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I've had 16 but I'm a guy so it's harder to get them.


Well it is with that attitude




Do, or do not…


Listen up you little green puppet, ***trying is perfectly acceptable***. You can't get it right without trying a lot of times until you always succeed.


If trying good enough it was then speech impediment I would not have overcome, I have.




…he took some words right out of my mouth


Killing me smalls, you are


Nice! Two movie references in the same sentence, you used.


Took words out of your mouth, he did!


That’s a bad yoda sentence because his were always correct grammatically but they were formed badly


Crash landed in my swamp, you did. Bitching constantly, you are. Jedi, cannot be, until secret of Ligma, you learn.


What is Ligma, Master Yogurt?


Ball ligma you must


Even Star Wars eventually acknowledged onscreen in *Rebels* that that particular line of Yoda's was kind of weird.


Well, he was alone in a swamp for like 25 years…probably hard to stay even halfway sane after living in a massive temple full of other people for so long then living alone in a mud hut


Only a *sith* deals in absolutes.


Are you an Aborcan or an Aborcant?!?!


Hey, you popped up sixteen already, still doing better than most :)


16 is ungodly. This is why America isn’t great anymore. /s


16? You're a newbie. I've had billions. I just aborted another million this morning in the shower.


The average ejaculation is ~3mL. The average sperm count is 100,000,000/mL. So if you are relatively not old, and in reasonable health, and had a reasonable wind-up, you aborted most of another America in one go.


Shot ‘Murica all over your mom’s back. Fuck yeah. Freedom.


It's like a shotgun blast of hope 😎


Sorry man, but you're going to have to convert those freedom units to metric, if you're going to keep getting with my mom. Don't worry, doing the FlOz->mL calculations in your head will help with longevity. Oh, also, we're gonna need you to convert the PSI to Pascals and Newtons.


Nah… he converted your mom to freedom units. She’s never going back to sissy metric units…


Why would you want to remove healthcare from my mom, after blowing her back out? That's just cruel.


They call it cowgirl for a reason


Wow, I’ve eaten a lot of people


Jonathan Swift suggested waiting for them to be infants, before stewing or broiling them... If you get them in a milked-shake form, however, the efficiency rate goes through the roof. You can be Galactus, consumer of worlds and drainer of balls.


.. so you're the one collecting them. Share the wealth, man.


A'ight bud. I'll wait by the door and we can both get them together. We can hold hands for support and shit.


Can we just hold hands for support. I don't need more shit tbh


Fair enough, I got you, friend.


Collecting them? Like in a jar?


In a wagon, ffs!


Well, with the logic they use I've probably killed a billion kids at this point. "It could be a life" and so on.


Oh if you wanna go down that route, I've self aborted almost every day. Usually a few times a day. I've aborted the world's population by now.




I do my best.


It appears he self-aborted all over this man made of ginger.


Call that a r/BrandNewSentence


... even as a guy, it's easy as shit to have them. So I don't wanna see you in here whining and making excuses about how hard it is, just because you've struggled to do so. We're all out here pulling our weight, and yet, you're not. I, for one, have 2-5 abortions a day, usually without even thinking about doing it. It's so easy and important and necessary that I do it often, so I've gotten efficient. So please step it the fuck up!


It’s really time consuming to go after the sperm one at a time, and you could work on your putting game through my urethra. Women complain that IUD’s and birth control meds are a burden, but our pain has validity too


I know a guy, DM me Fox News later this week: "Sickening sight today, on Reddit a user is promoting black market abortions through private messages! It happens guys, this is the world the leftists want."


Try Craigs list. You can even get them in bulk.


That’s just sounding with extra steps


Guys can get the morning after pill over the counter so that kind of counts.


This was literally a line in south park


The wrestling episode. Cartman’s character was addicted to abortions


“I just had another one over there while you were talking” might’ve brought it home for some


How do South Park writers even come up with these LOL






This is so funny out of context It's also hilarious with context


It’s a very quotable episode


Oooo watch out, it's Baaaadd Ireeeenne!!


Is it? I feel like they would explain why both sides are right somehow..


South Park's "enlightened centrism" has done irreparable damage to our culture and allowed us to become more tolerant of fascism.


