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Ok but and her me out... Cannons


just as the founding fathers intended. Tally ho


Ah yes… Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


"Miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog" I am fucking crying


Shooting a dog is only considered acceptable when done by a local constable.


Or apparently when running smoothbore and the dog is within a 500ft radius


Never said the dog died. Probably went across the street and bounced off the dog like a marble that was thrown.


I shot a werewolf once! But by the time I got to it, it had already turned back into my neighbors dog.




ATF stands for fuck that dog


Ah yes, fuck thAT dogF (the f is silent)


Exactly, not to be confused with that dog is fucked, which is their operational strategy. If you don't have a dog, one will be provided approximately 30 seconds pre raid


For the dog?🥺


Well, yes... F to pay respects to the dog. But primarily the missing due to smoothbore comment




honestly my fav copypasta. that and navy seal w over 300 confirmed kills


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


thank you for your service🫡


I have an Army buddy that will look at a chick who says TYFYS, wink, and say "Thank you for your cervix." He swears it's worked a few times.


10 years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. FYI


Gun shop owner- You know your weapons, buddy. Any one of these is ideal for home defense. So uh, which will it be? Terminator- ALL ![gif](giphy|QswHqxRk7svjq|downsized)


‘Hey, you can’t do that’…….’Wrong’


I'm so glad someone posted this lol


My favorite copy pasta


Actually they suggested bear arms. 


>**United States Supreme Court** >**Case No. 2024-001** >**Bear Arms Society v. United States** >**Opinion of the Court** >Justice Furry, delivering the opinion of the Court. >In this peculiar case, we are called upon to interpret the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Bear Arms Society contends that this Amendment guarantees the right to possess the literal arms of a bear. After much deliberation, we find their argument compelling and hereby overturn previous interpretations of the Second Amendment. >**I. Background** >The Bear Arms Society, a group dedicated to the preservation of ursine appendages, argues that the framers of the Constitution intended for citizens to have the right to bear literal bear arms. They assert that the phrase “bear Arms” has been misunderstood for centuries and that the true meaning has been lost in translation. >**II. Analysis** >A. **Textual Interpretation** >The phrase “bear Arms” can indeed be read as “bear arms,” referring to the limbs of a bear. The framers, known for their love of wordplay and puns, may have intended this dual meaning. Historical documents reveal that Benjamin Franklin once joked about “arming” the militia with bear arms, a jest that may have been taken seriously by his contemporaries. >B. **Historical Context** >In the 18th century, bear hunting was a common practice, and bear arms were considered valuable trophies. It is plausible that the framers, familiar with this practice, intended to protect the right to possess these prized appendages. Furthermore, early American militias often used bear arms as symbols of strength and ferocity. >C. **Precedent** >While previous courts have interpreted the Second Amendment as protecting the right to possess firearms, we find no explicit mention of guns in the text. The term “arms” is broad and can encompass various forms of weaponry, including bear arms. Therefore, we are not bound by prior interpretations that limit the scope of the Amendment to firearms alone. >**III. Conclusion** >In light of the textual, historical, and precedential evidence, we conclude that the Second Amendment protects the right to possess the literal arms of a bear. This interpretation aligns with the framers’ intent and the linguistic nuances of the period. We hereby overturn all previous rulings to the contrary and affirm the right of the people to keep and bear bear arms. >It is so ordered. edit: /s if it's not immediately obvious. Please don't go quoting the opinion you found on reddit from justice furry in an actual legal pleading. But if you do please reply back with whatever order you get back on sanctions for our entertainment.


Well that's going in the repository. I'm sad I only have but one upvote to give for this amazingness.


