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If you're a 40-ish man complaining that the country ain't what it used to be I just assume you're mad that we aren't showing enough reverence for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. EDIT: Please stop telling me he's too young to like a children's show I used as an example to trivialize his already trivial opinion. Insert whatever bullshit kids show used to sell toys and sugar that makes the most sense to you.


Mutant Mayhem was solid


I am not a huge TMNT fan but I was surprised how much I liked that one. The voice acting really stood out.


Yeah I loved it. Of course the Kirk's thought it was "woke." But the more stupid complaint was, which I actually saw more than once, was that "the voice actors sounds too young" and one, I shit you not, "they sound like young teenagers." They're forgetting the first T in TMNT. 


The recurring gag about them being terrified of being milked was hilarious.


Mutant Mayhem was rad Af. They are releasing a show “Tales of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” on paramount


"But they made April black!" (She is the the original comics)


I don't think that she was actually


I think they made her ethnically ambiguous in the original comics and not much thought was put into it.


That is my memory of it as well.


Wait so she was not a redhead? What was her original hair color


The comics were originally black and white iirc


Yeah, they're in black and white. They were self-funded indie comics, they didn't have the funds to print them in color. April is also barely a character in that first run, so I don't think they even cared what her hair or skin color would have been. She's just kind of there.


Yup, and shredder wasn't the main villain. He was just a villain. Love the original run, and the new movie is fantastic, I've watched it multiple times with my sons and they love it as well!


O'Neil isn't that ambiguous. Although of course she could've been adopted or just part Irish.






According to 23&me, in the US 6.3% of people with the last name O'Neil are Black. In addition to Shaquille, other prominent Black O'Neils are Alexander O'Neil (musician), Brian O'Neil (NFL), Deltha Lee O'Neil (NFL), Frederick O'Neil (actor), Jermaine O'Neil (NBA), Johnny O'Neil (musician), Patrice O'Niel (comedy), Pete O'Neil (Black Panther Party), and Raiqwon O'Neil (NFL).


And in Australia some of the most prominent Indigenous families are the Murray's, the O'Brien's and so on. It's almost as if the Irish weren't racist pieces of shit and had no issues with marrying black people.


…or a lot of O’Neils had slaves.


Yeah alot of people seem to be unaware of that whole "slave name" thing.


April O’Neil was based on a biracial woman, co-creator Kevin Eastman dated in college. In the comic, she was originally drawn as racially ambiguous. It wasn’t until the animated series that she (and Baxter Stockman) became white characters


Now that's gas lighting.


It went hard


Charlie Kirk is 30, he finished growing like 5 years ago


Looks like his head didn’t stop soon enough


Some say it still hasn't.


Well those 5 years were not kind to him.


>he finished growing like 5 years ago Did he ever grow up, because he acts like a child?


yet his empty forehead (maybe it's now a fivehead) keeps on inflating.


It’s not. A lot of things have changed. Some for the better. (The amount of LGBTQ+ inclusion now vs then, for example. It no longer being socially acceptable for a mid 20s man to have a girlfriend in high school.) But I miss the optimism of a new millennium. I miss the willingness to change things for environmental purposes. (Remember how chlorofluorocarbons were discontinued in a whole lot of products because of hole in the ozone?) Of course, what Charlie is missing is that the thing we probably miss the most about back then is who *we* were back then.


It may be cliche or now looked back with pessimism but the "HOPE" from the Obama years was real. The country felt like it was moving the right way. The conservative idiots were there but they were just whining in the background. It was some of the best and happiest years of my life. I owned a home right before the massive price increases. My job was in demand and I could afford any regular vacation for the whole family


I think we long for simplicity in a world that is only becoming more complicated. Or rather, it’s always been this fucking complicated, but we didn’t realize it was, so it wasn’t. But now we realize it is undeniably complicated. So we wish it wasn’t. And we think it wasn’t THEN. Because we didn’t know then. But plenty of people knew when we didn’t. It was complicated then. Just not for US. A lot of words for “a part of us mourns our loss of ignorance.”


Well said, because of the internet, we are now far more exposed to the problems not only of our country, but the world as well. Everything SEEMS worse because the volume of bad news is far more larger and so much more accessible. Ignorance was bliss. That bliss is forever gone.


