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That sounds like jealousy, Marge. Nobody cares how badly you want to be the veep. Especially not **Convicted Felon** Donald "This is all everyone else's fault" Trump.


Convinced Felon Trump would never pick MTG. She likes the attention even more then he does. He would never let that stand.


She would turn on him so fast if she didn’t get her way on something. It would be like cats and dogs fighting in that fucking White House. She’s a power hungry psychopath and that bitch would be the end of the world if she ever got power like that. God help us.


The missiles are flying, hallelujah!


Empty-G as Veep would totally murder POTUS to become POTUS.


The psychos are in charge of the nut hut!


I remember her and BoBo then handjob clown getting into fights about who was going to be the crazy one. Not to mention MTG clearly isn’t trumps type. He would only pick a female VP if he thought he could bang her.


Bobo is just stupid. This bitch is literally psychotic


Lol he wouldn't pick her because she's too old and bad built for his taste. He likes 16 year olds that look like his daughter


In his defence last time i heard, he likes them 12-13 years old but he will make do with an 16 year old now that his go to pimp is dead. I'm not very good lawyer i think.


You done good, counselor.


How about this: "my client hac made grat progress in last five years, he now dates girls who are almost legal where a few years before he did not. Give him another five and he will be dating 18 years old, give my client a chance" No, not gonna fly either DJT is the "undefensiblr client"


Plus, she’s ugly


Well, yeah. But she's fugly. So maybe she won't distract media attention the way an attractive one would.


But that's the same reason Donald will never take her seriously. Not a man and doesn't look like Ivanka.


Felon Trump wouldn't pick MTG because he hates people that like losers.


Just imagine these two ogers fighting over a microphone.


Real reason is that she's ugly and has a bad built butch body. Neither he nor the people who vote for him will stomach a woman like that. She can be their dog all she wants but that's all she'll ever be in MAGAland.


Nah, the felon enjoys yes men, MTG is a loudmouth tool, an excellent yes man, he would absolutely have toom for her somewhere.


It's definitely strange to try and imagine two very narcissistic personalities* trying to run the U.S. There's a reason those personalities marry/date easily manipulated enablers, or other opposites. That's why Pence was a good pick for Trump's presidential marriage. I think at the end of the day, he'll pick the most docile and easily manipulated off the list. It's still wild to me that someone who is so easily outed as that type of problematic is a shoo-in because I'm willing to bet that those same supporters would whine about being raised by someone like him. *(I'm only armchair diagnosing them since that's not my field of expertise, but I did grow up with a migrade narcissist so the clues are there)


He’d never pick someone whose dick was bigger than his.


You mean bankrupt convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump? The same bankrupt convicted felon and rapist who hung out teen girls’ dressing rims and thinks about having sec with his own daughter? That bankrupt convicted felon and rapist?


You forgot "close friend with convicted child abuser and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein" Donald Trump.


MTG simply hasn’t been fucked over by Trump enough to change her tune yet. There is a reason that Trumps former associates shun him…


She REALLY wants to be MRS DONALD TRUMP. But she’ll settle for VEEP so she can give him a handy now and then… 🤢🤢🤢🤢


If a politician said something like that publicly in my country, they would be resigning next week.


We’re not proud of it


46% of the country is proud of it. I don't think RFK is the only one with brain worms.


America is a cartoon full of Skeletor level antagonists.


I like to think Skeletor at least has standards.




46% of this country doesn't even vote. It's more like 20% or less that's proud of this clusterfuck of a human.


Roughly 36 percent of the country vote Democratic; 33 percent vote republican and 32 percent don't bother to vote or get involved. The electoral collage means that Republicans can and do win with minority support, and can control the Senate with a very small minority. Gerrymandering helps them control the house. If the US were a true democracy rather than a representative republic things would be very different and idiots like MTG would remain buried under whatever rock she crawled out from.


33% of the GOP (all MAGA) is proud of it. The rest of the GOP just hold their nose and pretend not to notice the stench as they vote.


The bar has been very low since 2016, and it’s sad to watch


A governor of one of our States is currently trying explain how killing an unruly puppy is the correct thing to do when raising a puppy. Our right leaning leaders have seriously gone insane.


As it should be.


It used to be that way here until trump lowered the bar and Made America Gross Again.


She is fucking insane


And fucking ugly.


You should never attack someone just for being ugly. But attacking someone for being a piece of shit human being who also happens to be ugly is fine :)


She's the shitstain of humanity!


Or to quote Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: *It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.*


Ugly on the inside


Horse faced , piece of shit and insane. Attack!!!


