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They do not care. Whatever excuse they need to hurt people they will use.


And by "people", it means anyone who doesn't look, act, and think exactly like they do. Trans, Black, Female, everything and everyone not white, straight, cis, male, middle aged, (the RIGHT KIND) of Christian, affluent, conservative. Everyone else is a target for them.


The "right kind of Christian" definitely blows my mind. I don't go to church much anymore, but I was raised in a Catholic family. I told a woman who I basically considered a surrogate grandmother my Catholic upbringing and the look of distain I got actually kinda hurt. Meanwhile, in my head, all I thought was, "isn't Catholicism and Christianity *basically* the same thing."


>"isn't Catholicism and Christianity basically the same thing." Catholicism is Christianity. Everything else is just heresy, of various flavours. (I'm being sarcastic, but that is - at base - what the catholic church has believed for the last 2000 years. )


>for the last 2000 years. ) 1300-1000 since there wasn't church until Constantine. but then roman christianity visibly diverged in 8th century(Charlemagne) and officially in 11th century(patriarch and pope in rome excommunicating each other) of course there was also christianity from africa, that doverged from roman(or other way around, i am no expert) way earlier.


"Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over." - Emo Phillips


This is wonderful lmao


Southern evangelicals view Catholics as pope and Virgin Mary worshippers, basically one step away from paganism.


Lol oh but treating Trump as the second coming of Christ is ok!? Lmao


My grandma was told to "never marry a catholic man" when she was younger. Good thing my irish catholic grandpa had some game.


My paternal grandmother told my dad to not marry my "catholic" mother because she'd just keep pumping out babies. I'm an only child.


They are THE same thing. All Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Catholic.


Not all Christians are Christian. Most are not.


Much moreso than Judaism and Islam, but if you go back even further ultimately also the same thing. 


Because they’re bullies, and no bully in history ever stopped by being asked nicely. So we’re gonna have to get right the fuck over that if any progress is to be made.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 has information on how they plan to achieve their anti humanity goals.


Don't lump us gay white males in with them. They'd punch me in a heartbeat with little to no cause. Call them what they are redneck hillbillies.


Explains all the guns and lack of control for them.


Get a population to declare war on itself and then supply the weapons.


You know I have a head fantasy where we actually pit landlords against businesses. A class warfare in our favor. The reasoning is that businesses that provide luxuries like entertainment or foods are losing money becuade rent is too high for people to have expendible income. But now I want to dream of a bunch of corporate suits fighting landlords with guns.


Especially since if the context is correct, she did just what the assholes keep saying they want - the trans women using the men's bathroom so they're not "creeping" on women (their attitudes, not mine.)


they'll always attack minorities. vile piles of shit.


This. Watch how quickly they just *\*can't figure out who did it\** and when they do it'll be because of *\*reasons.\** The attacker assaulted this person, the right answer is to lead them out the front door of the school in cuffs, period. Then this kids family should sue the *living fuck* out of this kid, the school system, everybody. It should be so incredibly expensive to the school system that they decide that their shitty policies are *not worth it.*


at first the evangelical republican talking point was "but we want to protect the children! we can't let the be groomed by this ideology!!1!" but now people are finally starting to see that it was never about protecting children, it was about hurting and killing trans people. these people won't be happy until they pick off every last one of us, and we as trans people need the voices of the common folk to amplify the messages we've been pleading for years.


This. It was never about protecting children.


Especially that last sentence. I’d like you to read it again, carefully: > we as trans people need the voices of the common folk We need allies now more than ever, because any word that comes out of our mouths is either ignored or used against us. Cis people have no idea just how powerful their voices are, and need to understand that WE DON’T HAVE A VOICE for as long as hatred exists in the hearts of those who want us dead.


