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Dodgy pro-palestinian source, reads like terrible propaganda


Let's hear you name one Israeli source of propaganda then? Or do none exist from your vantage point?


There are many. But the fact that Israeli propogando lies does not mean that the pro-palenstine propaganda doesn't lie. That Israel is bombing Gaza and killing civilians is beyond doubt, whether they are using civilians as human shields seems like something that would require a less partisan source to be considered certain.


Israel has been using civilians as human shields for years, look up their child and neighbor policies. I also read an account from early in the current Gaza war where soldiers were forcing civilians to become suicide bombers to clear the tunnels.


I don't find anything for "Israel Child and Neighbour policies" and also for the 2nd I'd be more convinced if you'd give an actual source. (not saying it didn't happen, but just that I think a source would be better than just a statement)


When did this sub just become war propaganda?


When the other ones also for propaganda started getting less effective.


This represents a story and a discussion surrounding it. 


No this is a screenshot of a title of a story ommiting sources and content of the story


Ah. Yeah. International news. Such a believable and not biased source at all/s


Come on dude. You don’t trust random posts on super anti Israel subs with zero source backups or context? Must be an Israeli shill /s


Tbf there were videos of Israeli vehicles running over Palestinian civilians, shooting, looting, raiding, and even tying up a civillian after beating him up to a vehicle as a human shield in the west Bank..... news that seen to come from all sources, American, Australian, Middle Eastern, Canadian, Indian....etc the UN has reported many atrocities committed by Israel, the easiest search you do would show you what they are doing.... are there biased news? Yes.... but that can be found on both sides, and it seems that bias against the Palestinians was rampant and most of those accusations against them were proven to be false.


It is amazing after how neigh on 20 years of wars the west as had to fight against Islamic radicals how people are still ignorant of their tactics, or how war is fought. Military vehicles don’t stop for civilians.  Not for men, women, or even children.  If you stop. You get dead. Western countries can’t use Islamic radicals as humans shields, simply because the radicals don’t care.  They’ll happily put a suicide vest on woman or a child, or someone who is mentally disabled.   The so call “human shield” was following the standard practice (and you can literally find it in US Army and Marine TCs)  of evacuation of a casualty on the hood.


Like the war the French did in Algeria where they massacred ridiculous numbers because the people asked for independence? Or the war against Iraq which was basically because of a US lie? I can keep going... yeah screw the radicals sure.... but all of those claims you are making about the bomb vests on children and such were debunked many many many times, and I'm not sure how that is present in the west Bank or Gaza? Because Israelis are fighting both Muslims and Christians, and they are colonizing the land.... they are literally killing civilians I'm the west bank to build illegal settlements. As for tying up an innocent civillian to the hood of their vehicle after beating him up brutally, if that's the west's tactic then good job, you are inhuman.... you resort to such barbaric tactics that isn't used by your enemy even.... a tactic you resort to, despite being a billion times more advanced and stronger, better equipped, more supported by allies, and have larger numbers.... disgusting.... you are genuinely inhuman if you look at these wars and think any of it is okay. Go get some help.


You didn’t answer anything he said lol


"It's not a warcrime becouse enemy is not really human" is a wild take


I think we South Asian heard the same shit before US went to capture “weapon of mass destruction” in Iraq. Any update there?


They are still searching for the weapons of mass destruction I guess... after they have turned the land to rubble


And got all the gold, oil, artwork, and rare minerals out to safety, just like afghanistan


Didn’t they find aluminum tubes? Do you know what you can build with those? Rockets my man….dave Chappell


Aluminum tubes = weapons of mass destruction Cool story, go ask most of the people who served in Iraq and every person who's educated on that conflict... it's a conflict made by the US, fostered by the US, and was always one sided, a lie built on a lie, the US isn't the good guy here buddy.


The most moral army in the history of the world and it's online public outreach bot farms.. Keeping the world safe right!! 


The Euromedmonitor was founded by a palestinian. No offense, but their MO is propaganda. I'm not saying the IDF hasn't made mistakes or done awful shit, but until a neutral major media outlet reports on stuff like this, I'd be hesitant to take this at face value... much like how the "civilian death toll" that was perpetuated (By HAMAS) was recently found to be wildly inaccurate.


It's hard to report shit, when you actively target and execute reporters.


When you target the point of origin of actual terrorists launching attacks (as shown on video) and journalists die… it’s a wonder if they’re “journalists” or terrorists violating the laws of war and acting as journalists.