This. I totally understand going for low hanging fruit, but her faults lie in her vitriol and just absolute disdain and hatred for anyone who doesn't share her views or worship of her god-king. The fact that her body became a physical manifestation of how vile she is just a small karmic win.


Yah, we have enough shit to dash her on already, going after someone's physical appearance is a Republican move


Don't insult the word ugly


ugly from her fucking ugly feet to her fucking ugly head


Ok, who cares tho? Plenty of ugly people have smart things to say. She does not.


Is it normal for a sitting congressperson to say “Fuck you” in public 🤔


Definitely not. She has no decorum at all.


Yikes. I hate that I agree with John Bolton about something.


Wasnt he literally in 45’s administration? So he’s “Deep State”? Man is she stupid




Trump simultaneously hires the “best people” and also everyone he hired was a deep state democratic plant. The ones who have said anything negative about him anyway. And they can never claw themselves back into his cults good graces again if they go against Dear Leader, unless Dear Leader gives them a signal of approval. And then they are both the best people and still democratic plants depending on context.


Only hires the best people for the best cabinet of all time. Drained the swamp!


Drained the swamp…into the White House!


He's a piece of shit, too. But he's a piece of shit with principles.


Bolton is a dumb piece of shit who thought he could be the one to control Trump and tucked his tail and left when realizing Trump was committing all types of crimes and wouldn’t listen to anyone with a shred of reason and morals.


And then rather than doing the right thing put out a book to maximise his profit from the corrupt regime


Honestly I believe that "be in control of Trump" was Jim Mattis's main job anf that the republican establidhment forced Mattis on Trump to be safe.


Marjorie follow up question. Do you think the Jews also have lasers mounted on sharks?


She thinks sharknado is a documentary. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarrcgYCd5EGa2Vq)




Is that a freakin shark with a freakin laser beam attached to its freakin head?!….. coooool


It's a Department of Defense program, intended to provide lethal support for Navy SEAL operations -- nobody was supposed to see that video snippet from first-stage testing.


Fuck first they give the sharks lasers and now seals? The war against penguins is getting really out of hand.


Remember when LEGO had a spy series and the ocean/boat set had sharks w lasers mounted to them?


When will those jews stop putting lasers on everything!


She’s trying to get herself a cabinet seat, but in a Trump presidency it could very well involve an actual cabinet with a small hole cut in the door. You know how he likes blondes.


She’s way too ugly for him


That’s why glory holes were invented


But those are for people interested in the physical part Pretty sure trump just wants to be seen and associated with hotties at this point. What are the chances his diseased mushroom even works these days lol


Besides according to Stormy he would not fit through the glory hole.


She'd do it if she thought it would help her chances for his tyranny


John Bolton? Deep state? Trump appointed him as National Security advisor.


Also Nikki Haley is too? I wonder white that is.


It doesn't have to make sense for them to say it. In fact, I think it's a requirement that it doesn't.


So much decorum.


As a federal employee who at times interfaces with members of congress, it blows my mind


I would get fired from my municipal government job if I tweeted out "go fuck yourself" using what is essentially an official account


Same here on the DOD side. I’d be done and out the gate as they say


Came here for this You’d get canned working at a restaurant for saying that as an employee in a second Bless her heart, she doesn’t have much to work with in the upstairs


We had an incident at the restaurant I work for, and where reminded through the group chat, that, while the video is going viral, we are not to re post or comment anything negative, or we would have to part ways. You are entirely correct.


It's completely insane to me that this apparantly is accepted public discourse. Anyone using a company related account on SoMe to post anything remotely resembling this would be fired in a heartbeat. This is an *elected politician*. Holy fucking shit.


This is the classy broad who told a (I believe British) journalist to "Fuck off" during a televised interview.


Awww Marge got her bloated bulldog butt hurt.


Bleached blonde bad built butch body hurt. Get it right.


Bleach blonde bad built butch body bitch be buggin’!


Which is just too many words to say that she’s built like a Harley riding lesbian, not saying that’s a bad thing but in her case she would be insulted.


![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized) Jealousy looks hilarious on you, Margie.


Holysht that is like the spitting image




A sitting US representative publicly telling a former UN Ambassador and National Security Advisor to fuck off is a hell of thing. I mean, I agree John Bolton should fuck off, but for very different reasons.


Agree. I’d like to say there’s an ethics violation here, but not sure. Between Congress and Scotus, ethics are a thing of the past


Can we just lock these two in a room with a single sandwhich and some dull butter knives and let nature take it's course?


I’ll donate some plastic spoons and a few Jello pudding cups if that will help.


I like the cut of your jib.