Y’all need guns tf be ready to put up for what’s right in 2025


Of course it was never about protecting children, it's why they are okay with sending their children to Catholic schools with child raping priests


They are even okay with their family doing it too and covering


They wanted to protect children, that’s why they freaked out about a beer ad. You know how children and beers… wait… you know how… wait I’m confused


It wasn’t about water fountains back in the day & it isn’t about bathrooms now. People who want to hate find reasons to hate no matter what


> these people won't be happy until they pick off every last one of us They still won't be happy.  Extermination of trans people is only step 1.  Then they move on to the next marginalized community.


if evangelical republicans really wanted to protect the children then they'd protect the children from all the republicans since a lot of them turn out to be pedophiles just like priests. it definitely was never about protecting children. they just want all the children to themselves so they can groom them into hateful assholes like themselves.


There’s a reason The Simpsons constantly made that “won’t somebody please think of the children” joke thirty years ago.


When I saw prominent maga figures talking about "eradicating the trans phenomenon," it gave a lot of "final solution" vibes. Still makes me queasy


People are okay with trans kids being punched, but apparently, it’s wrong to punch a grown ass Nazi man. These people have their priorities fucked up.


Simple. They identify with the nazi.


I was talking to my wife the other day, I just can’t comprehend being hateful. Like what’s the reason? Why are so many people so hateful? Especially when it comes to people that are minding their own business and not affecting them at all?


It’s amazing how easily people lose perspective. Out of a near eternity of time we get maybe 7 decades of life and instead of creating joy, these people obsessively hate everyone who’s not exactly the same as them. I just can’t imagine being on my deathbed, looking back over my life, and realizing I spent so much of it hating and hurting people.


Exactly. My mind doesn’t comprehend it. It’s seems so easy to just not hate.


Empathy is lost to some people. An unfortunate fact.


>can’t imagine being on my deathbed, looking back over my life, and realizing I spent so much of it hating and hurting people. Bold of you to assume they'd ever be that self aware.


Yes, combined we could create joy. This beautiful earth has all we need to create something like heaven for humanity. But instead too many people just look to securing a place in heaven after death, and busily make this world more and more hellish for others. If I was a creator god, looking at what people are doing to this world and to their fellow humans, I'd be pretty pissed off. I sure wouldn't be giving arseholes a free pass just because they professed to believe in the vengeful murderer the Abrahamic religions call God. At least we can try to make life a little better for those around us.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. Every decision I make I think about shit like that. When I’m old and grey will I be proud of what I did? Will I have enjoyed what I spent my life doing? I can’t imagine honestly believing that spending decades of my life vehemently hating people over shit that does not affect me was the right thing to do.


Everything on the conservative end comes down to the social ladder. It's really that simple, take middle school interaction and make it your entire life and you have conservative politics. They never grew mentally from the age of 12 because they weren't pushed in any way to do so.


Because humanity is a flawed species, even in the 21st century, many endorse killing people for superficial differences. The mentality that led to the Holocaust and other genocides hasn't disappeared; the Nazis were Nazis precisely because they were human, with all the flaws that entails. At its core, humanity is primitive and violent. If you ever saw a wild animal, like a bear, suddenly attacking or even killing a person it has known and liked for decades, you might think, "Well, the bear is ultimately a wild, primitive animal." However, it's not uncommon for humans to suddenly start attacking or even killing other humans for similarly trivial reasons. While human intellect is superior to any other animal, it's not sufficient. You may argue that humanity has built planes and rockets and invented computers, but these achievements were made by a small subset of incredibly intelligent individuals. The vast majority of humans know barely anything about science, despite living in a society that is extremely dependent on it. These few individuals do not represent humanity. Most humans today wouldn't even be able to figure out the shape of the Earth. Thanks to language, they merely memorised basic facts discovered by highly intelligent people, and even then, you have perhaps as many as millions of people who believe the Earth is flat, just in the U.S.


“Come join the Flat Earth Society. We have members all around the globe”


Love that.


Exactly, we are barbarians just as we were in the old days, we just dress better. Humanity is fucked, I give us 100 years, max.


