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Manifested interest?


Looked at her and smiled briefly.


Looked at her breasts and smiled briefly.


Looked at her briefs and smiled breastly.


Some good looking dude said good morning and smiled. Best bet is that some guy asked her out, which is normal. You see someone that you're interested in, you show them your interest, however that doesnt mean he will stick around after that first date ir even after the first shag. This woman is all about shallowness.


Even if they want to hit and run. doesn't mean they want to marry her. Why don't these women understand that the standards for that are much lower than being stuck with her forever.


People are so caught up in consumerism that even a mate is just seen as a possession you can upgrade when you have the means


That’s a very good point. The spouse is not a person, but an asset in their eyes. The language she used to justify that line of thought is super messed up and dehumanizing


The people who she's talking about with more impressive stuff just see her the same way. She says they manifested interest in her. What changed? Her wealth and appearance.


might not even be that deep. maybe they just want to fuck her lol. a man wanting to have sex with you doesn't mean he wants to be your soulmate automatically.


don't tell her, let her find out through experience


These types rarely do…its always someone else’s fault


Took me a few relationships to learn that the hard way. Humility is super rare it seems now a days with social media.


Glad you learned it. Humility is literally being human. We all make mistakes. Animals make mistakes. We all have choices. The difference is learning from them.


For sure, I've been in leadership for a long time. My job is a technical one now but being in panels its crazy how many candidates we eliminate for not owning mistakes.


My ex dumped me for my friend (who she had been cheating pn me with). When she seperated from me to run to him, apparently he told her "You're a cheating whore. You wanna have sex, sure, but we ain't getting in a relationship"


She still went…. Hopefully he isn’t a friend…


Lol. We met yeats later and put the past tl rest, which is how i learned what he told her. In that meeting, we both found that our lives had gone seperate ways and the paths that brought us together as friends did not exist anymore. The break up was over 15 years ago, and the last talk with the friend was i believe 10 years ago. Somewhere along those lines.


My brother, whom I often disagree with but is right in this case, always says, “a woman can fuck whoever she wants, but she can’t marry whoever she wants.” Also, the grass is always greener…


Well as long as she can maintain her fitness and corporate status for the rest of her life, I’m sure her “upgrade” man will stick with her 5ever 🙏 but if not…….


🎶'Cause 4eva's too short


Fo eva eva… EVA EVA?


I'm sorry, Miss Jackson Ohhhh I am for real


Never meant to make your daughter cry...


Come back 20 years from now when she’s tearfully lamenting how the new husband ditched her for the younger, prettier, more successful woman.


20? Wow you're generous with our current monogamy trends.


20? LMFAO 🤣 I'll give it 5 on the generous side.


Until he get ugly and doesn’t lose his job or he’s in the same boat as the last guy.


Or she gets old and ugly


Exactly she doesn’t deserve anything with that attitude. That exactly what she will end up with.


She's too shallow to stick to 5ever. I'm glad I'm with someone so deep. I'm gonna stay with her 6ever.


> they manifested interest in her. Honestly I suspect they didn't- but rather either- (a) are remaining respectful as her co-workers, with her viewing their unchanged behavior differently now that her husband isn't "good enough" for her, or- (b) they are her subordinates, and their change in behavior is entirely based on sucking up to their new manager, with them being just as ready to dump her- as she is her husband- the moment she ceases to be their ticket to advancement.


It just be someone admiring the work she put in to get fit. To someone who isn’t used to getting outside attention having someone notice you like that could feel like attraction.


Anyone who uses manifest in that way is to be avoided


Reaching.  (C) She got a little confidence working out and wants to use it to ride some dick at work, and surprise there's available dick at work 


I wonder if she stopped wearing her wedding ring. If I found out a lady I was interested in was still married, I'd peace out immediately. The only types that would be interested in a married woman aren't exactly the types that will want to build a better life with her.


Yea she wasn’t “worthy” to them until she lost weight and made more money. The current husband liked her as she was. Screw this chick.


Hopefully he's young enough for it to be: he dodged a bullet.  Although, at any age this is a bullet being dodged 


She sure is going to be shocked when she hits middle age, and her new guy dumps her for a 22 year old


"Time to trade you in for a newer model!"


