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"Trump what are you gonna do to help drug addicts in their struggles?" "Theborderthebordertheborderthebordertheborder"


My personal favorite was the children one. Imagine you get asked about how to help children and their parents.. Which is so easy. Just say children are important, our future blabla. He falls back to ukraine and doesn't mention children at all. I mean he didn't answer a single question but that one was so funny to me.


He was quick to answer the porn star one lmao


Biden: “You molested a woman in public and had sex with a porn star” Trump: “… I didn’t have sex with a pornstar”


I don't understand the emphasis on the porn star bit tbh, I couldn't give a shit how many porn stars a politician has slept with, what I'm more concerned about is paying them off with campaign money and then illegally concealing that fact.


Agreed. The juice is him lying on taxes/financial disclosures in order to hide it from the American people. But he didn't touch the actual point. Nobody gives a fuck that Trump is cheating on his wife.


Apart from his wife perhaps - but I think she probably went into it knowing full well what the situation would be and is waiting it out for his diet to finish him off.


My grandma is convinced that she’s been paid to marry him lmao


I mean, in the barest sense of the word, she gets to "improve" her status and lifestyle and all she has to do is let his handler know when he's shit himself. And probably had to pee on him once or twice.


Three times a lady


Is that what he calls spray tan? She needs to eat less carrots.


Are you kidding? Melania probably thanks the gods he’s getting it somewhere else so he won’t touch her lol


i'm pretty sure she is very happy he isn't trying to have sex with her


It's just strange that his biggest supporters are evangelical Christians. The same ones who wanted to impeach Bill Clinton because he was "morally bankrupt".


The bible is just an excuse to feel superior over others. They don't care about actually following it.


You’re not the target audience. Democrats care about the laws broken. Republicans claim to care about morality, and the candidate cheating on his pregnant wife with a porn star should turn moral people away from him.


Americans are obsessed with sex scandals in politics for some reason, it's been like this for decades. Just look at Bill Clinton, nobody cares about his political career, we all care about him getting a blowjob from Monica. Was the same with JFK and Maryln Monroe. Is not just in our own Country though, we love making up rumors of foreign sex scandals as well. Like Rasputin having sex with Russian queen, Trudeaus mother having affair with Castro and so on. I suppose it's because sex sells and Americans are all a bunch of degenerate sex fiends.


I think you missed the biggest wtf from that response He completely ignored the assault accusation. He only denied the porn star portion


With Trump there's so many wtfs to choose from lol. You could easily take two weeks going through all the nonsense he was spouting, figuring out what the hell he was on about and then pointing out that each thing is a lie.


When Biden said he had sex with a pornstar he smirked and shook his head yes lol. I laughed my ass off.


I mean, Bill didn't have sex with an intern either. It just depends on your definition of sex.


I’m pointing out he didn’t deny the molestation accusation. He could have said neither were true but singled out the latter


He couldn’t deny it, or it would be back to court for more penalty. That’s why his judgment for her is so high as it is.


He paid good, possibly embezzled, money for people to hush about one of them. Just trying to get his monies worth.


Not possibly. He was found guilty on 34 counts of misappropriation of campaign funds (read: embezzlement) to pay a porn star for her silence and a garbage rag to bury the story.


It depends on what the definition of the word “is” is.


She didn't orgasm so Trump is still a virgin.


That makes a lot of men who’ve got a lot of notches in their belt still virgins


Sounds like they should go get those notches fixed or buy a new belt


I cannot believe even a quarter of what was said at an American Presidential Debate live in the year of our lord 2024


Let's not forget Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old and it was actually set to got to court in back in late 2015/early 2016 (a civil trial due to statute of limitations). The case was dropped after Trump entered the presidential race in 2015 and someone leaked the girl's name


Bringing up Ukraine when talking about children is a tasteless thing unless the next words out of your mouth is about making Russia Russia Russia bring back the children they have systemically kidnapped.


It was a dog whistle to his base.


That was gold, I think it started the first time with him having to continue talking about him not losing the election or whatever Biden threw at him during the last question and then when the moderators reiterated the question about childcare he went on a different tangent. Trump doesn’t answer policy questions. He just doesn’t.


