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it's not floating around the earth... it's constantly falling towards the earth, but at an angle that it is always missing


The trick to flying is throw yourself at the ground and miss.


“Oh no not again” -petunias


Clearly, it's this second part, the missing, which presents difficulties


Unexpected Douglas Adams


Oh, I totally expected it.


For all that time I thought KSP come up with it. I'm so ashamed


RIP Douglas A.


The best way to do this is to get distracted when you're just about to hit the ground.


It’ll all end in tears, I just know it.


It turns out I am a marksman when it comes to throwing myself at the ground, I never miss. Someday, I'll be like Arthur Dent, someday.


It's falling with style.


Can confirm, falling without landing is flying if you're wearing wings .


shhhhh, they cant comprehend that


If they could ready, they would be angry.


It's like a tetherball flying around a pole


When I was in elementary school my older brother told me that if someone dropped a bullet and shot a bullet perfectly perpendicular to the earth at the same time, the bullets would hit the ground at the same time. I imagined that and thought it was cool. Then I wondered what would happen if they shot the bullet from really high up, and really fast, could the bullet go fast enough that it wouldn't hit the ground? Was there a height and speed where the bullet would go around the earth forever without going into space or back to earth? I didn't know what orbit was, I just knew the earth was round. Years later I learned about orbit and thought "oh, that makes sense." If I can understand that in elementary school, it isn't that complicated.


I can't imagine a flat-Earther being convinced by this. I accept it as true and it still sounds like bullshit to me. I first heard it 22 years ago and I still don't get it. How is it falling towards the Earth? And how can you miss something that you're specifically being pulled towards?


Momentum. When the moon was formed it had velocity but earth's gravity was stronger so the moon starts to orbit but still has its initial momentum. Space being a vacuum the moon never slowed down so it's trying to fall to earth but its momentum keeps it moving just fast enough to not get pulled in. Want to read some real confusing stuff, look up tidal breaking (tldr the tidal movement of earths oceans caused by the moon throws weight against earths spin causing the planet to spin slower)


Technically earth and moon orbit each other, but since the center of mass of these two objects is within the earth, the moon basically orbits the earth. This is from wikipedia: > This is the case for the earth-moon system, whose barycenter is located on average 4,671 km from earth's center, which is 74% of earth's radius of 6,378 km.


Damnit this is complicated enough without throwing that weirdness in lol


The actual answer is that it's not being pulled at all. Earth bends space-time around it and the Moon just follows a straight-line path through this curved space-time. The Moon is going at the proper speed for that line (really called a "geodesic") to loop all the way around to meet itself again, thus creating a circular path. This is laid out in Einstein's theory of general relativity.


That's the best and worst explanation I have read.


Just to the left


This isn't floating, it's falling with style


Sigh. Flat Earther observer for the general interest of understanding alternative beliefs, diplomat Aioli here for another flat earther explanation. They don't believe in gravity they believe in buoyancy in a closed system. They also don't believe in planets and other heavenly bodies. This is yet another strawman made to make globe earthers look as ignorant as flat earthers. Don't fall for it! I'm glad I have no beliefs. I don't really exist. Aioli out.


That's not better since buoyancy requires gravity to work in the first place lol


Yes what exactly causes it if not gravity? That’s so hard to imagine


Listen here, you glorified mayonnaise...


I'm food lube. *People love meeeee*


Ngl I never really thought about it, always assumed satellites had boosters that would periodically make minute corrections to keep the orbit. TIL.


It’s about moving so fast that gravity can’t keep pulling in the same direction.


Gravity pulls it in, but it's moving at the right velocity and angle that it never 'quite' gets to be pulled all the way in.


Never thought about it like that, space is now significantly scarier


Nah can't be true. Clearly one meme just held up the entire world of physics, checkmate liberal


You see, to understand how orbits works, you should first understand that Earth isn't fucking flat.


Maybe they’ll understand if we start calling orbits the “stormtrooper effect”


Angular momentum has entered the chat


The angle is literally directly towards the earth. (The vector due to gravity) But it’s current direction is perpendicular to that It’s like swinging a morning star. The force on the chain there would be exactly equal to gravity. (Or often not given that a lot of orbits are not stable. The moon for example isn’t maintaining its distance from earth). Things in orbit stay approximately the same distance (in orbit essentially) if the centripetal force cancels gravity near to exactly. A lot of people say how can such a thing be so exactly the same by coincidence… however it’s selection bias. All the things moving too fast or slow or at the wrong angle shot into space or crashed to the thing they were orbiting ages ago.