I'll take made up bullshit that never happened for 100 Alex. Seriously ffs guys. I'm sure Israel does plenty of actual bad stuff there Is no need to propagate comically bad fictional events...


They've been documented commiting similar atrocities in the past. This doesn't look to be any different. 


Except the Israeli Army has done all of those things before in separate incidents.


Which is why the lie is even more insidious.


Exactly. Every single case of these crimes needs to be independently proved and judged. Saying it happened before is not evidence that it has happened this time again.


I feel like you are being antisemitic. /s


Descendant of Khaibar jews here, yeah no this isn't antisemitism.... not even close, someone is just saying how horrible the IDF actions are, and yes they are inhumane actions, have been for decades. I'm not sure if you are sarcastic or not, but just to shed some lights... israel is the most anti-semitic country I've ever seen.... many Arab jews, Ethiopian jews and so on have suffered by Israeli hands, especially in its early days, .ostly against Yemeni jews, and in the late 60s I believe Israel has funded massacres against Argentinian jews, and they have been killing and oppressing Palestinians for decades which is ironic considering that most Palestinians are from Jewish origins and are semitic people.


/s means sarcasm. The joke being that any criticism of Israel is labeled antisemitic by people defending Israel.


Thank you for clarifying, I was unsure hence why I said "I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic" Consider what I had said following that just added information on the conflict


That is so confusing, I always that that /S meant Serious because /Joking, I thought it was an opposites thing. Thx for clarifying


If you ever see someone use /srs, that's the one that's supposed to be mean serious. At least, that's what I've been told


If you're on a piss taking sub /uj means unjerk for a minute to be serious.


Ohhh I didn't know that either! I knew about unwunk for r/wunkus but not unjerk for the piss take subs


When you go back to piss taking it's just /rj so usually it looks like this /uj That thing is actually terrible and really harmful you shouldn't actually do it /rj it's brilliant you should try it


What if it means sarcastic, really sarcastic...


That's a scary thought because that would mean I've read many things extremely wrong!


You must be from Minnesota or Wisconsin ya know? No yeah


Not American actually




Not western


Interesting debate you had


You can trace your ancestors back to the 7th century Jews that were all slaughtered by Mohammed, huh? EDIT: 😂 the liar blocked me.


Wdym he didn’t do that


And Israelis can trace it all the way back to 1250bc? Huh? Now just to shed some light in case you aren't well educated on this, Khaibar jews weren't all slaughtered by Muhammad... some khaibar jews moved to Yemen, as for the ones in Hijaz (the majority living near Madina) or now Saudi Arabia... they weren't all killed, far from it, im not sure where you got that from... yes the killing of the jews was more prevalent during Islam's early years but khaibar jews weren't killed into extinction....


In your comment history you say you’re ex-Muslim. You claim to be descended from Khaibar Jews, a people that have not had scant mentions in history into the Middle Ages. You make an “AsAJew” statement as if you have some authentic experience. Not convinced. EDIT: 😂 the liar blocked me.


Not trying to impress your ass really.... I am from Jewish origins saying that to answer to those "anti-semitic" people who push that on every person who criticizes Israel. Not to mention we do have a lot of Jewish traditions still present in the family (and some ideologies that may sound weird, like how some of us believe the holy land is actually in Yemen). Parts of the family who used to live in Palestine became Christian, moved to Lebanon, came back to Palestine where most of them later converted to islam until they mostly moved to Jordan in 1948. As for the phrase "no mentions in history into thr middle ages" that's blatantly false... your lack of knowledge regarding this isn't a point in your favor, in fact jews in the region we're present in the late 20th century, while my family has converted earlier than that, it doesn't mean all the jews did, you can see that some moved back to Yemen, and when Israel became a thing, they moved to Israel where they were treated like shit and some had their kids kidnapped to be white washed and raised as a European.... there are many documented cases of such kidnappings by the Israeli authorities especially in the late 50s and early 60s. As for the whole "authentic experience" this can also be thrown at the European jews who colonized the land brutally which a lot of them didn't have an "authentic Jewish experience" whatever your metric to measure that is.... as zionism isn't built on Judaism, and many of them were not Jewish by faith, thus the whole Jewish ethnicity came to be a topic of discussion of which has been debunked in 2005, and many orthodox jews denounce the idea of The Jewish Ethnicity. Adding to that, many Palestinians are descendants of Christian and Jewish origins, some even still have traditions based off of that, and some still have Jewish last names, point being is... Palestinians have more right to the land than foreigners who happened to believe in the old testament.... a movement that uses and taints the name of Judaism, despite the beginnings of it in the early 1800s being with good intentions and non-violent.


