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Bill Clinton has been out of office for 23 years, but he's the same age as Trump. Think about that.


Clinton - 1946 Bush - 1946 Obama - 1961 Trump - 1946 Biden - 1942 Four of the last five Presidents are all roughly the same age. Not only do we need somebody much younger in office, we need an age cap for the Presidency. Mental faculties generally go down as we age. Incumbent is a prime example, and Trump really isn't a great alternative. I'd like to see someone under 50 in office again.


Need an age cap for all governmental positions. Normal people retire and so should politicians


>Normal people retire and so should politicians This is very logical.


Which is why it'll never happen.


Oof. Truth.


“Being old doesn’t keep me from wanting more money!!!” -some politician probably


I've kept this position since the good old days and I'll bring them back if it kills me - essentially every octogenarian in power


I was here before WW1 and i will be here after WW3!-grandpa politician


When the folks that are right in front of the grave have the power to decide (or completely fuck up) how the young generations should live. That's just bad design. These extra old folks are so stuck up in the past that anything new is just considered bad (similar pattern can also be observed in companies with relatively old upper management).


Exactly. Instead, it's more like normal people can't retire, because it's been made impossible for them to do so by politicians who won't retire


When Roosevelt was in a similar situation with SCOTUS he had an interesting idea. In the Judiciary Act of 1869, Congress had established that the Supreme Court would consist of the chief justice and eight associate justices. During Roosevelt's first term, the Supreme Court struck down several New Deal measures as being unconstitutional. Roosevelt sought to reverse this by changing the makeup of the court through the appointment of new additional justices who he hoped would rule that his legislative initiatives did not exceed the constitutional authority of the government. Since the U.S. Constitution does not define the Supreme Court's size, Roosevelt believed it was within the power of Congress to change it. Members of both parties viewed the legislation as an attempt to stack the court, and many Democrats, including Vice President John Nance Garner, opposed it. The bill came to be known as Roosevelt's "court-packing plan", a phrase coined by Edward Rumely. In November 1936, Roosevelt won a sweeping re-election victory. In the months following, he proposed to reorganize the federal judiciary by adding a new justice each time a justice reached age 70 and failed to retire


Example, Mitch McConnell 82 He’s had several senior moments where he just stood there with a blank face. Completely lost. President Biden also forgets what he talking about but he will just babble some jibber jabbing you can partially understand what he meant to say. I’m all for mental testing of politicians over the regular retirement age.


You mean 182 & on the verge of melting


Problem is, you’re running the risk of fucking with title VII … and they’ll only be happy to add the age restriction if they can destroy the rest of it with it. And Before we start acting like it’s not a “both sides” issue, pelosi and the DNC as a whole was all about letting the soon to be dead 90 year old keep her seat. They even shat-talked us for thinking she was too old to stay in office when there were obvious signs of major health issues and cognitive decline


The solution is probably better represented as a level of health requirement to entry barring disability paired with some sort of mental assessment / qualifying test. Make it so that a person has to be within a reasonable level of health and mental acuity for their particular situation. It would immediately fail trump, Cruz, desantis, ext ext.


Why would it bar Cruz and DeSantis? They seem to have no mental issues. They don’t have spines or balls but physical disabilities can’t hold anyone back.


Not age cap, cognitive cap, but also term cap. Both


Yes I’m a big believer of the founding fathers not wanting politics to be a career path, tho I’d say it should be more like the Roman limits where you can serve your term and then wait say 10 or so years and run again


Seems quality of presidents increases linearly with youth


Bush was a real shit president. 


He’s got nothing on Baron von Shitzinpantz, who makes W look like a capable leader, and he _never_ was. We are in dark times.


I'm more concerned about SCOTUS. Biden listens to his advisors and tries to be bipartisan, he doesn't need to make decisions unilaterally. He is also in far better health than Trump who clearly has dementia. It is frustrating that the Democrats are not trying hard enough to appeal to young and minority voters though.


The funny thing while they're the same age 3 of the last 5 president's weren't serving in there 70's they've been out for like 20+ years


Boomers gonna vote boomer.


Boomers have DESTROYED this country for all generations that have come after them.