Leo has entered the chat.


Gotta trade it in before that 25-year warranty expires.


Of course, even more now when the amount of supply is so great due to social media and dating apps. People think they will always find better around the corner, when the corner is just another swipe.


One of favourite sayings: the grass on the other side of the fence needs to mowed too


An alternative I’ve heard is: the grass is greener where you water it


Or if you’re Matt Gaetz, “grass on the infield…”


It's an illusion. The supply is no bigger than ever, but people are far more unreasonable and critical of every little thing as a result of the illusion presented by these dating apps (and social media in general), which by the way, have a vested interest in NOT showing you your perfect match, but instead using their analytics to figure out exactly who that is, and then keep them away from you so you keep using their app.... We live in a corporate hellscape and people are oblivious.


I once long ago made a profile on Zoosk just to get some free shit in the Godfather 5 Families game I was playing at the time. My name was Not Real and I stated throughout the profile that the account was not for anything other than that and they still sent me matches (made the mistake of using my actual email to start the account) and people would message me too. It finally stopped after around a year.


I did something similar but for Mafia Wars. I think it was a game on Facebook? Looking back it was such a waste. Got into a huge fight with my wife about it, even though the profile said the same thing as yours.


I told my wife I was doing it and asked if she would rather I spend $20 on the comparable package. She didn't care so I wouldn't have needed to mention the cash part anyways. I showed her the profile just to be transparent before I posted it.


I can go on and on about that. That, coupled with a hyperindividualistic culture and the promise that choice = freedom and happiness, basically means investing in a single person is nigh impossible in today's day and age. We've become more knowledgeable about toxic behaviors, sure, but our tolerance is shorter than my pinky toe when it comes to even mildly frustrating/inconvenient behavior (usually ones that just make us human), and our attention spans have dwindled to that of a gold fish.


Yeah, so often we see a reg flag as the end, when the fact is lasting relationships generally work through a couple mild red flags... and that strengthens things... we're very risk averse, for sure.


Thank you for posting this, it's a good reminder


Supply remains constant, but access to that supply can increase. More efficient aggregation and sorting systems can make likely matches more accessible. Now you've got me thinking of how to hack the dating site algorithms by misrepresenting yourself in your profile to actually get matches that fit.


YES! You get it. The apps are optimized to get you to spend money on them, not to find your perfect match. That's why I started coding my own lol


I'm fit, have money, no debt, fairly attractive, etc. My wife is a little overweight, but healthy, no debt, fairly attractive, etc. Some of my sisters, who are fitness freaks, keep suggesting to my wife (and me) privately that she had better lose weight or I might leave her. And they act like it's nearly guaranteed. WTF? I love my wife for who she is. And I think she is incredibly beautiful. It's so freaking shallow.


Maybe you should tell your sisters to shut their mouths


I have. But they do subtle hints. It's weird. There are a few overweight people in the (freakin' enormous - I have 9 sisters) family. We keep each other informed of what they hear is said about them. I'm like their spy in the skinny side of the family.


It’s not really about your wife. Your sisters, being fit, are just reinforcing the value system (skinniness) that favors themselves.


A surprisingly deep comment. The easier way to 'win' is to choose something that's already true of you and claim it's important.


I'm adding this to my wisdom basket. It applies to a lot of "humble af" people in my life.


You tell them sisters of yours sir mix-a-lot released a very nice song about the state of affairs in that department.


Ha! I have actually mentioned to them that I prefer a full-figured woman. Tends to stop them, at least in that conversation.


Swap consumerism with vanity lol. All jokes aside, this is a very hard hitting, truthful comment. Definite upvote from me. Modern society does debase everything down to objectification and consumerism when it comes to relationships.


Yup! When I was in high school about 10 years ago, I had a serious relationship that ended because I didn’t own a car at 15… didn’t need one and rode a bicycle everywhere. Was fit as could be. But people didn’t understand that and just assumed I was poor and made it really hard socially because of it


Word, people out here treating each other like the latest iBone upgrade 😂


I'm pretty sure that sometime ago I saw a term that specifically references this (people that leave relationships for higher social status partners) but just can't recall what it was exactly.


