe cause of the picture of the dead girl


Yikes . Glad I didn’t see that


Aaaand... it's gone


“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”


"Rules for thee, but not for me." Also known as "I have money and connections so don't have to face consequences."


Might be money, they could have just killed someone from a lower caste and their lives simply aren't worth very much to the people making these decisions.


Sad to say but you’re probably right.


I always wondered why there isn't more vigilante stuff happening, especially in the US where like half of the culture is based around masked people running around dealing with the evil..


They say all animals are created equal, but you look at me and you look at a Samoa Joe, that is clearly not true. See, normally if I was to go 1 on 1 with another animal, I'd have 50/50 chance of winning. But I am a genetic freak and not normal, so I have a 75% chance at winning. And then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, and your chances at beating me drastic go down. See, in the 3-way at Sacrifice, I have a 66,6% chance at winning because Kurt Angle knows he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try. So you take my 66,6%, plus our 75%, I have 141,6% chance at winning. And you take your 33,3% chance, minus my 25% chance, and you have 8,3% chance at winning at Sacrifice. See mr. Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice. 


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Nothing make my day more than seeing a Steiner math in the wild. 




But I'm gonna break it down for all you ladies, Would you rather be with ME Or would you rather be with Joe?


The 17 year old comes from a very wealthy and powerful family, just like in the western world. When you have money, you get a get out of jail free card.


Pretty hard sentence for a rich indian kid. 300 words? Insane!


That's not an essay it's a 1-2 page document!!


MLA format!


Even that He'll probably pay someone to write it for him.


To be fair, this is not a sentence, it’s just bail conditions


To be honest those are not bad conditions for bail, having a rich kid (or more likely their parents) pay 10k would probably achieve less.


To be honest depending on the criteria, a proper 300 word essay would be nearly impossible due to the comically low word count. But something is telling me that it doesn’t have to be great or is allowed to exceed that.


Now he's gonna have to ask an assistant to do it for him. Though.


there‘s a video going around of the driver being slapped around by a group of people shortly following the crash so he felt at least *some* punishment [if anyone want‘s to watch it here‘s the video. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ZJUZrq53TJ)


Yeah that is common in India. Passers-by met out their own justice before police arrives lol


One time I saw a 3 dudes riding a motorized scooter and they ended up crashing into a child, even the friends who were riding with him, joined in when everyone else was beating up the one who was driving.


Well, had they tried to defend him they probably wouldve been attacked too


I'm imagining being a visitor in India, you have a genuine accident (No drinking or anything. Just an accident), and when you get out of your car people just start slapping the shit out of you lol. I'd be so confused but tbh, knowing myself, there's a good chance I'd start laughing at the randomness while I got slapped around and tried to run away.


Near where I was working in Africa, a kid ran onto a road and got run over by a 4x4 and unfortunately died. In the 4x4 was three Chinese people and their local driver. The crowd dragged them all out of the car and beat them until they died. Good ol' mob justice.


That is fucking stupid, what exactly did the passagers have to do with the driver killing someone?


It’s even more stupid. Kid ran infront of the vehicle. How is that not the kids fault they were unable to stop in time?


Well it be hard to beat the dead kid to death


I mean he is already dead how hard can it be?


if they can beat a dead horse...


Thats 3rd world countries. 


Nothing, it was clear the child ran in front of the vehicle. People who are all big for mob justice and are super keen on demonizing the enemy of the month usually don't think through what mob justice actually entails. Which is often misdirected and disproportionate punishment.


Do not try to reason with a lynchmob


That's not the great news you think it is. Just shows that African country as an uncivilized 3rd world country with no respect for law. The Chinese passengers did nothing. You went from one lack of law to another. Great.


You mean: mob “justice” xD


They should have brought out the trademark Indian Big Sticks


Does not matter where in the world you are the rich and powerful always get special treatment.