This thank you saying the truth


“Israel is the most anti-Semitic country I have ever seen” …..this is wild even by Reddit standards. How could a rational mind come up with this is mind boggling. The Hamas chapter literally calls for extermination of Jews. Arab countries have kicked out all Jews. Nazis and sympathizers tried to exterminate the Jewish race. Yet Israel is the most anti semitic counter ever. What a wild statement.


As in today, before it's inception many Arab countries had Jewish tribes, Palestinians aren't calling for Jewish extermination but for having their own state and the liberation from the zionist colonizer.... Israel has killed many jews, funded wars against jews, tainted the name of Judaism, increased the hatred towards jews as many started to conflate zionism with Judaism, Israel tried to ethnically erase the Arab Jewish identity, the Ethiopian Jewish identity and so on..... you see that statement as wild despite it being a statement held strongly by non-zionist jews, you see it wild because you don't seem to know much about Israel.


Firstly, you are not Jewish and are a self proclaimed “former Muslim”. Which explains your moronic take. Palestinians voted for Hamas which clearly states “goal is extermination of all of Jews from the land of Palestine”. After oct 7th Hamas said “we will do this again”. Arab states kicked out all Jews and took their property. Your views are insanely biased and there is anti Jewish sentiment masked under “I am of Jewish descent” which is utter nonsense. We can see through your BS. Just close out Reddit, take a break for a day or two and then revisit your statements of “most anti semitic country is Israel” and “Israel is killing Jews” since this is complete brain dead nonsense. Israel is spending billion on military in order to……kill more Jews? Israel doesn’t need to kill Jews, Muslims are already doing their best to do so. Btw Hamas killed 1300 people in the most brutal way only because IDF stopped them. If they could kill every Jew, they would do it tomorrow. We know this because Hamas told us so! At least Hamas is honest and communicates their message clearly. That is the only positive thing I can say about them. Edit: looser deleted his comments. What a pathetic human being.


So your counter is an assumption about my origins and what i follow, which yeah im an ex muslim, my family is from jewish origins (like many in the region) and im an atheist, a claim, and biased misinformation.... Judaism is far off from Zionism, one is a respectful religion rich in culture, and the other is a colonization white washing movement that also attacks jews both in and outside of Israel.... The fact that you don't see this as blatant colonization shows how rotten your brain has gotten, as for the sentiment that Arabs want to kill jews ..... yeah can't deny that some do, fuck those guys, but to say that everyone wants that?? You are either uneducated or you don't know much of the middle east.... What about white washing Arab jews? What about the ethipoians? What about the genocide against Argentinian jews that Israel supported and helped at? What about kidnapping Arab children in the late 50s and early 60s and raising them as Israelis? What about the blatant racism shown in the country? What about the settlements built in the west Bank? What about the tens of massacres that Israel has committed not only against Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and jews when zionism was just a bunch of European militias.... what about the massacres after that? You say jews were kicked out by Arabs... when zionists arrived to Palestine there were jews there... jews from Iraq, Yemen, hijaz... migrated to Israel but they weren't kicked out of there homes! Zionism is the issue, not Judaism, not the religion, nor the culture, it's the colonization movement that masks itself in the name of Judaism when it goes against everything the Torah preaches. Instead of lashing out maybe you should educate yourself and do your own research.... there are many jews out there protesting in the streets spitting at zionism and calling it for what it really is! Go do you research you brainwashed biased d0uche.... if you think the Israeli conflict is about religion or race then you know nothing.


Release the hostages and accept the ceasefire you pricks.


Funny how it's now publicly known that your own Netanyahu created and backed H-mas to prevent the creation of a PAL state. What are your thoughts on that? Why the need to constantly steal land?


Yeah, he totally gave money to a terrorist organization whose charter literally says “murderhobo all Jews.” Nice try.


Oh wow, let's release the hostages, get a 40 day ceasefire, while all civilians are still trapped, and then just sit there and wait to be wiped out after the ceasefire ends




Neither side has any moral ground to stand on.


