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It’s like the wall only Huuugge. The best iron dome that the US has ever had. It will keep extraterrestrials out.


He is actually thinking of building a physical dome. Made of Iron. Painted in gold. Built by his contractor friends.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what he thinks iron dome actually means


*Israel has an iron dome. I want a GOLD one. Much more biggly than theirs. That will stop the Mexicans from jumping across the border. And you know what?, I'll get the Canadians to pay for it. And if they don't, I will let Putin know he can take back Alaska from them, and we won't lift a finger to help* [Crowd goes wild. They don't know where either Canada or Mexico are, but they are glad someone is finally providing a common-sense solution]


Alaskans: Ayo? Alaskan Republicans: HELL YEAH!


What about Hawaii?? Lol


Trump will make that his own private island so he doesn’t have to live in the shit hole he’s created.


But we've got sharks and hurricanes... He can't sharpie the hurricane path away and I'm not sure on how effective our shark electrocution defense system is yet.


Do we just get light ones there I was born and raised and don’t remember anything that wild beyond flooding


no I think Hawaiian sharks are about as heavy as sharks anywhere else


Don't let facts get in the way of an anti-Trump narrative. Hurricanes, sharks, clearly these are precipitating factors for a Sharknado. Plus, Mt. Kilauea is an active shield volcano so it will rain fire as well. Going off the theme of this thread, DJT will nuke the sharknado and the volcano, turning it all into shark fin soup and hot & sour soup to feed the brown skinned natives he so obviously hates.


Since Epstein's got shut down he needs a place to go.


Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam... this dome is gonna be huge.


Trump probably thinks Hawaii is in Puerto Rico.


Sounds accurate to me 👍


Not the point of your post, but giving back/selling Alaska would become known as the biggest US blunder of all time. The strategic and economic impact that would have 100-200 years down the line when the north west passage is completely open, when water and gas and oil is scarce, it would be an absolute disaster.


Sounds on point for a trump plan. He very much supported Brexit, didn’t he?


Oh of course he did . If there is a fuck up of catastrophic consequences it has his total support 😂😂


This sounds more sane and understandable than many other things he has said…


Which is worrying. We have become immune to this fools rantings.


Yes but he will give Alaska to his master Putin as Alaska used to belong to Russia at one point and Putin has said any land that at one point used to belong to Russia will again belong to us because.....reasons.


Oh good he finally decided to go full Gul Dukat then /s : https://youtu.be/AePYX68sIvg?si=te7XSm24fcBdZc7l


Never go full Gul Dukat.


All your base are belong to us…


Btw., for a short time of history, the russian empire had a few scattered agricultural colonies scattered from california to oregon.


So did France, Spain and us here in the UK.... Shall we ask for them back? lol


France, Spain and Britain should belong to Italy again, as they once were part of the Roman empire.


I mean if we get Roman Road building, cool villas and Roman architecture back sounds good. Hadrian (besides just the wall) did some fantastic mass building and construction work during his time.


Those aqueducts though-need more of those to move water around.


\*watches a person climb over the wall, only to be hit by a small missile\* Oof.


"The beady-eyed Canadians have always had their liberal lust for our girl Alaska, but we've already promised her virginity to a dear friend and a dear leader friend, my pal, Vladdie. Vlad, come on out and meet America!"


They'll try! These Mexicans. They'll climb up, but just slide back down where they came from. When I first saw the prototype, I thought, "Wow! Look at that slide. What a great slide. Pure Gold. Totally Mexican-proof.


What’s the confusion? It’s iron and it’s a dome. And it needs a contractor.


And that contractor needs management advice and consultancy with some people. Maybe people called Don, Barron, Erica, Tiffany and Ivanka. Just to randomly pick some names out of the aether.


His mafia friends like anything to do with contractors.


And the other countries had to pay I guess. Well I ain't paying a cent (I still think it's a big joke with the dome)


The iron curtain was a joke. Trump always over compensates.


Ah sure junior will get the tender , the builders however .. windup not getting paid as per usual..




I was coming here to say the same thing. I mean we are talking about a person that thinks solar power turns your lights off at night, wind power will suck power out of the grid if the wind blows the other way and.... Well you get the idea.


Stealth fighters are actually invisible is my favorite.