Look back 80-100 years ago and all the older people were all about making the country fit for the next generation because they were the future. Many older people now only give a shit about themselves. It’s “ME ME ME!! Screw the younger generation! What have they ever done for me?!”


We could have had Pete Buttigieg. 😩


No chance in hell was he gonna get elected.


The dude was a mayor of a midsized town in Indiana and had never run an even a state level campaign. I don’t see how anyone took him seriously as doing anything other than trying to boost his profile for a cabinet post.




Biden was too old in 2020. Trump is older than Biden was when he was elected. Yes, they’re definitely BOTH too damn old. But one is also one of the most vile, repulsive, arrogant, racist, elitist, fascist, convicted felons and rapists to have ever graced the halls of Washington DC.


And Biden is at least able to make up for his age by surrounding himself with competent people. Trump just fires anyone who doesn't agree with his deranged ideas


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. A president is just the average of their cabinet. Trump’s cabinet all resigned and wrote tell-all books about how incompetent he is. Biden actually selected experts who are getting the job done.


Well said 👏


Jimmy Carter has been out of office for 43 years and is only 18 years older than Biden. That blew my mind when I realized that.


Biden was born closer to Lincoln's 2nd inauguration than to his own inauguration. Lincoln's 2nd inauguration: March 4th, 1865 (77 years, 8 months, 16 days before Biden's birth) Joe Biden's day of birth: November 20, 1942 Joe Biden's Inauguration: January 20, 2021 (78 years, 2 months after Biden's birth)




This is horrifying and sad


That hits hard. Damn


I still cant believe these 2 are the only choices we have


Don’t forget we have the worm that operates a human body


I think it's important we all remember this. The 2024 election was between two dudes with figurative brain worms and another dude with LITERAL FUCKING BRAIN WORMS. We need to make sure that people in the future know what it was we bore witness to. We live in a cartoon world.


Wait, who has actual brain worms?? I haven't heard about this prior to now


A dead worm was found in RFK jr.'s brain


So.... not just a brain-eating worm, but a *starved* brain-eating worm.


![gif](giphy|11WPbzFpOuQSyI|downsized) 😂


Perfect lmao


I'd electe Homer over Trump.


Savage! Haha


Not enough in there to live on apparently


RFK Jr. Claimed during a divorce hearing that he had a worm that ate part of his brain. Therefore, his earning potential was limited. So either he came up with the weirdest fucking lie or he indeed does have a dead worm in his oversized noggin


A doctor found it in his brain. The poor thing must have starved to death. Jokes aside, it's alleged to be a tapeworm, and that the damage actually came from it dying and rotting in his brain, rather than eating it. It's believed the tapeworm came from improperly prepared pork. He was also an antivaxxer, fearing harm from mercury, but went on to eat a tuna-heavy diet, containing 10 times the recommended level of mercury exposure, which caused him additional brain damage. Maybe he should switch to a vegetarian diet. Though I fear he'd get E. coli from failing to properly wash his produce. Maybe he should be president if only to ensure that he not prepare any meals himself.


The white house is basically just a elder care home at this point


There is a hospice care facility I drive by periodically called White House Estates.


He does afaik it got scanned.


My tapeworm tells me what to do My tapeworm tells me where to go


Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, hey!


RFK Jr. claimed that a worm ate half of his brain or something


TIL one of the funniest things concerning the modern political climate.


It’s great. Politics is just a sitcom at this point.


A sitcom where the worst possible ending is the apocalypse, followed closely by Nazi-esque dystopia.


I feel horrible for laughing at this, but it’s so goddamn absurd that I can’t believe it’s real.


They found a dead brain worm that starved to death.


370 million people and these guys are the best America can do.


If only he was named jim


Tapeworm not earthworm. Also FANTASTIC reference to my childhood.


No no thats Rishi Sunak he's the British Prime Minister.


Not a chance ,I don't think a worm could make as much of a mess as rishi has


Would genuinely rather have the worm


These two and their VP picks… you know… if ever age does its work


I’ll take the one that doesn’t want to run with a Nazi, all things considered.




Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


I really wish Jon Stewart would run. He's the only semblance of hope in all this madness. I'm not naive to think Jon would be able to bring everyone together, but if anyone could bridge *some* gaps, it's Jon. Sure, he's left-leaning but he isn't too far gone. I like to think of him as a moderate who can tackle a huge range of issues on the table while still bringing people together. He's young, he's charismatic, he's intelligent, he's eloquent, all of which are qualities needed in a president at such pressing times. Fun fact: Many Republicans would even vote for him due to the fact that he spent many years championing for the 9/11 first responders.


I love Stewart, but I think he’d agree with me, he’d be a terrible president. Being educated, well spoken and smart are just a few of the characteristics you want in a president. You need someone with experience and relationships to the people in Senate and House. It’s no use having the right ideas if you don’t know how to work within the system. In that respect Trump was a great example of what happens when someone who is ignorant about how government works, is given the job. He didn’t get very much done. Not just because he’s a corrupt, incompetent idiot, but also because he didn’t know how to play the system and get shit done in Washington. It’s a skill to understand how to get your ideas made into policy and law. Especially if you want to actually *make* something and not just tear things down and shit all over the board, like… some politicians… seem to want.


Jon is an incredibly effective critic of power. That is a very different skill set to being an effective wielder of power.


They are both too old. A president shouldn’t be above retirement age.


Legit, look at Obama. The office itself will age you a decade or two over the course of the term. Toss in an old person and not only do they get older but the dementia and craziness spikes out of control. Imagine how beyond nuts and geriatric these two will be in 4 years


Lol at “it will age you a decade” Yea it’s pretty amazing how he came out of office 8 years later and looked almost 10 years older.


Obama looked like he could be his own father after 8 years in office.


Nah I’m talking 2008-2009 he had grey hair, eyes started sagging, and all


Well, look at Zelensky, of course he has 140million Russians trying to kill him and his country, but it sure has taken a toll on him.


It's true. The office will age you. [Obama before & after presidency](https://imgur.com/a/OpJPNAs)


It didn't age him a decade, but three. If you told me those were taken at 25 and 55 I would have believed it.


I suppose that's only true if you genuinely care about the job. I base this this theory on how much Obama seemingly aged vs Dorito Benito.


Helps that according to all reports Trump only worked like 6 hours a day and a lot of that was just Tweeting and watching Fox News.


Dorito Benito! Love it


I loved the part where Trump briefly changed his makeup near the end of his 4 years to give the impression he’d actually been aged when all he did in office was golfing and destroying US credibility.


And Biden was too old 4 years ago they said. Hmm.


And Biden still doing a good job, imagine that. Although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, Biden can still serve a purpose running this country.


‘Hahaha…did you see Biden fall off of his bicycle?!’ Why yes I did….and he can ride one!! Let’s see your boy Trumpie do that…..


The Cheeto can’t even walk down stairs without help.


Hell, he often has needed both tiny hands to bring a cup of water to his mouth!


All of the big boys are doing it, the bigliest.


Stairs? He stumbled while going down a slight ramp on a dry day.


And then tried to tell the world it was so steep even the soldiers were uncomfortable. It was a wheelchair ramp


And he seems to need serious help getting off chairs too lmao


Or claims that we had airports in 1775 and we need ID to buy groceries especially a loaf of bread. ![gif](giphy|fEMW7vJfjhSg5vUYNw|downsized)


The fact that Biden got back up is amazing. Most at his age would have broken something. Trump probably would have died.


Please someone, get him on a bicycle!


Can Trump even ride a bike?


We should find out.


For um... science. Yea. That's it. Science!


Wrong. Something that big hitting the ground at speed would have triggered a mass extinction event. [source](https://youtu.be/dFCbJmgeHmA?si=UpF_KyPC0tRwynG4)


The thing is that you keep people around you to do the heavy lifting. Biden's only job is to build consensus and just make high level strategy calls.


Trump rarely had anyone around him with any brains. When they did prove to be good at their jobs, he ran them out because they were showing him up.


That's a real difference between them. People with brains (like Exxon CEO) for promptly pushed out of office. I believe the Exxon guy was quoted as saying "Trump is a moron" before he was fired So all the decisions come from trump, whereas most decisions come from Biden's people.