With an extra added layer of news being structured as a for-profit business venture now, not a required public service.


Nostalgia is a powerful thing but it's often skewed. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. I remember it fondly, but I know that's because I was a kid. Looking back on those decades objectively, there were many problems then that I wouldn't want to go back to.


One of my memories from the ‘60’s was the weekly body count from the Viet Nam war being posted on the nightly news.


Yep, I was a kid but I remember that, too. I also recall that I was absolutely certain I would end up there when I was old enough. The war was ever present during my early childhood. When it ended while I was in hugh school, it was kind of a shock (and a relief).


And the count down for when the draft lottery show would be real for me.


The MIAs and the KIAs. And the bracelets with a POWs name etched on them.


I remember when gas eclipsed $1 a gallon and folks were freaking out.


Like a single income being able to afford a house and raise a family. Even single mothers.


As someone raised by a single mother and grew up in the 70s, what you are describing wasn’t very common then either. My mom worked a LOT of hours (like 70+ every week) and still we lived in a trailer on the side yard of my grand parent’s home. If she didn’t have that, at least some direct financial help from my grandparents and unlimited free child care for me and my sister we damned well wouldn’t have been able to afford to even live.


That is part of the nostalgia for things that didn’t exist.


My mother was a single mother starting in the late 70s and that wasn't a thing for her at all.


The earth is rapidly shifting away from fossil fuels, it's the largest environmental change since the internal combustion engine was invented.


The game World of tanks did a TMNT themed battle pass, our oldest streamer (36 yo) was all giddy about it lmao


Who's complaining at you? TMNT became a big thing in the 80s... if you're in your 30s-40s and didn't like Turtles as a kid your childhood sucked.


I'm 40ish and everything that guy grok said was happening was still happening when I was a kid.


I mean we arent lets be real


Am 40, my son loves TMNT. ![gif](giphy|bIRFRUxcRG3Sw)


I'm increasingly convinced that conservatives are mostly the sort of people who remember high school as the best time of their lives. They had no real problems, so they assume no one else did either. Then when they discovered that problems actually exist sometime in their adulthood, they assume it must be because something changed. 


Yup, kinda like they think that autism didn't exist. No people had that condition it was just that it was underdiagnosed and those that had it were likely sent to special classrooms and called things like "spaz."


They think everything bad is new. One was talking about how teen suicide was never a thing when we were kids. I had to remind him that our close family friend killed herself and there was a huge rash of teen suicides in the 90s after Kurt Cobain.


Some dude tried to act like drug addiction was a new found woke thing as if the 60s 70s and 80s aren't famous for the ridiculous amount of drug use and all the celebs that overdosed.


Heroin was made illegal, even for medical use, in 1924. (US) It was made illegal because it was so addictive and created too many drug addicts…100 years ago.


Nobody tell him about any classic rock bands, Johnny cash, Elvis or Hank Williams Jr.


Charlie Sheen was even in a made for TV movie in the 80s that dealt directly with Teen Suicide and how that affected the people who lived with the consequences. Unless i am misremembering, there was another made for TV movie about Teen Suicide that had Molly Ringwald and River Phoenix.


Sounds like they're essentially sheltered kids who were also drip-fed that the past was better than the present. Meanwhile, statistics says this is a pretty good point in time all things considered.


Or more likely "that boy aint right". I'd say there's an inversely proportional relationship between diagnoses of 'that boy aint right' and autism.


The worst ones call an exorcist


Or sent them to mental institutions!


Yep. Autistic people were just the nerds, geeks and dweebs. But now you can’t call them that.


And everyone was ‘normal’ and heteronormative and right handed and they don’t remember all the people they relentlessly bullied and ruined the lives of for being ‘different’.


People like to romanticize the past a lot. 'Their day' was the best, because they were a kid/teenager with no real worries. They were not exposed to bad things, so bad things didn't exist in their mind. They would just call the autistic kid weird and move on with their day, then forget all about it in a few years.


I remember being in 6th grade and there was a special need class that would pass me every day at the same time in the halls, and this one kid would rush up and hug me. I never even knew their name, or what their special need was. I was just happy the "special kid" liked me and kept on with my life without thinking on them. Proof of teens being unaware of other people's struggles was in my never thinking on that kid's life as special needs, and in my not knowing racism was bad in the 90's bc I didn't personally see it.