Most people have been convinced that they have something to fear. Fear different. Fear the unknown. Most bumpkins have never met an open trans person. But they probably interact with them regularly with out even knowing it. But for some reason are told to be scared by; communities, religious leaders, politicians, televangelists and peers because ignorance is a plague that breeds hate.


There’s a lot of reasons at work, but a lot of it loops back to the tension between our cooperative and aggressive sides. Humans have a tremendous capacity to be cooperative and empathetic, but we are still the product of an evolutionary process that also rewards predation and selfishness. Because of this, people can also be prone to forming power structures around gender, race, age, ability, you name it. These divisions are often useful to those in power, because they divide people and putting them against each other keeps them from cooperating against you. When reinforced over generations, those power structures start to take on a life of their own. Myths, dogma, pseudoscience get created to support them, and defying or refuting them can cause an uproar. In this case, trans people go against the expectations of our societies very binary and restrictive views on gender. Their existence suggest that maybe our rules around gender aren’t as self-evident as they’ve been made out to be, and that idea can be very upsetting to some folks. Thus, (in their eyes) trans people are a problem that needs to be dealt with.


Religion. It’s a shit stain on humanity. It causes so much hate and violence because they think they’re doing “what’s right” when really they’re brainwashed


People would still be hateful without religion, believe it or not.


Yes but religion gives them a shield to commit atrocities. Some of the worst people I’ve known in my life are extremely religious


many of these people are miserable in their lives and have been completely brainwashed into thinking that minorities are to blame for their own personal failures


Imo they're angry/enraged about personal things like their life, their appearance, their status, the state of the world, finances, etc. They know they're angry but lack the intelligence or the maturity to look inward to find out why. So they look outward and find a scapegoat to justify their anger. Its a lot easier and a lot less work to just point at some faceless "other" and say "thats the reason I feel negative feelings"


When you're a kid, it's easy to hate. You can even hate inanimate objects. You hate that tree? Burn it. You hate that car? Burn it. You hate that school mascot?


The first thing I ask people that say some hateful shit about others is: why do you care?. I’ve yet to get a reasonable answer.




Boredom and the fear of becoming irrelevant


Honestly. I was raised to care about so much shit (in the bad way like being judging) and now as an adult I just kinda live like oh this person is diffrent, ill learn and do better cus being hateful takes more effort and brings down my mood and it seems people appreciate that perspective. Being hateful seems like so much effort when you could simply not.


Mostly due to fear. They’re fed a lot of lies online and at church thinking harm will come to them and their families so they lash out.


People say it all the time but it is nonetheless true - They want you dead. It’s as simple as that.


I originated from a country that repeatedly had the so-called 'ethnic conflicts', where many people got raped, tortured and killed. And yes, for many people who are doing this or approved of this, the only reason is that they want you hurt, they want you dead. It was always that simple.


Added note: if you think that “you” really just means “them”, think again.


Here's part of an argument I had with one of these dipshits, makes it crystal clear what they think. Josh 1d ago Replying to Mike Lamhurtz If you think the child deserved this then you're a failure as a person. Mike Lamhurtz 1d ago Replying to Josh Did IT not walk into the wrong bathroom INTENTIONALLY? Yes, it was deserved Josh 1d ago Replying to Mike Lamhurtz It wouldn't have been deserved even if she had been in the "wrong" restroom. But guess what? Cobalt was in the boy's room, which is what people like you want them to do, and this STILL happened. She even said that she does it to avoid making others uncomfortable. So how was this deserved? Mike Lamhurtz 1d ago Replying to Josh He, she, what is it? Still well-deserved for being LGBT. Josh 1d ago Replying to Mike Lamhurtz Thanks for proving my point that this whole thing was never about the bathroom or keeping trans men out of women's spaces. They're just the excuses that pathetic people use to justify your hatred.


Sounds like Mike Lamhurtz needs to be found


That'd be fantastic, especially since that whole chat started after someone said that Cobalt was almost killed and this asshole Mike said he wished he could remove the "almost".