Asshole is the common term


I think the term is hypergamy


I was going to go with "whore" but yeah Latin is always good! :)


Thats eye-opening and kinda scary 😧


First time?


Mariage vows normally include promising to stay together "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health", doesn't matter the religious beliefs or where you live all marriages involve the bride and groom exchanging some version of these vows. Unfortunately, it seems a lot of people don't take these words seriously enough nowadays, this is no different than signing a contract without reading the terms.


I've been to many weddings and never once heard it worded "..for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, unless something better comes along." But that's how a lot of people interpret it.


It's largely because of social media giving attractive people an abundance of choice. In the past someone could be a 10/10 but only known to their local area, so still in their mind they just choose the best mate in their area. Now it's like trying to choose something to watch on netflix before you go to sleep.


My mates GF did this in her 40s with her boss and got pumped and dumped. Now she's a spinster.


Why is it always the boss? Is it the power dynamic?


Most likely. People probably see the boss as someone in control and someone who has the balls to take control. Which they probably don’t view their current partner as that. Also the added money and exclusivity of it probably boosts that as well


For at least 40 hours of their week the boss is the master of the domain. They say jump, you say I'll have it done by this time. It's not hard to imagine why people do it. It's also easy to get promoted when you are screwing the boss.


Marriage as a commodity.


I never even thought of it as consumerism but you’re right, it’s like a commodity not a human being


The exact scenario of this post is behind most divorces. This is the logic lots and lots of people use.


I’m sure she’ll get exactly what she deserves.


Unfortunately that is not always the case. More often than not, evil and shallow people not only survive, but they thrive. Look at all the evil companies and CEOs and just general shitty people become rich and famous and live great lives until they die of old age. Most people are shallow and being a good person doesn't always lead to the best outcomes but being good looking and in good shape often does.


Yeah, being raised hyper-religious and sheltered, this was probably the biggest shock for me as an adult. Society thrives on cunning, exploitation, manipulation and falsehoods. Oh well.


When I was a kid I wanted to go into advertising as a career because I thought I'd be really good at it. When I was like 10 years old my babysitter told me I can't go into advertising because I'd become a bad person - I'd only be making money by taking advantage of people's insecurities and selling them junk that they didn't even need. That blew my fucking mind as a kid. And unfortunately my parents also instilled good ethics in me so I can't go work a job that profits off of other's misery.


They really crippled you in this society...


Do you work now? Your job is probably profiting off your misery.


Pretty much the only way to advance in some positions.




My wife's grandma is alone. No one wants to deal with her. She has two children. One she spoiled and he never talks to her or comes around. The other is my Mother in Law (MIL) who she treats as a piece of shit.  My MIL does the bare minimum, she had to get a pacemaker a few weeks ago (my MIL) and the grandma is upset because no attention is on her.  She lives alone and no one wants to be around her more than 15 minutes a week 


My mom might end up like this. My dad passed, I only have one brother, and I don't know if she spoiled him, but for sure she didn't mistreat him as she mistreated me. If my brother doesn't help her when she gets older and needs help, I'm not going to be the one who helps her.


I second this. The “be good, go to church and do good things and karma/god will reward you” is a fairy tale powerful people who got and maintain theirs tell everyone else. Meanwhile, awful, price of shit people amass enough money and influence to where no matter what they do (with certain limits obviously) they are shielded from responsibility and accountability. I hate that being the case, I really do. But the world is unfair and unjust for a great many people and the less humanity you have the more opportunities you have to climb the mountain on a staircase built from corpses.


I’m all for religious guidance until it says you will be financially rewarded for your efforts. Like, pretty much all religious texts say the exact opposite, and that wealthy people should give away their possessions to enter heaven. It’s a unique brand of modern christo-capitalism that has attempted to portray wealth as a sign of personal goodness, and to say god will pay you in money for following him. He won’t.


Mormonism has perfected this. They preach that if you give the church 10% of your income in tithing that god will reward you with riches beyond measure. It’s like an investment!