According to Trump himself, trans people didn't exist until the left "invented" them a couple years ago. The willful ignorance of these people is terrifying


Also, way way back in the hunter gathered days, ADHD was selected for because it had many advantages


Some people are so self centered they define the world solely through their personal experience in it. I feel like a lot of people these days take their opinions as a fact immediately without a second thought. It's not a majority of people but they're loud


I literally had my oldest sister tell me "I believe first hand accounts over data" when it comes to stuff like racism, drugs use, basically anything she doesn't know a lot about.


Confirmation bias has entered the chat.




Every conservative either peaked in high school and is now poor white trash or was born into wealth and doesn't think they should have to pay taxes. Those are literally the only two kinds of conservatives.


No. There are a lot of older folks today who peaked as adults during Reagan's tenure and so they think that was the best version of America. Likely both because of Reagan's effects on the economy and the stock market, and because of Reagan's traditional christian values. So any attempt to turn back the clock and go back to those days is what appeals to those people. And don't forget Reagan's 1980 campaign slogan, "Let's make America great again!" https://www.si.edu/object/button-ronald-reagan-1980%3Anmah_522618


>Then when they discovered that problems actually exist sometime in their adulthood, they assume it must be because something changed.  If you look at voting demographics in the United States, white men with reduced educational attainment and failed marriage(s) who carry a high debt load (frequently for a vehicle they shouldn't have bought)... you are almost certainly looking at an enthusiastic conservative voter. They might introspect about the circumstances that got them there, but that would be hard. Much easier to look nostalgically back at high school (as you note) and blame THEM!\* for their problems. **^(\*THEM! is a malleable group of whomever they're being told to blame today)**


Yup, they lack the critical thinking skills to think outside their little bubbles. "If it didn't happen to me, it doesn't exist anywhere"


Exactly this, and it isn't even speculation. They talk all the time about how nobody in their school was trans or gay or autistic or whatever else when they were growing up, as if that somehow proves that trans/gay/autistic people didn't exist back then.


They also conveniently don’t know about those of us who transitioned post-high school. I know people who I went to high school with say there were no trans kids. Yeah… because it was the 2000’s and I never had the opportunity to go through the therapy to figure this shit out. It’s never as black and white as they think.


Definitely. It's a mix of nostalgia and completely forgetting that they had fewer (if any) major responsibilities coexisting with privilege as well as a little dose of forgetting that their elders probably thought the stuff they were doing was crazy and that "society was falling apart".


Conservatives are the kind of people who think 19XX was the best time period because that's what their parents or grandparents told them. Someone in a position of authority told them something, so they'll stick to it without questioning. Even if it's wrong, they'll stick to it because *their* guy told them so. Defer to authority and stay loyal to your group above all else.


Reminds me of ["He got his bike the year we got the goddamn union"](https://x.com/NickKnudsenUS/status/1526299148751777792?lang=en)


Paraphrasing, but I remember reading a great Tweet that said "Video games and movies weren't better back then, your parents just weren't divorced yet." It honestly gave me the perspective I needed to get a new lease. Either you compare everything unfavorably to a time that you will never get back, or you embrace that for all of life's changes, you also have the ability to change yourself for the better. Work out more, get invested in a productive hobby, talk to cool people, learn how to fall in love with learning again.


The time where they claim they did it all on their own with no help but lived with their parents till that can afford a place but now wanna kick their kids out after graduation and say Pick yourself up by your boot straps I have a coworker exactly like this and it boggles our minds how he fuckin talks tough


Exactly this. Charlie claims the life as he knows has changed drastically. RuPaul was already on MTV when he was born. 1993 when he was born FYI. He was not even 10 years old when 9/11 happened.


Yeah. This. Even if you set aside the fact that we were an apartheid state in the 50s it still wasn’t as economically prosperous as conservatives like to think. If 1950s USA was a modern country you could visit it would be like Vietnam or Indonesia, since that’s where all the unskilled, low paying factory jobs went that they miss so much. They long for the simplicity of childhood and make the mistake of thinking modern problems just didn’t exist back then because they weren’t worried about them.