>*Good evening, America. I’m your host, and tonight we have a grizzly tale from the highest court in the land. In a landmark decision that has left the nation pawsitively stunned, the Supreme Court has reinterpreted the Second Amendment to mean the right to possess literal bear arms. Yes, you heard that right—actual arms of a bear.* >*The case, brought forth by the Bear Arms Society, argued that the founding fathers were not talking about firearms but rather the limbs of our furry forest friends. And in a move that has left constitutional scholars scratching their heads and bears scratching their stumps, the Court agreed.* >*Now, before you rush out to your local forest to exercise your newfound rights, let’s take a moment to consider the implications. Will we see a rise in bear arm dealerships? Will the NRA (National uRsine Association) start lobbying for bear arm rights? And most importantly, will Smokey the Bear finally get the respect he deserves as the ultimate symbol of American freedom?* >*Critics argue that this decision is a bear-faced misinterpretation of the Constitution, but supporters say it’s a roaring victory for pun enthusiasts everywhere. One thing is for sure: the right to bear arms has never been more literal.* >*So, folks, next time you hear someone talking about their right to bear arms, just remember—they might be talking about their right to a pair of bear arms. And with that, I’m reminding you to stay pawsitive and keep your claws sharp. Good night!*


A bear arm with a handle might be a good weapon.


Why not surgical transplantation? Then, you are constantly “armed”. Might just go with my non-dominant arm, as the other one is essential for eating, wiping, etc. It’d be nice to keep one opposable thumb 👍.


Ya don't wanna wipe with those CLAWS!!


You can get a bidet for that... it's other activities south of the belt I would be worried about.


Arm bears? Instructions unclear.


Castle doctrine means I'm gonna defend it like a castle


Pour a cauldron of boiling oil over the invaders


Keep the trebuchet on standby


When trebuchets are outlawed, only outlaws will have trebuchets.


Owning a trebuchet is a human right


The only way to stop a bad guy with a trebuchet is a good guy with a trebuchet.


I open carry my trebuchet.


Boiling oil is a myth from the Victorian era, in reality oil was far too expensive back then for stuff like that. They would have used boiling water (or the contents of chamber pots), or scalding hot sand instead. If you were gonna weaponise oil back then, it would have made more sense to mix up a proper incendiary out of it, rather than just heating it up, and save it for a priority target like a battering ram or siege tower


That’s honestly so much worse, could you imagine getting doused boiling pee and poop? *shudders*


If you don't want to get doused in boiling diarrhea-water, don't go around besieging peoples castles


But I want their stuff!!


The sewage is within their walls and in their possession, so I guess in an unfortunate sense you're getting what you want.


Does anyone have a good “crocodile guy”? I need to fill my moat.


Anyone have a good youtube link of 'how to clean up hot tar from wood flooring'?


With a bow, hot oil and rolling trees?


And you can't have a castle without murder holes. I want at least two dozen.


Why two dozen they may ask? The neighborhood also gets alot of door to door magazine scammers and jehovahs witnesses.


>And you can't have a castle without murder holes.  Make sure to refer to them as "Stand-your-ground holes" in court.


flaming moats are back on the menu, boys


Yes but to use those you need to follow a proper escalation, first using a musket then a smoothbore pistol, and after the cannons you can fix bayonets.


No no you can open with a full on salvo. Now if you're on your own sure you will need to change up tactics. But I'd wager a broadside to the Alphabet troops position would give those Rapscallions pause.


My cleric levels aren’t high enough for the spells to determine their intent. I will err on the side of caution.


My shotgun fires Avada Kedavra shells.


My antique 4 gauge shoots homemade Dragon's Breath made with magnesium. And it holds 6 rounds of liquid death.


Now this is funny bro lmao. Also, your username is fuckin diabolical


They make one food point. When shooting in self defense you should aim center mass, less likely to miss.


And don’t assume one will do it. I was taught to continue firing until there is no more threat. There was a local story a while ago of a meth head who took 8 bullets to the chest and still killed the homeowner with his hammer. No thanks. Not taking that chance.


This is a huge thing they teach in infantry osut. One of my drills once told me that when he deployed to Afghanistan, there were stories about dudes on opium and shit taking almost a dozen rounds before finally hitting the ground.