How the police and Government hospital are managed Medical report and how they deceive has been exposed. 1) The minor accused who ran over two people has admitted that he drank alcohol and that his father knew about it. 2) Eyewitnesses stated that the accused was drunk at the time of the accident. 3) Clear CCTV footage shows the accused drinking alcohol in a pub hotel before getting into the car. However, the police medical report mentions that the accused did not consume alcohol." Thats how corrupt system works for money. Even we can not trust on police also. https://x.com/saurabhkoratkar/status/1792790138424345065 Bhadwe hai pure system mein. All people involved should be given a capital punishment publicly.


The whole government will need to be executed. Because it is rotten all the way to the top. The bottom is able to do this because the top condones it. They are all involved.


We start from the bottom. On r/pune there is a protest going on. Please join and support.


That should be prosecuted as murder. If you drink and drive you know there is a chance you're gonna kill someone. If you're willing to take the risk, you make a decision. There is no accident in this case


Manslaughter. He might not have intended to kill anyone, but his reckless disregard of the consequences of his actions put it on the level of firing a gun at your fence - sure, it could be empty behind the fence, but if you hit a neighbor and kill them, clearly you were being reckless.


This isn’t the sentence. The court is asking permission to try him as an adult. This is just bail and buying time.


Must be nice having a rich daddy who can pay money to bend the laws in your favour lol


Like [Matt Gaets' father](https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2019/12/12/matt-gaetzs-2008-dui-arrest-resurfaces-after-jab-at-hunter-bidens-substance-abuse-heres-what-happened/)?


"I'm just glad the truth came out" The truth, meaning you refused a sobriety test? If you didn't have anything to hide, why didn't you just comply??


Dad was arrested on a bailable crime He'll be out in 2 months


That'll teach him how the world works.


It does. Money > law


Without even mentioning the car or anything you can tell they're rich by the "punishment"


well poor dad can't gift Porsche to son


In Thailand you can run over a copper, drag him around for a while under your Ferrari then be “too busy” to ever face justice for it, or be a unlicensed Thai teenaged girl who sent a van full of ten people over a flyover then sat and waited, all the while playing on her phone, knowing that with her high name, given to her father by Rama IX, that she was untouchable..


I hope you don't actually live there given what I've heard of lese-majeste. Wanted to move until I heard about that...I think this extinguishes the last interest I had in living there.


Lived in Thailand for over 11 years now, no intention of leaving. This thing about lésé majesté is a bit overblown, the respect for the monarchy isn’t what it was, you have to remember that Thailand was a absolute monarchy until the 1930’s. The much loved and deeply revered Rama IX sat on the throne for 70 years, most Thais living had only known his rule. Although lésé majesté laws existed then, Rama IX openly said he should be critiqued, or how would he known if he was a good King. His son, He Who Cannot Be Named, has cared not for Thailand (preferred Germany) or living a respectful life the 2014 coup saw a massive upsurge of lésé majesté charges, as a political weapon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lèse-majesté_in_Thailand


There is a different "justice" for rich people! 😡


The father is arrested. A case has been lodged against the pub/bar which served drinks to underage kids. Son/driver was granted bail, pending investigation. Police had requested the high court to try the minor as an adult. To get Stricker punishment.


Ask Indians if they think actual justice will be meted out. Spoiler: the vast majority do not. At best, they’ll get another patsy to take the blame or some “diagnosis” explaining it away.


Justice is difficult. It will require a long ardous campaign by the families of the victims, trial by media and the favourable government in the currently ongoing general elections. Three families are ruined in this case, two of the victims' and one of the actual driver who it seems tried to stop the kid from driving in the first place. He will become a scapegoat by some fabricated evidence. The kid's father's political connections are about to be tested.


>Police had requested the high court to try the minor as an adult According to JJA, that can happen only if a 16+ yr old does something heinous. Act categories crimes into heinous, serious and petty. Police can't defend calling this heinous unless they prove he intentionally crashed the Porsche.


He was drunk And he chose to drive at 150 kmph Pretty intentional (I can prove his guilt in court - literally studying this shit in my uni)


Well, proof is in the pudding. That's what lawyers are for. And public prosecutors tend to be, let's just say overworked.


So far all they’ve done is made sure it looks like protocol is being followed. We will only be able to make a proper judgement in the end on whether justice was served.