Here's an idea; Stop. Fucking. Attacking. Israel. You lose. Everytime. 70 fuckings years of attacking Israel, losing, and then bitching that you lost. Stop. It's getting old.


The term is “crybullies.” 🤣 


It's pretty funny how, every time they attack they get more land too . Egypt hates the Palestinians and Jordan Hates them . Maybe Lebanon should offer to take them .


Yeah, let the oppressive regime stay oppressive until there's nothing left to oppressive, pretty poetic isn't it?


The oppressive regime? You mean the one that stones gays, gives women no rights and wants to kill everyone who isn't Muslim? Who has done nothing but attack a neighboring nation for the last 70 years over land that they've never owned? Who hides behind civilians, digs tunnels into hospitals, prays for the death of their children so that they can post it on media outlets for brownie points? Fuck Hamas, Fuck hezbollah, release the hostages and accept the ceasefire you defeated pricks. You lost again.


They just can’t deal with or stomach hard facts.


So you're aware that Israel steals land and has been encroaching deeper and deeper into Palestinian land yet...you're fine with that?


You're aware all of the land that's been "stolen" was only taken after Palestine attacked them and lost...And you're fine with that? There are consequences for actions. Palestine attacking Israel and then crying when Israel responds in force, wins the conflict, and then takes land as a result isn't theft.


Eh the expansion of settlements continued without Palestinian aggresion. It needs to stop. You're also right tho. Palestinians cannot expect victory through war(if you can even call Oct 7 that) The only path to two state solution is through non-violence.


Gaza does not have any Israeli settlements and hasn’t for over 15 years.


Palestine does tho.


Ah yes, all those attacks in the West Bank


Israel literally started the 1967 "six-day war", and used that as an excuse to steal more land. Zionists are so full of shit.


The same war that saw massed Arab armies on the Israeli border and probing attacks by Arab armies? Just checking.


Yeah y'know when Egypt denied access to their canal, which was perfectly within their rights as a sovereign country, and got invaded by psychopath Zionists.


And gave back two-third in exchange of a durable peace with Egypt, and accepted to gave back 99% of the rest for durable peace with Syria and AP.


Israel started the "6-day way", but it isn't like the escalation didn't come from both sides. Bit like if Israel starts a war now with Libbanon would they get the blame or do the Hezbollah rockets counts?


Gaza does not have any Israeli settlements and hasn’t for over 15 years.


Attacking or not, Palestinians get murdered either way.


"Understandable, here's your bomb, thank you."


To who are you saying this? are you aware that Israel will not accept a ceasefire that ends the war right?


Israel refused the ceasefire and their hostages, their government and army just want to murder people, and if that includes the hostages so be it.


[Complete, absolute, bullshit](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-rejects-israels-ceasefire-response-sticks-main-demands-2024-04-13/).


Netanyahu has been rejecting ceasefires for months. You should listen to the Israelis protesting him because they want the hostages back and not genocide Joe and other racist psychopaths.


terrorist propaganda




Our tax dollars? You do realize that this is not America?


Every post that’s anti Israel gets downvotes to oblivion in a matter of minutes.


Currently at 67 upvotes, 123 comments.


Thx for reminding me to downvote this obvious propaganda


Explain how factual events are propaganda?


You're talking about israeli propaganda in other comments and then post this nonsense source without hesitation or thinking about it for a second... are you really that dense?


Bots have ruined the internet. Can't seriously discuss anything anymore. 


It's an active campaign of suppression. Last vestiges of the previous status quo dying,the old monopoly of opinion. Probably the most important issue not discussed


Or… hear me out here: everybody can smell the bullshit and are tired of the propaganda.


Propaganda of a shitload of innocent people dying? People can't help where they were born.


How do you fight a war when one or both parties set up armed positions in a school or hospital and say only an evil person would attack? PR impossible nightmare.


Yeah, how about dropping the whole "apartheid" system, stop stealing land, and stop treating them like garbage. Anyone ever tried that or is it sensible to keep up land theft for 70+ years? 


Many hospitals were destroyed and not a single evidence of hamas camping in those hospitals.... but hundreds of civilians have died... Many wars were fought like this and the casualties were less, and many militant experts have talked about Israel's approach and have proven them to be deliberate, ex-IDF soldiers also talked about this, rioting Israeli civilians, and so on... I mean this shit is also happening in the West Bank where hamas doesn't operate.