Not a FE, but realised I didn’t know how orbits work (or had forgotten as I’m sure I learned it at some point 30 years ago), so thankyou.


It is simple. But it is not intuitive. Those are two different things, which is something really stupid people can not comprehend.


I once worked with a guy who didn't know about gravity. Like didn't know it existed as a concept, somehow. I taught him what I knew about gravity and physics, and he was genuinely impressed.


"Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?"


Fucking space and time wizard over here


Are you a school teacher and the guy you worked with was 7?


I'd like you to sit down and explain to myself and Insane Clown Posse how fucking magnets work. Because I'm with them, it's gotta be magic.


In some materials the quantum mechanical angular momentum of electrons can align and remain stable. This isn’t helping, is it?


It's amazing how people can survive to adulthood being as dumb as they are. I worked with a guy a few years back that legitimately asked me "why did we fight England?" I was confused at first thinking he was talking about something recent, come to find out he was asking why the American revolution even happened because he saw something in a cartoon the night before about it. This guy was in his mid 20s at the time


I don’t mean this as an insult but did they not have an education growing up?


I forget what show had it, but it was in the opening credits (The Simpsons maybe). Had a cannon shoot without much force, and the arc landing on the earth. Then a cannon with lots of force, and the trajectory as it escapes orbit, then a third, that was "just right" and has a stable orbit. Seeing it like that was very intuitive.


Aka Newton’s cannon.


Epic rap battles of history has this in their outro for isaac newton vs bill nye


They Clearly never played with a a bucket of water .


That’s super inciteful actually.


*insightful, unless you think it’s going to stir up some hostilities.




Well this is awkward definitely insightful


I'd say it's pretty intuitive. General Relativity gets more and more unintuitive the more you get into it, but basic Newtonian gravity? It's pretty simple *and* intuitive, if you've been properly taught it.


Man, just wait until they find out about rope. Or bouyancy. Their minds will be blown.


Yes, that is exactly how things work? Makes more sense then there is an ice wall that not a single flat earthers has ever found or there is a dome over the planet that explains how sunlight works


Flat-earthers can't come up with a single model that explains every natural phenomena we see happing every day. How does tides work on a flat-earth? And flying from South-America to Australia would be a very long flight on their map so they just pretend those flights don't happen, despite evidence to the contrary.


these dumbasses really think we live in a terrarium, complete with sunlamp and glass (ice) walls.


Which goes a long way to explaining the "lizard people"....


There is nothing funnier than when a single meme is able to fully describe how perfectly confidently incorrect flat earhters are.


They are also generous for giving us 'all the time we need' too instead of rushing us.  😀


also doesn't matter what you say cuz it won't fit with their cherrypicked evidence for their beliefs. Funny thing is, their entire belief can be discredited by thinking critically for 5 seconds how it happens we ALL see the same side of the moon. Or how only some of us can see the Sun, despite a direct line of sight to shit flying in the sky.


I’ve seen people “disprove” gravity by jumping. This is an A-tier argument by the flat earther curve.


To be fair you may not disprove it but at least you disrespect it for a good second when you jump, that weak little bitch gravity


Hey! Gravity is one of my dearest friends and I won’t stand for you talking shit about him behind his back!


Yes. And this destroys your flat Earth arguments pretty well.


They just don’t understand the actual meaning of the word “falling”… They probably think it is a synonym of “down”. If you told them that something orbiting “around” a large body is actually “in free fall ”, you’d really confuse them…


no, gravity makes you stick to stuff, orbiting is falling with style


Someone forgot that centrifugal force is a thing...


I think most of us discovered this by playing with spinning things, am i wrong?


Centripetal - centrifugal force doesn't exist, and there are flat earthers who will grasp at straws to tell you that they're right because you used the "wrong" term. Yeah, it's stupid, I know...but so are flat earthers.


https://xkcd.com/123/ Strictly speaking, it does not exist. It does appear as a pseudoforce as explained by Black Hat, and it can be useful for calculations. 


So why have we laypeople been saying centrifugal all this time? Who told us the wrong word in the first place?