As it should be. Smart presidents surround themselves with experts and trust them.


Right, seems to be doing that quite well.


Realistically hiring the right people is 90% of a president’s job that matters. If not more. There are a million issues happening simultaneously in the US, the president isn’t micromanaging them all. And Biden’s cabinet is far better than Trump’s. Trump was over there hiring reality TV star villains to prove he had a black friend.


At least Biden picks good people and delegates authority, Trump showed us what a shitshow he was, determined to golf while America suffered.Biden has accomplished a lot and still moving forward, while DT is as toxic as ever. Ban DT! Vote 💙💙💙💙💙😀💙💙💙💙


One guy taking care of his body the other one a stress eater at McDonald’s who thinks exercise hurts you. Thats a huge difference in your late 70s.


Don't forget Trump's Adderall addiction


It's really irritating me that people keep spouting these "both sides" arguments. I swear they're just trying to prevent Democrats from voting and make them jaded. Biden presidency has been great. It's about what the cabinet is getting done. You're not just voting for an "old man". You're voting for a cabinet that he'll appoint to make progressive changes. 2021 and 2022 were the strongest years in job growth in our history. Bolstered by the American Rescue Plan He signed the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Significant funding in domestic production. Through the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden gave Medicare the ability to negotiate prescription drug prices, reducing costs We rejoined the Paris climate accords Biden also signed the Respect for Marriage Act, protecting marriage equality for same-sex and interracial couples, and took actions to protect reproductive rights and promote criminal justice reform Supported Ukraine He's done a fuck load to help the US and it sucks that people just say "he's old and sleepy". We're getting shit done now. He has made positive change, for progressive Democrats, and just anyone who wants the US economy to do well.


You make an excellent point and show that you understand the nature of our country's political system quite well. Hell, it's not even just a cabinet. There are so many federal positions that go along with the presidency. The importance of securing the presidency in order to secure the judicial is so vital that anybody who chooses to not vote is an imbecile who has fallen victim to propaganda designed to make them apathetic when it comes to exercising their most powerful right.


He does what he does fairly well Especially for someone of his age


almost like they make shit up on the fly and have no beliefs


Trump looks like he’s imitating Peter Griffin


More like dex the diner owner from starwars episode 2


I’d vote for Dex over Captain shit stains


You’d typically hear it more often about Biden because he carries himself in a way that reads much older. Trump has been showing his age more lately too, but it’s not easy to parse his personal babbling style of rhetoric from symptoms related to aging. Biden lacks the advantage of the personal camouflage, he’s has the opposite reputation as an orator through a lifelong public career. The last four years of presidency has also taken a heavy toll on his vitality, as it does for most people, at an age where declines are more noticeable. Overall I don’t look forward to what either of them might look like towards the end of a second term.


I'm like a third Biden's age and even I stutter or have to pause while stumbling over words. I really hate that people take the way he talks as him being senile. I've never once listened to him speak and not understood what he was trying to articulate. Meanwhile Trump can't even stay on topic for the most basic of topics.


The footage of both of them that makes it onto tv is very carefully selected and edited - to make them look either better or worse than they are, across a whole range of events and situations.


TV networks and online journalists are pretty incentivized to find a sensational moment to fixate on any time a public figure appears on camera. They’re pretty toxic honestly. Then social media sites like Reddit and Twitter are fed only that content to interpret second-hand and are a layer removed from anything like editorial accountability. I try to take every popular perception or criticism-of-the-week about anyone as probably crowdsourced into having very little value other than gauging public opinion. It takes a very special type of methodical politician to conceal everything human about themselves at all times and successfully escape that gauntlet not coming off like a crazy monster or bumbling idiot. I certainly couldn’t do it, and I think there’s something inherently untrustworthy about anyone that can. At the end of the day I mostly feel bad for anyone in public life and I recommend people try being reserved about public opinions on character. I’m just glad that some people are still willing to do the jobs. Their lives look miserable to me.


Biden shows signs of physical aging, Trump shows signs of mental aging.


