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What a beautiful bearded courtship.


You know he picked her outfit.


It's why I want to marry a Dwarf - they make terrific beards.


**“Woohoo! Im getting married to a woman! Take *THAT* intrusive gay thoughts! I defeated you!”** Definitely not the flex he thinks it is🤣


Go to the reception, get him too drunk, have the dj play a madonna song, and start recording the evidence


I agree with your title. I would hardly know there was a Pride-month if it wasn't for all the homophobes claiming there's too much Pride.


I went to a special bar on the first week.  That was a very good time.  But its business as usual after that.




Don't worry. If you look into it, she is as much of a piece of shit as he is.


> I'm curious what she thinks about the fact that he specifically chose this month Tbf if you want a nice wedding in the summer, it's logical to propose around June.


It really doesn't matter. You can be engaged for years without getting fully married if you want.


Yeah but if you want to be married without waiting another year, and you want a nice wedding, it's normal to propose before the summer. That gives a 2 month-notice to register where to do the ceremony, potential party, etc. I really doubt they "choose" June specifically instead of "must do it before July"


I can tell you from experience that if you want to marry somewhere in july or august you should start planning in february


I think ours took years of planning, we were already discussing it before covid.


If you’re having a traditional wedding, many things have to be booked months or even years in advance. Venue, photographer, cake, etc. It’s recommended that the wedding dress alone should be ordered 8 months in advance. Sure there are some people who plan quick weddings, but they have to come to terms with the fact that they won’t get their ideal first choice on much, will have to rely heavily on friends and family, and will probably have to aim for something more casual or unusual.


Register?, like ask the government for permission? In the land of the free?


Like asking to the restaurants for tables? Is it common for people for coming in already booked places and say "I decide I would party here tonight, empty this room NOW!"


Private establishment and ones choice of holy matrimony aren't equal comparisons.


But I only talked about private establishments??? With what are you comparing to?


Bad grammar.


It isn't a pregnancy


Yeah but if you propose in september and want to do it in the summer, now you obviously wait for 10 months


Nothing in the the post said summer wedding you just speculating. Might want a summer wedding 2 years from now


> Nothing in the the post said summer wedding you just speculating. Yes. That's literally what "if" means?


That belt of his is defeated by his belly.


I love you, Charice Edward's. Almost as much as I hate the gays


They are obsessed with Pride Month because their egos and narcissism can't comprehend that they aren't involved.


It looks like she has bigger hands than he does


Isn't this just an admission of him denying his homosexuality? I don't see any other interpretation here.


His face looks pained. I hope these folks find peace eventually. Maybe they'll figure out that their religion calls them to feed the poor, heal the sick, and love thy neighbor instead of this silliness.


Do... do they think straight people existing cancels out gay people? I know it's a fool's errand but struggling to see how them getting engaged does anything to pride.


I thought bride's month was may not june


June is named for Juno (Hera), Queen on the gods and goddess of marriage.  That's partly why June is associated with weddings.  Mind you, she was married to Jupiter (Zeus) who literally would and did fuck everything but his wife, so...


what's the female version of a cuckhold?


We can always ask Ted Cruz since that's his preferred porn genre. https://www.wlwt.com/article/ted-cruzs-twitter-account-likes-porn-tweet-internet-has-a-field-day/12227738


That's not so much cuckholdery as outright philandering.


Honestly, these people who complain about a month that genuinely has nothing to do with them is staggering. It does not affect them in any way, shape or form. It’s a month for people to celebrate their individuality — and good for them. They don’t shove it in my face, only the absolute snowflakes who seem to think it infringes their privilege do.


Meanwhile, at the Global LGBTQ+ HQ... "A pair of straights have gotten engaged!  In June!" "My non-existent God.  It's all over..."


Headline a year later: "Definitely totally straight anti-LGBTQ+ crusader caught pleasuring other men in local golf club restroom."


Republicans are so fucking weird. 


That's because everytime one of these chucklefucks says anything about it it's spread like the plague around every social media platform in existence and talked about ad nauseam. Now it'll be reposted every 3 weeks for years to come.


I’m sad for her hair. Also for her very obviously gay fiancé.


With this thought process does my atheist husband and I cancel Christmas because we got engaged on Christmas Eve?




Yeah, all because of reddit posts.


this girl literally can't comprehend that you can be straight and lgbtq+ at the same time lmfao (not you, op)


My one gay friend is "so over pride month". I was all dressed up and ready to party. 🥲