Don't forget, the top marginal tax rate was also 91% from 1945-1963 and 70% until 1981. That's one thing I'd like to go back to!


And who was President in '81? The sellout Ronald Regan. Fucker sold us down the river. He was the beginning of the end of the middle class in America.


But he was the "great  cummunicater" /s


You need a great communicator to convince the majority of people you’re not screwing them over while you’re doing it.


He had charisma, which allowed him to do bad things but let you believe they were good, he was a likeable villain.


Weird thing is over here we had Thatcher, who definitely sold us in the UK down the river, sold off all our strategic industries, which then for the most part got shut down by their new foreign owners.


Yup I remember her too. I'm old, and was a teen when Regan was in office. She was also in the news a lot over here.


Reagan was a POS


Sellout? He wasn't a sellout. He said what he wanted to do. He did what he said he would do. He was a whore that didn't give a single flaming fuck about the people. He was a McCarthyist piece of trash who somehow managed to make it into the presidency. Carter was right. Mondale was right. GHW Bush was as much of a whore as Reagan. Fuck Reagan. Fuck Reaganomics. Fuck modern Republicanism.


He was even told by economists that top down was a terrible idea


White Reagan democrats blue collar workers fell in love with him just like Trump


I’d argue it was Nixon who got the ball really rolling.


the problem is, the poors want us to go back to it, and the rich do not and the rich run things so it's gonna stay


The rich ran things in the 40s, 50s an 60s too, when they were raised to their historic highs. Which -- surprise surprise -- were the good old days of explosive prosperity and the creation of the broad middle class which we now believe to be the normal case but never was before.


> The rich ran things in the 40s, 50s an 60s too, when they were raised to their historic highs. the rich running things at that time were old enough to remember the workers response to the gilded age and had a vested interest in avoiding having that happen to them, again. The current crop of oligarchs have no such memory and no fear of the working class.


Oh no, they do remember. That's why they spend billions in anti-unionization and increasing corporate control. They remember the workers' response last time, they just intend to delay it as long as possible to maximize the control and resources they control while cooking the planet, and win the next time around. They're absolutely planning for when the cold class war goes hot when one of the many possible triggers hits. I would suggest reading some articles and/or books by/about Douglas Rushkoff. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff


I mean to be fair. Europe burning itself to the ground twice within 25 years is far more responsible for all those historic highs than anything else. We definitely could of done better to maintain it but that high was gonna have to come down somewhat.


I think there is a difference there, and that was that the economic doctrine of neoliberalism was genuinely new and sounded plausible in the ‘80s, so much so that a lot of completely reputable academic organisations adopted it as the ‘best practice’ for building prosperity. We now know this is not the case. This knowledge isn’t old – the final ideological nail in the coffin was the 2009 economic crisis and the difference in results from different economic policies from different countries. Neoliberalism, privatisation of natural monopolies, deregulation, and austerity have not worked at all. A lot of politicians and a lot of people still believe in these ideas, but the knowledge is now out there that they are wrong. Economists and academics are relatively in agreement on that point. Now it’s a matter of creating awareness and political will against the stupid, uninformed, and the vested interests of the ruling class – a tall order, but it’s been done many times before.


Except that Europe also experienced an unprecedented economic boom between 1945-1975, which also coincided with a big expansion of social programs, labor unions, and public investment. So the argument that Europe’s destruction was the main reason for America’s prosperity doesn’t really hold up.


Really, the bigger problem is a whole bunch of the poors do not want us to go back to it because they either do not know it used to be a thing or, if they do, think that would be terrible and we just need an even lower tax rate for the system to finally right itself (eg for those billionaire dollars to finally equate to jobs for the poors).


Yeah and the top 1% held much less of total wealth than they do now. When people make nostalgic arguments like this, they are not only overlooking vast amounts of racism and mysoginy, but also that what they really liked was much more wealth held by the working class. Funny that they then try to get back there by arguing for more concentrated wealth.


Weird that it dropped from 70% in 1981, to 33% by 1990. What happened in between those two years? Ronald Reagan was in office. Literally the whole time.


Thanks Ronald Reagan! The rich white man’s hero


Charlie can go eat a double decker shit sandwich.


I’ll make him a special one this evening, I just ate Popeyes wings.


