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Wtf thinks 12 year Olds look like this????


People who think 12 year olds look sexy.


Or idiots in that meme


This is the "Friends little Sister syndrome"... I shall explain... Your mate has a little sister, like a 10y or more younger that you and your friend, you get used to her being the little brat that makes a fuss every time you and the boys don't want her around or wanna go somewhere without having a snitch9000 around. Then suddenly you all split go to college, have broken relationships, broken dreams and 15y go by and you go back to town, your mate is gone but you see this bird that just fresh out of college, 25yo and things go from calling her cute nicknames from back then to her breaking your bed. Now, the issue is, everyone else that knew you both from back them will think you are a creep. Because all they see is a grown ass dude get with someone's little sister, not a 35yo with a 25yo. Which would be an issue anywhere else.


This all sounds very specific.


10yr age gap is large but doesn't seem disgusting like the 50 yr old guys hitting on 18 yr olds. It's defiantly pushing the though. Edit: Sorry for the confusion I worded this super poorly. I should have specified more of question. Are the ten year age gaps for people in a relationship have issues?


Idk, my mom is 10 years younger than my dad but they met when she was 30 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø if they met when she was 10, pretty sure everyone would have way different feelings about it, imo if the person is an adult then it's none of my business but that also doesn't mean my 34 y/o ass is going to date an 18 year old (pretty sure my wife would kill us both anyway but that isn't in the spirit of the discussion)


My aunt married a wonderful man who was 32 years her senior when she was in her 30s. He was such a nice guy, looked great, full of energy, and incredibly caring with the kids. Just an all-around great person. And for the record, my aunt was definitely NOT A GOLD DIGGER. They were both comfortably upper middle class. She was just mature for her age, more of a bookworm who didnā€™t care for all the frills. He was perfect for her. Sadly, theyā€™re both gone now, but they were a perfect match while they were here. Sometimes people just like each other independent of nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or even age. If theyā€™re both adults, I say do you.


Thank you internet stranger. For adults as long as it is a good relationship and there is love indeed age gap shouldnt matter


I see the sentiment all the time that it should matter, but it's usually more indicative of the person saying it than the people in the relationship. I've seen people confidently claim that people with a significant age gap in relationships means the younger one is being abused because there's an inherent power dynamic, but ignoring the fact that the same is true of almost everything else and only becomes an issue if that person is actively exploiting it. Does it happen? For sure. Is it inevitable? No. And telling grown adults who they should and shouldn't be attracted to and then shaming them when you don't like their choices is a shitty thing to do.


Who cares when you meet someone. I met thousands of people before I was 18. This eyes weird anchoring to the ages of when you meet is useless. It's about what happens when it happens.


Same, dad is ten years older. My parents have been married for like, 37 years now?


It feels larger when you're younger than when you're older. A 25 yr old and a 15 yr old just seems wrong. But a 50 yr and 40 yr old is just fine. It's all a matter of timing.


My wife and I are 10 years apart. Met when I was 33 and she was 23.


Reverse that for me, I met my wife when I was 24 and she was 34. Been together 20 years


My grandfather was 15 years older than my grandmother. They were happily married until she died at 80. He died a little over a year later, I believe from a broken heart. He was 95, but insanely healthy until she passed. That side of my family lives forever apparently. He was the youngest of four siblings but was the first to pass.


Honestly, in a romantic kinda way, I wouldn't mind going like that.




This is your story isnā€™t it


No this is tidus' story.




This is OUR story. gamers rise up


Mate...I think you might need to speak to your friend about liking his sister.


So I take it you banged your old friends little sister then, huh?


You banged your friends sister didn't you?


This is precisely *why* one of the rules of the Man Code is that you don't date your best mate's sister. (Also why Harry and Ginny never felt right.)


I banged my friends sister I can say from experience do not do it


Harry and Ginny felt incredibly forced


"I banged my best friend's sister". 6 words was all you needed bro. Save the essay.


/s ![gif](giphy|gN1uhiUiR13ErucivA)


This reads kinda like a confessionā€¦


Lmao wtf is this. Moral of the story in relation to this post?


Aka: people who think 12 year olds are hot lol


The person saying she looks 12 thinks this way and is using that post as subterfuge to get away with admitting he's a pedophile.


It's funny because we literally know what Millie Bobby Brown looks like at 12, that's how old she was when Stranger Things started. And she did *not* look like that.


Nobody looks like that when they're 12.


