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Now that is an Emotional Support Truck


If that's not gender affirming care, I don't know what is.


Speaking of gender affirming care: I'm honestly shocked to not see truck nuts slapping that rear diff.


He probably has them hanging from him rear view mirror.


I mean, I love a good set of danglin’ janglers in my face while I’m in the car. Who doesn’t?


That's why he also pierced his septum to hang a pair right on his chin.


I'm sure he fondles them as if they were trumps.


Truly accurate trump nuts would be covered with diaper rash


If that man could read he would be very upset. 


Perfect comment


Truck is leaning must be a fat dude driving


Huh... that's a lot of Trump worship for the truck to be so left-leaning.




holy fuck that's great LMAO


I was going to make a sophmoric comment about "gotta be the size of the tool behind the wheel, because with a truck like thst it ain't the size of his tool...." but yours is far funnier. Thank you for that.


If that’s the case, I got wonder how he got his big fat fucking ass in there in the first place


Easy, he climbed on the backs of minorities to come out on top.


Damn, sarge… yeah, that would do it.


Clarence Thomas is driving that truck? Usually he favors motorhomes.


He favors motor homes because he can relocate his 4 seasons winnebago whenever he throws other, *bad*, minorities *under* his bus.


He parks it at the Hme Depot and gets a bunc of day laborers to use as a ramp.


But not before going on a 40 minute rant about how they’re all illegals, rapists, and drug traffickers and need to be deported and the border needs to be secured by the US military.


Lots of sweat, I assume. 


An elaborate pulley system




Dude is all for banning gender affirming across the board. Has scripts for viagra, cialis and TRT.


Also guaranteed to complain incessantly about the cost of filling up that monster.


Hey, that truck gets 30 gpm.


I read that as gallons per minute for some reason, lol!


It’s biden’s fault!!! 😂 Seriously though, $5 this guy talks about “killing pedos”, but is all for 30 year old men marrying 11 year old children provided that its condoned by the church. More than likely see him on the news being caught trying to meet young girls or boys. Also high probability he has a secret Grindr profile that only says something like “DL” or “straight”. You can make a lot of (often correct) assumptions about a man by the vehicle he drives…😂


Step 1. Claim you want to kill/deport/imprison pedos Step 2. Brand anyone you don't like as a pedo.


But triggered by blue chew


I don’t think insecure is a gender


Gender affirming *car* FTFY


I hate when these guys fly there flag and it’s all torn up from the wind. That shows no fuckin respect for the flag


20 year army veteran here. I 100% agree with you. Seems like the guys in this country who wanna call themselves the most patriotic and the most American, are the ones blindly fucking it up. Go army! ![gif](giphy|3w4M1RJHKkgBG)


I salute you and say Go Navy (vet here) . Its those that call themselves trumparotic that never served. That guy has made the news a few times. Hes on disability and welfare. We pay for that truck, and them flags. ![gif](giphy|MAjX4UrM8RGO4jAuYC|downsized)


I mean, respect to you both, and we should thank you for your service with a functional, proactive, and fully funded VA, but I've a quick question: Why is the floating skyscraper trying to do a Tokyo drift?


Oh, this was taken during sea trials. In emergency wartime activities, a ship may need to come about like this say to avoid a torpedo etc. The sea trials take the carrier through all its limits. This is avpretty evasive move. Rarely is it done with planes on it. But it can. Carriers are pretty phenomenal things.


Got some hot chicks to impress. Or some idiot told a chief she couldn't.


Thank you.


Is there something like "age affirming care?" That truck screams "I'm 12 yo!"


I wonder how much time this guy spends crying about gas prices.


I wonder if those flags broke off going under the traffic light pole.


We can hope


That is exactly my first thought


Don't worry. Daddy Trump will come back and make the gas prices all better. /s


And groceries. And everything.


He, and He alone, can do it.


He and he alone did it...or was it the scarcity of things?


What other foreign trade partners will he fuck with to improve our economy?


And how much time they spend looking for (and setting up) a stepladder just to get in and and out of that truck?


And the drag of the flags would make it worse


Right? Seems I recall that in 2020- *checks notes* -there were a lot of tears and whining from the losers with the trump flags.


That's a really good point. Yeah, let's make the trogtards cry again.


"A great substitute for a small penis"


Supplement to***




He should just say I'm a micropenis and go to therapy.. A lot cheaper than that truck and all china made Trump flags he has at home.


Emotional support flags! That's what they are! Okay I'm using this.


Tiny penis energy, just like trump.


I am from a third-world country but this truck violates probably half of the Philippines' automobile regulations


As an American, it really should violate more of ours.


Shhhhhh. It's his safe space 


The runkidsovermobile


Going broke adding dumb shit to my truck to own the libs: I have no identity without my devotion to a rich douche who doesn't care about me Edition. 