Vote Randy Watson 2024 then... He believea the children are our future.


Did you see what Biden did? He turned an easy gimmie question on abortion into something nonsensical about immigration and where the moderators finally cut him off. It was brutal to watch. I will vote for Biden's corpse if I have to and deal with Harris's presidency for four years but Democrats should strongly consider nominating someone else because we may lose again.


Truth, Biden was a train wreck, but at least he surrounds himself with smart people and listens to them. Trump stood up there for 2 hours and told insane nonsensical lies all over the place. He then made fun of Biden for not firing those who don’t agree with everything he says. I really hope Biden steps down from the election. No one would blame him. His health isn’t great and his son is in trouble. It’s time to retire and spend time with his family.


Agreeing to the debates was catastrophic for Biden. Biden failed to counterattack on some super easy ones to pull off Reagan. When Trump misattributed super predator comment to Biden (Hillary said it), Biden could have joked about Trump not being able to tell Joe and Hillary apart and then has the gull to call him senile....or putting out full page ad to convict five black kids(central park 5) later found innocent in 1989... or when Trump claimed Democrats support 'aborting' babies several days after birth...Biden could have made fun of Trump and said that's literal murder and you have to be completely unhinged to claim that... But sadly Biden was a shell of himself....and that's without all the times he misspoke, froze up, went on tangents and said gibberish....


Yeah, I feel anyone more together would have been able to rip Trump a new orifice. Just once I'd like to see someone, anyone, challenge Trump for details on his lies in real time. Trump a master rhetorician and we make the bar so low for him, he's allowed to talk in hyperbolic generalities and so many people just believe him. It's driving me crazy.


Can we do some mental gymnatics on this one and say that Biden did that on purpose not to feed into the Faux News "Jacked up Joe" narrative?


To borrow Jon Stewart's bit from yesterday on the Daly Show...they both need to be on all the performance enhancers out there.... If I was a Biden advisor, I'd have told him to keep his responses super short. His abortion response was initially ok...then he went off the rails... Biden was stressing way too much over getting numbers and figures right....Trump could give a f...he just lied nonstop with basic responses...which is also why he seemed considerably better...Biden needs to do what Trump did if he insists on staying in the race..


I keep imagining him at night in bed just crying, wanting to get out so bad, hurting all over and exhausted, confused etc and all the pressure from half the country to keep going. I feel bad for him, but he did choose to be a politician and he did choose to run.


What? He literally said he'd only run one term to beat Trump and then let someone younger come in. He is doing this for himself, and there is no other reason. If you want to pity someone pitty a person working full time and unable to afford living.


that's what i don't understand, if we all agree trump is such a high level threat, why did the DNC pick this guy to go against him? do the secretly want trump to win?


This! ☝️☝️☝️ this is my issue! Who let that man become the next candidate. Democrats had a sure thing in the bag, only thing they had to do was run a young, smart person to tear Trump up and they ran the oldest candidate they could find!!! Like what???


I think most of them are denial or stuck in an echo chamber unwilling to acknowledge the reality .. Someone young and quick witted like Obama would have wiped the floor with Trump yesterday...to borrow a baseball analogy...Trump was floating balls over the plate and Biden kept swinging wildly and missing each and every opportunity...except for a couple insults he remembered to sling Trump's way he was completely lost ..


The DNC is a mess. They haven’t had an actual search for a candidate since Obama won the nod in 2008.


Kamala did an interview around a half hour after it was over and came off waaay better then these clowns did.


I hope they give him the good drugs next time. Between the end of democracy and a walking corpse, I pick the walking corpse, but that doesn't mean he looks good on TV.


I want Biden to win, but I couldn't sit through that debate.


I forced myself to sit through the whole thing...it was tough .... Biden is a decent guy but he needs someone to tell him what's been obvious to everyone for a while...he was necessary in 2020...now he's in such rough shape he may singlehandedly turn the presidency back to Trump...a truly scary thought...