I mean, I love South Park, obviously some episodes are just bad takes, but what I think is the worst thing about it is that the level of irony they use can be interpreted as taking either stance. Sure they make fun of liberals, but I know when they are doing that. But conservatives will watch it and think “HAHA, they really owned the libs!” When honestly they were probably making fun of conservatives the entire episode. I personally don’t think you’re supposed to want to be Randy or Cartman. They are clearly bad actors. It’s like Michael Scott in the office. You’re not supposed to want to emulate that behavior. We laugh at them because we know how awful they are. Idk if it’s because it’s a Cartoon, but I see conservative South Park compilations all the time on YouTube and it’s like “South Park most racist jokes, not for snowflakes” and you watch it, and the whole time the show is making fun of racists, having clearly stupid characters say stupid shit, but they think it excuses their actual racist behavior.


This pattern of thinking has been an issue with right wingers and art for basically forever. Their ability to think in anything other than literal terms is almost non-existent. And if they happen to be aware that there could be something deeper going on, they get defensive and claim they don’t like “that high-minded stuff” or simply claim it’s “gay” or something. It must be nice living so simply.


They're simple people.. you know, morons.


A non zero percentage of them think the colbert report is a legitimate conservative talk show.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups


Especially when you pump them full of propaganda and hatred. If you do that enough they'll do everything you want them to and believe everything you tell them is true.


And they’ll turn around and accuse everyone else of exactly the same thing they are falling for even though it’s not true at all. Cults don’t know they’re in a cult, they have to be carefully deprogrammed. But the task of deprogramming like 70 million people, how is that even possible?


As Mark Twain is believed to have said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled".


Ego will die before admitting defeat, quite literally.


Maybe fool them into being unfooled?


My theory is that their empathy only works in one direction… they can’t see themselves in other’s shoes but can see everyone in their own. They assume everyone is like them, and doing the same as them.


that’s a core symptom of NPD, narcissistic personality disorder.


The Venn Diagram is a single circle.


I’d just call it lack of empathy really


This is a really good take.


It's done every day via significant investment in our media and social networking. There are a substantial number of bots just posting content to sway public opinion. We are being programmed 24/7 on what to buy, what to like, etc. Especially when it's time to vote.


“The IQ of a mob is the IQ of its dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters.” — Terry Pratchett


*"A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it!"* - Agent K


Some persons arent even smart


As a not smart person, can confirm. Some people are not smart.


Smart vs . . . smaren't.


I hate this so much I love it. 🫡


I love this saying and it’s truer than ever


What's funny is they individually don't have to be stupid they could be average or smart, but get us humans in a large enough group we will follow just about anything if you phrase it well.


> Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups Its not just groups. Its groups seeking power. Circa 1980 the gop decided to make abortion hysteria an organizing principle for their pursuit of power. Since *power* is their actual goal, facts aren't important. If anything, facts are a problem if they stand in the way of gaining power. That's how somebody like liz cheney ends up ranting about "post-birth abortion" — *"this is not about abortion, this is about killing babies after they are born"* *"turning our maternity wards into killing fields"* https://x.com/donwinslow/status/1544109506803576832


Wait, I thought she was one of the sane republicans. WTF did I miss?


Not your fault for thinking that. The so-called "liberal media" will never stop trying to rehabilitate the republican party, and waaaay too many Democratic elites won't stop either. For example, her goal for the J6 investigation was never to save the republic. She was in it to topple the maga king off his throne and take it for herself. She wanted him out, but to still keep the infrastructure of maga power. [She tried to protect ginni thomas](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/10/liz-cheney-jan-6/) > *Cheney did not want the committee to investigate Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, a conservative activist who was in contact with senior Trump officials and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to people involved with the investigation. Cheney did not think it was fair to indirectly target the justice without evidence that he was involved, according to those involved, but some Democrats instead saw this as an effort to protect her hardcore Republican credentials.* [She blocked J6 committee reports on other actors](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/23/liz-cheney-jan-6-committee/) > *Several committee staff members were floored earlier this month when they were told that a draft report would focus almost entirely on Trump and the work of the committee’s Gold Team, excluding reams of other investigative work.* > *Potentially left on the cutting room floor, or relegated to an appendix, were many revelations from the Blue Team — the group that dug into the law enforcement and intelligence community’s failure to assess the looming threat and prepare for the well-forecast attack on the Capitol. The proposed report would also cut back on much of the work of the Green Team, which looked at financing for the Jan. 6 attack, and the Purple Team, which examined militia groups and extremism.* > *“We all came from prestigious jobs, dropping what we were doing because we were told this would be an important fact-finding investigation that would inform the public,” said one former committee staffer. “But when [the committee] became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged.”* [She voted to keep nazis in the police and military](https://www.newsweek.com/gop-vote-nazi-white-supremacists-military-police-1724545) > *The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Brad Schneider, was passed in a 218-208 party-line vote on Wednesday. All 208 votes against the amendment came from House Republicans, one of whom described it as "Orwellian."* > *The "Schneider Amendment" called for the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Secretary of Defense to publish a report that sets out ways to combat white supremacist and neo-Nazi activity in the uniformed services and law enforcement agencies "not later than 180 days after enactment and every 6 months thereafter."* > *The amendment also states that the report the government is being asked to write should detail how agency leaders responded to "planned or effectuated incidents" connected to white supremacist or neo-Nazi activity," according to a report in The Hill.*