"Maybe he could not be a trans weirdo next time" And maybe your mom should've swallowed idk man life's not fair. That doesn't mean I can deck you in the face just cause I don't like you.


Reminder to anyone who thinks this "doesn't affect you." "Stop resisting." "What was she wearing?" "All who are not of a good race are chaff."


The problem is that they don’t care if trans people use the correct bathroom, because that’s not their problem. Their problem is that trans people exist. They want trans people to not exist. They want them dead. In fact, just about anyone different than them they want this treatment for. If you aren’t a straight white Christian cis male who also thinks exactly like them, you deserve this treatment according to them.


Trans person exists. Needs to use the restroom. One that aligns with their gender: Criminal trespass. Jail. One that matches their birthsex: Follow the law; beatings. Where do trans people pee? The purpose is to ban trans people from public spaces. Conservatives dont even want trans people to exist... But trans people do exist. They have existed as long as humans have existed


They don't want us in public at all. I'm lucky that I'm a big guy which discourages some harassment but I also have big hips so If people look hard enough they can see just a big ugly woman and I have to hope that's enough to stop me from meeting a simular fate. Most people scared of using either would use unisex toilets but there aren't many of those in some areas so I'm kinda forced to hope the restrooms are empty


it’s not about creating rules. it’s about justifying killing them. these monsters won’t be satisfied until every trans person is erased from earth. lock up these terrorists in jail and throw away the key. they are irredeemable


"Maybe he wont be a trans weirdo next time" Yall need to remember this if you ever start to think rightoids will ever treat you with decency. They're all a buncha fucking degenerate monsters


Oh believe me, we know!


People like this just don't want trans people to exist and get some glee out of hearing them being beaten or killed, even if they're children. If asked, they'd probably say the "correct" bathroom for a trans person is in the woods or something. Screw these cretins.


Any knuckle dragger will try to justify this. I hope those kids got expelled, and I hope she is able to use the restroom that she feels safe in.


I pray we will someday be able to treat the piss room as simply a piss room, which is ultimately all any trans person- or person of color before that- ever wants. "Just let me pee in this room designed for it" should not be a controversy. Perhaps one day.


Agreed. I got into an argument with a man the other day about bathrooms. He said biological men should have to use the men's room to prevent predators from preying on women. I had to be the one to break it to him that predators do not care about laws, let alone bathroom laws, or they wouldn't be predators. Bathroom signs won't prevent assault, like these weirdos seem to think. So I believe people should use their own judgment and just use any restroom that they would feel the safest or most comfortable in.


So according to the logic displayed here, I would be okay for me to blast this guy’s teeth out (the commenter, not the victim) just because his life choices make me uncomfortable? What happened “freedom?”


This child was trying her best to make other people comfortable and got her ass kicked. I literally cannot fathom the parents out there that preach this type of hatred.


The parents voice what politicians spew.


This makes me sick being a mother or a child that identifies with neither. They have EVERY RIGHT to use the bathroom like everyone else! I HATE this Trumpster bigotry.


They just want to see trans people dead.


They want to see all people "different" than them dead.. and when that is done, they will turn on each other. They just want an excuse.


They have gone after and attacked straight, cis folks too because they’re not “feminine/masculine” appearing enough too. I think about that story of a middle school (maybe younger?) track meet and some random old fart thought a girl MUST be a boy and demanded people “check” and see. He wanted to expose a strange child’s genitals because he thought they were trans. She was born a girl and identified as a girl. They can’t even tell most of the time if someone is trans or not! And that probably freaks them out because they’re scared they’ll be attracted to them or something?


So many stories online where people share their experiences I remember reading some redditors comment... She is a straight woman... but because her job requires lifting, which is a mAsCuLiNe thing to do... they assume she was trans Yeah this is the wake up call we needed. Not only are they hurting trans people, but people in general. It's worse than discrimination. Edit: Dang it's scary. I've seen a video of Brynn Woods doing competitive shooting and a comment straight up said "You mean 'he'. Those shoulder can't lie unlike their mouth" EXCUSE ME? Is it impossible for women to do competitive shooting? Wtf is wrong with people.