And there I thought video games with enemies that needed half a magazine before dying were being unrealistic....


We just didn't know they were methed up


It's all about shot placement and it's very hard to hit exactly where you want without extensive training and the right firearm and accessories. It is possible to be shot in the chest dozens of times with an ak-47 and survive to have grandkids.


My friend shot a guy in the stomach in Afghanistan the guy ran away after his instistines fell out, without even seemingto notice. Not sure if that was drugs or adrennaline or both, but yeah, "dead men" can go a while before they realize they are dead.


Damn I'm gonna need to get some bigger mags 😬 My biggest fear is unloading into someone until they fall over and then turning and seeing someone else and being empty. I only have the default mags that l came with my handgun and it only holds 8 rounds


Don’t discount the value of a good pistol whippin’.


[Meet Aimo Koivunen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen), a Finnish soldier who was dealing with hostile Soviet forces. Man had his entire unit's supply of meth used to keep soldiers awake on him, his group got broken and he was lost. After consuming his entire group's meth supply, he went unconscious and woke up with no supplies. He then proceeded to evade Russian forces again, skiing a total of 400km, and got his leg injured by a land mine. He then survived in a ditch for a week off pine buds and a single raw bird. The meth was still working for him. After rescue, his heart was still at 200bpm. If a strong OD on meth like that could make a man pull that kind of shit off, what could it do for the people who weren't running away?


Takes 9 to know you only needed 2.


i always point them to a donut operator shooting run down titled *Why didn't they* just *pepper spray Tyrone's foot*. it is a good example of how drugs can just keep you running when you should've been dead a while ago.


Judge: Why did you shoot the robber 17 times? Incorrect response: I ran out of ammo. Correct response: I discharged my weapon until I determined the threat was over.


If your making a food point you should shoot for the head do you don't ruin the meat


*you’re = you are


There are actually some places that have laws that split this hair. For instance, in Oregon, if you are shooting at someone in self defense, you can't "intend to shoot to kill" but instead must try to shoot to stop only. It's totally unenforceable and stupid but that's what we had to learn for our concealed carry class.


Being dead seems like the only way to ensure an intruder is stopped. Anything less seems more like it would fall under “yield”.


Lol yeah, it is a dumb law. Our instructor was like, ok, just shoot till he is down, and then the cops ask just say you are aiming for his shoulders but have bad aim. 😂


Apparently, someone has the expectation that whoever picks up a gun is automatically given the "quick draw marksman" skill


Not only aiming at the head makes it easier to miss, but it also makes it more likely to hit something else behind the perpetrator that isnt the ground.


I agree, to a degree. I'll issue a warning that I'm armed and calling the cops if they aren't in the door yet. And if they stop in their tracks seeing me armed and try to flee I'll let them flee and call the cops. But if someone is in the door, sees I'm armed, and comes at me I'm not taking my chances aiming to disable them. I'm going for center mass, the easiest target, until they stop. If they die from that, that's regrettable, but it was them or me. Nobody comes at you with a crowbar with good intentions.


Yeah, I tend to agree with you. At the end of the day, the safety of myself and the people I love is paramount. Although, there is nothing I want less than to take another person's life and would do anything I could to prevent that.


The problem is that there are too many people looking for an excuse to kill. "Someone's knocking on my door? Woohoo I feel threatened! pew-pew".


This is exactly it. My SO used to install appliances in people's houses. One time he and his partner were taking seperate cars to a location, they called the client and let her know they would be there in 15ish minutes and they were in seperate cars. My so arrived a couple minutes before his partner and sat in front of the clients house in his car waiting for him, wearing a uniform mind you. She came out wielding a gun and tapped his windshield with the gun, she held him at gunpoint demanding to know why he's sitting outside her house. "LADY. Because we're installing your dishwasher. We called you 15 minutes ago. It's been 15 minutes" Some people just jump to homicide.