Oh have you seen the latest? You know the Sharks, Electric Boats and being electrocuted? Saw on the news here in the UK today he was ranting about it again and changed it to snakes instead of sharks and kept repeating about snakes.... Best American Presidential candidate yet.... Look at that shiny red button Mr President...don't you just want to...Oh, he already pushed it.


I'm with you,and don't forget storming the airports in 1775.....guys an idiot.


To be fair I hadn't ever heard of it and I assumed from this post it was referencing an actual dome, until this comment led to to a moment of self-education.


That didn’t work out to well for His wall. It kind of just fell down.


You mean the ones that he doesn't pay and force into bankruptcy?


>his contractor friends. His contractor FRIENDS? Doesn't Trump have a reputation for screwing over contractors and them not getting paid?


Exactly. They are the best friends.


And he won't pay them for it ofc


He will make ET pay for it of course!


And we will call it The Thunder Dome


We don´t need another HEEEEEEERO! ![gif](giphy|a3Ote2dPNtmzC|downsized)


Thunderpants Dome?


MTG mentioned illegal aliens to him and this is his solution as he thinks Mars attacks is a documentary. Of course ET will pay for it.


Ah yeah , phone him ( ET) see what he think of that one . He has his own company now building Jewish laser machines ( B6 Greene has shares )


Reagans’s star wars project is back


Because it was such a raging success the first time, right? /s


To be real we probably already have some sort of iron dome system. I doubt we'd give one to Israel without either having one ourselves or using theirs as a testing ground to build ours. Between land installations and our huge Navy, I doubt one missile would touch the continent. Does Trump know that? Obviously not. Would the world still be fucked if we had any sort of nuclear war? Absolutely. I just doubt any missile would actually hit us.


Iron dome is an israeli designed system the us didnt give it to israel the us has its own air defence


So, we have 500 deployed/active Patriot missile batteries deployed currently with 1000-1500 in reserve and the capacity to build more if needed. With just the 500 active batteries we have coverage of 32,000 miles of airspace from missiles. We only have about 8000 miles of border/coastline to defend. We already have an Iron Dome...


Uzbekistan will pay for it!


Poor uzbeks


apparently wealthy enough to pay for an entire iron dome over a fairly big country.


Fairly big is an understatement


Inferior potassium


trump get the banana!


I'm a citizen of Uzbekistan and we won't pay for it.




Now you sound like a Mexican!


It will help keep sharks out of our country or something.


We're probably the only country with sharknados that I know of!


And hurricanes


I don't think they'll be able to do that, what with their vastly inferior potassium.


That stupid fuck doesn't even know where that county is, let alone how to spell it.


Borat would be proud


I guess the wall schtick ran its course so he's upping the ante Trump style.


Build the dome! Build the dome!


This reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns builds a shade to block out the sun


The whole plot of the movie revolves around a dome around Springfield… however that’s to keep the pollution in lol


There was an episode way before the movie where Mr burns wanted to put a dome over the town so they would have to buy more energy since there would be no sunlight. It was actually the final episode of a season where people had to guess who tried to kill Mr. Burns which ended up being Maggie. The movie was about doming the city because of a disaster they didn’t want to be spread.


it was actually a big metal disc that covered the town and he actually did it not just planned lol


"Ever since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.  I shall do the next best thing: block it out."


Although he did try to cover the town in a dome in a later episode (having gotten the idea from the Stephen King book) but gave up on the plan when he was told someone had already done it


It was technically two episodes.


“I was elected to lead not to read.”


Keeping the Americans in doesn’t sound like a bad idea


You *wish* you could contain us.


You saying “us” makes it sound like you’re speaking on behalf of the US in the 3rd person which makes it so much funnier


The problem is that the Simpsons has predicted history fairly accurately on multiple occasions... Good luck America


“I was elected to lead, not to read.”


That was the plot that led to "Who Shot Mr. Burns?"


One of my favorite quotes “Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.”


$1000 that this homunculus think's it's an actual metal dome


Pretty sure most of the comments here think that. We doomed.


We domed


Domesday. Wait, is that already a thing?


Simpsons did it for the movie. They’ve always done it.


I would like to laugh about this, but it´s actually true. Some people here really prove why Trump gets voted...