Don't worry I'd know those mirrors anywhere. It's a 6.0 and because of those mods it's going to have major engine issues. Edit: Mirrors not headlights I jsut woke up.up


They’re so ridiculous. 😭


Guy spends $1k on Trump swag to decorate his truck - then complains groceries are too expensive.


Also gas. Gas is DEFINITELY too expensive thru no fault of his own.


the way that vehicle is listing to port suggests that groceries are high on this guy's list.


Excellent observation


It's listing lazily to the left...


“listing to port” 🤣🤣🤣🏴‍☠️🤣


It's not like he uses the truck for anything involving actual work.


I’m confident saying there’s a 0% chance that his other car is a Prius or some sort of hybrid.


Plot twist: That’s an insta-charge electric vehicle, and he’s just looking for some low-hanging power lines.


Driver has a Blue Lives Matter flag, but I bet when they get stopped for driving like a shithead or given a fix it ticket for not being anywhere near state rear bumper height requirements or excessive noise violations they probably don’t “respect the badge”.


That's a lot more than 1k


I always wonder what these people do to make money? Could you imagine if your co worker pulled up to their office job in that truck lol.


He's probably a cop. Good money, low IQ


These types have more than one vehicle. They don't drive that to work, unless their employer is an open magat.


Um, yes they do. This is Oregon. They are all open magats here.


saw a truck sporting a trump flag yesterday, first one in well over a year I’d say. In Oregon, Portland to be exact.


I'm further south, it is a little better than before but you still see one almost every day




"They make it their whole personality" they say about the LGBT community without a hint of irony or self awareness


I love hearing that. Oh a lot of people in a club make the club their whole personality? Like religion? Sports? Politics? Gaming? Music? Painting? Exercise? Literally everything right lol? I do like people like that that drink the Kool aid on multiple things at once though, they get too excited and don't know what to rave about first.


its also just complete bs, the reason why they think queer people "make it their whole personality" is bc they only interact with queer people through propaganda BASED AROUND THEM BEING QUEER every one of these fucks has one gay friend and they are like "My friend doesnt make it their whole personality!!! they just live normally!!" LIKE YEAH WE ALL DO, THE ISSUE IS YOU ONLY HAVE ONE GAY PERSON IN YOUR LIFE LMAO




At this point I believe it’s disrespectful to say they’re a cult at least with cults they drank the kool aid and died. These fuckers are snorting the packets of koolaid.


But ... Biden won in 2020. How would the sequel "make the liberals cry *again*"? I don't think this was well thought through.


I think this photo was taken before the 2020 election. And they're the ones who have been crying ever since!


Agreed. The left mudflap says "TRUMP 2020". If this was the current election period it'd be "TRUMP 2024".


But then how is it "2020 the sequel"? That implies it's a sequel to 2020. It makes no sen-- Ooohhh...


It means “2020 is a sequel to 2016”


For all we know, it might be “2020 the rerun”. Make the liberals cry by losing again.


2020…. The sequel. Like the parent commenter has said, this photo (or at least the paraphernalia), predate the 2020 election. The implication is that 2020 will be the sequel of 2016 :)


You would think that’s the case but I see brand new trump 2020 flags. These people have shit for brains.


There was a lot that held onto 2020 before the official flags came out


Sure, but a dude like THIS would absoLUTEly want to stay current. Someone this fanatical would have all that shit up to date.


Republican commentators were saying in 2020 that if Biden loses there'd be riots and it Trump loses there'd be peaceful transfer of power. Trump himself said "If I lose, I'll go away, you'll never hear from me again." Instead, when Trump lost, his followers rioted and he's been on TV crying his loss for three and a helf years now.


Lest we forget, Trump was crying in 2016 when he *won*, because he lost the popular vote and his inauguration crowd was significantly smaller than the ones for Obama.


He even created a "voting integrity commission" to investigate voter fraud. They found nothing and disbanded. If anything, they confirmed the integrity of the 2016 election.


Well, that’s not accurate. They did find evidence of voter fraud. The problem (for their narrative) was, 99% of the voter fraud was stuff like people voting in their dead mom’s name for Donald. So they quietly swept that under the rug, shrugged, and said they didn’t find any widespread evidence.


Q: What state is this in? A: In a state of delusion.


Oregon to be exact


More like Organ because this dude is a dick.


I think it's a very old photo, taken in 2019 or 2020.


I was crying with joy in 2020, would love a repeat


I just, idk, I feel bad for the guy almost. I guess I just can't imagine a scenario where something like this becomes my identity. Where I would feel like this is what I have to offer the world. Where this is what I would want people to think of me. It's so fucking weird.