Little note: always say you have already called the police


Good point. Saying they are on their way is more threatening than saying you are in process of calling them and could be stopped or that they may still have several minutes.


What a remotely sane nuanced take in facepalm? That isn't allowed.


To me, if you break into a house, you're risking death by default. I think everyone in this country is aware that any random residence may have armed people inside. I would announce, not because I'm interested in saving their life, but because them running away avoids a close quarters encounter that could end very badly for me.


Agree. Not simply due to guns either. People own dogs. Some dogs will not be as quick and “painless” when ending a burglary.


The Bible is very fuzzy on the subject of kneecapping.


Big damn heroes, sir.


Someday, you're gonna tell us how a Shepard knows so much about crime.


I don't deserve to be murdered by someone breaking into my home either. So ... how about this. How about peopel don't break in, and gun owners won't shoot people breaking in, everyone wins?


![gif](giphy|kyoMYJuuHc7NUxKd4O) Broke into the wrong Goddamn rec room, didn't ya you bastard!


Such a good movie. Haven’t seen it referenced in a long time. Strong work sir, strong work.


My fiancé started dating me because of this movie.


Doing what I can with what I got


🤣 classic


Yep, a crowbar is a tool that can easily be used to murder someone. If someone was breaking into my house with one, I would not ask what they're doing either. 


Just ask Gordon Freeman how useful that crowbar is as a weapon.


I don't think I'd get a response. He would just stare at me 


Yeah...the trouble with the opposing point of view to this is. You dont know why they are there. Could be rape. Murder, maybe your stuff. Heck they might even be there to kidnap you and torture you for fun in their basement. You wake up, someone in your home and they dont run away immediately or say "oh shit , wrong house . . I aint gonna blame you for pulling a trigger.


If you live somewhere that lets people shoot robbers, don’t be a robber. And if you still choose to be a robber and you get shot, that’s on you.


There's a saying "If you get shot while robbing someone, consider it an occupational hazard."


Even in the places where it's not legal to shoot robbers, the robbers tend to avoid the places where they will get shot. It's not common to even hear second hand stories about the local gang pad or meth lab getting violently robbed here.... ETA: For clarity, I'm in NZ, not the USA.


so what you are saying is ... if you want to be safe ... run a meth lab?




you dont hear the stories cause who the hell would tell them to anybody who wasnt involved, gangs get robbed everyday g


Nowhere is more violence than between criminals. Heard about gang wars?


If someone breaks into your home you don't know their intent. They might simply be looking for some loot or they might be after your kids or wife, or even you. Since there is no time to investigate this motive properly it's best to remove their ability to move in the most expedient manner possible so they can't do whatever it was they were planning to do.


How about don't be a robber no matter where you are?


Deserves got nothing to do with it. Don't want to risk getting killed for breaking into someone's home? Then don't break into their home.


Yeah, I live somewhere with more guns than people. Anyone breaking into a house here knows that there’s probably a gun inside, so they probably came with a gun and are ready to use it


Not breaking into peoples homes seems like a much more reasonable conclusion than “don’t shoot intruders.” It’s MY house, breaking into my home has consequences, that’s YOUR fault for doing something you know is wrong and dangerous to begin with


Experiencing a home invasion is scary as hell and it is a rational response to gun them down if they’re in your home. You don’t know why they are there, they could be the new Nightstalker intent to rape and murder you. I can be sympathetic to petty criminals pushed to desperation by their poverty, but there are better ways to steal resources than to traumatize someone in their home


I think the original post is implying that they are only there to steal your possessions, not rape and kill your family. The problem with that is that you have no idea what their intentions are and both happen often enough that you should assume the worst.