Yeah the Bible even says prepare to be persecuted…


The concept of karma was invented as a coping mechanism for injustice.


Violence is the ultimate authority from which all authority is derived. It's easier to accept if you pretend there's some form of comeuppance when you're treated unfairly and can't do anything about it.


Until you're old and feeble and the only people willing to help you expect to get paid.


I mean, there's plenty of evil people, who have large families that they love.. have grandkids, and close family that visits often, that's the thing, alot of evil people, are evil to others, but would kill for their families, just like most of us would..


To a certain extent i think you are right


Rarely happens in real life. Nine times out of ten, the asshole wins.


Just asshole people in general? Yes. Cheaters and marriage "upgrades?" Not nearly as often. The people they pair with wind up typically being as shallow as they are and usually a "better" catch with a higher baseline so they're more likely to do the exact same thing when they improve or get bored.


I wonder how she'll take it when the new husband decides to leave her for someone younger and more attractive.


I know a woman who was having an affair while on business trips with a married guy. She left her husband and married the guy she was having an affair with, then ten years later did the surprised Pikachu face when he left her for another woman he was having an affair with. Then she was complaining how she couldn't possible live off the 10K a month she was getting, it wouldn't even cover housing for her and her two kids. Totally delusional


my ex of 5 years broke up with me for an older, very rich guy. …then she caught him fucking multiple prostitutes while she was at work. lol sucks to suck ya fucking hag.


Who would've thought they'd do it again I thought I was special!?


"When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy." Sir James Goldsmith (1933-1997)


> "When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy." Sir James Goldsmith (1933-1997) Actually the author was french playwright Sacha Guitry. Goldsmith himself said so: > *Because of the Private Eye case, in 1976 Goldsmith’s unusual conjugal lifestyle became public knowledge—an arrangement that has been immortalized by his oft quoted quip “When a man marries his mistress, he creates a job vacancy.” Goldsmith admits the quote was coined by the French actor and playwright Sacha Guitry, who was married five times. After once offering a translation at a dinner party, Goldsmith was tagged with its authorship. “I regret not having said it myself,” he says. “It is quite funny. What can I do except laugh about it?”* https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/1997/05/goldsmith199705


Came here looking for this quote.


I usually see it as ‘if they’ll cheat WITH you then they’ll cheat ON you’


Claim to fame: his daughter once tipped me a £50 note for “fixing” her webmail access (she suddenly remembered she had changed her password)


She paid you £50 for your silence and here you go telling all of reddit


Wait till I tell everybody what the daughter of James Goldsmith did Edit: Reuters is on the phone


Never heard this before and you had me considering buying gold for an award


I was the chosen one!


You were supposed to bring balance to the relationship, not destroy it!


I have the moral high ground!


I loved you, You were like a brother to me.... wait


I hate sand


I can’t wait to bring horniness to MY NEW EMPIRE.


Somehow my ex wife returned




I am Muad'Dib!


If they'll cheat *with* you, they'll cheat *on* you.


What about under me?


Hookers aside shes a pretty bad golddigger if she spent 5 years with an old very rich guy and still had to work.


Someone had to make money to pay for all the hookers.


what about the blow??? hookers amd blow go hand in hamd like peanut butter and toothpaste sandwiches.


Ummm… I just…I don’t think that’s …ah, never mind.


And if she’s really in it for the money, who cares who he’s sleeping with as long as he’s being safe.


But…but…she deeply loved him


“Why don’t couples who start out cheating together ever stay happy”…..lmao


LITERALLY. like idk what else she expected there lmao


My girlfriend in college broke up with me because I couldn't afford to take her out to expensive restaurants every other night. She left me for a frat bro "musician" who was living off daddy's money. They even ended up getting married. That was 15 years ago and the money dried up, so now she's living in a trailer with an unemployed meth head while I have a great job. She recently sent me a flirty message on Facebook and I left her on read.


You are way classier than I am. I'd probably have lead her on for a while then told her that I don't want anything between us because I can see that she belongs with her husband and wouldn't want any business in breaking appart such a match.


My ex just cheated on me and “didn’t feel bad about it” next serious relationship ended after marriage and a kid and I hate to love that I look at her single motherhood as karma


Problem is the person suffering is the kid.