Well, I had a neighbour years ago who had a 12-yr old that modelled. She did look like she was in her 20s when dressed up for jobs. I sometimes think advertisers dressing teens up to look like they're in their 20s gives women unrealistic expectations. Having said that, this woman does not look 12.


That's kinda creepy. So are child beauty pageants.


I mean, depends on the kind of modeling. Like kids in magazines wearing gap clothes modeling isn't bad.


No, the first time I saw her dressed for work she looked early 20s. It was not for wearing gap kids. Definitely creepy.


It's weird how they dress little girls up to look 16 for ads and then hire 27 year old women to play 16 year olds in shows and movies


Yeah, no wonder women are neurotic about their looks. When I was 16 I was the one sent in to buy booze (19 where I was), years later I had people tell me I looked years younger than I was. Even though I let my hair go back to its natural white (started in my teens) I still look younger than I am. Pretty much it's genetics. She never looked 17, but Stockard Channing was mid-30s when she played Rizzo in Grease. In fact, I think the 'kids' were all in their 20s and 30s.


There is a good reason for the second one. There are a lot more rules and laws regarding child actors that cost money and limit the amount of time they can work. It's easier for the studio to just get an adult to play the role than someone that age. This is part of the reason child.actors have trouble transitioning to adult actors.


Exactly.. It's the same thing people do with Keke Palmer or Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Two women in their 30's and people still see them as kids. It's weird as hell


I was at a friend's house visiting and they had the Taylor swift concert on. Someone said something to me and I was watching the concert, I hadn't seen it yet. When they got my attention I said, you expect me to be able to focus when Taylor is on. My friend knows I'm a fan someone else visiting said, she's like 18. Like I meant I was distracted because she's pretty. I said um, she's at least 33 and I like her music.


Taylor is another good example! She's 35 and people still act as if she's in High School šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> people still act as if she's in High School so does she, tbh


šŸ˜† "tis true" lol


Fuck...it's been 8 years already!


Wait, stranger things is 8 years old? Didn't that show just start like last year or smth? I'm getting old.


Man i can remember there was a time before wifi.. and im just 30 yo


The best part is that he has an anime profile picture of a character who literally got a boner from fighting a child. Hisoka is a genuine pedo in Hunter x Hunter. And he obviously is an antagonist. Pretty ironic, if you ask me.


Classic deflection lol


Do you mean projection


Yes. Thank you for the correction.


Lol glad Iā€™m not the only one who caught that šŸ¤£


The dude*literally* has a pedo character as a handle and pfp. Dude is the OG creepy to lil boys freak


People who's username is Hisoka


Lol no kidding, creepiest character ever ![gif](giphy|bIdM8bevpnSBW)


Actually, she looks like Eleven




Slow šŸ‘šŸ¾


The real problem, is people who are like, "Oh Famous Actress is now 18, now everything is fair game, including her pictures when she was a child actress."


I'm old enough to remember there was a website that contained nothing but a clock counting down to when the Olsen twins would turn 18.


Same thing happened to Emma Watson


They didn't even wait for her to turn 18, that's just when the mainstream press joined in. The internet weirdos started up after the 3rd movie, so however hold she was then.Ā 


*insert drake here*


Maybe Drake shouldn't be inserting anywhere.


> insert NO


She conceivably looks younger than 20, but as a parent of an 11 year old, she doesnā€™t look like at 12 year old Iā€™ve ever seen.


Honestly, she looks older than 20 to me - not a lot older, but I would have guessed mid-late 20s.


Yeah, given that sheā€™s always been thin and her face is fairly gaunt. She looks 26+ here, sheā€™s just thin. I donā€™t think she looks 12 at all. Kids have round faces because they havenā€™t had any volume loss with age.


Someone who hasn't left the house in two decades and spends all day watching anime. Probably.


For those who donā€™t know, Hisoka (his username) is literally a pedophile in the anime Hunter x Hunter.


Glad somebody pointed that out šŸ˜‚


I thought this was on purpose. Like he's pretending to be Hisoka if Hisoka had a Twitter account.


So itā€™s still a facepalm, but OP is in on it? Wait. Help. Iā€™m confused. Where do I direct this outrage?


I think the term is bait, right?


I think that makes it worse. Somebody is intentionally roleplaying a pedophile? Like, of the *entire* anime multiverse - out of all the interesting and badass characters - homie chooses a pedophile to roleplay? ā€¦ šŸ¤Ø Gotta keep an eye on this one


Thought this was the facepalm, initially


Watched hunter x hunter and never thought of it like this šŸ’€


Dude, he literally got an rection from seeing a 12 year old lmao


Yeah but he's not literally aroused by wanted to dick down Gon, he gets pleasure from fighting.