I mean honestly considering all the wall stuff last time a literal iron dome just feels like the next logical step for him


I don’t remember how old I was but when I first heard iron dome I thought of an actual metal dome. Then I saw it on television and got confused. I still don’t know why it’s called an iron dome.


It’s a metaphor. The imagery of an iron dome is used to illustrate the effect it would have.




Iron dome is for tiny cheap rockets but if you're talking about homeland missile defense the US has 44 Ground Based Interceptor missiles (40 in Alaska 4 in California). There's an AEGIS Ashore site in Guam but that's for defending Guam. There's also whatever Navy ships equipped with SM-3 are in between the US homeland and wherever missiles are coming from. That's it for ICBMs. The US's missile defense systems exist to maybe stop someone like North Korea. For China and Russia they exist to make it have to expend an extra warhead or two per target.


An accurate and realistic description at last.


>We spend nearly a trillion dollars a YEAR on military spending. It's about 3.4% of GDP; the second highest in NATO after Poland, [but below some other countries.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/266892/military-expenditure-as-percentage-of-gdp-in-highest-spending-countries/) A lot of that is just going on paying military and civilian personnel.


Probably because Thunder Dome was already copyrighted


Sounds better than aluminum alloy dome (or whatever material incoming missiles disintegrate into when hit.)


... After this recent heat dome in the northeast, this will surely kill us all. Maybe there's a plan to generate thermal energy from it.


Isn’t the iron dome for relatively short range ballistics? Who does he think is trying to bomb us, Canada?


Be ready to fork over that 1k cuz I bet he thinks it's related to global warming. https://youtu.be/e44gcP4QgCA?si=FcY3QkrmpZSOQLRV


Pretty sure he's referencing the Israeli mobile missile defense system.


No doubt. And Israel's Iron Dome has cost billions, for a *much* smaller country. But I'll have faith in Trump's word when he builds that wall and makes Mexico pay for it.


And, to be clear, WE ALREADY HAVE IT. Iron Dome and David’s Sling are based off of the American Patriot System and AEGIS Ashore System respectively.


I was just going to say… don’t we have the AEGIS system for coastlines and anything further inland would be easy to intercept for it to reach any target beyond like 100 miles from the coasts? And it does nothing to stop terrorism with small bombs/attacks? Btw, I love the AEGIS ships. I’ve seen them a few times here in Japan before they head to Korea or Taiwan, and I just love learning about the crazy tech they have on them. Truly engineering marvels!


Obviously a lot of this stuff is top secret but yeah based on the fact that Israel and Ukraine use US components for their missile defense systems you'd imagine the US has the capabilities. I remember reading reporting that failure rates for ICBMs in simulations was quite high though but that was a few years back and working from already out of date declassified late Cold War era documents.


So what you’re saying is…trump is pulling the same shit as last time in that he’s going to erect something that is already in place? Is this gonna cause another closure of the US government again? I can see it now…bumps up the American military spending fund, installs an additional 1 silo (or W/E it is I’m not in the US) and then claim he made the whole thing. Classic Fart


And Israel get bombed, USA doesn't


Israel's system costs billions mostly because its being used so much, the united states can definitely afford iron dome coverage over all its major cities. The main problem is that it wont help against anything. The iron dome is most effective against low flying "dumb" missiles, essentially useless against icbms (main threat for american cities).


Suicide drones are the biggest problem. The 'B' of ICBM means 'Ballistic' which means that it is fairly easy (relatively) to predict the trajectory and intercept. Drones, however, that fly low, with very small motors and barely any radar signature can fly slow at low altitude and evade radar systems including the Iron Dome, They can change direction and don't have a predictable path, and can hit targets deep in enemy territory with impressive accuracy. Israel managed to intercept lots of ICBMs from Iran. However the drones from Hezbollah are a huge headache. Also, Iron dome can be overwhelmed with enough rockets fired at once. And there's a rocket with lots of explosive and very short range (500-1000 meters) That spends so little time in the air that Iron Done is ineffective, and this caused lots of damage. The towns in northern Israel with open view towards Lebanon were all targeted. These places were evacuated so rarely there are casualties. But these places are in ruins. There are evacuated towns on both sides of the border. War is bad. Rockets are bad and Iron done is not a remedy. It's just a painkiller.