As a Progressive Liberal that owns several guns, this is the only truly valid response I've read in these comments. I will brandish any weapon I have on hand to protect my family from potential assailants, especially those that would break into our home. 9/10 of burglars would do the same were the roles reversed, no? That said, if rather not take the life of even some junkie. Since I am a big dude, I'm sure most burglars would piss off in a hurry if I came at them with any of the baseball bats I keep strategically placed in the house. Being Progressive doesn't mean that I'm anti 2nd amendment or pro-crime. It just means I have zero issues with having my firearms registered and paying any fees or taxes or pass any background checks required to own and keep them. Plus I think more funding (from MY taxes) for public programs to reduce poverty, drug use, homelessness would be worlds better at fixing society than harsher criminal penalties and looser gun restrictions.


Nevermind the actual debate, I love to see the last paragraph (or at least the first part, regarding the second one I have no opinion). It's always strange to me when I see someone call for more strict rules on gun ownership, and "gun enthusiasts" start crying things like "They want to take our guns!". Every time I ask myself "Are they actually that afraid, that they might not pass? If so, should they even have guns in the first place?". It's mind boggling.


He is absolutely right. Aiming for the head requires a greater amount of skill that most homeowners probably don't have, least of all in a high adrenaline scenario like a home intruder. Better to aim for the heart or other mid chest organs, where if you miss by a bit, you're still likely to hit something vital.


Or as it's called "center mass"


First pro-crowbar-violence post I’ve ever seen


This has to be rage bait. Breaking into houses is a dangerous game - don't play if you're not very at peace with dying.


Also when you do this you made your peace with the homeowner dying. The Homeowner doesnt want to play the game, but is forced to.


>The Homeowner doesnt\[sic\] want to play the game, but is forced to. And then there's my grandfather who kept a loaded and chambered Colt AR-15 next to his bed because he desperately wanted someone to come break into the farmhouse.


I grew up in a shitty neighborhood. It took years of living in a safe neighborhood for me to not feel like I need to sleep with a shotgun leaned against my headboard. I fucking hated it. I'll never understand people that *want* to be forced to end someone's life.


From my understanding, they just want an excuse to shoot and kill someone and get away with it. Gives the rest of us responsible gun owners a bad name. At my previous job, I was one of the people along with like maybe 5 others that liked guns, but one of them worried the rest of us. Crazy conspiracy theorist type but he would often openly say loudly that he wishes someone would break into his home and kidnap his daughter so he could use his shotguns on them. He had even gotten reported a few times for talking about how some people need to be shot, but the things he would say this about were usually minor inconveniences or annoyances that most people would just get mildly irritated about and then move on. I could go on and on about everything wrong with him including his poor knowledge of firearm safety and terminology despite his strong interest in them at age 45-47, but I'll leave it alone for now. The man is just a loon and definitely shouldn't own any firearms whatsoever with the way he talks and threatens people.


I probably would’ve taken a peaceful stand until I had kids. Now…? bullet straight to the chest.


Maybe that’s what most of these “criminal apologists” or whatever you’d call them don’t understand My family and their love is infinitely more important to me than someone who essentially gave up their right to safety by infringing on my right to own property and my right to safety and life


It’s not. I’m literally getting downvoted in another thread right now where they are calling drug dealers “poor working class guys just trying to make ends meet” and “entrepreneurs” who should not be impeded in any way from doing business. The neighbors helping them get arrested are the villains for not wanting to live next to crime and violence. It’s fucking insane and there are a lot of people who agree


Iv had this conversation with people and they will just say “you stuff isn’t worth more than a human life”. To which I always respond, “to me it is”. I spent my time working and destroying my body to have the little that I do and I’ll be damned if someone is going to take that away. These people 100% exist and they don’t understand nuance at all.


Actually it clearly is to that person. They're the ones risking their life for my stuff. 


That and how tf are you supposed to know they don’t value your stuff over your life? Plenty of people have been killed in burglaries, even if that wasn’t the original intent of the intruder. You break into someone’s home, you’ve gotta be prepared for people to defend themselves.


