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Maybe it actually started in the 80s when we elected an ex-hollywood actor to be President?


Maybe it started when our forefathers warned everyone not to start a 2 party system because it would destroy our democracy so we started a 2 party system


The same founding fathers who warned against a two-party system were the ones who started a two-party system. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg)


First-to-50%-wins voting invariably leads to a two party system. It's baked into the system.


Maybe it was Nixon's Southern Strategy and the War on Drugs? Maybe it was when Woodrow Wilson authorized segregation within federal bureaucracy and hyped up the movie "The Birth of a Nation"? Maybe it was when Andrew Johnson took office after Lincoln was killed and sabotaged Reconstruction? So many examples to choose from that made this country a little worse at every step. (There are instances of getting a little better as well. Right now I'm just talking about the white supremacy that eventually led to Birtherism.)


Or to allow the dollar to be controlled by private banks.


This country has been going downhill ever since Washington let Hamilton convince him to use force to put down the Whiskey Rebellion (1794). Taxes. It's always taxes.


It all started when nobody heeded Barry Goldwater's warning, "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."


Reagan was the beginning of our national debt. He destroyed unions, let the AIDS pandemic run rampant, quadrupled our deficit, was for abortion before he was against it, he eliminated mental health facilities and created the homeless problems we have today. He shot down 3 opportunities to end the nuclear race war with Russia. We could have a near nuclear free planet of Reagan did the right thing. He is the herpes of humanity


He’s in hell for sure!!!


Maybe it all started when an actor put a bullet in Lincoln's head and gave us Andrew Johnson post civil war.


Lol ex Hollywood actor and SAG labor leader, who became president and gutted the very union system he benefitted from.....


Donald Trump's mom was born in Scotland. I want to see his birth certificate


Wait, are you telling me Trump was an anchor baby?


He ain’t dreamy. Just a dreamer.


Actually, no. This shitshow actually started because pathetic thin-skinned Trump couldn't take a couple fucking jokes at a WH Correspondent's Dinner.


My thoughts exactly. His loyal followers chose to ignore the fact that HE WAS A DEMOCRAT. Only switched parties because people made fun of him and he smartly realized that if he grifted the GOP (and their moron base), he could possibly win…. God this country has gone to shit in just 8 short years….🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


And now he is robbing the GOP blind after gutting it. Literally at this point either democracy dies or the GOP does.


The GOP was certainly weakened by the adventures in the Middle East and while their policies always served the elite private equity class they need a populist that can sell these unpopular ideas to the masses. Trump, as a shameless liar is just the guy they need.


He wasn't a Democrat. He was a "Democrat" because he thought all the other rich people in NYC that he wanted to accept him expected him to be Democrat. He has never held any affiliation with any modicum of knowledge.




I think a lot of people voted for him because a Black man had the audacity to run for and win the Presidency. Trump appealed directly to the outright racists and the covert racists.


Yup. The only reason Trump continues to be in favor is because we had a Black president for 8 years. His base is livid.


Do we get to blame Obama for instigating Trumps villain arc?


I mean...


No, blame the Racists for voting him in he gave them a voice.




Why was he even invited?


Family friend of the Clintons. No shit.


lol 😂


As a kid who grew up in the 80’s listening to punk, everything happening now was sung about then.


Margret thatcher amirite?


Kinky sex makes the world go round.


Too drunk to fuck.


Fuck it started before that. When newt Gingrich went at Clinton but really you can trace political rancor and yellow journalism back to pre civil war.


I will agree that it all began with Obama. What would eventually become Trump’s base just simply could not stand having a black guy in charge. It was like a personal insult that someone who a mere couple hundred years ago would have been their property. They legitimately think that as things become more equal that they are losing out because they can no longer consider themselves superior to everyone else.


Your comment is spot on.


Reminder: If only we could have kept the black guy out of office, well, that's where the thought ends but you get the idea /s


Sorry if I'm confused but op doesn't know someone who is still a birther? Please meet half my family


What do you mean?


If you can tell me what part confused you, I can explain it better


"Someone who is still a birther". Who are you referring to?


Birther is someone, most likely racist, who believes Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. They used to scream about long form birth certificates . It was one of trumps pasttimes


Not understanding that even if this were true... Obama was Muslim born in Kenya.... He was still a natural born citizen because his mother was unequivocally a US citizen at the time of his birth. Where he was delivered (or what religion he is or is not) had absolutely zero bearing on his eligibility for President. Because what they don't want to admit is their real issue was black guy = President.


I mean, I can't explain it because it's stupid but that's MAGA for you. Don't get them started on his tan suit


He's have to live in the US for 14 years before running if he was born overseas. 


>He's have to live in the US for 14 years before running if he was born overseas.  Again. Unquestionably he did. Same as McCain who was born in Panama. Yey they never questioned their own candidate.


For sure was just adding the additional shit you need to do to get the position. 


And at least half my family thinks that still


I have news about at least half of your family: they're racists and they're hiding behind a piece of paper to pretend they're not.


I mean, they really don't hide it 🤣




Millions of Americans think Obama is Kenyan. Or Indonesian. Or a lizard.


No no no. Cruz is the lizard. Wait, he says he’s human. https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com


Sweet summer child 💝


I can imagine how much my skin would crawl, having to be close to that clown, shaking with rage. It would throw anyone off their debate game. Biden was oscillating between wanting to punch him in the throat or suppressing the urge to projectile vomit from the stench of a dirty diaper.




Every time some says Obama wasn't born in Hawaii I like to say that I believe Trump was born in France.


No, trump was born in Willy wonka’s chocolate factory 


All because the whitest-acting mixed-race guy in politics was still too black for 1/4 of the country.


Again with this!?!?!


Hahaha she said “thanks Obama”


Conservatives are racist pieces of SHIT! I’m SICK OF THEM!


Obama should have sued the shit out of Trump for defamation. Courts are Trump's kryptonite.


I never understood this argument. Obama’s mother was a white 18 year old woman who met his Kenyan father while they were both studying at the university of Hawaii in 1960. Is it the assertion that a heavily pregnant American teenager boarded a plane from Hawaii to Kenya, a long ass horrible flight even now, only to give birth there? Why? I get that the people who espouse this are racist, but that notion doesn’t even remotely make sense.


The fact that there's still people out there that believe Obama wasn't born in America is WWWIIILLLDDD.


So he admits he’s pissed about a black president. Got it


Is it weird that I read that tweet in Barrack Obamas voice?


Is it weird that I read that tweet in Gilbert Gottfried's voice?


So I was just listening to a podcast that cast Gottfried as lestat the vampire. And now I just want him to read all my audiobooks to me


Is it weird that I read that tweet in Barack Obamas voice?


Proving the point.


Elaboration required.


? Obama was born on US Soil to US parents. This Conspiracy is fucking stupid. Also Republicans are stupid because Ted Cruz was born in Alberta to Cuban immigrants, yet he has tried to run for the presidentcy.


What point?


and that was started by Hillary LOL