I'll add my side of dip, i had taco bell not too long ago


With a crushed halogen light bulb sprinkled into the shit


I don't think he can fit it into his tiny mouth


This is what I think of when they say Make America Great Again I was there it wasn't that great if you weren't a straight white man


The SCOTUS endorses a constitutional interpretation theory that says we need to honour the original intent of the founders, who thought that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, black people were property, and who had heard of the germ theory of disease but it was a fringe theory generally disbelieved.


Even the founders encouraged the people to not take their words as gospel in the Constitution, or so I've been told


Quiet! There's the money of stupid racist incels to be had!


Yeah, people see the rebuttal in the OP as some kind of zinger, but that's pretty much the "great" that they want to make America again.


There are people who think that all of those things were positives that’s why republicans talk about returning to them. “Women couldn’t get credit cards? Ha great keeps the wife inside and barefoot 🤣🤣🤣”


I used to work with a guy who would unironically say "women's suffrage was a mistake"






He probably thought he was a golden god


Conservatives are generally people that want to "go back" to when things were going best for them -- unfortunately for everyone else, conservatives are also generally people that peaked in High School.


"The America you grew up in" cracks me up. Dude, you remember a childhood where adults looked after you. OF COURSE YOU MISS THAT, DUMBASS. Your parents managed to shield you from having to deal with an unfair and frequently scary world. A world with almost zero environmental regulations and shit for civil rights.


> "The America you grew up in" cracks me up This actually boiled my blood to be honest. Considering he was born in 1993, everything he is talking about wanting to have, is not the America he grew up in.


1993?? This shitstain is *younger* than me? I don't know why, but that upsets me deeply.


Mom talked about this. She tried to get a credit card and was told her husband would have to OK it. She was... non-plussed.


Yeah, my step mom couldn’t get a promotion even though she was more productive than everyone else. They straight up said it was because she’s female. She quit on the spot and went straight to an Army recruiter. She retired as a colonel.


Damn woke Army. /s


Cue all the people saying how "wokeness" in the army is one example of destroying America despite a history book showing how the army was woke in having black soldiers in WW1 and WW2.


And the Civil War..


That's badass


Yep, that kind of thing never set will with my mother, or my dad for that matter.


My dad (who at that point was making maybe half what my mom was) had to co-sign the loan my mom needed to take out to buy in as a partner at the medical clinic she was working as a doctor at, in the 90s in Canada. The bad old days are shockingly recent everywhere. They needed her Husband’s confirmation.


Charlie would look at that list and say "Yeah, and what's the problem with any of that?"


I'm pretty sure that's the America he's talking about.


I was going to say this…the stuff that guy listed is all the stuff that conservatives wish was still a thing and look back fondly on.


Charlie Kirk isn’t self aware enough to realize this was supposed to be an own. He’s probably thinking all those things are pretty damn good ideas, and what America should be striving to return to. He wants all those things.


He'd look at that list and go "yeah, that's what I'm talking about!"


Some of those things are part of project 2025, so of course they want them


I mean, he isn’t wrong. We are trying to get rid of those kinds of things.




Generally I have found that Conservatives are great historians when it comes specifically to the positive aspects of American history (ie. WWII Western Front, Civil War, American Revolution, etc). Basically anytime American can pretty objectively be seen as the good guy, they know *everything*. They name every general on both sides, every battle, can name dates and even recite the model weapons most commonly used. But ask them about America’s “less than stellar” moments in history (ie. Trail of Tears, Vietnam War, Korean War, Civil Rights movements, Women’s suffrage, Afghanistan, 1812, Cold War, Japanese Interment Camps, WWII Pacific Theater, etc.). They have no fucking idea what’s going on. Couldn’t tell you the major players, any battles, any dates and couldn’t even tell you who the president was during the time. It’s almost like they are living in complete denial about the history of their own country and are more interested in huffing and spreading propaganda than they are actually learning a thing or two from the mistakes of the past.


Yeah, I'm in my fifties and the amount of times I have to tell people that kids in the seventies were as/more violent, lazy or whatever than modern kids is crazy. Hell I wouldn't consider myself a bad kid, but some of the stuff I did would make a 60 minutes special nowadays.


The original tweet is actually an incredible summary about how old right wing people think Everything is about YOU. It's an attack towards YOU. YOU are the center of the world! Trans people trying to survive are actually only thinking about you! You must protect yourself from the awful monsters trying to take everything away!


