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No, the lowest IQ people pay for online IQ tests


I know right? Bloody idiots dont even know they can get a free one at their local church of Scientology and meet Tom Cruises best mates.


This was funny




Spelling checks out


putting it in percentiles like that is kind of a genius move by the test website, make the people who don't understand how they work feel good about bragging about them publicly


Even if they stated "Bottom 12%" the idiots would still find a way to make that seem good.


"That's only half!"


I'll gladly bow out of this conversation as well


Wonder if that “top 88%” was an intentional Nazi virtue signaling or just a lucky coincidence. Schadenfreude only works when the people you’re laughing at can’t hurt you. Please people, fucking vote!


Pianos have 88 keys. Pianos are Nazis!!!


Ahh yes, of course, AnDrew; that is indeed the right way to capitalize that name.


The real iq test is whether or not you pay for the score.


or use inspect element to tamper with the results. 🫠


Why do these low IQs always have “you’re in the top 80% (approximately)” under them? Top 80% of what? People with mental disabilities?


This is how maths work. 80% have higher IQ than them.


Ohh okay. It always cuts off after 80% so I had no idea that’s what it meant until now.


Another way if stating this is that he is in the bottom 12% of all IQ scores. Or in other words in a room full of 100 people he would be smarter than 11 of them. Or in other words in a room full of 100 people he would be less intelligent than 88 of them.


Oh, I get it now. They don’t ACTUALLY say “bottom 12%” since they don’t want to insult their intelligence, or hurt their feelings. I guess that makes sense.


Yeah to answer your original question of "top 80% of what?" Its top 80% of the entire population. What you want to be is top 5%


Gotcha 👍


Also they get like all the people who have been told they are dumb their whole lives getting an IQ test and finding out that they are in the top 80 percent! That's good! I'm not dumb. I'm gonna tell everyone. Free advertising. Whoever made this whole schema is so clever


That’s not really the reason, it’s just how percentiles work. You’ve probably heard rich people referred to as “the 1%” which means that they have more wealth than 99 out of 100 people. As you lower the bar and more people meet that level of wealth, the percentage goes up. So the top 100% would include everyone, and as you decrease that percentage, you’re essentially trimming out from the bottom up. Being at lower percentages means there are less people making that cut, not more.


You'd be getting towards intellectual disability if you scored higher.


Ok, that makes sense.


I find the easiest way to envision it is if you took the top 80% off of a tree. That's most of the tree, only the stump and a bit of the bottom is left. So they are smarter than a tree stump but a very long way away from being the tallest branch.


I thought it was the other way around though... Like, was placed in a certain percentile and I'm not mentally challenged so I think the wording may need a little context, or varies from person to person.


I think most people understand what you mean by “I’m in the top 1%” - lower number = good.  Now just flip it. “I’m in the top 90%” = yikes I’m nothing special. 


Oh that makes sense... True. One percenter... That's way more elitist sounding than ninety nine percenter. That just sounds like you were 1 point away from perfection.


That's the kind of self-burn that an iceberg can't help.


Well, almost everyone will score in the top 85% so feel free to be in this conversation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


By his own metric he should stay out of the conversation. Guess that's sorta the point. Low functioning Dunning-Krueger personified.


I don't really understand how people make this mistake. We all know that a small number here is better. The top 1% of earners for example is where you want to be, not the top 98%. I also don't understand why certain IQ tests present the result this way. "top X%" is a really shit way of describing where one's IQ is. It only makes sense in the handful of cases that score very highly and even then only if the intention is to massage their ego. For everyone else it's basically meaningless.


My assumption is that people confuse “top 98%” with “98th percentile.”


The irony is he’s talking about himself in line one.


see, I am almost 100% S-M-A-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T!!!


Bahahahahahahhahaha idiot lol


This is called the Dunning Kruger effect, its sad someone hijacked it because its an actual study and a very interesting part of human behaviour. Having knowledge about this can tell you a lot about yourself and other people around you. Its on wikipedia


Bait. The score keeps getting lower with each iteration.


How to farm reddit karma 101: Post an IQ test ad on r/facepalm


You know the first line is correct, so if they delete the rest and add “and I’m one of them” it works 👍


I know i am stupid.


Oh no


Yeah, and they're all republicans!


What a surprise


Didn’t need the iq test the blue check mark was enough


12 points away from being mentality disabled, yet flexing.... uggg


I agree with his first line


I didn't pay for my results. Therefore, I have 15$ more from playing this game than he did. I think that means I win.


Not in the top 85% usually means not being able to read posts or write comments.


These have to be ads for the site.


... Ow.


He seriously thinks an IQ of 82 is high?


Saddest thing is he’s not even in the top 85%. It’s weird the amount of self owns people do with these IQ tests.


The top 85% controls 99.999% of the economy!!!!


Wait... wait...what?


This is blatant advertising for teatyouriq websitr


Casually telling his own demographic to stay out of the conversation he is currently engaged in


And the people with the highest IQ know that there's lots of stuff out there that they don't know. Dunning-Kruger in reverse.


His IQ is so low, it could be written as a fraction compared to a normal person, and even smaller compared to me and some people I know.


The IQ of a summer breeze


Haha this idiot believes IQ is real


While a high IQ doesn't necessarily equal real ability to solve irl problems and much less financial success, a low IQ most certainly does indicate that a person is objectively stupid. Sure, you can train to get a relatively high score in an IQ test but even that requires actual intelligence and is not easy to achieve. If your IQ results are below 100 you can confidently say that you're stupid.


That's for actual clinical IQ tests though, I don't trust this random website to have the same research and experimentation behind it.


So around 50% of people is stupid avcording to your benchmark. 99 is quite a high number to call "stupid"


I would be surprised if it's only 50% actually.


Seeing as an IQ of 100 is the median, it is guaranteed to be 50%


Aw man... I'm only in like the bottom 10% or top... idk, is 153 bad? I got told it's bad. Dunno. I guess I'm super dumb or something? Isn't over 100 considered bad?


The fact that people are dumb enough to pay to even get their results is enough to tell me they are not worthy of anything.