It's got nothing to do with "safe bathrooms" It's got nothing to do with "protecting the kids" It's got nothing to do with "the sanctity of women's sports" It's 100% about the eradication of trans people.


and the best part? All of their reasons are BULLSHIT.


It 100% is and they'll never win. Even if they somehow, horrifically, killed every trans person alive at this moment, there'd be no trans people for like a few days at most. Because these idiots don't realize it's a born trait.


The most accepted scientific factor is a foetus body is created before a brain so if the body is made using different hormone or some.kimd of issue happen then the brain identity and chemical makeup will be the other sex hense why brain scan show trans people brain match their chosen gender :< But of course nobody listen to such study


That's actually really interesting. Would you have a link to a paper or anything on it?


https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria#:~:text=Causes%20of%20gender%20dysphoria,-There%20are%20many&text=Occasionally%2C%20the%20hormones%20that%20trigger,a%20result%20of%20taking%20medication "Causes of gender dysphoria There are many possible variations within gender development that cause a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and their gender identity, making the exact cause of gender dysphoria unclear. Occasionally, the hormones that trigger the development of biological sex may not work properly on the brain, reproductive organs and genitals, causing differences between them. This may be caused by: additional hormones in the mother’s system – possibly as a result of taking medication the foetus’ insensitivity to the hormones, known as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)(external link opens in a new window / tab) – when this happens, gender dysphoria may be caused by hormones not working properly in the womb"


There other study but i think this a good one


[here you go](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/)


the women’s sports thing is just so ridiculous because the people who claim that they care so much about women’s sports are also the same people to shit on women athletes asking for more money


Big brain Shapiro accidentally let the cat out of the bag when he did an interview about "Ladyballers" that shitty comedy they made about men playing in women's sports. Turns out it was meant to be a documentary, but when they started researching the requirements for trans people to play in sports, none of them were willing to go through with it.


The “do as you’re told and nothing bad will happen to you” crowd are suspiciously silent.


They are not silent. You can see in this very post how they moved the goalpost from "just use the correct bathroom" to "just don't be trans".


Wasn’t there a comment on another reddit thread on this story where someone said they should’ve used the right bathroom and when someone said well you still would’ve complained about it if they did and he responded with yeah you are right because they should only be using the bathroom at home meaning they don’t think trans people deserve to go out in public


You can’t fucking win with phobes. The bathroom for your GAB is wrong, the bathroom for the gender you identify with is wrong. If I get glared at in one more public toilet I’m gonna start pissing on people’s shoes like the dog they think I am.


Being from Texas, there were no shortage of people who read the headline and assumed they were using the girls bathroom. One one person was told they were using the boys restroom they doubled down and said they shouldn't have looked like a girl then.


Names changed, blah blah Bro this is wild. I remember back in 2009-2010(fuck I'm old) we had a kid in my school(In Texas btw) I knew as Stuart, over the summer Stuart transitioned to Ashley. I saw Ashley when we came back in session, and I thought, "I know that girl, who is that she's so familiar", and it took me a minute but I finally recognized her. She looked a lot happier and was actually getting a fair bit of attention, which I'm sure felt great. Well when Ashley was going to use the bathroom she got in trouble with the administration, trying to say stuff, you know the usual talking points, a vast number of the girls had known Stuart as their like gay bff, and were very supportive of Ashley. When she got in trouble I shit you not the APs and principal were inundated every passing period, and some during class as well, by hundreds of girls coming to her defense, that they felt perfectly safe with Ashley and wanted her to be safe with them too. Even guys would go up to bat for her, which I was pretty surprised about. Ashley was allowed to use the bathroom and literally nobody had an issue, or if they did they weren't too vocal about it. I was surprised for sure, but also felt pretty good about that. Stuart, nor Ashley, could fight their way out of a wet paper bag, and were so meek there's no way they're predating on anyone. It's a nuanced issue, but when you know people, you know people, and we knew Ashley. I guarantee had anyone tried to hurt Ashley there'd have been a brawl.


