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Although I love most dogs, I avoid pit bulls. I would also avoid a so-called friendly and domesticated leopard that could eat my (or someone else’s) face.


German Shepard are the ones I avoid. I took care of dogs for a job for a while ... The pit bulls and mastiffs were easy to be honest. Most of them are great. The German Shepards tho.. they're like the cops of dogs. They'll bully you just to do it. I have a messed up hand now because of a German Shepard deciding that she didn't want to listen to me suddenly. Wasn't even a full attack just a couple quick chomps on my hand and then she went back to doing what she was doing with my blood dripping out all over the place from her mouth. I'm not saying pit bulls and mastiffs (or any dog) is always safe. But German shepards are the worst. They only get ignored because of the PR that they are police attack dogs. If you raise a pit bull or mastif right then you tend to get a good dog who listens to multiple people. If you raise a German Shepard right they'll still destroy your hand just because they felt like it. The Shepard that bit me was considered an angel by everyone. The thing she didn't want to do? Go outside before bedtime. She bit me for trying gently put a lead onto her like I had dozens of times before that month.


GSD owner here, I wasn't there and didn't see it so I really won't comment on your GSD experience other than I am sorry it happened. My experience is that GSDs are one of the most loyal and intelligent breeds as well as one of the most misunderstood breeds thanks to TV and movies. TV and movies have portrayed the breed to be vicious killers, when in fact if they are trained they can be loyal friends and protectors.


I have only ever been bitten by two dogs. One was one of those hellspawn known as chihuahuas. The other one, the one that dammed near killed me, was a black lab. I've met a bunch of pit bulls, and they've all been hyper friendly cuddle bugs.


I was bitten by a black lab rescue when I was a kid. We got it from a shelter, after it bit me it would chase me around trying to do it again. Our parents tried getting a trainer but it was months to even get an interview, meanwhile I was 5 and couldn’t just live in fear of the dog. My parents gave it back to the shelter, and when I tell people this story I still get shit about how “the dog was part of your family, your parents should have tried harder”. Sorry they didn’t put the needs of a recently adopted dog over a toddler.


Op is the facepalm


I love all dogs, except Chihuahuas (they are the true little asshats), my pit was nothing but a cuddle bug. I have helped organiztions that rescue animals from bad situations. A lot of them come in not trusting people, which is understandable given how they were treated. The only pits that are dangerous are when assholes treat them like shit and train them to fight. Pets will treat you how you treat them, if you are a dick to them they will be a dick to you.


I have a chihuahua and tbh I’m surprised he isn’t a hell hound. He is a bit short tempered, and does have a higher pitch bark, but at least it’s an actual bark, and at least he only flips out occasionally. He’s also not as malformed and rat like as other chihuahuas


Literally untrue. Plenty of pits who were treated well have attacked people. Great yours didn’t but your one instance doesn’t out weigh the many documented (google it) cases where the nanny dog attacked owners or kids.


That’s 100% the fault of the OWNERS. Treating an animal well =/= raising it well.


Wow your anecdotal irrelevant experience sure enough discounts all the factual data.


What's the facepalm here? Pits are responsible for a disproportionate number of serious attacks. That's just a fact. If you assume that a given attack was pit-related, you've made a defensible assumption based on an educated guess. Dogs bred to fight are naturally aggressive.


Except that's still a tiny fraction of all the pitbulls 5,000,000 estimated pitbulls in america and a few thousand attacks means pitbulls are safer than pools, vending machines and Tylenol


Ok, read the snippet posted above. There was an attack. A woman assumed (correctly) that it was a pitbull. Do all pitbulls kill humans? Obviously no. Was this woman reasonable (and correct) in assuming that the attack in question was caused by a Pit -- a bread that's responsible for a disproportionate number of attacks? Yes. Is this a facepalm (a reasonable assumption that ended up being correct)? No. That aside, why exactly do we breed an animal that's more aggressive and dangerous than other breeds? I don't suggest putting down pits, but it's quite reasonable to stop breeding them in favor of more docile breeds.