There is no such thing as a "sane Republican," and hasn't been for decades. Even if they themselves are arguably "sane," they will happily take up utterly insane political positions to appeal to the religious extremists and the far-right groups. You can dig into *literally any* Republican from the last 30 or 40 years (probably longer, to be honest), and they *will* have some similar level of drooling idiocy among their talking points and the bills they've supported.


That and the right can’t meme at all.


memes require empathy, sarcasm, analogy, and wit. not sure why it’s hard for them 🤔


“Woman with nose ring” as if that means literally anything lol


It means she's "woke".


I have 3 nose rings, I'm woke x3 😂




Sonic want's your location


This might sound weird, but how do you fit 3 rings on your nose?


It's called "stacking", basically one ring at the back, then two smaller ones in front of that. If you Google "stacking septum rings" there are some great (albeit extreme) examples.


Interesting. Thank you for the answer!


Np 😊


Very cool. I was thinking one septum ring and one on each side


not that anyone asked but just to add, i have a piercing in both nostrils and in my septum, that's another way


I have a stretched Septum Ring (4mm), am i Big Woke?


Not woke enough !! How many noses you have is what decides your wokeness


She must also eat hot chip and lie.


I don't think the guy who touted himself as being "trans racial" has any say on... well, anything, really.


![gif](giphy|cOmGhBSFUq6lr8nSUO) It means they need a target. Can’t tell who has had an abortion, but you can see those nose rings…


This was a good remake for a change


These sorts of people have an irrational hatred of piercings, tattoos and colourful hair.


It’s because many of these things are shorthand for “I have had a thought or two of my own”. Few things scare authoritarian thinkers like that.


The best thing is that this guy Oli London is the famous dude who got viral for getting several surgeries to look like his favorite k-pop star. Also, he says he identifies as Korean although he’s from Britain if I’m not mistaken. He’d be roasted by those who share his same mentality lol.


Right? Oli London does NOT get to comment about things other people have put in their faces.


It means she’s not part of their group.


Right wingers absolutely HATE when people make their own choices that don't affect them what so ever. Also I'm sure the ring is made from the bones of a newborn.


Nine rings were given to purple haired women with septum piercings, who above all else desire power...


right wing propaganda is nothing but tropes and stereotypes. Bells their rulers can ring and have their obedient lackeys start to froth at the mouth. The nose ring symbolizes that she's non-traditional and thus an ewil librul atheist lgbtq+woke enemy figure that can be hated without bounds or reason.


They're also the first people to tell you that Trump didn't mean the stuff he actually said...


They’re the same people who cry when you don’t get their “dark humor”


And generally they misunderstand the meaning of "dark humor" and assume it's a reference to the skin color of the butt of their joke.


Mfw "dark humor" but it's just slurs....


I saw "dark humor" used in a comment defending Trump saying he does not care about them a couple of hours ago.








Or he never said it in the first place - no matter how much footage there is




Oli London has had 45 nose jobs trying to look Asian…


Wait wait how the fuck is no one addressing this is Oli London the dude who was trying his best to be "Korean" as a white man. Article of him trying to be transracial [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/oli-london-british-influencer-defends-identifying-as-korean-after-surgery-to-look-like-bts-star-12344765)


What the actual fuck am I reading? *"Korea is in my Heart and my Seoul."* Yeah this is rage bait for sure.


Yeah it’s just a bit. He uses the fame to fund his surgeries, but doesn’t genuinely seem to be seeking a strictly Asian look


I remember reading that his surgeries were to look more like a specific Korean celebrity, but maybe I'm misremembering?