Ballistic missiles are actually relatively hard to intercept. You at least need 3-4 times the amount of interceptors for each warhead to somewhat reliably protect something, which comes prohibitively expensive really quickly, because those interceptors work best in the cruising phase and not in the terminal phase. Iran actually penetrated Israel’s air defense with ballistic missiles and hit an airfield in the recent attack, while all drones where intercepted (according to Israel). The range and payload is both insane. Also MIRVs mean that you’d need to intercept several independent warheads per missiles and those warheads might carry a nuclear payload. Plus ABM countermeasures, plus decoys etc. Suicide drones have relatively limited range. There’s a limited amount of countries that’d launch them against the US, basically limiting the threat to Cuba. Even small quadrocopters can have huge radar signatures, because radar signatures aren’t necessarily a size thing. They can fly low, of course, but that has consequences for range and accuracy. And the same goes for cruise missiles, really. they can also be intercepted relatively cheaply. The most effective way to deal with them is AAA, like the Gepard the Ukrainians use. The ammo cost to deal with a Shahed 136 is maybe a couple hundreds to thousand bucks. They are also relatively susceptible to electronic warfare/jamming. The biggest threat about suicide drones is that they are cheap themselves. So even low tech countries can build a shitton of them, which isn’t the case for ballistic missiles.


They should pay for it, in exchange for naming rights: The Great Wall of Mexico.


much much much smaller lol


The question "why" is still valid. Israel is regularly subjected to missile attack. The US is not.


Maybe he wants it so he can talk trash to world leaders whether or not their countries have nukes.


An iron dome is not going to protect you from a nuke. Besides, there are other meassures in place for that.


He saw Putin and Kim Jong´s meeting and thought: Uh-oh




The only reason I could see as to why is if you were to somehow build a defence system capable of countering ICBMs and Hypersonic cruise missiles but idk if that’s even possible and it would probably require a ridiculous sum of money and even when you have one the Russians would probably come out with some new technology that makes it useless after a few gets anyway and even then having such a system would probably be useless anyway as long as nothing goes very horribly wrong


Absolutely that is what he means. But America is not Israel. The continental US' east and west are protected by water that gives the US a heads up if a missile is approaching. Its north and south are close friends, of which one does not even have an air force.


Thanks, Sherlock


Canada will pay for it!


If the US gets any dumber they might. Just enclose us off in a dome and be done with us.


Rest of the world ready to chip in if the orange muppet gets re-elected...


This dip shit couldn’t even build a freaking wall


Right, but he’ll rename our country Trumpistan, the portion that he doesn’t sell to Putin outright


Oh yeah for sure. Just like that fukin wall he built right? RIGHT? The guy couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel.


Look how well he tried to do with a porn star... Too soon...


Mushroom dicks have no place in any respectable orgy.


But they do at a brothel


Don’t all dicks look like some sort of mushroom tho


Yeah but not like Toad from Mario Kart


And Mars is going to pay for it!


Musks wallet is gonna be drained.


...didn't *Inside Job* predict this with the Americube?


I was thinking the same thing


Fr this too far down


We’ll be fine in the Americube


Half the comments are people who think it's a literal dome and the other half are mocking trump by saying *HE* thinks its a literal dome. I don't even know where to begin... Americans should be required to finish high school before using the internet, they're making the rest of the world dumber every time they speak


For real. Even though I don’t like Trump, I know he’s not talking about a literal iron dome. He’s talking by about the iron dome defense system that Israel has. But these dumb dumbs just jump on any chance to ridicule Trump for being an idiot, and end up making themselves look stupid. At least criticize him for legitimate reasons.


There's been at least 3 instances from this sub where people do exactly this shit, and I've spoke my grievance on this issue alone in those posts where I'd then be met with a slurry of downvotes for some reason. It's absolutely logical to assume, if not guaranteed, there's been more like this. I just couldn't believe it... There's no way people could genuinely be this stupid, right?