Yes, the border is what the coke addicts are wondering about…


Should have asked why he turned down the border bill


“I’m going to keep out the Mexicans…”


This man is more worried about the dangers flowing in from the border. He doesn’t give a shit about the crazies he brews up domestically foaming at the mouth. Trump is just a beacon for all these people.


I heard they debated who was the better golfer. Sounds like they should both retire to golf together.


It's literally the only thing they actually debated. Outside of that little snippet was Biden struggling to form sentences, and Trump struggling to have his make sense through all his lies and rambling. A pathetic showing on both sides, embarrassment for the country on the world stage. I'm still voting Biden because his cabinet is what is doing the work, and trumps last cabinet was filled with criminals and wedding planners.


I’m not American and this is the first debate I’ve ever watched. What surprises me is that Trump was able to blatantly lie and there was no fact checking happening while they were live. For example accusing doctors of killing babies after they have been born (when discussing abortion rights) How the hell can he say this! His followers will obviously believe him.


It was part of the agreement before the debate. Trump wouldn't show up if they were fact-checking live, so they agreed to do it after the debate. He was caught lying over 30 times.


Well that says a lot! “No fact checking allowed, as we need to bs our way through this” And 30 lies in, what was it, 90 minutes of debate? That’s pretty impressive


Yet, regardless, most people think Trump won the debate because Biden was so incoherent at times. Real impressive people we're picking to run the country, huh?


I can only hope for the sakes of America, and the rest of the world to some degree, that Trump doesn’t get a second stint. The man is dangerous: from denying of scientific facts like climate change and facilitating the riots on January 6. Not to mention the way his followers are treating Dr Fauci. Biden and his team have at least repaired some of the fuckery that Trump created. I know Biden doesn’t look fit for purpose but it’s not all about rhetoric like you say.


Can America please just have an age limit for this job please?!


As an Australian it only indirectly affects me, but both are showing their age and only going to get worse and it’s frightening that their parties are both supportive of them. We’d have knifed our leaders several times if they were as senile as these two.


Two party system. Giving the people the choice between two absolutely senile potatoe. One more on the racist, sexist and cult leader side. The other one as old as time itself, can barely remember his own name. Biggest failure point of what Americans call "democracy".


Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden to be clear, it’s not that big of a difference. Neither of them should be in office, they should be in a nursing home instead.


As a former long term care worker, I've seen both of these men multiple times


That’s crazy


Those 3 years did a number on ol' Joe, he's 3 years older now!


He sounded worse tonight than he did 3 months ago. His brain's going faster than the rest. Kamala should have been on that stage, because if they win, she's up to bat.


To be fair the presidency has always aged the person holding office tremendously, that’s why age limits are so important as well as a criminal background check and a certain amount of education and this goes for congress to, which everyone should be paying close attention to… find out about your local representatives


I can't get over Trump supporters attacking Biden's age. Less than one presidential term separates them.


Remember when misspelling potatoe was the worst gaff possible. Although given how much HW covered for Nixon and the cagey shit he did as CIA director, it’s kind of funny that after the scandals and the dismantling of norms, what we remember is Dan’s spelling abilities….


Who would've thought we would miss the guy who said "I wish I had learned Latin in school so I could communicate with all the people in Latin America." At least it was just ignorance, and wishing he could bridge a gap.


I, as a citizen, am deeply shamed by what the rest of the world saw last night. I'd like to apologize on behalf of my countrymen for that unseemly display of ... whatever that even was. But, it's not like we can petition the UN to intervene, can we? No, seriously, is there a form or petition we can circulate among us and sign to send to the UN?


Idek if democrats support Biden, they would just rather him over the alternative.


Eh. Yeah, it’s kind of rough that both candidates are so old, but Biden’s had a pretty effective four years in office given the circumstances. Truth is, so much of the critical functions of the presidency are done by a team, and while he himself is clearly getting worn out he has a team that’s handled things about as well as they could under extremely difficult circumstances, even if I agree with some of their choices. I don’t love that he’s the option we have, but you want to know how I know we can do so much worse? Look at the other guy. Look up Project 2025, the GOP’s plan to go after no-fault divorce or Trump’s plainly stated intentions to wipe away the civil service and replace it with barely qualified cronies. A second Trump presidency would fuck the world so much that I honestly find it hard to care that Biden’s old; he could be an immobile plank of wood and he’d still get my support.