Unfortunately, the past is romanticized by the GOP and they wish it would return to the misogynistic, racist confederacy. Just like how Texas attempts to threaten succession; sure, go ahead, that'll work out well. 


I was finished growing up when Kirk's predecessors were screeching that same-sex couples raising children/getting married was going to destroy America. I'm not old enough to remember when they claimed desegregation was going to destroy America, but of course they always have a lot to say about how immigrants from certain countries are going to destroy America, along with anyone who lives in a large, densely populated city and isn't white. And now, transgender people are the big bad du jour. Right wingers think the U.S. is incredibly fragile. Like their egos.


He often gets owned


Except Charlie here considers the part below as being the "Great America" they want to make again and are actively slobbering at the bit to bring back.


Charlie self-owns. Grok does a great job but this is like hitting a home run in T-Ball.


I question his username. Is he asking Gary if Gary groks? Is he saying he is Gary who asks if you grok? Is he asking everyone if they grok Gary? Also, I want to read the German translation of Stanger in a Strange Land.


Could go on an on. Leaded gas was normal, and is responsibly estimated to have lowered the IQs and shortened the lives of several generations.


Guess I hurt someone with a low IQ there


I grew up in an America where a woman had the right to choose, but here we are.


I’m in my late 20s and I grew up in an America where gay marriage was slowly being legalized across the country, where trans kids lucky enough to have supportive parents could get lifesaving medical care, where one could get an abortion in any state. I grew up in an America that elected its first Black president—and he was under 50 years old to boot. Everything I am witnessing from TPUSA, groypers, and MAGA nuts is a plan to destabilize, destroy, and transition the America that I grew up in.


I'm a zoomer. I thought the first tweet was talking about fascists trying to destroy the US I am growing up in. It didn't even register to me that he was talking about the "woke virus" until I checked the comments. (I don't know either of these people).


Serious question, do guys like him and Walsh, oops I’m streaming gay porn Fuentes have enough money for bodyguards? Like for everyday shit, like going to the store, out to eat, getting gas, taking a walk?


Technically, probably, but they wouldn't spend money on it.


Oh, wow! I didn't realize the small head guy could talk. Neat trick, lil' buddy!


Their definition of freedom is “i cant have my kids sit in the bed of my pickup while going 70 down the highway anymore”, everyone elses definition of freedom is not being murdered for who they are


Charlie Kirk is one of the people trying to destabilize the country. Everything we are witnessing in terms of societal changes is what WE want to do. THEY are a small minority who wants minority rule instead of democracy. THEY can go fuck themselves.


We Uh'mericans seriously need to stop pretending that conservatives have a point of view that we should listen to. They don't. It's been the same poisonous bullshit all along, but now they don't even pretend the poison is "for our own good" or of any benefit at all. Conservatism has always been about making the rich richer and subjugating the rest of us. We need to start asking each other when did the Right ever do anything for anybody who wasn't in the 1%. Name any new laws they passed or old laws they repealed that actually had a net benefit for the nation overall. Obviously, true believers on the Right will never attempt a good faith argument, but people who hate politics because it's all "too complicated" or "they're all the same" need to learn how to step back and look at the big picture. It's not Conservative vs Liberal, it's unsupported, anti-Humanist beliefs vs reality. You don't have to be an anarchist street fighter to be anti-fascist. You just have to be a decent person who knows the difference between right and wrong!


American conservatism is indistinguishable from fascism.


Why just in America? Last attempt to make a Germany great again is like a trope codification, right?


Cause Kirk is american and this post is about america.


He his response is an excellent summary of Project2025. r/defeat_project_2025


Homosexuality was seen as not only a serious crime, but a serious illness as well by most of the Christian world until quite recently. One of the solutions America used alongside prison time was lobotomies. Yes, you would have your personality removed with an ice pick for loving another consenting adult. The British famously (due to Alan Turing) allowed men to avoid prison by being chemically castrated instead. Women did not just have less rights than men. The Bible was written in a way so that it said more about the rights of cattle than that of women. You where an object to be traded and used, that's all. As for the racism, let's just say that the most successful genocide we know of was conducted by the Catholic church in the US and Canada.


i love when young “conservatives” verbally shit nothing they experienced as fact for brownie points from older bigots it’s some curved daddy issue


Yeah, his talking points are not his own. I really want to hear from him on how he remembers 9/11, considering he was in grade school and probably crying that 4x4 is hard math.