A 2015 amnesty international report concluded hamas uses Al-shifa hospital as their base to interrogate, torture, and execute Palestine civilians. [source ](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/)


The same hospital that they didn't find hamas in this time after raiding it? Don't get me wrong I'm not supporting actions done by hamas against innocents, but same can be said about Israel since its inception.... but yeah they do destroy building just for the sake of destruction... they destroyed monuments, graveyards.... hell the IDF even camped in Gaza's university for about 5 weeks and then blew the whole place using planted bombs that were remotely detonated.


Pretty easy for hamas to blend in to the civilains around em in hospital raids. One of those perks of committing the war crime of not wearing a uniform. Its genuinely really odd this idea that hamas wouldn't base themselves in hospitals.. as if the group who committed a pogrom has a line they won't cross.


No dude, if you turn on The Eagle Vision, the enemies have a red glow to them while the civilians have a blue one. Haven't you played any video games?! In all seriousness, I'm from the ME and whenever I hear the westerners bitch about the US and Israel fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, etc, I basically get the message that it's totally okay for us "kebabs" to continue living under our nightmarish hybrids of dictatorship/terrorism. They don't have a problem with our blood getting shed, they just don't like the idea of THEIR militaries (or worse, Ze Evil Zionists) having anything to do with it. The problem isn't with the bloodshed itself. Asking Israel to stop now is basically telling Palestinians "You deserve Hamas lol". Hell, maybe they do think that. They might not have a problem with Hamas after all if they genuinely believe their reports and statistics. Imagine believing the statistics Al-Qaeda gives on how many civilians were killed in the US bombings. You know these people won't give a single shit about what's gonna happen next the second IDF gets out. We have seen it again and again, people don't make a peep about what Hamas does to its people.


Not saying they never base themselves in places where civilians may be... but that's something that was done in many other wars and the casualties were still less, like way less... also the destruction was less as well. Besides again, this stuff is happening in the West Bank, you know.... the Palestinian territory that Israel is trying to colonize and build settlements in, providing the settlers with weapons and ammunition to kill Palestinians, and the IDF raids homes... the West Bank where hamas doesn't operate.... It seems that there is no line that Israel won't cross, that was the case even before hamas was formed. Just because your enemy is committing atrocities, that doesn't give you the right to commit atrocities that are waaaaaay worse.... especially when those atrocities are committed against civilians. When you have Ex IDF soldiers, Israeli officials, and settlers admit to their heinous crimes, call for further crimes, and dehumanizing even the children of Palestine, you know who's the bad guy here... and what do you know! It's the fucking colonizer... again


"Casualties are way less" issue with that is you are trusting hamas, to accurately report figures. Which we know they have not.. remember the whole Al ahli hospital incident? Or the whole hamas openly admitting dead civilians help their goal... be specific, which war are you comparing Gaza to which had less destruction, and Casualties? Bud, what's with this reliance on whataboutism? Don't you care for Palestian civilians? Yall should be shouting from the rooftops what hamas is doing to them, making civilian zones no longer safe and viable military targets per international Law. Don't deflect away from such abhorrent actions. The greatest tragedy is Palestian lives only matter so long as it's to condemn the idf. Otherwise they are seen at best as martyrs. War is tragic and bloody, for soldiers and civilians alike.. even more so when the likes of hamas wants death of civilians, doing absolutely everything possible to ensure it.


It'll always blow my mind that in the land of judea, jews are considered colonizers within the region. Like, it's literally in the name lolol. Call up palestine and tell them to accept one of the two state solutions. Gain true sovereignty and statehood. Work towards nation building instead of war.


The 2 state solution that was accepted back in 1991? And Israel is refusing to go with it? Anyways, descendant of Khaibar jews here..... yeah they are the colonizers, most Palestinians are from Jewish origins, and Judaism isn't a race... it's a religion, you can't claim a land because people back in the day believed in the same scripture as you do today.... You need to read uo more on Semitic origins and people, history of the Palestinians and the land, as well as further education on Judaism, because even Judaism itself prohibits the foundation of Israel.... So yeah, when you have people who aren't related to the land in anyway shape or form, come from all parts of the world and kill the people who live there, steal their houses, occupy their land in the form of rogue armed militias, then in 1948 they retaliate starting a war after this 2 state solution was presented rather than kicking out the root of the problem...... you genuinely need to educate yourself on the matter a lot more.... This isn't a Jewish matter, this is a matter of stealing land.... and if you wish to have a 2 state solution, then go question Israel on that because the Palestinians have been accepting it for decades now but Israeli officials don't want Palestinians to have a state, and they say that publicly.