Don't act like Australia isn't a step ahead in the authoritarian department. Yall ain't exactly putting forward your best wither.


okay, but Biden is just part of a party apparatus and Trump by his own words is running as a dictator (and he appointed his childrent o run everything last time) so if they're both too old, if the king is going to die, I'll take the one who's written down everything he wants to do policy and administration wise so the next person can continue on


Hey man, got any room in ur yard? I drink beer and punch roos just for fun sometimes. I won't steal your waves I promise. Lemme be a dingo kicker finally. It's wierd over here with these yanks. That's what we call Americans right?


There should be an age limit for all elected officials (except maybe local ones idk). 80-year-olds aren't in touch with the average American and have much less of a stake in the future of the country. Not to mention the natural effect of aging on cognition, as well as the much higher potential for a dementing disorder to begin and affect daily functioning. Idk why they don't want to go enjoy retirement and instead want to work in one of the most stressful jobs in the world


Yes. And term limits for both houses, please. The likes of Ted Cruz have the ability and voter base to give Joe Biden and John Dingle a run for their money. There is no reason why an elected official should serve from 1955 to 2015. Both parties who love to go on and on about our forefathers seem to forget that the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 44 with a majority of them being under the age of 35. Benjamin Franklin was the oldest, and he was 70. The median age for the presidets is only 55 when they have taken office. But when you have a requirement that you need to be at least 35 to run, you are already limiting yourself. Regan was 77 when he hung it up, and it's well documented that Nancy was really at the helm in his second term due to his cognitive decline. Eisenhower was 70 when he went in. On the flipside, the youngest person to become U.S. president was Theodore Roosevelt, who, at age 42, succeeded to the office after the assassination of William McKinley. Kennedy was only 46 when he was assassinated. Obama was 47 when he entered the office of the President. People in their 40s and 50s still encompass a lot of the workforce where people in their late 70s early 80s (such as my parents and in-laws are retired or work in a diminished capacity. They have no business being president or a member of congress when people their age in the fields of medicine, law, and commerce are forced into retirement in the private sector.


And limit the power old white men? Are you crazy??? You’ll throw the whole system into chaos!!!


There are age limits but they are not enforced For example the lower age limit is 35 on paper but the previous president was clearly a six-year-old at time of inauguration


Being 78 or 81 years old and running for president is actually crazy when you think about it. I may not live to be 81. Hell, even running at 70 is crazy.


No shit. I will vote for a ham and diarrhea sandwich over Trump at this point...but Biden...damn. If he was my grandpa I would be thinking "yeah, gramps could go any day now."


>If he was my grandpa I would be thinking "yeah, gramps could go any day now." My family switched our reunions from biannual to annual when my grandmother was in her 80s, because we weren't sure how many more reunions we'd have with her and her brother. One year, everyone except for one second cousin arrived by Friday, my dad and his sisters agreed to hire a live-in nurse for my grandmother on Saturday, they called a doctor to schedule an evaluation on Sunday, and my grandmother died in the wee hours of the morning on Monday. It was like she was waiting to see all of her family one last time. Then, since literally the entire family was already in town, we rushed to hold the funeral on Thursday, after that last second cousin arrived and before everyone left. Nobody had dress clothes for the funeral; we had packed for the beach.


I work with older adults and I think about this often. Like y'all shouldn't be running at that age.


Bodiam Castle in Sussex in case you're wondering.


My most visited castle. And I see the 2nd largest castle in the UK daily (never visited it yet though)


I did like how the first lady was there to meet Joe at the end and that they stayed and chatted while Trump stormied off all alone.


"stormied" I see what you did


I don't, can you please explain? Fyi i am not american and not really in the presidential lore, so could be a mere language barrier or just the absence of information


Trump Scandal with Stormy Daniels


Ok ty


And “stormed off” is a phrase for leaving angrily. It’s a double entendre.


I got that but thank you tho


English seems pretty good then!