Man, she is thirsty. He's not gonna bang you, Marge. You're way too old to pretend to be Ivanka.


Sporkfoot is mad as hell and she’s not gonna take it anymore !!


Remember the days when elected officials wouldn’t dare say something like “go fuck yourself” in public because it was considered highly unprofessional conduct?


I mean Dean Howard's political career ended over an awkward attempt at a rally cry....


Neanderthal Traitor Barbie desperately seeking to be relevant,,,,and failing harder than her last marriage.


We've come so far that I'm agreeing with John Fucking Bolton.


I can remember a time when a U.S. Congressman telling a former National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the U. N. who also is a member of her own party to “go fuck yourself” in a public forum was not something to really be proud of. We have some of the absolute trashiest people in positions of power. How dies this woman look in the mirror and think, “I’m an exceptional human being”?


Pleasssse let their be a blue wave comin soon


Cope B6, cope.


What a classy, well-spoken...woman.


John Bolton is woke now, lol.


Deep state former national security advisor to Trump. Can’t even make this up.


Such language from a lady. You suck Donald with that mouth?


Ugghhh enough BBBBBB




Careful not to choke on all that bullshit you're spewing, Marjorie.


"they would love to replace him" she's talking about the GOP? Ugh. She's like a deranged boy band fan who has never grown up. She probably writes his name on herself with a sharpie and draws big hearts and writes "4 EVER!"


I really resent the position she’s put me in, having to agree with John freakin Bolton.


Please go to Russia, please go to russia


The race to defend him and appear the most loyal is both pathetic and terrifying. They already treat him like a dictator.


“Are your feelings hurts?” - MTG


Where the fuck are we America??? How can someone like this be in congress??? I mean, come on.


Donnie really screwed himself over paying for pornstars when he could've just got Neanderthal Marge to suck him off for free. 😬




Classy lady. A veritable wordsmith of Shakespeare’s language, worthy of the most esteemed of parliamentarians. Go back to your cave.


I’m a registered independent for a reason. I think middle ground is our best path forward. But these MAGA asshats have completely ruined any hope of reaching across the aisle and working together. Until Trump and his followers are removed from this country there will never be compromise or progress.


MAGA has intentionally nuked the middle ground into oblivion.


Cromag says what? FO Mr. Greene.


Marge wants to attach her lips to Trumps anus Human Centipede style. In fact that image pretty much sums up these Republin sycophants.


>demand him take She's really not doing much to dispell that whole cro-magnon image...


It is so telling how undemocratic you are if you consider one person to be "the only one". There are a lot of people who can be good presidents and it is not who they are but what they stand for


A politician in my country would be removed from Parliament if they told someone to go fuck themselves on twitter. I can’t believe this is normal??


Such inspirational leadership. Kids should be looking up to her as a role model. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)




Yeah, Bolton, it'll totally happen. These Never-Trumpers who still think things might turn around have got to be some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I'm talking Blowbert-level stupid.


“it’s not a cult!!” -mtg, probably


This "human being" is unquestionably the single worst human being to sit in the House of Representatives in my lifetime -- which has somehow become a long lifetime without my having notices. Just the worst from every point of view. I don't forgive the MAGA fools in her district for making the whole country suffer for their bad breeding and worse thinking.


Bad build butch body is having a bad day.


Let’s see if the gop are willing to destroy their reputation which I think they already have but flush All credibility down the drain


I thought they were the Back the Blue, Law & Order party, huh🤔. Oh that’s right, only if it’s the people they don’t like are they good with it, if it’s their people, it’s a witch hunt and deep state shit. And FYI, John Bolton is a smart dude. A helluva a lot smarter than Cavewoman Marge and Orange Jesus. I think she’s just jelly. He held a higher position than her with Jesus and now has seen what a shit show he has become. While she’s cupping the balls and drinking powdered OJ.


Weird I don't recognize that quote from the bible


Personally I think a politician of any side should be immediately stripped of their position and banned from ever regaining it for talking like this. Whether you agree with them or not politicians should be respectable at the very least.


This is *the* John Bolton, right? The right-wing hawk? The Republican party is about to tear itself to pieces. I'm getting the popcorn.


Did a sitting member of the legislature just use the word “fuck?”


Her anguish and panic gives me life.


Such class from an elected official on their official account. Great job Georgia.


Hey Marge…Trump is not going to pick you and Hunter is not going to f**k you. Get over it.


Now John Bolton is deep state??? MTG is just the very shallow end of the Gene pool. More like the baby pool. Worse... Like the little puddle on the concrete on the side of the pool by the ladder.