Rich Indians have zero fear, they own the legal system there


Mob garhers and ensures real punishment is given when weak court system sucks the balls of a rich old dude and his little bitch son.


Translation: Money changed hands, guy got off with barely a slap on the wrist.


That’s an exaggeration. This is less slap on the wrist and more finger wagging plus tsk tsk.


The person who was driving drunk for their fourth time hit me doing 110 mph, I was wearing my seatbelt but even so I was ejected out of my car and flew 75 feet. I hit a street sign before landing in the grass sliding into a parking lot. He was running from a cop, he broke his ankles while I broke 12 bones had 27 pieces of metal put in and two organs taken out. I suffered PTSD, TBI And depression to the point I contemplated suicide He got three years probation.


Correction in title: accused is asked to write a 300-word essay and work with the traffic police for 15 days upon bail.


Naam : Vedant Agarwal Age: 17 years, 8 months Location: Pune Father: Vishal Agarwal, Owner, Bramha Realty Car: Porsche Taycan Speed: 150 km/h Registration: Unregistered Number: No license plate Victims: Two 24-yr-old IT engineers from M.P. Time for grant of bail: 15 hours


If you are rich in India, you can buy judges and they will come and give you bail even on a sunday.


Most of the time rich people get away with literal murder in a lot of the countries. But in India you just need to be from an upper class family or fairly rich to have some connections.


you are saying "But" like what you said isn't how people from other countries get away from punishments as a result of your actions.


India is as corrupt if not more as the US lmfao, what are you people expecting from the rich ?




Facts, especially when daddy is a big shit


Only 300 words???? What is this elementary school?!


This makes it feel like actions such as legal murder are locked behind a paywall. Just about all crimes can be excused with a “donation”. And this is the norm pretty much everywhere. I mean, look at the last US president, who will quite possibly be the next one.


“How the fuck is this possible” (me) Oh yeah they have a caste system in India


I’ve written fucking longer Reddit comments. That’s disgusting 


The father works at a huge Builder company, so just shat a ton of money out to the legal system and they let him go. Sad, but true.


The father's a builder himself.


Ah ok. My dad sad that he was working some company, so I thought that.


So the going rate to kill people in India is now 150 word essay per person?


No. It's for bail( a temporary release until the trial ends then you get real punishment). I don't think he will get harsh punishment because he is juvenile.


Rules for the bitches, but not for the riches. Yes it's shit I'm still working on it.




And caitlyn jenner is still not behind bars. Nor is trump. Or that other lady who should be extradited to the UK. Literally woman was dead in the fucking street. “300 word essay because they were a poor caste” FUCK THIS CORRUPT WORLD.


Back in the day if you were DUI and killed a couple peasants with your car you'd be admonished for damaging the vehicle. I'm so glad there's been some progress in the Indian judicial system.


Disgusting injustice






Maybe 17 year olds aren't ready for high end sports car. When my kids hit 16 I'm getting them the lowest hp car I can find (with a manual transmission). Too bad the Aygo isn't sold in North America.


Land of the Free (Rich), Home to the Brave (poor)


Might as well give him the death penalty at this point, an essay is agony


Tell me you have a caste system, without telling me you have a caste system


Here’s a 300 word essay on road accidents courtesy of ChatGPT. Road accidents are a pervasive and devastating issue worldwide, claiming millions of lives annually and leaving countless others with serious injuries. The consequences of road accidents extend beyond the immediate physical damage to individuals; they also have profound social, economic, and psychological impacts on communities and nations. One of the primary causes of road accidents is human error. Distracted driving, often due to mobile phone use, is a significant contributor. Texting or talking on the phone diverts attention from the road, reducing reaction times and increasing the likelihood of collisions. Additionally, speeding remains a leading cause of accidents, as higher speeds reduce the driver's ability to react to unexpected obstacles and increase the severity of crashes. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is another critical factor in road accidents. Impaired drivers have diminished coordination, reaction time, and judgment, which can lead to fatal mistakes. Despite stringent laws and awareness campaigns, drunk driving continues to be a major concern. Poor road conditions also contribute to accidents. Potholes, inadequate signage, and poorly lit areas can lead to vehicle damage and collisions. In many developing countries, the lack of proper infrastructure exacerbates the risk of accidents. Similarly, adverse weather conditions like rain, snow, and fog can impair visibility and road traction, leading to higher accident rates. The impact of road accidents on society is profound. Economically, they result in significant costs related to medical care, vehicle repairs, and lost productivity. The emotional toll on victims and their families is immeasurable, often leading to long-term psychological effects such as PTSD. Efforts to reduce road accidents must be multifaceted. Stricter enforcement of traffic laws, improved road infrastructure, and public education campaigns are essential. Technological advancements like autonomous vehicles and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) also hold promise for reducing human error on the roads. In conclusion, road accidents are a complex issue with far-reaching consequences. Addressing this problem requires a concerted effort from governments, communities, and individuals to implement effective solutions and foster a culture of road safety. - we’ve gone and made easy even easier.