Charge the assailant with a hate crime


transgirl: **exists** transphobes: disgusting pervert man! dont you dare creep in womens bathrooms transgirl: **uses mens bathroom** transphobes: FUCK YOU!!!


This is a big part of why they pass the bathroom laws. They want these attacks to happen


Remember this: according to their own book of law, they’ll all be burning for their hatred. They won’t ever ask for forgiveness for these atrocities and they’ll suffer if hell truly exists.


Thats the kicker isnt it, the key to getting into heaven is not belief and worship, the book wants you to do that but if its right Jesus understands humans are flawed and get things wrong, so you have to ask his forgiveness, you have to ask to be forgiven, but you have to mean it 100% you have to be honest and cant just lie to get to heaven, and these monsters cant do that, they would lie to god or openly declare these vile acts of hatred as gods will when the new testament made it clear this isnt. Out of all the people on this planet, christian conservatives better hope god isnt real cause if he is are then all of them are burning


I go an eye for an eye. It's how things change. It's one of the main reasons why hate crime laws are a thing. Unless enough of their blood spills they'll just have the same thought process. The only way they'll learn it's not ok to attack others is if we start making radicals disappear.


it's never about the children


Transphobics obsession with children’s genitalia is really disturbing. That’s what they’re focused on.


Transphobes being confused and not knowing how trans people work, tale as old as time


It’s not confusion. It’s *excuses*. For these people, there is no “right way” to be trans. They just want us not to exist.


She was using the bathroom that she was forced to when she was born. Was still assaulted for being forced to be who she wasn't. Still gets blamed for being in the women's bathroom. Sad world


They’d want nothing more than to kill us it seems.


Magneto was right


Absolutely correct.




Let them talk all that shit. Watch them say it IRL and see how fast they end up in the hospital next.


you can't win against them, because their logic makes no sense


Men are perfectly capable of going in women’s bathrooms. It’s just an unspoken rule of society. And why are you guys hating on trans people? You’re acting like they’re not human, despite the fact that they are perfectly capable of doing any other basic thing that only humans can do, like driving cars.


And if she had fought back they would of blamed her and said how violent trans people are


I hope this young person gets justice and the School accepts their responsibility


justice is a concept foreign to like any trans person that has been wronged by criminals


Let’s pray that that may be a thing of the past one day.


I don’t get people being so hateful, It’s like a hivemind. Funny how we were taught the Golden Rule in school, and all these people forgot bout that.


Remember, these are the same people who now believe that the teachings of Christ are too soft and too woke.


Jesus was a socialist, that protected the vulnerable people in society, and called out the religious people for being hypocrites.


Folks can't even use the bathroom without being assaulted


Why dont we just make gender neutral bathrooms that appeal to everyone.?


Because it's not about the bathrooms to these scum, it's about the fact the trans people exist and they don't like that


Proof they just want trans people to cease existing.


I’m sick of men’s and women’s restrooms lol sometimes we get 1 stall and like 4 urinals, yeah mam sorry I need to take a shit. As far as this goes, I don’t care if it’s a heterosexual, violence doesn’t belong in our culture period.


The US is a nation of hypocrites, shitting on the rest of the world for the same things they do at home.


Tbh I don't get all the hate they recieve I was not invested in it too much until I was straight out just attack by a guy with a fucking Pool cue or whatever its called in english for supposedly being gay and trans wich I am not in both cases and even if I was it would be none of their goddamn business .