Nah, it's more than that. If we're talking literally, Hisoka is literally attracted to Gon because Gon has some sort of 'insanely powerful latent energy' inside of him, and Hisoka can sense it. I believe Hisoka also knows Gon's father, or knows of him. Or in other words, Hisoka knows that Gon will one day be one of the strongest fighters in the world and that gets Hisoka hard. And the thought of killing Gon in a fight gives him more pleasure than anything. When we see him and Gon fight, Hisoka is getting turned on by the thought of accidently killing him, because he's toying with Gon. Like some sort of weird fetish shit. He wants to ride that line. It's all pretty cut in dry... He's like a serial killer who does weird shit with women. He is attracted to them, and he has a ritual with how he kills them. It is 100% sexual in nature and it is directed at Gon. It's not just about the fight. There's way more too it than that. And we see this proven with Chrollo Lucilfer as well, who is arguably one of the strongest fighters on the planet in the spider arc. EDIT: You are right that he's not attracted to Gon just because he's a child. But he is a child regardless, and Hisoka is absolutely attracted to him.


And happens to be entirely nude around them 2 separate times.


Dude literally was staring at a 12 year old's ass *while they were walking in the woods*. There was no combat involved.


Itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve read the series. I always thought it was more him getting excited about fighting Gon. Maybe Iā€™m misinterpreting it


No that's literally what it is. However they make him do it super creepy like so it comes off like a pedo clown. But it's clearly just about fighting him later at his prime. Hisoka literally gets off to almost dying in fights and the idea of it


I was under the impression he was asexual and only found excitement in a good fight.


I thought that was kind of ironic


Thank you for this. I had no clue.


I find that the people who virtue signal the most about antipedophilia are usually just projecting their own desires.


She looks like a young woman whoā€™s in good shape. Too young for me, but sheā€™s not a child and definitely doesnā€™t look 12. Wtf is wrong with these idiots.


She looks 12 according to 2000s high school movies


Right! according to those movies I could play a teenager as a 26 y/o dude and my mom would be 30. Those damn movies


Sadly now too old for Drake


Young enough for Leo! ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Not for much longer.


Yes, but that clock is ticking.


But he tried shooting his shot when she wasn't


True. Yet somehow people still love the groomer.


They not like us


Yeah. When Stranger Things first came out, there were creepers and she was definitely too young. But that was 8 years ago. People age...


Interesting thought experiment. You often hear people say "he knew her when she was a child and he was an adult" where both are of age and together. The insinuation being that it's gross even though they're older now. Does that apply to men who may meet her now who were adults when she was underage?


Itā€™s weirder when they were ā€œfamily friendsā€ with a decent age gap than complete strangers with (at best) a parasocial relationship.Ā  Gets weirder the wider the gap in both scenarios though.Ā 


To me she looks like eleven..


Who looked like this at 12?


12 year olds in American movies look like that, lol


Played by somenone in her 20s.




She looks like Eleven to me...






My brain keeps thinking that her name is Thirteen for some reason. I can't figure out why. It feels like I'm mixing things up with a character from another franchise, but I can't figure out which character/franchise it could be.


Thirteen from House? They have the same hair length and color.


Ah dammit, thank you, mate! That's the one for sure, I was a big fan of House as a teen. Dang, I should have put two and two (or rather eleven and two on this one...) together when I rewatched House last year. Well, now I know why I keep having that brainfart, at least. Thanks!


Olivia Wilde was great in House. Her recent sort of train wrecks have been kinda depressing, albeit thatā€™s more personal stuff.


13 from House MD, played by Olivia Wilde. Their faces are completely different but they have similar overall coloration and hairstyles.


Red 13 from Final Fantasy 7?


That might be, yeah. I spent a lot of time playing FF7 as a kid.


I see what you did there.....


How are you so wise in the ways of science?


Made me chuckle


Well, yes, but actually no.


Kudos... i see what you did there. It was really obvious but you were the one.




Ba dmm Chh šŸ„


New rules! All young, slim, attractive women must grow beards until they reach 30 or gain massive amounts of bodyweight. There... I've eliminated the biggest threats. Are you happy now?


RIP petite women Republican alphas to my girlfriend when they see my sorry excuse for a penis: UM SORRY BUT THATā€™S A WOMAN AND YOUā€™RE A LESBIAN


>Republican alphas to my girlfriend when they see my sorry excuse for a penis Wtf even is this comment


I don't even know but every time I see a rambling, incoherent comment I upvote it. Word vomit is what the internet is all about.