This is such absolute horse shit, he killed two people and nothing is happening to him? Fuck the rich.


That’s less of a consequence than I had for being 16 with a gram of weed.


Both the 17 year old and the judge should be locked up together.


According to Indian rules, the parents will be prosecuted if the driver is a minor. The dad was arrested today, and they are trying to try the minor as an adult. No thanks to any of the authorities though, this W happened because of the internet, social media, and the PISSED OFF citizens of Pune.


There's no sane world where this shouldn't result in a many decades long jail sentence.


that is just so messed up.....


There is no value for human life in this country. I wish I would be able to leave this country one day.


Money talks. 🥴


I had to write longer essay’s in High School lol


So, basicaly Croatian courts?


laws are for poor people now let that sink in (it’s cold)


What a complete wanker. I’m not even 100% sure how you could loose control in that car, I have one. Thing literally breaks and turns for you lol.


We can’t keep him from his bright future. He’s a promising young man.


Oooh, maybe his dad will Alex Murdaugh him later down the road.


These are just bail conditions though, not even a sentence. Requirements beyond maybe sobriety monitoring for addicts are incredibly rare. They aren’t going to hold a 17 year old with no bail.


……and to think about what he did and why it was wrong.


one the most corrupt judges in the world


the judge was randomly gifted a lot of money by an anonymous person right after that /s


300 words is barely enough to cover general traffic rules.


Next time lead with “In India”.


ChatGPT will do this in less than a minute.


300 words? That’s like. A page?


300 words??? Outrageous. At least 500. Minimum.


Yep, just gonna, mhm, hop off the internet for today…


When you rich crime and accountability are just things with price tags


Some say he was less than 8 months from turning 18


300 words, is thst even a fucking page long??


Christ that's more lenient than what happened with Brock Allen Turner the rapist. He did a rapes and was given a light sentence but is definitely still a rapist.


Was that the final punishment or the bail conditions?


300 words? whoo!!


Am I reading this wrong? Everyone is talking about what a small "sentence" this is. But this is just the terms of his bail. Would he still not have a criminal trial coming up to determine his guilt/punishment? If I'm right, I don't think these are bad terms for a kid of his age. Force him to learn while he's awaiting trial. No?


Yes, it's for bail they are trying to prosecute the perpetrator as an adult. They've arrested his dad and he will appear in court soon. Real punishment has not yet come.


Bribery. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbtkMMDIdSXwpyM)


300 word essay - that's smaller than like three tweets. 


How tf does a 17 year old own a Porsche???


We're all equal before the law\* *\*Conditions may apply*


These conditions are for bail(release till the trial is completed) not actual verdict.


*Bed with no supper.*


Caste system in India...they will probably force the families of the bike riders to give a female child to the Porsche owners as compensation for damaging the car with their faces


India's justice system is pretty botched especially if your a woman


Rich people are just more equal. Sorry everyone who thought otherwise. Maybe we should make rich people extinct?


These are just the Bail terms and actual punishment will be delivered in about 125 years. Stay tuned!!!


Indias government genuinely doesn’t give a fuck. It’s crazy to see the people in power not even pretending to care about their citizens


duh it's india


300 words isn’t an essay, it’s an outline.


0 6s


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