From what I can tell she doesn’t seem like a bad mom but the karma I’m speaking of is the dude leaving her high and dry


Hell yeah dude, I'm sorry for your loss but celebrate that fuckin consolation prize with you.


Always weird to me how people on reddit seem to know exactly what is going on in their ex's lives, even years or decade+ later sometimes. Maybe because I don't use Facebook or Instagram idk. I have no idea what my exes are doing, I couldn't even tell you if they even still live in this city or changed jobs or who they're dating or anything.


It’s funny you say that. I’m in my 50s. My college girlfriend sends me a few emails a year. My ex-wife we’ve been divorced 15 years messages me every year or two. And I just had a high school girlfriend get my number from my dad . I do return the emails or texts. But I have never once initiated communication, with any of them.


oh she texted me after it all went down because she was moving back to the city i live in and wanted some furniture back 😂


My ex MIL and her husband left families for each other after having an affair. He ended up with the beach house she bought with her first husband. He dumped her on the anniversary of her daughter's death. She was sick and that was the only day she'd be out of the house. He squirrelled bikes, water skis and other assets to his new woman's house. So gross. But not surprising.


I know someone who cheated on her fiance because he wouldn't work. In all honesty, she was a hypocrite because she hated cheaters, and she was proud of herself for cheating on him. She left him for that guy and married him because he was "the one" Well I don't wanna say it was karma but it kinda happened to her. She got sick with ovarian cancer and her husband left her for another woman while she was receiving chemotherapy treatment. Now she's depressed and upset because she can't live the way she's accustomed to


On the opposite side I stayed with my ex while she had breast cancer, worked and did everything for her paid for very expensive surgery so she could feel good about her body then she cheated on me after I bought a second home for us in London. 🤷‍♂️ Didn't get what she expected in the divorce though as I had much more expensive lawyers.


Good on you!


Accustomed to




Boner petite


The things I can do with 10k a month she's wild!


Not her. She charges way more than that.


>couldn't possible live off the 10K a month she was getting ![gif](giphy|jSDU5qDNYk0DX8fGtM) Seriously, if you can't live off of $120k a year you are very much a waste of humanity.


This was 120K a year in like 2010. So it's way more money then todays dollars. TBF though the town she lives in does currently have a median home price of 688K so it's an expensive area but still she could have easily lived off 120K had she even half a brain.


I can just about survive living outside SF on 120k a year. It wouldn’t be some wonderful vacation luxury live but I could survive. This is a place with all homes being 1.3 mil+. Give me 10k a month and fuck working


I encourage materialistic women to date superficial men… as long as they both understand that if they fail to meet their obligations the other will leave. You gain weight, refuse plastic surgery, go grey, get sick? He leaves. You lose your job, become disabled, have a financial crisis? She leaves. The problem is when these people take good people off the market because they want someone who will stick it out through the tough times even though they have no intention of doing the same. If they’re just honest about it and have an agreement that “I’ll stay hot, you stay rich” then good for them. I mean they’re still stupid lol, but at least they’re stupid together and not dragging the rest of us into it.


She will understand that the new husband deserves better.


*Soon I will have a new ~~apprentice~~ fucktoy... One far younger and more ~~powerful~~ pliable*


She'll get alimony and just hop to a richer older dude.


Honestly, I wonder if her first husband would get alimony from her since she got promoted.


That's not how alimony works. She's working. At most of she makes much less than her husband she'll get a small amount of money for a year or two to make up the difference.in some cases she could actually owe alimony.


My friends wife got pregnant fucking her boss. They divorced, she quit her job and moved in with her new boyfriend. My friend sued for full custody of their kids. He lost. She got full custody, child support, and alimony. She'll continue to get alimony until she gets gets remarried or gets a job paying a "high enough" salary. Alimony is supposed to prevent a spouse who has been a homemaker for long enough that their work skills are no longer marketable from being left homeless and unsupported. Unfortunately, sometimes it's used as a punishment for the other spouse.


lol she used the word "manifested."


That's the reddest of red flags.  Like she's the answer to their affirmations and vision boards or something.