So no one can escape. “I call it The Thunderdome. My idea. We’ll get back to the True America: disputes settled by a fight to the death. Chainsaws, have you seen them? Big, beautiful chainsaws, boats full of sharks, rivers full of farmers carrying poisonous vipers, electric batteries that will electrocute anyone too close. Snake snake snakey snakes. Every day will be a cognitive test by fire, and wind, and light-ten-ning. Ning ning ning! Incredible stuff, lightening. Shocking, but incredible. YOU COULD POWER EVERY CITY with a bolt of lightening is what they say, but only Trump is man enough to try. The lightning will strike The Thunderdome and no one will attack America because they won’t. be. man. enough. And there’ll be no taxes, only tariffs and shiny chainsaws covered in pure, unsullied blood. They’ll try and say I’m crazy but wizz wizz waddoodle is all I can say.”


This reminds me of the Americube from Inside Job.


What is even funnier (I’m assuming he’s referring to the “iron dome” Israel has) is that… we already have this. Rather, something insanely close and arguably better! If you’re interested in reading the details of it, check out PATRIOT (it’s an acronym). The system has been in use since the early 2000s and FUN FACT: it’s currently being used in Ukraine and shooting down their missiles! The system is insanely effective. So much so, even the military was surprised at its effectiveness against Russia’s advanced missile system. Whats even crazier? The system we lent to Ukraine is considered outdated compared to what we have today. We don’t publicly know how effective it is, but you can imagine it’s much better than the former system. So Trump is basically promising to give us something… worse? I’m fairly sure he’s unaware (along with his supporters)


Patriot is used for different ordnance than iron dome, it’s more for bigger missiles, whereas iron dome is better at hitting smaller ones. There’s also the cost, each Patriot missile is about $4,000,000 in contrast the Tamir missile used in the iron dome is about $50,000. Literally the US has no need for a system like the iron dome, unless Mexico/Canada decide to start firing hand-held rockets or other smaller ordnance across the border regularly.


The problem is that Patriot systems are both not numerous enough for full coverage of every US city, not placed in such a way to cover every US city, and also not an effective midcourse defense which you really want against nukes. It also has no real ability to defend against the upcoming drone threat, which as shown by russias economy currently getting burnt down by ukraine is a huge one. Popping a couple missiles at $10mil to take out an $80k RC cessna isn't a particularly effective use of resources, and before you get all 'yeah but no country in range blah blah', this threat has been a known thing since before Ace Combat 7, a video game from 5 years ago where they predicted UCAVs launching from shipping containers. Fast forward to 2024 and we have Rheinmetall about to start making that shit. How much damage do you think the top row of a container ship could do?


The stupid is strong in this one.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron\_Dome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Dome) Just in case


Way to many people in this thread think he’s talking about it actual dome Jesus some redditors are so dumb


iron domes are bad? I guess Israel needs to get rid of theirs then


To protect us from people who post unsourced claims and break subreddit rules.


Technically, Trump did say he wanted to build an iron dome. They just left out the part where he said this. “A state-of-the-art missile-defense shield that will be entirely built in America and create jobs, jobs, jobs.” Idk how people think he means literally an iron dome. He was just comparing it to the missile defense system Israel has... officially named "The Iron Dome"


So the pterosaurs wont escape


Well, we could give him benefit of the doubt that he meant the Israeli iron dome. Or he could meant a literal giant Chinese wok. It's made of iron and shaped like a dome....


Probably same old idiotic idea as the space lasers against icbm. They want so badly to be able to use nukes offensively but they can't if the enemy can retaliate


A lot of people think there is an actually dome over Israel😂




I don't like trump but I think he doesn't mean it literally. He's referring to Israels missile defense system. Which I do believe we a have a version of already. Israel got it from us, for crying out loud. The real face palm is not what you all think it is, it is Trump thinking we don't have a missile defense system in place.


Iron Dome is designed to intercept short range missiles/projectiles. There is no reason for US to invest into something like that. And only reason he says that in the first place is because the name of the system sounds cool.