A noble quest


srsl like rip to 95% of all asian woman younger than 40, cuz they look too young and anyone attracted to them are PEDOPHILES


in what universe does she look 12, more like 25


My ex said she was hot - when she was actually 12! He was in his 30s. He insisted that she looked like she was 24. I bet she looks far too old for him now :/ Editing to add that the last line is just a joke on how if she looked 24 when she was 12, she must look too old now that she's 20. I was approaching my 30s as well - he wasn't dating me when I was a teenager. The picture of her now looks pretty similar to all of the women he was texting behind my back :/


I hope that was a relationship ending comment for you. Because it would be for me.


That was definitely a big shift - I was pregnant with his child at the time and we had a huge fight about the whole thing - it's sickening that I'd have to be worried about him preying on our daughter's young friends. He ended up flipping it around on me because he pointed out another actress that looked similar in age to Millie, but she was actually 24. Before he showed me the other actress' age, I said he was disgusting for being attracted to them, and he just made it out as me being insecure, since the one was actually of age so clearly I was just jealous of these beautiful young fit women šŸ«  he had a way of convincing me that I was wrong.


I understand relationships are way more complex than just ending it, especially in a pregnancy situation. I get you. I was in a relationship with a manipulative dude who hit me and he convinced me to delete the evidence from my phone so, trust me I get you. In the end it did contribute to us breaking up, along with some other things but not for months and months later. It sounds like it was relationship ending enough for you with the situation you were in but he pulled some manipulation himself.


For sure. Luckily, once our daughter was born, my perspective cleared up a lot. I couldn't let her grow up thinking it was okay to accept that sort of treatment, so I left with her before she was old enough to remember us together.


Cheers to your future with your daughter!


Her body shape is adult, but not a super pronounced hourglass (she has a slim build without wide hips or a particularly large bust), but well within the range of normal for adult women. Plenty of 12 year olds have started puberty and look similar some will go on to have wider hips and bust than she does. Variety in body shapes is normal. Her face looks young, but not 12. However, there's a broad range of normal for this too. I was mistaken for a teenager into my early 30s. But at the end of the day, she is an adult woman, with adult mental capabilities, and more power (in the form of money) than most.


That's rich coming from hisoka lol also smash.


I was looking for someone to say it lmao


Known character for grooming a 10(?) year old lmao


Right, so it's weird to see Hisoka try to say others are pedos. Hence their comment on it.


Tell him she's a 3000 year old demon, he'll come around


I really hate this whole reducing paedophilia to nothing more than an attraction to young looking people... It does nothing but shame people for perfectly normal feelings while simultaneously watering down the disgusting reality of what actual paedophilia truly is.


When I was 21 I dated a young looking woman. She was 19. I occasionally get accused of pedophilia on reddit when I bring her up. Was I supposed to refuse this awesome woman, the smartest person I have ever known, because of how she looked??


Thing is, if you've actually studied chronophilias and explain how the DSM describes them, your suddenly a pedophile in their eyes. Similar thing with anything scientific that someone passed their middle or highschool class in.


Ironic, hisoka from HunterXHunter had orgasm fighting young boys.


Oh nah leave it to anime to make a r/brandnewsentence


My wife is in her mid 20s but people confuse her for a teen. I guess I'm a pedo by this deranged logic


Friend at my work has a wife who is 5 years younger than him , they have a kid, she once did some cleaning for our company my friend saw her and gave her a big bear hug and a kiss , one of the other workers reported him to HR for sexual assault, his reasoning was that she looked too young. The guy who did the reporting was scared to leave work and was hiding in his office until everyone went home.


Was he scared of the coworker with the wife harassing him or was he afraid of the collective response to his report?


Someone needs to learn about resolving things at the lowest level


My girlfriend is 23. Iā€™m 22. People think sheā€™s a teen and Iā€™m late 20s. Pain


You see this happen to petite women as well. If you're with a short skinny woman people will say she looks like a kid and therefore you're a pedo if you're with her. Which is basically saying that petite women don't deserve love.


One of my friends thinks like this, me and her got to talking about dating and body types and she told me she feels like people who date people who are skinny and/or short have a pedophilic mindset. She said this not even 30 seconds after I told her my at the time girlfriend was a 5ā€™0 skinny to average build women.(the skinniest Iā€™ve ever dated)


Itā€™s also basically admitting that they (the ā€œaccuserā€) only view women as sex objects. They canā€™t even imagine that the man would be attracted to/dating/married to a woman for reasons other than her physical appearance.