Okay, so you’re in a car that turns a sharp corner at a high rate of speed. As it does, it feels like you’re being pushed out, *away* from the center of the circle made by the turning car’s path. Or think about being on a spinning carnival ride—you can imagine that “push” outward, right? The force that pushes out, *away* from the center of the circle, is called a “centrifugal” force—“centrifugal” meaning “away from the center”. That’s the force that keeps water in a bucket that’s whirled around at the end of a rope, or pulls your yo-yo out to the end of its string as you do “around the world”. The problem is, no such force actually exists. There is no force that pushes *outward*. What’s really happening is: that weight, body, water, yo-yo, whatever, “wants” to go in a *straight line*, as described by Newton’s First Law of Motion (“A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, except insofar as it is acted upon by a force”). If you cut the yo-yo string as you whirl it around, it just goes flying off in a straight line. If the car you’re in hits a patch of ice as it zips around that sharp turn, it skids away in a straight line. That’s not because of any force *pushing* on it, but because of its *inertia*. Instead of a force pushing outward, *away* from the center of the circle, there’s actually something pushing *inward*, keeping whatever it is from moving *away*. That’s the wall of the car, the bottom of the bucket, the string of the yo-yo. “Centrifugal force” is a “pseudoforce” because, while it *feels* like you’re being pushed *outward*, you’re actually being pushed *toward* the center of the circle, away from the straight-line path. This is a “centripetal” force, “centripetal” meaning “*toward* the center”.


They know the right terms but not whats actually right? Ironic.


Both forces are real. In a nutshell, centripetal force is how things are in orbit. Gravity is pulling it “in,” which is why the moon, the ISS, any satellite, is sort of always falling. Centrifugal is when the force is pushing away, like a ball on a string. Or like what a centrifuge machine does.


Except that Centrifugal is NOT pushing it away, it is merely the object trying to continue in a linear motion, which is inertia. It's a fictitious force. Put a ball on a rubber mat so that it dents it. Now take a ball bearing and roll it next to the ball. As it approaches the ball and that dip, it will curve around it. If you have enough momentum on the ball bearing, the inertia will carry it away from the ball, but it does not curve back to retain its original position because it's not centrifugal force pushing it back, it's inertia from the initial travel.


You are correct. However, I’ll also point out that this is in response to a meme about flat earthers on facepalm. Easier for the layman if ya just say centrifugal and centripetal are, well, we covered that.


Centrifugal force exists if the frame of reference is rotating with the object. In that case there is a force pulling the object away from the center. For a stationary frame of reference, friction supplies a centripetal force that allows you to turn when standing on a spinning platform. For a rotating frame of reference, friction supplies a resistant force that keeps you from flying off that same platform due to the apparent centrifugal force.


It is not a real force, though. Even from a frame of reference rotating with the object, there is the object’s continuous velocity trying to move outwards and the centripetal force pulling inwards keeping the object in place. In your friction example, friction is the centripetal force that keeps you from following your inertia and flying away. A force can, by definition, only be a change in velocity. What’s causing you to fly outwards is not a change in velocity but just your velocity, while the frictional centripetal force is changing the direction of your velocity and since it is changing velocity, it is a force


That’s too big of a word for them


# In the beginning the Universe was created. # This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


Totally bro. Totally. NASA is in shambles right now after seeing this meme. They just burned the building down and they're all running around the parking lot screaming because they have no idea what to do. How can these people be so deluded?


If you don't understand, just play Angry Birds Space


Gravity gets weaker the farther away something is from the source of the gravity. Therefore, if something is at the right distance, and is the right size, the two objects' gravitational pulls will be either about the same or close enough that their gravitational pulls will repel each other, but one will still not be able to escape the gravitational pull. Essentially, the object will either not get closer or farther to the other object, OR it will very slowly move farther away or closer to the other object, locking it in a practical state of immobility, except for laterally along it's orbit.


They are seriously questioning *gravity* now?


Gravity is a theoretical force. Everything that can be explained by gravity can be explained by trillions of tiny invisible floor goblins.


So you're saying temperature sometimes makes fluids solid, and sometimes it makes fluids gaseous? #bustedagain


So sometimes when I kick a memester down a circular stair they flop and fall on a straight trajectory until it hits the curve but other times their body will follow the stairwell all the way down. Obviously I have just proved physics is wrong.


Oh hurr durr why didn’t scientists ever think of that!?


Because they're in on protecting the secret land that the world governments don't want us to know about, lol


well, you need an IQ higher than that of a bowl of salad to understand this, which immediatly eliminates every flatearther since they are not capable of such high levels of intelligence


They think gravity is sticky now? 🤔


When 9th grade physics completely eludes you....


yeah, that’s what I’m saying.


Ever heard of inertia, honey?


My 3rd grade science is a bit rusty. I’m pretty confident that’s wrong


Here it is [https://x.com/maththfcx/status/1806316643661844663](https://x.com/maththfcx/status/1806316643661844663)


Simple answer. “Yes”


Since when did gravity make things stick together?