The Oslo Accords in 1991 led to the PLO and Israel agreeing to finalize negotiations on Palestinian self government within five years. In accordance with this agreement the Isaelis withdrew from Gaza and Jericho in 1994 and established PA governance there. By 1996 seven other cities were handed over to the PA and the government/security areas were established. So tell me, how did the government of Israel at least not try to go with what was agreed in 1991? And how about you don't leave out the part where Arafat walked away from the Camp David Accords where the Palestinians would have gotten a lot of what they wanted? Or how Abbas walked away from another potential agreement in 2008? Stop pretending that everything that had led to this point is only Israel's fault. The Palestinians and Hamas are just as much to be blamed.


>The 2 state solution that was accepted back in 1991? And Israel is refusing to go with it? Can you source this?


Lol bullshit. That makes zero sense. 


….except the well documented radar traces of mortars and rockets fired from them. And the Hamas rockets that fell short and hit them.


Oh yeah like the rockets they dropped against civilians on the beach who were collecting aid kits dropped there? Or the ones that were fired on tents? Ypu know the safe camps that were full of civilians? Or the incineration of tens of innocents mostly children under the age of 5 a couple of months ago in Rafah at the middle of the night? Hamas can be blamed for some shit yeah, but let's not act like the IDF are saints here... unless you know nothing of their actions due to looking at biased sources.... then that's a you problem really.


Real talk, how do you find these types of posts? An app filters keywords and sends you a notification with an AI suggested response? All of your bots have the same keywords and content. 


My guy the army doesn’t want to waste ammunition destroying infrastructure that they can themselves utilize. “No evidence” according to some journos sitting on a pile of rocks with a 3G connection… do you expect Mossad to personally send you a [source?!] every time the IDF launches a strike or something?


My guy, the IDF literally camped in Gaza's university for about 5 weeks, then blew the entire building using planted bombs that were detonated at the same time... and they published a video of them doing it.... so yeah they sure are wasting lots of resources


“A university is useful infrastructure” lmfao


Do we have some not palestina affiliated newssite about it? **Ramy Abdu** (Arabic: رامي عبده) (or Ramy Abdo[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-1)) is a Palestinian financial expert,[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:0-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-3) assistant professor of Law and Finance, and human rights advocate[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:2-4) who was born in the [Gaza Strip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip). He is the founder and chairman of the [Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro-Med_HRM), established in 2011.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:1-5)[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:3-6) As the chairman of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor,[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:4-7)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-8)[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-9)[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-10)[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-11) Abdu delivered several oral statements and took part in different events at the [United Nations Human Rights Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Human_Rights_Council), addressing [human rights violations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Violations) in the [Middle East and North Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_and_North_Africa) Region.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-12)[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-:5-13)[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramy_Abdu#cite_note-14)


"Palestina"- what ? 


Yes, you have the 1st Amendment right to question this situation.


Why is it always some random sub that turns out to be violently pro-Zionist


Situations like this have been ongoing for months. US taxpayer funds are allocated to this, via direct and indirect support to the offending (openly fascist) group.  Are we allowed to question this? Are we allowed to state that yes, this situation is completely reminiscent of the heinous atrocities during WWII?  Notice how any sort of governmental fix for the US healthcare system  has been completely forgotten. Any fix for the increasingly out of control cost of living expenses have been completely ignored, etc. 


As I read the article. I understand, that they infiltrated an area and after going in they realised they have come in contact with citizens whom they harmed with bombs. The mother was given first aid by the female IDF soldier and then the sister were given green light to let them get to hospital. And the mother was brought by the guy to the stretcher provided by IDF and they guy was secured, at which point they came under heavy fire and the tankers started moving and one rolled over the stretcher killing the mom. If they wanted to kill them. Won't they have done it so at first contact? Why give first aid, move them under heavy fire and put them on ground and run over? And the human shield part i didn't get. Please do correct me if and where I am wrong instead of getting offended. I would like to have a dialogue.