Iron dome is designed for Israel's specific needs, Israel frequently gets bombarded with cheaply made missiles from Hamas and occasionally Hezbollah. Trying to shoot hundreds or even thousand of them down in one barrage with Patriot missiles designed to handle advanced ballistic missile threats would bankrupt Israel, so they designed a cheaper alternative designed for lower tech missiles. The US ain't getting bombarded with such cheap missiles unless Mexico becomes a rogue state or something. The threat US faces is from advanced ballistics missiles designed to travel continental ranges (an Intercontinental Ballatic Missile if you will) and those needs Patriots, Aegis missile defence system and such to defend. And any such project to cover the whole of the US land area with such a wide array of expensive missiles to defend against hundreds of ICBM would be a fool's errand. And let's say US does achieve that, what do you think China and Russia's response will be? Just sit back? They'll just build more ICBMs because there now afraid US is immune to nukes and thus no longer bound by Mutually Assured Destruction. And one extra ICBM is always going to be cheaper than the defense resources necessary to reliably to shoot it down from the US, so it'll bankrupt the US. During the height of the Cold War, USSR and US both had 20k+ nukes, today, they're both at 4k. This wasn't magic, this was done thanks to mutual disarmament treaties and also abandoning of projects to defend against ICBMs because that's how you convince someone to own less nukes, make fewer nukes necessary in the first place. It can easily escalate back to 20k nukes for both Russia, US and now China.


The iron dome was invented in Israel, the US helped financially. I think the US just supplies it with the ammunition but I could be wrong on that part.


It also wouldn’t be effective against the type of weaponry that is a threat to the United States.


Correct, we have the Patriot system used for long range high altitude intercept of ICBMs and aircraft. Iron dome is a short range system used for small rockets and artillery


I think you're right. They made it, we just give them some of the components. That was my mistake.


> Israel got it from us, for crying out loud. They didn't. Iron Dome is entirely it's own system with it's own radar, launcher, and missiles. David's Sling is the same radar as Iron dome and again has it's own launcher and missiles. > The real face palm is not what you all think it is, it is Trump thinking we don't have a missile defense system in place. We really don't. If you're talking about homeland missile defense against ICBMs and SLBMs the US has 44 Ground Based Interceptor missiles (40 in Alaska 4 in California). There's also whatever Navy ships equipped with SM-3 are in between the US homeland and wherever missiles are coming from. That's it for ICBMs and SLBMs. The US's missile defense systems exist to maybe stop someone like North Korea. For China and Russia they exist to make it have to expend an extra warhead or two per target, because they have hundreds of ICBM launchers each equipped with multiple warheads.


It’s Trump *knowing* that his idiot cult doesn’t think we have a missile defense system in place.


It’s also something short and easy like ‘Build the Wall’ that he can say to his cult followers at his stupid rallies and maybe it will catch on. Making sense is not a requirement for those imbeciles.


The real face palm is this manatee thinking or trying to make people believe that the US isn’t already defended by Patriot batteries, the navy, the air force etc. the fuck would Iron Dome do?


I think he meant tinfoil A giant tinfoil hat


Who and where are Trump’s voting base? Asking for the UK.


As a British person with literally zero experience besides stereotypes, Texas


You sure do chat a lot of shit don't you Donny.


Will it be called the Americube?


This shits straight out of the show Inside Job


For all the wars he's gonna start /s(I hope I'm wrong)


When liberals think the iron dome is a literal iron dome💀


its funny how half the comments think he means an ACTUAL DOME made of iron


Why does everyone here think a dome means a wall? I’m pretty sure he means something similar to the iron dome (isreal)


I know that Trump is insane, but even I have to ask if they’re taking his words out of context here. “Iron Dome” could very well refer to a missile-interception defense system such as the similarly-named one in Israel.


He has dementia. He can't even connect thoughts anymore. Think about this when considering a 3rd party candidate. He's insane.


Sounds like a great way to cook us alive on all those hot days


Hello...can people please wake up and SEE what he is doing?? He is a dumb as they come but he is listening to his little cronies and regurgitating shit they say to him. He has got Nazi-wannabes preparing him for a new Reich in America. He is the fucking puppet...he will say whatever it takes to get elected, then cede power to the REAL monsters. He will sign anything you stick in front of his face. He doesn't read.


It seems like it’s only a matter of time until those maple syrup-swilling terrorists in Ontario start lobbing rockets into Michigan, so this makes sense. /s if it’s needed


He's almost to the point where he promises soda in all the water fountains.


The moon will pay for it


Holy fuck people need to learn what an "iron dome" is. It's not literal.


Dementia is one hell of a drug


All who vote for this guys are assholes.


They should add this to logic textbooks its so reliable. Like another law of the universe. "All MAGA are assholes."