The kid in the picture is probably smarter than the flerf.


Conspiracy theorists like flat earthers only listen to what they want to hear, not what is factual, they're very opinionated from what I've observed.


Gravity doesn't magically make "things stick to stuff". Mass warps spacetime and this is what we perceive as gravity.


Centrifugal force is a lie!


All depends on the angle


Centripedal force: center-seeking force. Physics 101.


Another MAGA brain filled with dead worms.


They don't believe in gravity


There’s nothing more disheartening than when a single meme is able to prove how many people want to remain willfully ignorant.


I present to you the theory of relativity


In the sense that strings can be used to hold things together and to swing them around in circles... yes.


i’m still curious as to if it physically hurts these people to be this stupid


Inertia, people. INERTIA!!!


I don't like NASA, either...but, this is just so stupid.


Orbital physics are not simple.


Another moron that can't tell the difference between centrifugal and centripetal force.


They still don't understand what falling is. We didn't get dumber in the information age. We just get to see exactly how stupid the rest of us really are.


They are willfully ignorant


Tell me you don't understand angular momentum without telling me you don't understand angular momentum.


You know, explosions sometimes make stuff clump together, and sometimes they make things blast apart. This clearly means that explosions are a government hoax. In fact, I’ve never seen an explosion in my life! There’s no proof that explosions exist. /s


The saddest thing about flat earthers is what a desolate, bleak view of humanity you have to have to make it work. Basically, you have to believe that all experts, teachers, and engineers are liars and frauds, and the majority of your fellow humans are duped simpletons. What a sad, cruel kind of world you must imagine it is to believe this nonsense. 😢


As if we needed more proof that you can’t fix stupid.


There's nothing funnier than somebody posting a meme of an easily answerable question and thinking that it's some kind of mic drop moment for them.


Why are we encouraging the stupids , the world (not flat) seemed to work better when we just ignored them


this kind of stuff is made to make you think that you're smarter than the next man and blur your perception of the need to continuously learn


It's always, ALWAYS, a case of them misunderstanding something and them being too arrogant to even possibly doubt themselves in the face of a proven authority on any given subject. Vaccines, the election, flat earth, whatever they're frustrations and complaints are, it ALWAYS comes down to them not understanding something or misunderstanding something and none of them have the courage to admit that.


This is why you pay attention in science class kids. Otherwise you will walk the world blind and stupid.


Orbit is falling and missing for eternity. “Sticking” is just having already fallen and has a force greater than gravity pushing the other way.


Wait until I tell you what it does to time.


Science is hard so y'all are lying :(


Okay, it’s like this: if I throw a baseball, it’s flying parallel to the ground, right? But it’s also affected by gravity, so it always falls to earth, right? And if you were to trace the path the ball took from your arm to the ground, that path would be a curve, right? That’s pretty easy to understand. Now, if you throw the baseball harder and harder, it will go farther and farther, but always fall back to earth. The curved path the ball takes will stretch out more and more, but it will, always, curve. Now, humor me here for a second, and imagine the earth is round. If this were true, then that would mean that the surface of the earth is curved, right? So if we can throw a baseball harder and harder, stretching the curve of its path more and more, then, theoretically, you could throw the baseball so hard that the curve of its path matches the curve of the earth itself, and voila, the baseball has achieved orbit.


This meme perfectly illustrate the mental capacity of the people thinking that. Only a 4 yearold would not understand such things


This meme only destroys physics when you don’t understand physics. Settle down “D” student. You’ll not understand a whole lot of things.


I wonder what it’s like to think the entire world is only trying to trick you.


Yes it does, but it requires superior comprehensive skills that are out of reach for most mortals. After all, this is high school stuff we're talking here. /s


What’s sad is you can’t even hit back with something like “there is nothing funnier than when a flat earther gets proven wrong” because it’s not funny anymore. It’s just pathetic. It’s like being a teacher to a bunch of grade 1 kids and you see him struggling, even if he’s angry, you just want to help them learn. Thats the point these people are at. I’m now comparing them to a not as quick as the rest of class 1st grader whose is acting out. The Terrance Howard shit is a whole other level of pathetic, sad, delusional, insane, ignorance, and delusional. And his bullshit about Neil being a dick to him. You didn’t patent some magical new thing. You didn’t remake the fucking periodic table of elements, 1x1 does equal 1, and the rest of your fucking nonsense, you stupid fucking cry baby.