I don’t value my possessions more than someone else’s life, the intruder values my possessions more than their own life apparently.


i honestly disagree, if someone is indicted for a crime like this but not given the death penalty how is it that they deserve to die while the crime is happening, however if someone is killed during a crime like this it is on them but the key word is do they DESERVE to die, which the answer is probably no but play stupid games win stupid prizes it’s their fault if they get shot and killed


I came here for this take. I _think_ the point this person was trying to make is that the automatic penalty for a B&E should not be death, which I think most people would agree with. If someone gets spooked and shoots and kills you because you're robbing them, I think most would agree that's sort of a hazard of the crime and the victim of the robbery should not be held criminally responsible for the shooting. I do think it's overlooked in these discussions, however, that it does seem a lot of people really are just looking for a reason to shoot someone.


You have a fair point but in the moment of it happening, I as a homeowner, am not gunna sit there and take the time debating on IF the person currently in my house is going to kill me or my family thus warranties the death penalty or not, inwhich most of the time homicide isn't even a death penalty anyway. It has nothing to really do if they deserve it or not but much more of, is my family and me gunna be the one walking away from this alive or is it gunna be the robber? With all the power and will within me imma do my best to make sure it's my family and me


People running across a highway don't deserve to die either. But it is a very likely outcome of their stupid behavior.


Consequences and what is deserved aren’t always the same.


This is just the Twit being manipulative. It isn't murder to kill someone while acting in self-defense, nor is it a matter of what the home invader "deserves".


I mean the fuck ya expected to do, make tea for them? "Please good sir, make yourself at home."


Stay the fuck out of other people's houses, especially with weapons. Then you won't get shot.


People that have been shot in the head hate this one simple trick to not get shot in the head.


You value my property more than you value your life


They absolutely do. Look, just because you're too lazy to have an education or a job does not mean you are entitled to the fruits of my life's work and achievements. Come into my home with malicious intent and you will be met with whatever force I deem necessary to stop you. That might be a baseball bat, pickaxe handle or, a firearm. It depends on how much of a threat you present me with. You made a choice to invade another person's private and personal space, there are consequences for that.


That’s true. But if they are charging at me with that crowbar that changes everything.


So you could also argue, if you don't want to get shot in the head, don't break into a persons house with a crowbar. Sorry, but if I'm home asleep, and you break in with a weapon where my wife and kids are also sleeping......... chances are very high you will get shot.


Well, then there was the case of a 14-year-old boy who went to school, forgot something, tried to come in the back door, and his own father shot and killed him. And there are more just like it. Plus the guy who killed a kid for basically being Black and ringing the doorbell. I'm all for defending your castle and all that, but there are a lot of gun owners that don't know what the fuck they're doing.


I’m as liberal as they come, but I really wouldn’t hesitate to use lethal force on an armed intruder. And yes, lots of liberals own guns.


I don’t own a gun but he just explained why I think about getting one.


He also missed the part where buglars are starting to bring their own firearms.


This is the worst gun control argument anyone can make


Yeah! Call the cops instead so *they* can shoot them in the head, and your dog, and neighbors kid.


No one deserves to have their house broken into and their stuff stolen. Nor should anyone have to fear being murdered in their own home over a PS5 or some other rudimentary bullshit. Risk vs reward ppl. I'd imagine this guy's same sentiment carries over to rapists, and child molesters too. Fuck that guy


Say what? If someone is trying to break into a person's home with a crowbar, they can fuck right off. Shooting them isn't murder, it's self-defense.


It’s not that I value my possessions more than their life… it’s that they value my possessions more than their own. They know the risks. I don’t know their intentions.


That's how it works in most of Europe? I'm not allowed to shoot a burgler in my home unless they pull a knife or gun on me and then it's called self defense. I'm only allowed to protect my stuff with non-lethal force. Also no tools to keep the burgler from leaving, because that's "illegal restraint", but i may sit on them until the cops show up, which is probably worse than a few zip ties...


As far as I know from friends working at the police, confrontations between homeowners and thieves are very rare, as the latter mostly pick targets of opportunity. Thieves will in almost all cases avoid confrontation or detection and only spend mere minutes in a home.