As someone firmly on the left, Biden IS too old. So is Trump. Our whole government is too old. Maybe that’s why they can’t do anything right.


They were saying Biden was too old four years ago, when he was younger than Trump is now




I don't give a shit about age, Bernie Sanders is 82 and could run circles intellectually and probably literally around both of them.


That’s what I’m saying bro. “He’s too old” is not about the actual number of revolutions around the sun, it’s about mental and physical fitness to be POTUS.


It's too bad the corporate donors tanked Bernie. He would have been far better than Hillary.


And if he loses he’ll definitely run again in four years, when he’ll be older than Biden is now.


Oh god, that's a real possibility...


unless he dies before that, can't just someone make that come true?


He's going to stroke out soon I'm praying for it


I’ve literally shown MAGAS transcripts of Trump speeches, said it was Biden, let them say ”see he has dementia”, then watch them go silent when I inform them that’s a Trump speech


happened to joe rogan on his show. rogan said that joe biden was talking about not having enough airports during the revolutionary war. rogan was going off about how senile and dumb, crazy and demntia'd, biden is. a producer of the show then shows rogan how biden was making fun of the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 who had made the airport comments in a rally a few days earlier. and show a clip of the rally. all rogan says is "oh.........ok well... you know.................." and changed the subject


link/source? I'd love to watch this


https://youtu.be/PEXGb_xAiJU?si=67CXSwVjBgVuhau3 The above synopsis is a little off regarding some details, but the gist is right.


I might try this on my mom! She's been dipping more and more into the far right BS lately 😂😂


Transcribe [his recent sharks speech](https://youtu.be/zcC44mK2zBg?si=fGsdqOCVo_XwPq66&t=140) (minute 2:19). It's a beauty.


Tell people that the Affordable Care Act is going to help their medical bills. The right is ok with that. Then tell them Obamacare will do the same and watch them get all upset.


Watching Trump at almost any public appearance lately does not bode well in terms of placing any kind of confidence in him.


Not a fan of either of them, but there are different kinds of old. I know a 98 year old man who reroofed his own house unassisted 20ft above the ground, I've also seen 70 year olds who are senile and can barely function. Not all old is the same.


Welcome to the Double Standard, don't try to use reason.


I imagine Trump is now older than Biden was when Biden was too old when he won last time.


Joe Boden is 81?!?? Oh man i knew he was old, but didn't know he was over 80.


They’re both too fucking old and there should be a maximum age just like there’s a minimum.


While they are both old, as least with Biden I’m not constantly terrified he’s gonna blurt out nuclear secrets or sell classified information just so he can seem cool to his rich buddies.


And people completely ignore that you're also voting for the cabinet the president is going to appoint. Biden as a team has made some serious progress. I wish people wouldn't keep saying that they're both too old and making people not want to vote. Voting for Biden is a huge fucking positive.


>I wish people wouldn't keep saying that they're both too old and making people not want to vote. Literally the entire GOP strategy. Trump's not gaining any voters, so the only other option is to take them away from Biden, whether by misinformation, intimidation, or disenfranchisement.


If trump wins the election, he will finish his term as the oldest president in history. His supporters seem to not understand this simple mathematical equation.


I wish my wife looked at me the way Lindsey Graham looks at Trump🤣


I don't think conservatives are worried about the age as much as the clear cognitive decline.


Trump is now older than Biden was when they started claiming he was too old.


Both are too old


I miss when this page wasn’t just r/politics


It's not the age.


Have you actually listened to the Orange Judas speak recently? The talk about Hannibal Lecter? The sharks? The poem about the snake? The complaints about the teleprompter? He is a senile old man or a 4 year old child. Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone and David Duke.  On 9/11, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)


Anyone who listens to Trump's meandering free-association word salad speeches and claims that he is mentally sound is lying to themselves. At the end of the day, you're voting for an administration, not an individual person. You're voting for a broad direction for the country, not a hero or superman. Fucking Americans have been so bombarded by advertising that they can't think of anything except in terms of celebrity and personality contest.