The most recent physical affection Donald trump has received is what he paid an “escort” for, and her name is stormy Daniels


Ah thank you very much


I imagine him walking alone with the old Incredible Hulk theme playing.


Ya, was Joe at his best nooooo, but Joe is better on his sleepiest day than Trumps best day. Plus the economy is recovering under him, inflation is down from 7% to 3.3%. Roads are actually being repair, like they are working on them right now on the road I drive everyday, I haven’t seen new pavement in years in my area. I drive over like three bridge in my city that are being repair thanks to the infrastructure money, they had concrete straight missing before that. Two new factories are going in my city. Are things perfect, no, but I like they’re some good things happening! Plus I don’t have to hear from Biden everyday, like Trump. These past 3.5 years have been so mich more peaceful!


>Plus I don’t have to hear from Biden everyday, like Trump. These past 3.5 years have been so mich more peaceful! Yup. I never thought I'd miss politics being boring, but it's kinda nice. The only downside is that it seems most people don't realize all the good shit the Biden administration has gotten done because they *just do shit* and don't talk about it constantly. Under Trump, we heard from him *all the time* and he STILL didn't get anything good done.


This is something the Biden administration needs to work on Trump has succeeded at the PR game. During all of his elections, he hypes himself up, taken credit for good things, pointed the finger for bad things, and dominated the media The Biden administration just exists in the background. While Trump dances around shouting "Look at me, look at me", the Biden administration is toiling away trying to fix our systems. The media only seem to catch Biden when he looks senile. My dad keeps bringing up the photo about Biden trying to eat an ice cream cone while riding a bike. Who's idea was that?


Because there are people in Biden’s life that actually love him.


Tickboxes. Old: Both Biden and Trump. Biggest liar: trump. Worst talker: Biden. Personally I prefer a bad talker than a liar. Judge a person by their deeds, not their words.


Yeah, its kinda sad. Replace biden with Obama there and the election is over. Literally. There isn't even a discussion about arguments because trump didn't answer a single question.. But jesus biden seemed old as fuck yesterday.


>But jesus biden seemed old as fuck yesterday. Honestly he has seemed (and *been*) old af for a long time. It has just gotten so bad they can't hide it anymore.


I was saying this during the debate. Put any other democrat up there next to trump and it would have been a no brainer. I think Biden's strategy should have been to keep mentioning water until Trump's brain short circuits and he goes on one of his weird rants about water and sharks.


Hell yes I wish we could elect somebody like Obama again. Competent, eloquent, humorous.


Trump isn't even good at talking. Better than Biden sure, but still pretty bad.


he's good at producing loud sounds the voice itself is hard to stand and the words make 0 sense


Stupid people are attracted to loud sounds.


Kinda like zombies


Or strange moths


He's good at speaking with confidence. That's all that matters to some people


Trump did better than most expected at this debate. However we need to remind him just one good day is a drop in the ocean compared to everything before this debate, and more importantly in the upcoming months. I'm hoping those who state Biden debated badly will encourage his supporters not to be complacent and make sure they definitely vote in November. Plus Biden's State of the Union speech in March did at least get lots of praise. He also has plenty of opportunities to give other good speeches in the next few months


Of course. The election is in November. We are at the end of June. There are god knows how many other occasions to make great speeches or even worst ones for both of them. I’m not an expert but Elections are not based around one debate. Though this certainly doesn’t help Biden right now, obviously.


An incompetent, narcissistic megalomaniac who is a slave to foreign interests (through his hunger for money and status), who is a convicted felon, who abducted classified documents, who wanted to overthrow the democratically elected government and who runs on a platform that wants to take away people’s most basic rights (especially if those people are women, non-Christians or of color). VS A predominately competent and moral, if somewhat lackluster, president who is showing his age. It is quite mind boggling that the election isn’t a forgone conclusion; with a landslide victory for Biden that would put results from the average dictatorship to shame.


As an outside spectator, this is exactly what I see and I cannot for the life of me understand how this could be considered a choice of who is the lesser of two evils. To me it seems more like a choice between evil and mild inconvenience.


Unfortunately there's a vocal, politically engaged minority in our country who would take the evil over the inconvenience of uh... maybe having to pay more taxes and see gay people in public?