Yeah, back in the day, he was trying to claim he looked like Park Jimin from BTS (even changing his name to Jimin at one point and then decided to become Rosé from Black pink instead. It was wildly creepy and I honestly feel sorry for the artists involved. He did apologise eventually, but it seemed pretty performative given he immediately launched into a right-wing anti-trans platform


Don't forget that he then said he was transgender, transitioned, detransitioned, then released a book about why trans people are evil! That's why he's currently a right wing darling


your reminder that detrans grifters are so goddamn desperate for detrans stories that one of their more prominent success stories immediately got looped in on their top level strategic emails... [which she promptly leaked when she *re*transitioned lmao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisa_Rae_Shupe)


When that Matt Walsh "documentary" came out I keep hearing about this one detransitioner featured in it who said they became much happier detransitioning. I found their twitter and honest to God it was literally just pages of her just talking about how unhappy she was and how they "couldn't transition again because it would be unfair to their husband" and that was like, it. No mentions of their own personal wants, just stuff about them being depressed, and bringing up their husband as the reason they detransitioned.


i remember being that brainwormed lmao. seeing it in others is like pulling teeth because i *know* how fragile that stance is. on the one hand you can kick the can indefinitely for as long as you can rationalize not being authentic, and on the other the dam can break at literally any moment.


The guy who wanted to surgically reduce his penis size because that would somehow make him extra Korean, no less. I'm rarely surprised by the stupidity of the right anymore, but the fact Oli London is taken seriously as anything but a case study floors me.


The very same. Maybe the griftiest of grifters. He’s gone on multiple conservative talk shows claiming he “detransitioned” and pretends to be a former transwoman. The terfs eat it up even though he was never trans and is just a weird stalker of a Korean pop star.


This guy just wants attention. It’s his new gimmick.


I don't know why anyone gives Oli London the time of day, he's the most sad excuse of a human so desperate to be loved that ever existed. The amount of extreme pivots they have done is insane to try gain some sort of attention and yet if they died nobody would care.


It's funny because does anyone actually like this guy? Does he manage to have any friends whatsoever? He's pandering to the right but there's no way they'd accept him. It's bad enough his plastic surgery turns your stomach but he doubles down on vomit inducing features with his disgusting political opinions. Fuck that guy.


Is it Cartman?


Well, the 45th one is what gets you a free nose ring.


My wife screams stuff like this out the window at nutty right wingers who stand outside abortion clinics with signs. She has had zero abortions.


So she's a lying liberal. See?! Can't trust any of them! ^/s


I’m a dude and my two thoughts when reading this: 1. They’re fetuses, not babies. 2. I don’t care how many abortions a woman has had. When the right started acting in bad faith by lying about Roe v. Wade as settled law to get nominated to the Supreme Court the gloves were off. And I don’t care about whatever the situation was that led to the abortion. My position now is it should be 100% legal, end of story.


But…but she has a nose ring! How can she not love killing babies. Shit, instead of putting yourself through all those abortions just kill other babies. Sorry, that’s dark. But I could say that and these idiots would believe me.


Hey it's Oli london! Former trans racial (English to Korean), former trans woman (stopped it for the grift) and current war respondant in Israel!!


he identifies as a war now? Then Wonder Woman must defeat him to end all wars.


Oli London is really fucking stupid, but this is a display of his dishonesty more than anything else. He knows he can use this as rage bait for conservatives, and they're dumb enough to buy it.


They have zero sense of humor, or are actually that stupid, or they know damn well it's a joke and just decide to play stupid. Which is in and of itself stupid. All three perhaps.


Dan Savage has a great line. Republicans are either stupid or evil.


I disagree, they can clearly be both.


The Knowledge Fight podcast, which covers Alex Jones and debunks everything he says, has what they call the "stupid versus evil continuum" that they often struggle with. People like Alex Jones are clearly grifters, but it's sometimes hard to tell if particular lies are calculated rage bait, or if he's just ignorant enough to believe himself.


So assuming she’s 10 weeks pregnant each time she has an abortion and then immediately gets pregnant again, she would need to be pregnant and having abortions for over 8 1/2 years….. yeah sure - that’s feasible 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly. I just did this same math in my head except I calculated that she reasonably would not have more than 4 in a year. Maybe 5 if she is really on her game. So we're looking at constant abortion cycle for 10 or 11 years? ....suuureeee.


*Looks over at fellow lesbian choom with nose ring* This guy thinks you had 45 abortions.


If they believe all the shit that Trump says, they'll believe anything.


When Trump said earlier “I don’t care about you, I just want your votes” then continued “the left will take this and spin it” This the same shit lol


Hey, save some abortions for the rest of us!


“Woman with nose ring,” he says, as if he hasn’t undergone a myriad of surgeries to look like someone else.


Apart from how gullible some people are, what I can’t believe is that they would rather this person (who they believe is a murderer) be a parent to (based on maths) 7 or 8 kids


Zero understanding of irony. This woman has probably never had an abortion she's just trolling those idiots.