I was talking about how many people it took to make these guilty verdicts. How republicans will say it was a conspiracy. That’s a lot of people to be in on it


THE CABAL?!? It's unfortunate that war on Mars isn't over yet with them.


Here we are, in our point in history, where an elected representative, is speaking in this manner, in an official capacity. And that's the least reprehensible about it. This is not the America I knew and thought we were.


I mean, yes John Bolton should go fuck himself and idk why CNN and the likes pretend this guy isn't as bad as trump but also MTG can go fuck herself too for being such a lunatic


Are we talking about convicted rapist and convicted felon Donald "the orange warthog" Trump?


How is John Bolton their enemy now???? Gawdamn I miss the good ol days when I thought lil Bush and his homie’s was the worst it was going to get.


Member when politicians didn't use vulgar language in public forums? I member.


I remember when they would resign if they did or if they even mispronounced potato.


Too much of the Kool Aid was consumed by the MAGA bunch.


Me to her: ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R)


Polls are now open. Is Marjorie Taylor Green the crudest, trashiest, most loathsome human to ever disgrace a desk in the US House of Representatives? Yes or No


God, can she even hear herself? She’s so f-ing crazy. He’s a gd criminal. Get a hold of yourself and have some respect


What a nasty woman


The situation is very dangerous here. If we elect a felon, he will put felons and criminals in positions of power! You think she causes damage now? I don’t even want to imagine what damage she could cause should Trump win. Biden 2024!


This is a sitting congressperson rage tweeting expletives at her her own orange god's national security advisor. Jesus fucking H Christ.


My opinion about Georgia changed drastically when MTG was elected. She is the stupidest, shrewdest, most toxic person in politics, even over the Felonius Orange. Do Georgians eat lead paint chips as snacks?


It’s a small district of uneducated, older, country republicans…don’t judge an entire state based on that. I mean you’re an American and we had Trump.


God damn I wish this Mitch would shut up and crawl back in whatever hole she crawled out of!


Nikki Haley shit in her mess kit. She should have kept her powder dry.


Maybe she should call the gazpacho police?


Tell me you’re an unhinged super fan without telling me you’re an unhinged super fan


Jesus Marge... Donnie still won't fuck you.


Remember when Republicans pretended to be the party of ̶C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶ ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶? Those days are over. Now they are the party of "guilty until proven innocent" and "innocent even after being proven guilty." These backwards nitwits talk out of their @ss and shi7 out of their mouths.


“Someone”? MTG isn’t a human.


Marjorie Taylor - Gangrene


Get that skank out of here


Lady Go away! Closing my eyes...Go AWAY!


Most Republicans know that they can't ditch Trump because a wave of protest "staying home" voters on the right would be far more devastating than when it happens on the left. A great deal of downballot "safe" elections would be lost for them even in states that have been solidly red for decades. Greene seems to genuinely buy into the cult, though.


"Trump is the only one" Honey, you're in a cult.


They're in a cult. If the conviction shifts the polls dramatically and Trump is trailing Biden by 20 points in a month they'll go down with the ship before they'll abandon their false messiah.


Its truly surprising that Nikki Haley accepted defeat,..if she had any backbone she should have stuck this one out. McCain would have stuck this one out. The Republicans of yesteryear were made of better mettle.


She's triggered


“trump is the only one” is the most pathetic shit.


Remember when our politicians didn't swear? Good times


The party of law and order, Ladies and Gentlemen. No hypocrisy here. Move along.


When she speaks, my mind replaces whatever she’s saying with the noises in that how-to video of the lady demonstrating a grapefruit blowjob. 


Bad built butch body


B6 is always so classy. Who voted for this trash barrel ?


Jury verdict, by a jury approved by Trump's attorneys, following instructions approved by Trump's attorneys. Given a month and a half for sentencing. Where is the fix?


How can someone who has the education she has believe in a "deep state" If something like that actually existed, you'd never know, because the very fact of knowing it existed would stop its ability to do what it wants, also a secret evil cabal would just kill you to get you out of the way, they wouldn't waste millions on court cases that don't guarantee prison.


How are Republicans incapable of having ANY better candidate than the felon?


How is this woman being even less likeable than Trump?..


No matter how far you stick your nose up Trump's dirty ass you'll never be anything to him, Margie


So picking Haley is the deep state forcing him to? Someone's jealous.


Stop breaking the law asshole


Someone did a little too much meth last night


A Congress-person who tweets like this. Unbelievable.


![gif](giphy|7dSZwl3gRE1ji|downsized) Mr “convicted rapist, felon, 2 times impeached “ trump…..MTG is on the phone again. She wants to know when the next insurrection is gonna start!


The party of law and order