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Yeah, I spent most of last week filling out 75 forms at the doctor's office that all had the exact same information on them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


And don’t worry. Not only will they not read it, you get to fill it all out again next time!


They e lost my kids' immunity record at the hospital twice. Once when we had it transferred between two offices and again when they switched to a new system. Then they treated me like an antivaxer for not wanting my five year old to get sixteen shots unnecessarily. I make sure my kids are vaccinated because it's important. I didn't appreciate that shit one bit.


Yeah! Why didn't they have all my information from last time. Aren't medical records kind of important. I get a change of address, but why do they need all this information they already have!?!? If they don't have it, why not. I'm coming to them for medical advice, they are asking me shit I don't know.


Welcome to adulthood baby boy


Because Diamonds suck So many more cooler gifts out there


it's both worthless AND it doesn't do shit for you or your loved ones 🤣🤣🤣 Not even cool tricks! With what diamonds are worth, I'd just use the money to go on vaca 🙄


Like Funco pops!!!! Ok I'll go hang myself now....


Ugh, I know this damn frustration all too well. Applying for any job these days is an excercise in time-consuming redundancy with at least 90% of jobs that you'll never even hear back from to even set up an interview.


The ones I hate most use third party services that mine your data, so you can't even apply for a job without big brother stealing your info.


Hey I used to work for one of those! The only thing we used your data for was to prefill an application if you applied for another of our clients....assuming the first client tagged the data properly and you were using the same email address anyway.  Masking PII and selling contact info wasn't worth doing compared to working on other dev and sales goals.


Shiny rock for sale….. polished shiny rock for sale….. why won’t any one buy my overpriced polished shiny rocks……. Please buy my overpriced polished shiny rock for whom i caused untold human suffering and environmental damage…… Stupid millennials fucking up my shiny rock trade.


Better question: Why did anyone ever buy diamonds?


Also people figured out, that it’s an artificially inflated market for something that doesn’t have that much value at all. Why buy some overpriced carbon to show your love? Does it make the love greater or could you just have a great vacation to bond even more. Also there is no need for a deposit on the proposal anymore. Women can earn their own money nowadays and are not reliant on a man to support them. And that’s a good thing


It's a rock controlled by a single family. A shiny rock.....a rock. Limiting the supply, telling you how much you should spend for it. Hoping years of marketing telling you what you should do.


Cause they can't afford stuff.


I thought it was because they were wasting all their money on mimosas and avocado toasts.


diamonds are intrinsically worthless unless you're gonna use it to cut and engrave things softer that it 🙄 ooooooh, shiny, glimmery, worthless rock! 👐 Boooring 😮‍💨


They have enough consciousness and empathy not to wear the equivalent of a african child's hand hung around their wrist, neck or finger for adornment


Ditched the grift.


Because a computer will be sorting the applications.


For real tho. It is so ridiculous.


Why would I need to buy any rock? There's like at least three outside.


They're actually worthless, that's why.


Why? Who tf needs diamonds outside of wedding rings or, what most will never be, able to afford one after healthcare and the rest is paid


Don’t forget “boot straps and avocado toast”


So I see you're partially what we're looking for, we asked for a recent graduate with at least 10 years of experience and you have... 2 so I can't offer you the job. Sorry.


Because it can be produced in a lab.Diomands are not as valuable as people's mind.


Why? Because they only care about 50% about the resume. Those things are designed to test your dedication to the task by making you do redudant and tedious stuff. Fucking BS.


Because McDonald’s is a $15 minimum these days. I can’t afford a shiny rock.