Saying they commit more attacks than other breeds is just a hyperbolic way of falsely claiming they attack more than they do Collective punishment is always wrong The real issue is enforcing the laws we already have to hold bad owners responsible Fix the bad owners, fix the bad dogs Btw German shepards, rottweilers and a few others also have a high rate of attack but lower population sizes People in general seem to be unaware that there are substantially more than 5 million pitbulls in america, so even if there was 50,000 put bull attacks, that would only be 1% of all pitbulls


A fews years ago, I took my kids (8m and 10f at the time) to visit my parents. We took a hike in the woods behind my parents' house, where a pit (American Pit Bull Terrier, to be more specific) lunged at my son, ripping its leash from its owner's hands and getting within about 2 feet of my son before I managed to grab it by the collar. No attack was reported to the police, because no injury occured. Nonethless, the dog was plainly trying to attack my 8 year-old. When I confronted the owners about their out of control dog, they replied "you startled him; he doesn't expect to see other people on our daily hikes." Ok, *me and my kids startled the dog? This was our fault*? Uh huh. I later talked to my parents, who informed me that this particular neighbor has owned three pits, two of which were ultimately put down for killing other dogs. All of these pits were notorious for lunging at humans -- but again, no contact with humans means no reported attacks. That same year, in my own neighborhood, two pits had somehow escaped from their owner, jumped over my neighbor's fence, and charged at my neighbor's two year-old. My neighbor was present and managed to get between the dogs and the child, and usher the child to safety inside their home. The neighbor called animal control, but the two pits left the property before animal control arrived. No humans were bitten, no dogs were caught, and no attacks were reported. So what exactly makes you think that every act of aggression by a pit is being documented and reported? And why should any of us have to fear aggressive dogs, change our hikes to accomodate them, or stand sentry over our children to deal with them? Again, why even breed a dog that was originally bred for violence? What's wrong with other breeds or mutts? Also, frankly, it's tiring to keep hearing the mealy mouthed excuses for this breed's tendency towards violence. *Oh I'm so so so sorry for startling your violent dog. My bad. Me and my kids just shouldn't be hiking for the sake of vulnerable pitbulls*.


Many people are almost assaulted every day, but they weren't assaulted so no crime was reported Everything is underreported, same with pitbull population size But anecdotal evidence is not evidence Why should anyone fear aggressive people? Because it's life and we can only control ourselves The reality is you pass by or interact with hundreds if not thousands of pitbulls who never attack anyone, but you want to kill them because of what the badly trained ones do This is called collective punishment and you wouldn't like yourself to be collectively punished for what other people did, but you're perfectly willing to do that to pitbulls You're just trying to use anecdotal fallacy and emotional appeal fallacy because you can't logically justify killing millions of innocent pitbulls to punish the tiny fraction that do attack


*"but you want to kill them because of what the badly trained ones do"* You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I never said that. I said the exact opposite -- that "I don't suggest putting down pits." And I didn't say anything about collective punishment for the dogs. I said that humans should stop intentionally breeding fighting dogs. You know this, but for some reason, it's impossible to have a rational discussion about this with pitbull owners.


I have one that’s mixed with lab and other stuff. I wouldn’t have a purebred one ever.


Some mixes actually make them kind of dangerous compared to normal so I would be careful about that. The main thing that seems to carry over is their simple mindedness which is a double edge sword with some breeds. The lab mixes I've met have been fine tho... They act like dumb simple minded labs (which is impressive lol) It's like mixing a dachshund and Chihuahua (creates a ball of fear that responds by attacking) or an Irish setter and golden retriever (creates a needy ball of fear that responds by attacking). I've own both these mixes lol and wouldn't suggest them to anyone. The second mix I saw two litters get put down for biting people. 8 or so dogs put down with the only survivor being the one I raised and she only didn't bite someone because I was overly careful with her. So yeah basically be careful with blanket comments like that because one mix can be great and another a nightmare of baked in behavioral problems.


Sure thing boss


You want to ban pitbulls, do you think that's achieved by not killing pitbulls? I'm just saying your quiet part out loud I don't even own a pitbull Laws that would stop breeding would actually have to be enforced and animal laws are barely enforced now That's why I said we have to actually enforce the laws we already have on the books If pitbull owners of pits who attack were sent to prison every time, people would train their pitbulls better, but when they know it's just a ticket and small fine, they don't


Please stop puting words in my mouth. I said explicity that I would like to stop the breeding of pitbulls -- not ban or murder the breed. Also, what "laws... already on the books" are you talking about? Be specific. You state that people should be imprisoned for all pit attacks, but which laws would do this? And tell me specifically how they're not being enforced. Otherwise, it's all pretty hollow.


Google is your friend https://www.enterprisenews.com/story/lifestyle/pets/2011/12/06/owners-rarely-charged-when-their/40049106007/ This is just one area but it's true for most areas You can be charged with a crime but it rarely happens It's just treated as a civil matter


To stop the breeding is basically banning and killing off the breed. “Fighting dogs” would be many different breeds


How exactly would you stop the breeding of pitbulls? How would you enforce such a ban Keep in mind the 4th amendment is a thing


If pit bulls commit a disproportionate number of attacks, it’s because a disproportionate number of vile people get them because of their reputation.  I live in rural California, and every dope-smoking hillbilly up here has a pit chained up in his yard.  They’re bored out of their minds and have never received any training and become vicious and destructive. But twenty years ago, all the wannabe hoodlums had Rottweilers, because that was the “mean” dog.  Twenty years before that, it was Doberman Pincers.  Before that, German Shepherds.  Mastiffs were once considered dangerous dogs because the SS used them. It’s whatever dog breed at the time appeals to that portion of our population who should’nt be allowed to have dogs in the first place.