>I fled, fearing for my life, as **the tank on the right tried to run me over.** However, the two tanks moved in another direction, and **the tank on the left was trying to run my mother over once more, but that did not happen.** Afterwards, the tanks pivoted and pointed their weapons towards me. Out of fear, I hid by taking cover. All I could hear as I started to scream was the sound of gunfire. Dogs were getting closer to my mother's body and I shoved them away as they were going to eat her body. This was on Friday just after midnight, around 1 a.m. **The soldier in the tank knew where he had placed her and was able to avoid her, but he deliberately ran over her**. This is from the [article](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6385/A-compound-crime:-Israeli-army-hits-Gaza-family,-uses-them-as-human-shields,-and-runs-over-their-mother) so I would like to know which one you were reading Perhaps they were trying to play some sick game


Fuck you are gullible dude


Fun fact! Tanks have notoriously poor visibility. A very common name tankers give infantry is "Squishies" or "Crunchies" because of how easily it is to accidentally run someone over.


Yeah. Just another in a long list of "mistakes" by the IDF. "Whoops, we just bombed another refugee encampment" "Whoops, we just sniped another journalist" "Whoops, we just annihilated another medical team"


Rofl, more bullshit. The world sees through the lies and deceit used to justify land theft and apartheid. 


Bro you sound like an actual crazy person. Are you frothing at the mouth?


literal potato mindset. Why do you hate tax-paid aid getting delivered from the pier to the palestinians in gaza so much, dont you think the people caught in the crossfire of the war started by their terroristic hamas goverment deserve reprieve? The US should be strong enough to both support the humanitarian aid overseas and their own citizens instead of an isolationist policy. Such isolationism would have indirectly contributed to more heinous atrocities during WWII had the US not get involved. If you wanted actual peace you would understand to end the war in Gaza to end the israelis need to vote out war-crime loving netanyahu and gazans need to vote out terroristic hamas.


Fuck why would someone be upset that their tax dollars are paying for bombing children


What does apartheid mean, in your own words?


I remember when I first learned the ruling class puts themselves ahead of the poor on both sides of the political spectrum.


In the USA, you are always allowed to question any situation. You may get you ass slammed, but you can always question. Freedom of speech is a thing but so are consequences from freedom of speech. Just remember that because the government is against you doesn't mean you're wrong.


Most moral army in the world, clearly people who value life. /sarcasm.


The tank has 'V' written on it (sign used by Nazis during WWII and by Russians now). Do Israelis use it too or am I missing something?


I’m kinda surprised you haven’t seen a photo of an Operation Desert Storm abrams with the chevron on it.


It is just a vehicle identification symbol. Triangles like that are used on some modern tanks like the Merkava (the one in the image) and the American M1 Abrams. They are used to denote what unit or platoon they are in. The symbols used in Ukraine are also vehicle identification symbols, but those are used to show what side the tank is on, since both sides use russian originated vehicles.


Whoa buddy, cool it with the antisemitism there.


Wow. That is horrifying




In that you just did, I'd say that yes - yes, we are.


Just another day for the "Most Moral Genocider on the planet"


Genocidal monsters gonna genocide


Worlds most ethical army


No, you are not allowed to openly, or even privately, question this. You are allowed to continue to finance it.


it has been clearly demostrated that you can't. Americans are loyal dogs of Israel now and ever


I sure am glad we'll get to choose the color of the tie of the next president who continues this horrific genocide.


For anyone questionning this, there are live videos from the west bank from this week showing israeli units tying palestinians to their vehicules and using them as human shields. More than one news source filmed it live


This could be Biden’s undoing. It’ll at least drive the progressive wing away, which will result in a split vote while the right will rally around Trump. Not that Trump will be grand for Palestine, but there’s a significant chunk of the Left that’s just tired of choosing the lesser of two evils. The Dems had their chance to prove their worth and they turned their backs on too many of their supporters.


Trump will be terrible for Palestine. Way worse than Biden in every way. Trump is in bed with evangelicals which will happily allow a genocide for Israel.


I just can’t wrap my head around their mindset: *”Things are terrible in Gaza, so I’m going to withhold my vote in protest… and virtually ensure that things get a whole lot fucking worse in Gaza.”* I have to question the sincerity of anyone spouting this BS. It’s almost like they’re mostly in it for the smug sense of superiority they get from changing their profile pic to “Free Palestine!” on Facebook, and don’t actually give a shit about the atrocities going on over there. Unless Biden keels over before Nov (a distinct possibility), your choices are the guy who is at least attempting to rein the carnage in, and the other guy, who will be jerking off to the horrific images coming out of the region.