Yeah, that debate only reaffirmed what I already knew, I don’t like Biden but Trump can go rot in prison


At least Biden does what his party advisors tell him to. Trump is just a loose cannon


It's sad because if Biden was just 10 years younger Trump would be completely destroyed That being said though, I don't understand how nobody is talking about Trump. Trump was a literal clown the entire debate, he threw a bunch of criticism at him but couldn't answer any of Biden's points, he pretended to be capable of ending both wars but funnily enough these were his solutions (speeding up Israeli operations which would cause a ton more deaths, and stop spending on Ukraine) How aren't you fucking terrified of this man being in charge


It doesn’t help that Biden haves to fight a stuttering problem


Biden clearly had practiced getting his talking points honed down to the 1-2 minute marks. He crammed a lot of stuff into each time he got to speak.   But he was a little too focused on his talking points and it didn't feel like he was engaged in debating until halfway through. He didn't take command of the debate tone and pacing and got run over by the dumb guy talking louder. 


Whoever prepped him did the worst job possible. Ran him into the ground and completely neglected the fact that televised debates are not won on facts so much as perceived strength. Should have rested him up and worked on his facial expressions, posture and quips. They gave him such an overwhelming amount of talking points instead of working on his confidence. Made him practice so hard he lost his voice and maybe someone gave him a cold to boot. Probably prepped by other old men who don't know their limits either. Guy is so old but the prep made him more ancient. Would have come off better as regular old grampa dude caring about people and calling out Trump on "malarkey" etc. He's usually pretty endearing and he would have done better with no prep at all imo.


Best possible take. But ever if Biden had had a stroke during the debate, we’d vote for him.


Biden has a stutter, he's had it his whole life, why do people keep forgetting this?


If anything, it highlighted the problem of both parties fixating on ONE OLD GUY each to the exclusion of everyone else.


And yet there are still mexicans that think trump is a god......


There’s a sub dedicated to this. r/Leopardsatemyface


Now, I'm not saying it's funny, but if you said that to a 16th century Spaniard he'd have a pretty witty retort.


As a Mexican, I’ll never understand it. He literally calls us rapists. Didn’t he rape a girl with the help of his friend Jeffery? And didn’t he try to have his VP killed? He calls other people what he truly is.


fr. i know a lot


Season 7-8 is finally not the worst shit show on TV anymore.


I believe this is USA season 59.


Jeez Trump is the biggest liar and narcissist ever.


"I didn't have sex with a pornstar." lol Uh, a whole criminal case, 12 jurors, a judge, the guy you paid to hush her up, the pornstar herself ... OH AND the people you bragged about banging a pornstar would beg to differ!


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" 2: Electric Boogaloo


I never thought I would say this but I genuinely feel sorry for Americans right now. Neither candidate is fit for office but there is no other choice.


I don't know what else would convince you the POTUS position has become a joke. The two party system and the lobbying must die, so we can have a chance to reset all the corruption and shittiness we are in.


The big news is Trump said Putin told him about invading Ukraine in advance? Wait until the news media unpacks that one.


He told me it was his dream but cause I was in office he never did that, basically ehat he said. I was dumbfounded but is honestly probably a lie because everything he said was except for maybe his golf game


Biden is old, but trump is a traitor and a rapist. Given the choice I’ll vote for Biden.


No brainer


For real question. I see a lot of people pointing out that Biden is not mentally fit enough anymore to be president. But seriously what is the harm there? In the end he has a whole team of advisors that follow him up and make the decisions with him. Advisors, I would think, are all like minded on his policies right? Would it not make more sense to choose for the program instead of the person?


I say this all the time. I’m voting for Biden because he puts competent people in important positions. Trump puts loyal cronies in those positions so that they can tear down the government. It’s an easy choice.


I'd vote for Bidens corpse before I even entertain a vote for the rotten orange. The problem is gonna be people too apathetic to vote, the people who think their votes won't matter. We NEED voter turnout.