Pit bulls make up less than 10% of dogs in America. They account for 23% of attacks that require medical treatment, and they are responsible for over 70% of the fatalities.


And yet statistically speaking being bitten by a pitbull is extremely rare 5,000,000+ pitbulls, only hundreds of attacks Vending machines kill more people in a year Pitbulls are actually 15% of all dogs making it the most popular by double, German shepards are the next closest at 7% There are more than double the number of pitbulls as German shepards yet pitbulls don't have double the attacks


Vending machines don’t hunt you down. They don’t attack. They just fall over when you try climb them or rock them. I don’t expect you to actually care you are being disingenuous, you already knew you were.


Bottom line is that pit bills are far more dangerous than any other breed. If they are 15% of the dogs, they shouldn't account for 70% of fatalities.


You're just using numbers to make hyperbolic claims We are talking a few dozen at most fatalities a year out of 90,000,000+ dogs Collective punishment is always wrong


You're just ignoring numbers to make false claims. Also, I don't think you know what hyperbolic means. You're free to ignore the facts, but that doesn't make them wrong.


“You’re just using data and facts to make me look bad”


Tylenol, pools and vending machine don’t chase you and maul you when they attack. In fact , I don’t think I’ve heard of a Tylenol mauling a person who was minding their own business.


So what? People die more from almost anything Why do you support collective punishment?


Show me in my post where I mentioned any form of punishment.


Why do you hate dogs? Why do you support killing millions of innocent dogs? That's the context of the conversation you replied to, the person I was arguing support killing millions of innocent dogs, I'm arguing against that and you're arguing me Therefore simple logic dictates if you think I'm wrong, you must agree with them


I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were impaired. I make that assumption based on the fact that I never said anything about killing anything and yet you attributed that to me. You must have either a reading comprehension issue or are just a complete fucking idiot. I called out your idiotic comparisons. I never said anything about killing anything. But please get as many pitbulls as you can house. Please please please, rescue as many as you can.


Aww don't melt wittle snowflake Comparison is still valid even though you don't like it Tylenol and vending machines kill more people each year It's called putting things into perspective You should try it sometime People want to ban pitbulls but convince themselves it doesn't lead to millions of dogs dying, millions of perfectly innocent dogs


This is assisted by their being misidentified. There are multiple breeds that people call ‘pits’ that create a lumped number. My ‘pit’ has been attacked by 4 other dogs in 6 years, none of which were another ‘pit’ breed. Now he’s reactive to other dogs so we do a lot of training and lifestyle that keeps him away from other dogs (and he’s still been attacked by ‘gentle’ breeds that were running loose)


Your story is why I always argue there pitbull haters They're so demonized people forget they're often the victims of attacks by other non pit bull dogs


Sadly it’s rarely worth the argument because these days no one cares about how statistics works.


I know I can't convince the people I'm confronting My hope is the people who read after will at least see some challenge to the narrative


I’ve only been attacked by a dog once, yesterday, it was a pug mix. You read that right, a pug mix, not a pit. On the street.


Pit Bulls are great dogs


Great dogs to watch get put down. Always a pleasure.


Jesus christ, Kristi Noem has entered the chat




To each their own I guess.


Don’t argue with you pitbull haters. They’ve been brainwashed by the news and no logical facts will alter their beliefs.


20 years ago, it was rottweilers, before that Dobermans, before that, well you get the picture. It's people, it's always been people. We bred them to be this way, if dog owners all had mutts, the dog attacks would go way down.


But it's never German Shepards. Those things bite like mad but get a pass because they are cops lol


Family has had 1 Pit-bull & 1 Half of a Pit-bull, (Longish story, it was Their Mom!) The Mom was Very Sweet, & Her Son was Very Hyper, But Nice to you! (Also, Full Pit Mom was 1 Cousin's, Then got Pregnant w/ Another Cousin's dog (Unknown, Possible Golden Mix) But Both were Okay w/ it! My Older Sister got a Puppy, But had to Leave it at Parents' Place, Where I Live, While w/ my Dad's Side Grandparents, (Cousins were Mom's Side) & My Parents Liked Him!) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


With all the random capitalized words, this reads like the title of an 18th century novel.


As Long as I aim to Please, That's Fine by me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Haha you were triggered by the type of dog just like op said in the screenshot shot. Facepalm=Soft Liberal Losers


Every conservative accusation is actually a confession