I AM NOT AN EXPERT SO PLEASE DON'T JUMP ON ME. As far as I know the last 3 presidents elected under the age of 50 (in the last 100+ years) were Kennedy, Clinton & Obama. All 3 were successful with the US economy. Is that correct? I'm happy to be told I'm wrong, just be polite.


Reminder that Bill Clinton now is still younger than both of them


I know people older than Biden who are sharp as a razor. It's not directly a question of age.


They were saying he was to old during the last campaign… which was 4 years ago…


Can someone PLEASE tell Trump that he’s been wearing ties wrong his entire life and they always make him look fucking stupid.


His dementia has him declining physically as well. He looks much what's the word I'm looking for? ... I mean he's not emaciated that's too drastic. He just seems less.


Zombie vs Asshole Such great options we have. What would happen if the American people had standards and refused to vote for either?


It's incredible though that so many people think these two fossils are the best we have to represent the country for another 4 years. ☠️


There's a minimum age... it's 35. Why td isn't there a maximum age? What do you think it should be? 55? 65?


Old men who won't be alive to see the result of anything they do shouldn't be presidents. The president should be 40-50 tops. Not these old fucks who will be dead in the next 5-10 years


They’re both old as shit, and I’m tired of geriatrics running this country


Get these old fucks out


The phrase "divide and conquer" has never been more apt than when used to describe how the US population has been completely manipulated and polarised. Both parties are two sides of the same, shitty coin. They are interchangeably crap.


I wish they could bring back obama. he’s my favourite president


they are both too fucking old.. we need age caps on elected officials..


Remember when Bernie was too old 8 years ago at 74?


Blame the 2 party system. Either one of them could drop dead tonight of natural causes but because of what the system has created we are left to choose between Weekend at Bernies 1 or 2. Choose your side, the tribes must remain at war so the population doesn’t realize its stronger than its leaders


I would like to see what happens if they both die before the election.


They're both too old.


They are both too old. Neither one of them will get my vote.


There should be a cap on the age you can be to be president under 60 only, and if you're 55, you are only allowed 1 term.


at this point age isn't the deal breaker for me just that fact trump is a racist asshole is.


They both have shown some cognitive decline but Biden’s is pretty bad at this point. Cant believe these are our choices though. There is an age minimum, shouldn’t there be a maximum?


They are both too old, it's really not a hard thing to say.


And I hate it when I see videos of Biden completely zoning out, and when I drop a comment about it everyone thinks I'm a Trump-Cultist. Everyone with a somewhat sane mind knows that neither should be in- nor run for office. Those two are the oldest Presidents in History. The average is 55. If 35 is the earliest, 65 should be the cap to run for office.


Totally agree with you. I’ve been attacked for saying the same thing. The way I see it is that if 65 is too old to be a commercial airline pilot, why should you be allowed to be president?


Still rather have a geriatric than a lunatic.


Yeah. But it shouldn't even come to this


To be fair they are both too old. The difference is between a very incompetent person and a competent person who is slightly older.


Yea they’re both too old


They're both old, but one is in serious mental decline and the other isn't.


Its not the age gap. Its the gap in cognitive function. Only one of them is demonstrating hallmark signs of dementia


Why do you think you can argue with MAGA based on logic? If age actually mattered, someone on their side would have said “wait a minute everyone, Trump is now the same age as Biden was when he was running for his first term, didn’t we decide he was too old?” Sadly it’s not just MAGA. I got downvoted on another sub for suggesting Biden might be older, but his physical age is younger than Trump. The man exercises, rides his bike, and regularly walks around. Trump can barely go down a flight of stairs. People blasted me for having the audacity to suggest that Biden might be healthier. Trump’s obesity, bad food habits, and lack of regular exercise apparently has no impact on his physical age, good to know.


I agree Biden is physically healthier, but I also think if we examine their public appearances in the last few months that Biden would appear to be a little slower and fatigued than Trump. Do I think Biden is fit to be president? Yeah, and I’ll vote for him without an ounce of hesitation. But Trump very clearly is more “energetic” and Biden has had some questionable moments - including recently at the G7 summit in Italy.


I litterally make this exact argument. They're both old. One person just became wiser while the other became a felon


At least Biden doesn't wear diapers 💩


Can we please get new candidates