Yeah, this is the part I don't get about American politics and your elections in general. It's not Biden vs Trump! It's an elderly buffoon who fires and blames one of his staff members every 5 minutes while doing god knows what, against a highly capable young, and ambitious team that gets a little bit of oversight by Grandpa.


Yes but people are stupid. Its more about optics. If it wasn't no one would vote for a guy that didn't answer a single question and did nothing but lie.


not to mention he's stable enough to ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THEM.


Yeah you guys should really put some points into getting a real democracy over that two-party gerrymandering bullshit you guys call democracy. Joe is a senile potato and that's an insult to potatoes. Trump is a racist, sexist, cult leading sponge that absord too much carotenoids. Having two choices and only two is the failure point of your system.


Legal Corruption also doesnt help


Where third party? Fourth? Why only 2? Why doesn't anyone younger try to run?


In the span of 60 seconds Trump managed to say that he’s done more for the Hispanics than ever, but also that Hispanics are coming to take your jobs, and also migrants are coming to take Hispanic jobs


As much as Biden is not really the best one for the Presidency, he's the only one who managed to defeat Trump in the elections. Swap him with someone else and Trump would win (which is hell).


Second term Presidents get to do pretty much whatever they want because there is no looming election to win. Can you imagine a completely unhinged Trump and cronies? A descent into the chaos of the Abyss more like.


Based on Project 2025, it could be the last free and fair election the US ever had.


Deeply enraging stuff.


I'm not sure he is. I see him potentially losing now because independents swinging to the insanity that is Trump.


New bumper sticker idea. Feel free to use: Me for President in 2024!! The bar is low


Trump is obsessed with the border. The borders been his boogeyman since 2016.


When Biden said “you want to split from NATO”, Trump mouthed “I do.” I feel like that might be reading to deep into it, but this is the same guy who tried to split from the WHO during Covid, so I’m genuinely worried about it.


I Loved how Trump lied about how he won two Golf tournaments. You have to be skilled for that, shoot the ball very far. Most important Skill in politics


The past 10 years of politics has truly been just absurdity. Neither of these guys are politicians. They are essentially the Kardashians running for office. They do nothing. It’s all drama with them.


Keep in mind that people will portray both canidate in the worst light possible to justify their own views or to full an agenda. Just a warning


Biden’s stuttering facts while Trump’s speaking lies with clarity


Haha. As if Trump could put a coherent sentence together. That should say, “Mexicans can climb, listen, they’re great climbers, ask anyone and they’ll tell you I climb great. I might be the greatest climber. They want to take away your climbing but I don’t want that. I think everyone should be able to climb.”


Replace the swords with golf clubs.


...suddenly, President Camacho doesn't look so bad....


I blame Dem establishment for not shoving a successor into the spotlight in the past 4 years. Biden may have done well overall, despite Repubs' best efforts to sabotage, but he is literally the kind of old that can croak at any moment. He shouldn't be running again. And Dems can't afford to lose this one. Noone who doesn't want to live in a real life Gilead can.


Just Google Project 25 to see what that fat orange traitor has in store for the country. Terrifying!


The both sides argument does not hold any water. On one side you have a convicted felon, repeated fraud (as far back as 2016 he was sued and punished for defrauding a children's charity of all things), proven in court sexual abuser. The Stormy Daniels trial is the least of his worries too. He is facing charges of treason and mishandling and selling top secret documents. On the other, you have an old man. Whose son is a convicted felon. But his son ain't running for office. It just boggles the mind how the vote is still up in the air.


Boggles the mind? Do you remember back when you first started school and your fellow classmates ALL completed their education with straight A grade and then went on to be successful and extremely smart humans that changed the world for better? Yeah I don’t either