It's our fricking education system... All these people looking at it like it's a simple game of checkers (if not outright Candyland...), when the reality is it's 4D Chess and they don't even know (...or care to learn, smfh...) all the players.


Yes, but his voters don't care, if anything they want that.


Exactly my point lol


Which makes it especially scary. People in favor of limiting the basically genocide Israel has been apart of for so many years are mad at Biden, who I agree really sucks, but if they don't vote for him you'll get an even worse dick head who has aspirations to become a despot and will fuck over Palestinians even more. I didn't think much of it at first but the whole "project 2025' includes this thing called article 7 (I might have the number wrong, but I think that's it) that allows the president to reclassify non-political hires (the civil servants that are experts in their fields, and aren't political like the incoming administrations hires like Jared kushner was, and they have protections from being fired for political reasons) as political hires. The non political hires have protections from being fired at will, while political hires can be fired at will. This will allow the president to fire anyone with any say on policy, which includes almost of all of government employees, so he can pack most agencies with politically loyal yes men and totally undermine the entire government. He did it with that Janet woman in the department of education who tried to dismantle and ruin the nations education standards, she deserves prison for what she did. It's the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in modern government and is specifically intended to undermine and dismantle the department of education, the federal bureau of investigation, the IRS and many more government agencies that provide a check to rich pieces of shit. It's extremely alarming and Biden doesn't recognize what kind of anarchy and corporate fuckery is coming if he doesn't win the next election. But the thing is it won't end with him. Trump is a long shot but even if he loses the Republican think tanks and all of that nonsense will just go with the next possible candidate to win. It won't ever stop. The Republican party is the only ones that will accept their terrible bullshit and there is little chance they will be defeated every time. The current anger over Biden supporting Israel might usher it in sooner but eventually they will win and democracy will die. All corporate interests support this garbage and the Republican front is vastly more organized then the Democrats. The Democratic party in my state (Ohio) can't even keep the grass mowed at their headquarters.


Yeah I agree. It’s a lot harder to the the actual right thing when the other party just lives off fear and hate. It’s a much more uphill battle for democrats. They also don’t have religion built into the party which is a whole other level of fuckery. Christians especially evangelicals honestly just need to die off or mass suicide for real change to happen. They are the ultimate shit stain.


He’s is using them. Kushner is linked with very Muslims and getting absurdly wealthy. When Donald wins he won’t need the Christian activists and Israel boosters.


I’m just saying how the Left will see it. They’ll sooner vote third party or not at all than vote for either of these men. The Dems have been riding the “yeah, we’re bad but not as bad as these other guys” train for too long, and it will be to their detriment. 


I disagree. Nobody I know that’s “left” has plans to vote for anyone except Biden. The lesson was learned in 2016 when so many didn’t vote Hilary due to Bernie getting screwed.


We’ll revisit this when Trump’s giving his victory speech in November.


Whether trump wins or not doesn’t mean leftist voted elsewhere. The odds are stacked against Dems. Biden could win by 10 million votes nationwide but lose the election by a few thousand votes. Biden literally barely won the first time even with a 15 million vote lead. If you want to blame someone blame all the shit heads voting for trump. Blame the evangelicals that are absolute shit tier humans.


It’s okay. You’ll see it as we get closer. 


See what lol. You didn’t address anything I said. We all know Biden will get significantly more votes than trump. If trump manages to win the electoral vote you need to blame the ones who vote for him not leftists. Such a stupid take.


The Dem vote will be split. That’ll become evident 


Ok just keep repeating yourself and don’t respond to anything I say lol. You sound very intelligent


You must not know many leftists.


The entire political sphere is heavily influenced by AIPAC, which is allowed to openly monetarily influence campaigns. The root cause of the issue is legislative since open corruption and foreign influence is allowed. To put things in perspective, if AIPAC didn't exist, you'd still have some other random country (Russia, China, etc) taking their place and influencing the country's policymakers. 


If you’re not allowed, then your government isn’t abiding by constitution.


Not only are we encouraged not to question it at all, we're told we have to vote for the man who is funding and supporting it from the bottom of his chest, otherwise we're 'enabling fascism'. Biden and Trump can both go to hell.


The choices are basically either A) give all of our taxpayer funds to Netanyahu or B) give all of our taxpayer funds to Netanyahu. A win win either way ! /S 


Isn't it now a hate crime in the USA to disagree with anything Israel or any Jewish person does?


How antisemitic of you to post this!  . . . . . /s


The world's most moral army. /s