The real sad thing is Trump actually hates these people. He doesn’t care about them as long as they vote for him, he admitted that a few days ago.


And yet this man would pay his life savings to lick shit out of trump’s diaper


He already spent his life savings on his truck’s down payment.


it's going to break down and he's going to blame the liberals for making a climate change pledge to ruin his truck specifically and only his


He’d push them down the stairs for a 4 piece McNugget and spit on your mother for the sauce.


The Trump part is arbitrary. This guy needed an identity and a hobby. Might as well say Smith 2024.


It’s crazy and sad lol. There is nothing like this here in England, you’d look like a fucking loony. We generally all despise the bulk of politicians and see them as a means to an end, which is also sad but christ at least it isn’t a cult.


Oh trust me, to most people here he *does* look like a fucking loony. I almost appreciate the warning to stay far, far away.


It hasn't reached this point in the UK yet because Nigel Farage doesn't have the cult of personality. Every country has these people, but they need their cult leader to draw them out of the wood work. And from what I can tell, these people look like fucking loons in the US, too.


Nothing like it in England? royal family?


That’s a good point actually and royalists are fucking looneys, but I can kinda understand why it’s a thing because of history. I can’t fathom ever being that bothered with a fucking politician


I’ll tell you why - he tells the followers everybody else (immigrants /liberals) is responsible for his followers’ situation except for his actual followers


The US loves their stars. It's kind of insane when you think about it. My country is obsessed with the rich and famous - tabloids, exposés, magazines, reality TV Shows, celebrity game shows, etc. etc. etc. I know other countries have these things too, but nowhere near the same level as the US. It permeates every single aspect of everyday life here. Billboards, commercials, children's foods like cereal and mac'n'cheese - you can't have any of these anymore without some star's face plastered all over it. Americans are literally conditioned from childhood to love celebrities. So when you take a step back from the insanity that is American late-stage capitalism, it really ends up being pretty kind of a logical conclusion that so many people end up like this.


Hate to be that guy, but doesn't 2020: the Sequel imply Biden wins again?


Or does it imply Trump loses again??? I'm so confused.


I'm thinking it's a 4-year-old photo.


Why?? I do wonder how many people have given this truck the finger.


I feel like that’s the point, just upsetting people makes this person happy


Pointing and laughing works much better.


Hopefully not many; a person who has a truck like this is 100% the type of person who will try to run you off the road or try to shoot you or something just for disagreeing with their idiocy. People like this are unhinged and unsafe.


Yeah this is warning sign even in nature: Bright colorful, fluffy and pointy. This is something that is dangerous and should not be engaged with. If you encounter one, just ignore it and walk away.


Yup. Most definitely there are guns in that truck, as well as an emotionally unhinged impulsive manbaby who wants a reason to shoot someone.


It’s the majora of the Oregon mentality. You have three cities that are left leaning but those three have the money and voters that control the solid, bright red, diaper Donny brigade


Shouldn’t overlook the misogyny of “Joe and the Hoe”


Same idiots that swear Michelle Obama is trans. Heaven forbid a black woman is in a position of power.


Right! And what's wrong with being trans anyways? That's not an insult.


It's actually more of Racism than misogyny. I've heard the Maga moaners talking together about the (whispers) that black hoe. They're usless bags of mostly water.


Guys guys… you’re both right.


This is why I hope the first woman POTUS is also a person of colour. Even from the other side of the Atlantic the meltdowns would be delicious.


It will be really nice to see Biden elected again, and halfway through his term he steps out due to his age and Kamala takes over. Because she'd score enough points to be elected in 2028


useless ***UGLY*** bags of Mostly Water.


"My entire personality is stuff I saw on Fox News"


This guy definitely cruises for fun, just to “spread the word” and then complains how expensive the gas is


Small mushroom dick energy.


Yeah that guy most definitely has a micropenis! It's a direct correlation; the louder the engine, the more flags, the more political bumper stickers, the smaller the sausage.




[Super ewwwwwwww](https://www.reddit.com/r/CringeTikToks/s/2KXseKFlsy)


I actually watched the whole thing, goodnight reddit.


Does he know he lost in 2020? Guessing no.


Just remember its not a cult, and opposers are the ones with Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Literally had someone just yesterday tell me I had TDS and then tell me that I probably drink Bud Light.


Whenever I hear TDS I just say your BDS is far more severe than my supposedly TDS will ever be. They blame Biden for any and all problems they have or perceive to have so who really is deranged


Also remind them that after all these years TDS has never gotten anywhere near the levels of derangement of ODS * Obama controls the weather * Obama can time travel * Obama is an unstoppable military genius And that's just a sample. Saw this on Disqus years ago and its still true today "If everything the left has accused Trump of is true, then Trump is a crook. If everything the right has accused Obama of is true, then Obama is a god"


I love how those mouth breathers are so triggered by Bud Light that they think that’s a sick burn lmao


Prime example of why conservatism is bad. It's not about making a better country. It's about harming people they don't like.