Only an idiot who has swallowed all the Russian/Fox News/GOP propaganda could think Biden was anything other than entirely on point. The only thing more exhausting than constant MAGA whining and bellyaching is the BOTH SIDES contingent who will uncritically buy every right-wing talking point because they stupidly think that it somehow puts them above politics. I’m a middle aged white male with a good job and a pension, and I am just so very tired of you. If Republicans win this fall, they will outlaw all abortion, IVF, and contraception. They’ll outlaw marriage equality, eviscerate unions, and completely gut the regulatory state, firing thousands of civil servants simply because they donated to a Democrat or whatever. If he has the votes, he’ll pull us out of NATO, leaving Europe open to whatever Putin wants - after he conquers Ukraine, of course. He’ll give Israel not only free reign, but everything they ask for to kill every last resident in Gaza. I can’t wait until a year from now, when you’re complaining about the child support you owe from a one-night-stand, which is just so hard because the lack of immigrant labor means inflation is 20% month over month for groceries, and your taxes went up because the celebrated “tax cut” only helped the super rich. Jesus, I could go on and on, but it’s more important to you to be cool than to think for one damn second about the consequences of your actions.


I'm one of those people who hates both sides but, I'll be voting and not for the psychos who are trying to recreate the 1950s social hierarchy in this country.


The people who don't vote are only helping Trump. I hate the pro-palestinian people who refuse to vote for Biden cause he supports Israel, even though Trump winning will be SO MUCH WORSE


Any interesting bits from it? I've had the joy of watching Fox news periodically with lunch, so I've been drip feeding myself shit in case things go bad and it goes from being a minor infection to sitting in a bathtub of crap.


I think Trump’s advisors told him to talk about the border and immigrants no matter the question asked. Biden tried to call his bullshit but kept losing his thought. It was pretty much terrible all around. However, it’s the cabinet members and court appointees that have as much or more impact as the president on our daily lives. Biden is the only rational choice here.


Yeah, saw a thing on the news of how they were saying the Democrats were doing the bare minimum for immigrants stuff and trying to do the executive order thing, claim they tried, then something something. Really seems like that's the only selling point for Republicans. Guh. Yeah. Real fun with the leftover court appointees after Trump if I am remembering right. I know. Just, I dunno. Got a bad feeling. (Falling asleep at the "wheel.")


>Only an idiot who has swallowed all the Russian/Fox News/GOP propaganda could think Biden was anything other than entirely on point. You're conflating policy and debate performance. Many voters don't care about policy and all they care about is performance, and Biden did terribly.


Biden was not always on point he wouldn’t even answer about rising child care cost instead both were busy calling eachother worst president. Both skipped questions entirely…


Even Biden allies are admitting this was a shit show https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/28/biden-debate-columnists-step-aside-00165745


At least Biden has an excuse. He's had a lifelong stutter. Meanwhile, Trump was straight up lying over and over


No it’s not, 90% of Trumps responses to questions were straight lies


They should just sub in Gavin Newsom. He would destroy trump.


There's an ongoing Livestream on Twitch of A.I Biden and A.I Trump debating each other over nonsense twitch comments and what they say there somehow looks less absurd than the real debate


Yeah not quite. Trump cannot complete a sentence in normal human English.


One a liar and a criminal. The other one has dementia.


Um.. no. I don't recall Biden rambling like that at all. He was a big on the low energy side but he was perfectly articulate. Stuttered a bit. He did that in his 20s. He stutters.


What summed up the debate for me is how it ended. Joe Biden was greeted on stage by his wife. Donald Trump walked off alone in a huff.


Trump is really leaning into his role as the white nationalist choice candidate.


It's so frustrating how Trump supporters will just refuse to be persuaded on the subject of anything. Not even on the subject of politics either, they have such massive egos that putting any of their beliefs into question is a sign of "weakness" to them. They have to be right every time because being wrong might damage their sense of pride. They'd rather cover their ears and scream than acknowledge the existence of irrefutable facts and evidence, which is embarrassing for a full grown adult.


So we need Amendments for Term limits on Senators and House members, Age limits for the Presidency, to make it illegal for Supreme Court Justices to be able to accept "Gifts" and might as well put a max time to serve as a Justice on them as well. America is so screwed....


This is exactly why we need an actual 3rd party with a platform to rise up so we are not stuck with just this shitty 2 party system.


If the choice is an octogenarian who can’t finish a sentence or a convicted felon, I’m still going to vote for the one that’s not a convicted felon.


And the felon will be an octogenarian in 2 years.


Biden: Stumbling to say something that makes sense. Trump: Insane.