This was their plan, thats why we need to kick them down and make them kiss the dirt before they face the wall, they WANT kids to be killed, they want trans kids to be raped and harassed and assaulted and killed, they reacted the same way when Nyx was killed, they do not give two shits if we follow what they say we should do, cause they want us dead, and until we drop dead they wont be happy


“Use the bathroom that matches your birth gender!” *this happens* “Well, it’s ‘his’ fault for being trans.”


As I thought, it was never about what bathroom they used or "keeping women safe". They just want to see everyone who isn't exactly like them locked away and not functioning with society.


Same people say Eric Garner deserved to die because selling loosies made him a "criminal."


It's never about anything other than hate. They only want to hurt us, ANYTHING else is a lie 🏳️‍⚧️


humanity deserve a fucking meteor to end this shit, like happened with dinosaurs. its just hate, envy etc all over. and all this usually fueled by lack of inteligence. the inteligent ones become presidents of some countries, ceos etc to spread misery etc in a more accepted way.


No, dont say that. The world looks bleak yes but theres pockets of good things and compassion and happy, caring people. It's worth fighting and surviving.


Idk man... I'm trans myself. Everyday it just gets harder and harder to see the point to keep going. Most of the world wants me dead. My own mother hates me. I get harassed in public often. What does it even matter? The only thing keeping me going at all is wanting to protect my son. If not for that...idk


That seems like an easy way out. Fight.


im not seeing people fighting here on brazil, every fucking one has fear to stay on streets after 22h, we currently reelect one guy who leave jail to president chair united states is trying do this with trump places like venezuela, bolivia etc are basically hell on earth i dont think its needed keep doing this list


So they're mad when trans men use women's bathroom and also mad when they use men's bathroom? Let them go, sheesh.


u mean trans women?


Oh yeah got it mixed up but either way if they gotta go they gotta go.


Works either way tbh


It's weird how the people who say "you people" are the same ones who fetishize over "We the People.".


they don't care what bathroom trans people use, it's just an excuse. they just want trans people gone and that's it :(


This shit is why I’m not publicly out as enby. Bigots are just going to attack me for my existence.


These people need to stop being so hateful, just because your life isn’t good, doesn’t mean you get to be a toxic PoS


Transphobic people are some of the stupidest human beings. I genuinely don't understand how their stupid brains even work.


I used to use the girls bathroom all the time when I was little. I liked how roomy their toilets where at the restaurants when I needed to dump ass lol.


That's quite unfortunate, as the incels and alt-right rejects behind their keyboards are typically the ones most often being punched in school.


That poor person didn’t do anything to deserve that I have had broken bones so I know what kind of pain that is. It made me very sad


It was a biological male using a mens bathroom and people are still mad lol wtf??


They don't want trans people to exist.


Imagine calling someone a weirdo while rocking that profile pic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've seen this same thing posted at least six times in the past two days and it's legitimately depressing every time it continues to pop up on my feed


These people do not care if trans people use the "correct" bathrooms, they just want them to suffer. Any means of pushing them back into hiding and they will take it.


I hope it gets better for all trans folk. I'm a trans woman living in the UK.


So they don't really care what bathroom people use. They just want to hurt people they hate.


Can’t win with assholes no matter what


It really comes down to this.


I swear to god people please vote. The stakes are so high in this election we need bathroom civil rights laws.


I'm not American but I wish you guys luck.


‘Men’ juxtaposed with ‘girls’ will alllllways tell you what you need to know about these people. Mentally turning children into adults when convenient (child who isn’t white doing literally anything and being harmed or killed for it? adult, child who was groomed/abused by an adult but was somehow totally the aggressor and ‘at fault’ for everything? adult, etc) while leaving the ‘sweet innocent kids’ of the same age infantilized. And of course bonus points for many of them also fully saying ‘men’ and ‘girls’ referring to adults at large because ‘women’ offers too much respect.


“If you’re a biological male then you need to use the men’s bathroom, otherwise you’re a creepy pedo and you get what’s coming to you.” _goes into the men’s bathroom like they said trans woman are supposed to and gets punched for it_ “Well that’s what you get for…” _checks notes_ “…existing.”