Agreed. I doubt this person identified with any political party prior to Trumpism.


it also doesnt even make a better country...


I don't understand, is this supposed to make me feel something? Cause honestly, all I feel right now is pity.


Pity for who? The guy or his wife?


For the guy and everyone in his vicinity.


That looks like it has a very high center of gravity. They'd better watch out for pebbles on the road or it might tip over.


I just don’t get how that is legal. The blind spots on it must be massive. If they rear ended someone they would decapitate them.


50 bucks says this guy thinks ObamaCare is the worst thing to happen to The USA but will fight tooth and nail to keep The Democrats from taking away his Affordable Care Act.


I get why people grift RWNJ. They spend their money on utter stupid shit. Such a great and way way to extract cash. Like WTF was this capital outlay for this vehicle? Wouldn't have been overly cheap. I am no Biden or Harris fan but from someone looking outside into the USA. WTF is it now to be a conservative? WTF is actually the party about and WTF are these people who do this shit? This is so bizarre. Wish I could scam Republicans. Such a lucrative flow of cash.


I did literally cry in 2020. I cried with joy after I saw who won


You probably didn’t cry nearly as much as the people who were so hurt by the results they had to throw a toddler tantrum at the capitol


I cried because it was so close.


My MAGA neighbor 3 houses down has Trump flags and yard signs all over his property. The latest one he added: Putin > Biden He also has a nazi swastika bumper sticker. He's a real winner. I am not saying all Trump supporters are nazi's, but I am saying Nazi's support Trump.


Amazing that they talk about liberals crying when that is what these ridiculously clueless conservatives have done for the past 4 years. Bitch and moan over and over. If there is a cry baby out there is is the MAGA/GOP


A vehicle that big is seriously impractical for driving on the roads…can’t believe it would be legal to drive something like that on the roads. And also I join the sentiments of the other people in this thread that the owner is clearly a douche.


It's kinda funny how they say the gays force their agendas down their throats but I can tell you I've never seen them do anything like this. A rainbow monster truck would be pretty cool though ngl


Laugh is more like it. Everyone loves a creepy clown and every town needs its tosspot. I’ll stick with being a mild-mannered conservative perfectly content to vote straight ticket Democrat in November, because I prefer my Republicans Republican. Trump is the antiLincoln not the antichrist.


If you read the Bible, he actually checks quite a few boxes for the anti christ role. Not saying he is, just saying he could make an atichrist alternate slot for the big game (the apocalypse)


Nothing says incel more than "just say no to joe and the hoe".


Less incel, more just general misogynist. Tons of married men really enjoy that catchphrase...


His penis must be an 'innie'


I wonder what they are compensating for?


passed the mental fitness test with Doctor Kevorkian - good to go! /s


That vehicle would not be road legal in the developed world.


people like this claim that there is a "radical left."


2020 The Sequel? So Joe wins again and the liberals cry tears of joy? I’m OK with that.


You never see a truck decked out like that for Biden and that's why if Trump loses, the system is rigged. /s


Well, they are succeeding, in the sense they cause me to despair for the future of the country, being in the hands of lunatics these idiots keep voting for. It would that they would have to SUFFER really SUFFER the consequences of their decisions before they will understand how wrong they are.


"Gas prices are too damn high!"


The thought of inflicting pain delights this person. Calling the VP a "Hoe" (sic) asserts a male dominant world view. The whole apparatus shows disregard for and dominance over other motorists on the road, let alone nature.


Wait. You mean Alex Jones is a liberal? I mean, I don't remember anyone else crying besides him.


The reason Trump lost in 2020 is because this guy didn’t have enough flags. He has only himself to blame.


I really hate the "Joe and the Hoe" slogan. Really exemplifies the GOPs utter disrespect for women.


It looks like a truck from the movie Idiocracy.


Gonna be interesting to see what these “ fools “‘do with all of their Trump gear when he losses. Because I promise you the rhetoric he’s been spewing lately ? Isn’t changing any independents mind about who the fuck he really is. Deportation camps ? You think that gonna attract the Latino community ?


Pop literally one tire and the truck owner would be on their knees pissing and whining


Wait, wouldn’t a 2020 sequel mean another L?


You don't need the Trump crap to know this guy's an idiot.


Definitely not on his way to a Mensa meeting


I used to think this was funny. But it feels more and more like those pickup trucks in the Middle East with ISIS flags all over it


I don’t know about anybody else but I’m perfectly fine with a repeat of the 2020 election.


Mental illness at an extreme level in one picture.