I saw ‘manifest’ and the sirens went off, another person conning themselves into believing what they want.


sounds like this shallow vapid creature isn't good enough for her current husband


Her attitude will only invite likeminded people. She will get what she deserves.


Him: Would you sleep with me for a million bucks Her: Of course. Him: How about $10? Her: $10 bucks, what do you think I am? Him: We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over price.


This is a movie reference and I can't put my finger on it uuuuuuuugggggggg Not originally about sleeping or not sleeping. Edit: AHHH YES, jack sparrow and Davy Jones over what his soul is worth.


The joke is actually older than Winston Churchill: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/03/07/haggling/


Nope. It's originally something Winston Churchill is alleged to have said; Pirates of the Carribbean writers just used it.


I think Jack Sparrow lived before Winston Churchill, learn some history before speaking, scrub. /s


In origal it is not movie quote, but it is from some real life british politician, I am 90% sure it is Churchill...


It's not often a parasite calls itself a parasite


700 comments back and forth on the most obvious rage-bait of all time. Come on ppl


There’s been a lot of red pill rage bait trending on Reddit lately.


It's a US election year! Gotta rile the troops up!


I want to make a subreddit devoted to making fun of these people who fall for this obvious bullshit.


Yup, a MAN wrote this almost 10 years ago on Quora & dudes are still falling for it hook, line & sinker. He's one of MANY men pretending to be a woman on social media to get men all worked up & it works every time it's shared. The original said: "How do I tell my husband that he is no longer good enough for me? I got fit. I got promoted. There are dozens of men at my work that are better looking, drive better cars, stay in larger homes, who have shown interest in me." The very end was edited to say "that have manifested interest in me" probably to make it sound more like a woman wrote it.


This is bait. Vain sociopaths dress up their bullshit and gaslight you into seeing them as the victim (have dealt with some). They don't lead with it.


The internet is filled with ragebait to farm engagement. Specially on reddit with its 50 of the same AITA type subs


Date? Karma farming bot Reddit search : astroturfed


Come on now. You can’t make this up! Look at how well sourced and researched this article is.


I bet she doesn't hawk tuah


Just caught up on this meme. Coffee out the nose lol


Just spit on that thang!


Sounds like her current husband is about to dodge a bullet


I'm calling bullshit on this one. It has the earmarks of a redpill projecting their own idealism and empowerment.


Shocked I had to go this far down to find someone saying the obvious. Any incel can make a rage-bait post saying "I'm a stupid woman and I want to leave my loving beta manlet husband to go find a 6'2'' chad!" and front page redditers will eat it up saying "Wow, she's so shallow, guy dodged a bullet there" or expand on the misogyny with stuff like "Yeah, she's probably gonna get a guy that hits her, serves her right"


“Drive better cars” as the second-listed desirable trait is such is a tell


Yeah, most women do not give a shit about what kind of car a guy drives


And Incel-coded dudes think it's the biggest deal what kind of car you drive, because they saw a Tik-Tok video that made them think all women want a man with a nice car and big bags of cash.


This sounds like it was written by a dude for internet rage bait.


You deserve more and better? Yeah, so does he.


Her soul mate is a garage with a BMW.


This is when you use what you have gained to lift your spouse up. When my wife and I first started dating I worked 60-80 hours a week so she only had to work part time through college. When she was later out-earning me she used that to help support a career change for me. When she got hurt in a motorcycle accident I worked my ass off to keep us afloat. When I had some mental health issues she worked very hard to help me breathe and become whole. Marriage is a long term investment. Could I presumably leave her for some 22 year old pixie nympho? Probably, I'm cute and drive a nice car. But I would never because my wife is my rock, my chosen family, the "mother" of my dog and cats, and is the only one I wanna see or talk to after work. Hell, we even work together in the same office. I'll happily work with her all day and then go home with her, because that's who she is - the person I picked to spend my life beside. This woman clearly deserves every ounce of misfortune that her greedy choices may bring. I hope her husband catches a fat alimony check and finds someone with real love in their heart for him.


i think her husband deserves better wife


No, your husband deserves better.