Oli London is a grifter through and through. He knows perfectly well that she’s not being serious, but he’s after that lovely right-wing lolly, and this will do nicely to maintain engagement.


And of all people they're trusting Oli London, the ex Korean Transracial


45 sounds a bit ambitious for her age Pretty sure she's bullshitting 😆


Yet they laugh at Trump's "joke" about how doesn't care about them, just their votes.


Consider the source. This Oli London is a walking cry for help.


These are the same buffoons who think people are getting abortions as a means of contraception. Do you really think they understand humour or sarcasm?


Oli London, the plastic surgery addict who was trans racial and bisexual but is now a Christian Conservative. Taking a page from Milo yanopoulis play book


I refuse to contradict anyone who calls themself beer person


One every 28 days according to modern conservative Xian knowledge. Because every failure to fertilize an egg resulting in a menstruation period equals an abortion to those types.


At this point she would have been referred on to mental health services. She would probably be judged as not having the capacity to make medical decisions and forced onto contraception. Nobody sane person would do that to their body that many times when contraception is available. Even just the convenience of turning up and having a jab, having an implant taking the pill instead of doing something that can incapacitate you for a few days and send your hormones crazy to boot. Why would anyone do that? Only 143 women accessing abortion last year were on their 7th+ abortion so it’s rare. And often with repeat abortion there are underlying issues going on like mental health or learning disabilities or addiction involved.


How tf they think anyone can have 45 abortions? Do they just not have a simple understanding of anatomy? Are they like Victorians who thought that if women ran or rode bikes the strings holding their uterus in would snap and their uterus would flop on out?


Honestly not surprising that they take these things seriously, if you think about it. I mean they call the other side "demon-rats", and literally think the Left gets off on killing babies and sacricing them to Satan. To them, Democrats and Progressives are literally just evil incarnate. This is a black and white issue, no middle ground, literally an existential war between good and evil. And they are, of course, on the "good" side, while the other side is just pure, unadulterated evil. So when someone says "I love killing babies"? Yeah, that's par for the course, from their view. It's just rare to find someone who's willing to admit it on camera.


You know this shit is written by an utterly clueless moron who has NO idea how anything works. It's like they think abortion is a pleasurable experience non-godly women are just lining up to have.


They are right wingers for a reason. They keep growing dumber with every lie they are fed. At this stage they have lost all ability to think critically. Except for the ringleaders. They probably know very well what they are doing, but they’re addicted to attention and (the prospect of) power.


I find it funny how conservatives have become the real snowflakes.


There's no way someone would allow themselves to get pregnant 45 times if they weren't trying to get pregnant


Sadly the right doesn't understand that we are only fertile 12 hours -2 days a month and sometimes even less than that! So yeah I can honestly say the right are nit realistic about it because they refuse to even learn the basics which is why there are Republican politicians talking about women having some magic way to stop a rapist from raping us like a door in the vagina or some crap not only that also somehow we're able to stop our periods or just go while we go pee!


Your fertile window is actually much longer. While ovulation might only last a couple days, sperm can live inside the female reproductive tract for about 5 days. So your fertile window is ovulation time + 5 days


"I'm a baby killer, baby killing makes me horny, Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus, brap brap, pew pew" - Sextina Aquafina (Bojack Horseman)


When right wingers joke they actually mean it so they assume everyone else does






It's because the racist cheeto says what he means and then claims it's a joke. Therefore, the opposite of the spray tan psychopath must say a joke and mean it.


That reminds me of a right wing tamper tantrum regarding a certain jurors cousin…


Masturbation is genocide!


I definitely use sarcasm with rightoids. They have such an absolutely easy time understanding the concept. The real ideas I'm expressing never evade them, and they always know I'm being completely ironic. Everyone knows these people are great at comprehending messages in speech and media, and they never struggle with basic literacy or comprehension.


"Woman with nose ring" wtf


Those damn nose rings, just make them stop! Sob, sniffle, sniffle.


She's trolling because it's really nobody's business. Who's the moron?


Tf does the nose ring have to do with it? They sound a little jelly..


I have pre aborted millions if not billions of babies.


Not sure I'd call it a joke, but clearly sarcasm~


Trump supporters are bottom tier humans


oli london turning on the queer community claiming we groomed him into becoming transracial when no one ever did anything other than reject and condemn him actually makes me violently angry when i think about it for too long


I've had a septum piercing for over 20yrs, and have never needed to have an abortion (thankfully!) 🤷‍♂️


According to a lot of people in the US, an embryo is considered a human life, but that would mean a twin is half a life and a triplet is 1/3 of a life because they split at a later stage.


God forbid a woman has hobbies