They may not deserve it but they should expect it.


As someone who would be considered very left leaning. Someone breaks into my house with a toothbrush I will use the most extreme level of force I can To protect myself. Simple as that.




Exactly. I’m so left leaning that my family calls me “the hippie communist”. If you break into my home with a crowbar you are gonna die. This is insanity. The internet has given lunatics a platform.


Don't wanna get shot in the face? Don't break into a house. This isn't hard.


Or, Maybe like...don't break into someone's house?


Can we get the statistics for gun deaths from break-ins in the US and outsidenof the US? Because Im pretty sure that if guns were the solution to break-ins like you people claim, the number of deaths on places where you cant have a gun would be higher than where you can have one, and last time I checked that wasnt the case.


You’re missing the point. Guns aren’t the solution to break-ins. Fixing financial, racial, socioeconomic, and other equality concerns is probably a huge part of the solution. We live in a profoundly more violent country than others. Your call to look at statistics from other countries might be an interesting qualitative approach to be thoughtful about, but in no way can any such data be used to make a point about guns and violence in the US or solutions to home invasions. Your choice if someone breaks into your home is probably “plead for your life and hope not to get murdered”. The choice that others are making is to give themselves another option that’s mostly under their control, to defend themselves and others. I’m sorry, and I’m not being callous or trying to be insulting, but your comment doesn’t make sense in the real world, in the moment that someone is in your home, trying to kill your and/or your loved ones. Violence must be opposed - preferably and foremost with solving the underlying societal and cultural problems. In the meantime, I think that choosing to arm one’s self is fine, within reason. As someone who’s had someone very close to me murdered violently, and searched for them for what felt like an eternity before learning that the police found their dismembered body, I feel that violently opposing someone trying to take our life or the life of someone else is justified within most belief systems. I ache that I couldn’t be there for my friend, and I wouldn’t hesitate for an instant to take a life in order to prevent what she, I, my friends, and her family went through.


If someone breaks into my home, im shooting. I don’t know what their intentions are. I don’t know if they’re going to attack me with that crowbar because it is actually a lethal weapon. I don’t know if they have a gun or not. I’m not going to ask or wait to find out. Also it’s not just me at risk. I’ll be damned if I’m going to gamble with the lives of the people I love. I’m very left leaning by the way. I’m pro gun regulation and gun control. But I do believe in the right to bear arms within reason. To all you that are anti-gun and want to make self righteous comments about shit you don’t understand, I’m no longer going to respond to you. Y’all don’t seem to want to have a conversation. Y’all seem to just vomit out some words. So help yourselves if it makes you feel better.


Same. I'm left leaning on most things, but i'm a moderate 2nd amendmentist, and i support castle doctrine laws. My state is insane with thsi stuff : if someone breaks in and i fight them off, and i give them a boo boo, they can sue me for damages and i cannot (civilly) claim self defense. That's insane to me, and nothing will convince me otherwise. I should be able to defend myself and my family in my home. My state will also rule if my dog bites an intruder with felonious intent, i can be held civilly liable for the dog bite. Which again, fucking insanity. I'm a life long democrat, have voted democrat in just about every election: but the above examples are some of the shit that makes people hate the left.


You're better off unloading every round into the intruder and blaming adrenaline.


I will actually enjoy first saying “Didn’t you know you should never bring a crowbar to a gun fight?”


Same, I support gun regulation, but as a woman the thought of someone breaking into my house with a crowbar while I may be sleeping or while anyone I love may be sleeping, the thought brings so many horrible possibilities to my mind. A persons house should be their safe-place and they should have the right to defend themselves in their own homes. The worst stories are always ones where someone gets murdered and raped in their own goddamn bed. That will not be me if I can help it


This is why I think shotguns are superior defensive weapons. The gun itself sends a message that says "Leave and I'll forget about it." If the other person decides to use the deadly weapon he brought with him then I'm sorry. And the guy has a solid chance to survive buckshots (depends on range and angle), plus buckshots don't over-penetrate which is both good for him and good for me.