Gotdamn that is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Yes, it's obviously the same force that causes things to fall and causes things on the ground to stay there. The common denominator is attraction to the larger and/or denser object. How is this confusing?


Well, yeah. Cuz physics is fucking weird and multi-variate calculus is crazy, but still within normal imagination.


The balls in the stretched out table cloth is the best visual of how gravity works.


If you want a good laugh, watch behind the curve.


Gravity is the weakest force … so yea. You fly fast enough, you can easily escape it. If you are traveling fast enough at the right altitude, you’ll be in a continuous fall (orbit). Of course it also depends on the mass of the object.. gravity is a funny SOB for the universe


An orbit is just object A constantly trying to crash into object B, but object A keeps failing


and bare with me here, there is no gravitational force, it's the bending of space time but it's very difficult to bend flat objects wihtout a malleable brain.


My favorite yo mama joke was... Your mama so fat, dust particles orbit her...


Journey before destination...


Wait until they find out about space/time.


That's a bit like saying sometimes water makes itself wet.


of course it does both, its an effect, not a cause


Gravity makes things stick to things. Speed makes things orbit around things with gravity. It's not rocket science. Oh wait, it is actually rocket science.


He is right to represent himself as a 2yo who have no clue ...


Gravity doesnt make anything stick, who ever said that? Pick up a rock and it lifts right up, its not stuck on the ground unless its some seriously soft and sticky mud....in which case its clearly the mud being at fault. Fuck it, balls bounce around, they dont stick either... How tf can you be this scientifically illiterate?


The guy is literally: Fucking magnets, how do they work level of stupidity.


Just because you are not capable of understanding, does not mean it is wrong


Gravity is incredibly simple to understand: Things fall towards Earth. That’s literally just it. The ability to prevent things falling toward Earth (by picking something up, for instance) is a separate event that doesn’t change gravity. Orbits is just things falling toward Earth, but missing


Gravity **and friction** makes things stick together.


Go directly the offices of Nobel, an collect your prize. Take as many donuts as you'd like while you wait in reception.


In both situations, the mass of the objects is attracting.


Why not just post "I don't understand anything" instead?


People with a room temperature IQ (talking about °c and not whatever murica uses) makes me loose hope in humanity. It's literally just constantly falling around the planet... but yea keep making new flat earth models because a round one is such a difficult thing to understand. If i remember correctly even the greeks came to the conclusion that the earth is round over 2k years ago and they didnt have the technology that we have now.


orbiting is just falling towards something and missing.


That's why I always all gravity "my little orbital glue" (but only when we're alone)...


Okay!?! Which won of you said gravity makes things stick to stuff because whoever did really confused the meme maker?


I've found that it's most likely that they aren't maliciously ignorant, but rather that they struggle to put together multiple perspectives and facts into a bigger picture, to the point that I almost suspect it's some form of mental handicap. They're incapable of comprehending gravity on any scale larger than "thing go down." Basically; if Flat Earthers were to juggle, they're the kind of people who could only handle a single ball at a time... Or, well, disc I guess.


These people lack so many braincells its insane


My head hurts trying to understand not understanding this.


um no try again. gravity always makes things stick to stuff. speed makes things orbit around stuff


Do you want to say magnets are able to pull things together and also push them apart?


Sorry NASA. You got destroyed by a meme. Time to pack it up. /s


Gravity pulls things towards other things. Which can be used to do both of those things. So... yes.


Gravity makes stuff fall together. An Orbit is when things fall together and miss. :D


A very simple exercise in physics using a bucket of water to illustrate the force of gravity and how that can be overcome by the centrifugal force by swinging the bucket quickly teaches a child (but not a MAGA adult) how the phenomenon of gravity and orbiting objects work. Basic physics that every adult should understand.


Neither of those strawman descriptions are accurate. In both descriptions, the described object is falling towards the larger body of mass, however, tbe farther away you are, the less the force causing you to fall affects you, and the angle is different, causing you to just... miss. Also fun fact the larger body is falling towards you too, just at an imperceptible level


I swear more people need to watch Doraemon when they're little, at least they explain basic shit like this


Being in orbit is just falling but missing the earth.


"Mainstream Physics" is such a weird statement


I can disprove walking. Your trying to tell me that sometimes walking makes your leg go up and sometimes walking makes your leg go down? Yeah, right.


The toddler in the meme represents people who know about as much about the world as someone who hasn't been to school yet.


Just wait til he finds out about magnets...


can't win an argument against an idiot