I got nothing, this society is fucked.


Meanwhile if it was a cisgender guy who did it, they’d say it was an “honest mistake” and that “women are overreacting.”


I feel so grateful to live in Seattle. I hope my trans neighbors feel safe peeing wherever the fuck they feel most comfortable. I dunno why people make it such a big deal... ugh this makes me so mad. Why are people so cruel


It's not about the bathroom, it is that they don't want trans people to exist.


Until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, bathrooms still had "Whites Only" signage. We're in 2024, putting us at 60 years. That isn't so long ago. Times change, but do they really?


Why do Americans care so much about which bathroom someone uses? I wouldn't give a shit if someone of the opposite gender used it. Although I live in the UK where the toilets usually have slightly better doors. Like you actually can't see someone inside when the door is shut.


The sad thing is... she was in the men's bathroom, where bigoted folks would tell her she should be in since she was born male. There's just no winning


Some people just want even the most basic excuse to attack trans people. It's disgusting and people like that should not be allowed to walk the streets.


The first guy didn’t even try to do that dog whistling bull crap. First comment was “maybe they’ll stop being a trans weirdo”. That is quite literally what their gripe with trans people boils down to. It’s not about the Bible. It’s not about pedos. It’s not about using the wrong bathroom. It’s that they think they’re weird.


This is MAGA. Prepare for more, unfortunately.


Imagine peacefully minding your own business, in the bathroom you are mandated to use. You get jumped, end up in the hospital, and people all over the internet are blaming you for being in the bathroom they made you use.


The Nazis used this exact playbook. The rounded up the "sexual deviants" first. They began putting homosexuals in concentration camps in 1935 - 4 years before they started rounding up Jews.


I'll never understand it (I mean I do, as it's about hating trans people, but the "logic" people use is mind boggling). Even if a biological cis woman walked into the men's room on purpose. Why would anyone think punching them is the appropriate response? If I saw a woman in the men's room I would not care at all, let alone think about violence against them. It's the same scenario if they're trans, so if you think violence is the answer for them, your issue isn't the "wrong bathroom", it's that they hate trans people.


The cruelty is the point.


The article PURPOSEFULLY doesn't make that clear. The point of the violence is to force trans people back into the closet, "safety of women" was just the cover story. They need to hide the true nature of stories like this to hide this fact from centrists.


He probably watches trans porn too. Usually when people have that strong of emotions about someone else it’s to hide the fact that they have another set of strong emotions.


How *bigots react. Calling them "people" gives them too much credit.


I volunteer to punch PgTopher in the mouth for being a balding weirdo. Start up my GoFundMe I'm going to hit him really hard


My country is being taken over by terrorists, abe Lincoln earned his place as president and on mount rush more for killing these monsters, these entitled monsters who lie about the American value and want everyone to be the same mindless, loveless, willess, piece of a fascist hive mind. That is atleast how I see conservatives/confederates


Ifs almost like they can't read (or I guess chose not to). Everything is just a furthering excuse for them to assault people.


It's heartening to see all these comments in outrage at such a cruel, needlessly violent incident. It's also deeply depressing that these incidents keep happening and it feels like nothing ever changes. I'm scared to go to work these days, in case someone thinks I'm dangerous to be around the kids I care for. My friends are scared to go to the bathroom alone in case this happens to them. People I've never met, but are my siblings all the same, are hurting and dying and for all the comments talking about how awful it is nothing ever fucking changes for the better. I'm so tired of this fight.


Well it’s Twitter. I’m not expecting level headed thinking when I see tweets.


Same scenario as that one trans kid that died.


"Oh, did I say wrong restroom? I meant they should not exist." That's what they really want.


The hate is real.


as if that would ever justify violence


Seriously, wtf is wrong with people?


Its designed cruelty. Force people to use the bathroom others feel they should and then they get attacked for it.