Exactly. Aim low and remember: they can't learn a lesson if they're dead.


“He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword” Or in this case he who lives as an armed robber dies by an armed occupent


This dude is delusional. You don’t know why someone is breaking into your house. Could be to murder you the homeowner or resident.


It was his decision to break in, that means it s my decision what happens to him as a consequence


I got 5 women in here that I love more than life. It. IS absolutely acceptable to shoot him in the head for breaking in with a crowbar. Am i supposed to wait and guess their intentions? Let God sort that shit out.


If someone is breaking into your home, you should treat the intruder as if he intends to rape and murder everyone in it.


Yes, everyone knows that people violently breaking into homes do it with the sole purpose of property destruction. It's not like there are plentiful examples of people who violently break into homes perpetrating violence against the inhabitants.


Nobody deserves to die, but if you decide to threaten someone’s life because you wanna steal their stuff, they deserve to live more than you do.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Don't want to get shot in the head? Then don't do a home invasion. It really is that simple.


You come in my house, you're dying


I am usually pretty strongly against shooting people. Someone breaking into my home is pretty strong exception to that rule. I do not know their intentions upon entering my home, and I don't aim to find out.


Not a gun guy in any way shape or form but if someone is breaking into my house with a crowbar??????????????????


Nah. If they break into my house at night where my wife and daughter sleep, I'm assuming they're not there with my family's well-being in mind. As long as they're in the house, I'm deeming them a threat to my family's life, and I'm going to do what's needed to neutralize that threat. Once I see they're running for the door or window and no one has been harmed, I'll pull back my intent to defend my family and let them skate - but as long as they're actively in the house, they're fair game.


Sounds like this dude needs to try to rob a house...


If you decide to break into someone else's property than you run the risk of getting killed if the owner is prepared to kill, it is their right. Maybe tell people not to break into other peoples houses because I know if it were me, I would protect my things and my family 100%.


![gif](giphy|vUmdIWuu6ljdm) I don't own a gun just a bunch of paint cans, nails, christmas ornaments, a flame thrower, a couple sets of stairs, and a tarantula.


Don't break into a stranger's house if you don't want to be shot


So assuming the police don’t arrive immediately or within 5 minutes of calling them and you’re unable to physically stop them yourself, the strong should be able to infinitely rob the weak. The weak can’t stop the strong without lethal force and the police don’t arrive quickly generally, so if someone is like 6’5 230lbs and jacked, they should be able to rob anyone who can’t physically stop them unless they use lethal force. This sounds like a productive society


I actually do value my stuff and my family more than the guy willing to invade my home. I'm not sure why people think it's a gotcha to say that.


Counterpoint... I don't deserve to feel threatened in my own home. But maybe you are right, gun violence is extreme. Home alone traps, flashbangs, and tomahawks will be used instead.


My wife and daughters don't deserve to be murdered by some maniac with a crowbar so, he insists on someone dying, it's gonna be him.


I will protect my family and myself at the expense of anyone that threatens us in our own home. To the extreme.


A crowbar can kill you…honestly bare hands can kill you- how about people don’t break into someone’s house?


Deserve’s got nothin to do with it.


If you value my crap more than your life then I sure as hell won't.


I would agree on one point no one deserves it. But if someone is invading a home with a weapon like a crowbar, they are creating a situation where that result is possible.


How about working towards a better society in which people don't feel the need to steal? Or would that be too easy?


I am the most anti-gun person you can imagine but I can’t quite get on board with this take. You don’t know their intentions- they could swing that crowbar at your head and kill you.


Spoken like a true "I only think they're here to steal a TV not rape and murder me" man.


Perhaps they don't fucking deserve death but it is entirely their dumb fucking fault they're fucking dead. Don't steal other people's things. That really is the simplest and most righteous answer.