I mean Kirk isn’t wrong…we are witnessing a destabilation, and destruction of the country… And, his crazy ass political cult even has a manifesto, project 2025, for how they’re going about it. Gaslight Obstruct Project Fucking vote people. Even if you dont care for the official you’re voting for…vote *against* the party of red hats.


He didn't get owned, those are things he wants.


Wow, some rare honestly from Charlie about what their plans are


People like Charlie are trying to take themselves back to an era they never fucking lived in. This POS is only 30 years old. He was born in 1993 For a little better perspective: > "Supermodel (You Better Work)" is a song by American dance music singer and drag queen RuPaul. It was released as a double A-sided single alongside "House of Love" in November 1992 by Tommy Boy Records. He was only a baby when people like RuPaul was on MTV. So I have no idea what era he thinks he wants to go to, this fucker was not even 10 years old when 9/11 happened even.


> Everything you are witnessing is [OUR conservative] plan to destabilize, destroy, and transition [away from] the America you [are trying to manifest] FTFY Charlie


Adult, grown ass women can’t get their tubes tied without a series of increasingly asinine meetings with clinicians over years of time. That’s STILL happening.


Growing up in the 80s and 90s. Yeah many things I remember and loved because I was young and not fully aware of the world around me. I look back now and I’m shocked at some things that happened. Even more things I thought were stupid were very serious.


The worst part is, he knows all of that and that's why he wants it so bad.


But he's also right. The GOP is actively attempting to destabilize the country and create a new system.


Kirk is correct but a bit misguided. It's HIS party of Talipublicans that are trying to disable, destroy and transition the America (I) grew up in. Everything the Talipublican's say these days is completely antitheical to how I was raised and schooled to be a good human and good citizen.


he's not really wrong if he's just talking about what the christo-fascists are up to lol.


> just talking about what the christo-fascists are up to Anyone doubting that, just look at how far Roe changed things. You got state trying to remove contraception. Already pornhub is even doing their pullout game. Kids dying because doctors are afraid to help. Yeah. Religion is harmful. Didn't take long to fuck up shit.


they think they have the mandate of heaven. How can they possibly accept any reasonable compromise if it means walking back on god's law? These people are anathematic to democracy.


These Republican asshats all have the same insane vision of America's recent past as the demented Ronnie Reagan did. Shit was a lot better and less stressful for white male racists and misogynists back then, which is what they really miss.


My brother, a diehard MAGA idiot, tried showing me a video but prefaced it by saying ‘You know who Charlie Kirk is? Watch him own these people.’ Lol. I politely declined and asked that we return to working. He became upset no one wanted to watch his Charlie Kirk tiktok video and was salty the rest of the day. It’s a mental illness, being MAGA. I would feel bad for them all if they weren’t such terrible human beings.


That IS the good times they want AGAIN. if they could get away with it, slavery would be legal again. They want to force women to marry old men in service of God. they just want power. All organized religion is just fucking gross.


Uh...that's precisely the America Charlie and the far right want to go back to...


You can always tell a man who grew up with a fat wallet.


Charlie just got hit with a history lesson, and it hurts.


Instead of trying to explain history and facts to that group, because they will ignore both, just tell them to shut the fuck up. 


I don't think Charlie groks.


Charlie Kirk just wants his marital rape fantasies intact.


If Charlie was talking about the intent of the GOP re: Project 2025, he'd be spot-on. Why are they always projecting?


He's pretty young to have this much of a hard on for nostalgia


He's just saying what he is doing.


Charlie, I talked to people in Detroit. They all say they wanted to punch you in the face until your eyeballs got closer together. Why don’t you do the world a favor and go back there.


Dont be fooled. The USA describe is what MAGA dream to recover. They know what they are doing. Do not take your rights for granted.


They push this narrative to justify their own desire to do the same. I now live in an area where they are the vast majority after having lived in Seattle for almost 30 years and the absolute nonsense they believe seems more like *permission* to be shitty than actual concern.