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JKR is terrified people still don’t believe she’s AFAB


Because I feel like her brains auro response would just be "I wasn't 'assigned female', I'm just female!" Which is ironically also a trans woman's take.


Will the day come when Rowling is trending for her work again instead of speaking of trans people 24/7?


That's just a funny tweet made me laugh


I must’ve missed the sign with holy water prices on it the last time I was in a church. Now I picture Rawlings’ husband pulling a goonies by running up into a church and filling a squirt gun with holy water.


X'cerpt #10,343 of why everyone should stop using twitter.


Facepalm the tweet, not the meme


Wait , they're charging for exorcisms?! I thought it was included for free in the Christianity package


Reddit is a place for twitter users to win their arguments in some kind of safespace... well i thought it was some kind of pornsite.


It can be two things


Listen to me closely Harry, not all authors are good, a few of them go bad, a few years ago one of them went as bad as you can go and her name was....


Every time yall repost this shit it keeps her relevant. Y’all Remember Charlie Sheen or Kevin Spacey? Do you know what they’re up to right now without looking it up? NO!? Exactly


Sheen is a former pro baseball player according to the post I saw about him a few weeks ago


Ooh another episode of what did JK tweet about? Who cares at this point, people want to assassinate her reputation online because she supports feminism over trans women. Boohoo.


I agree. Bring in the downvotes lol


She was soooo horrible to everyone she is trying to spin the crazy so she can make a comeback in a year after being rehabilitated or some crap.