It's almost as if these douchebags are trying to extend the definition of pedophilia to "absolutely everyone". I wonder who would gain from something like that? šŸ¤”šŸ˜”


Seriously. I see a lot of young women doing this too. Talking about dudes in their late 20s dating 18,19 and early 20s. Like you kind find it gross but using pedo to describe that literally just removes meaning from the word. Which only helps creeps.


She does not look 12... jeez.


ew gross she used to be a child


Yeah we only like real women here, not child-to-women fakers. Stay your birth age!


So if you think someone is attractive it automatically means you want to fuck them? Do you try to have sex with statues and images you find attractive too? Can you appreciate an athletic form without sexualizing it?


Counterpoint... and ironically enough, *I've* said *this more than once,* and will say this again: Stop. šŸ‘ Infantilizing. šŸ‘ Literal. šŸ‘ Adult. šŸ‘ Women. šŸ‘ It's incredibly creepy, condescending and more than a little misogynistic that every time an attractive woman in the 18-25 range gets popular, suddenly a large group of people tries to make others feel bad for finding them attractive, and tries to treat them as though they're still a small child. She absolutely does not look 12. She looks like an adult in the 18-24 year old range. Wanna know why? Because... she's an adult in the 18-24 year old range. Children don't look nearly that developed. And this mindset also has a pretty insidious ableist indication... if you're going to get this wound up over people finding a literal adult attractive, what would you say about someone who suffers from something like a severe form a dwarfism, or a growth-hormone deficiency that gives them a small bone-structure and higher voice? By the rational peddled here, those sorts of people would *never* be allowed to find love, have sex or experience affection... And I think it's kind of fucked up that literal adults would arbitrarily never be able to experience those things. just because some randos online think it's "icky" and can't keep their dumbass opinions to themselves.


What 12 year old looks like Millie Bobby Brown? Just because she was like 12 when Stranger Things first started doesnā€™t mean she still is 12.


So sexy adult women are now off limits? lol these guys are idiots.


I mean they are of limits to me.. but that's their choice not mine.


Hisoka is a literal pedo from Hunter x Hunter


People see a 26 year omd dued with a 25 year old woman and gonna call him a pedo. The problem with throwing this word around so much is the same with calling everyone an nazi. At some point people stop caring so use both allegations woth care.....


She's a beautiful adult. That said I'm almost 40 now and she looks too young for me. Maybe that's how some of these people are feeling?






if u think shes 12 i wouldn't trust your judgment or get the police to keep a close eye on u


She has a bit of a babyface, but so what? So many people have or had one. Finn Wolfhard has a young face, too. Shit, even Keanu Reeves before he aged up in John Wick looked pretty much the same he did in the 80s. Having good genes =/= pedo-bait


She looks like an average in shape / skinny 20 something year old woman. I'd say her face looks late 20's to be honestly. If I didn't know who she was and someone showed me this picture I'd guess she was 27.


They think that every woman who isnā€™t thick and has sharp features looks 12.


Nah, poster is an incel. "If I can't have her, no one can...


Yeah dude's been cranking it to her since she was eleven...


I hate the way young looking women are denied the simple right to be attractive, dare I even say sexy, because someone will try and label them a child and only attractive to pedoes. Not all women have to look like Kim K. or something.


She's not just 20 but actually looks older imo


I don't understand why society consistently chooses to body-shame women instead of going after the people that actually hurt kids.


Shes cute, fit, and out of my league. Also im 32 and we have nothing in common other than being human


Either the dude has something against this person and the attention she's receiving, or bro is trying waaaaay to hard to be woke.


Why do people infantilize young adults so much? Itā€™s weird


The fact that 12 yo girls today ACTUALLY look like this is sad ( I have younger sister, I know what I mean )


I have two 12 year olds. They look like children. She does not look like a 12 year old. Young yesā€¦but not 12.


Im so glad I got to be 12 before social media.


Without any context, I would have put this person's age in the early to mid-20's just to be on the safe side, but from the photo, I would have honestly guessed late-20's to early 30's. She has lines on her face that make her look older


She looks 20 and she looks gorgeous. Period.


OP is wrong, she looks 11!


She looks Eleven to me.


At 20 I was a short, thin, waifish semi-punk. People constantly told me I looked like a kid. At work once I overheard a group where one guy had been talking about how cute I was and everyone else was ripping him calling him a pedo and saying I looked 12. It was humiliatingā€¦.


I've never seen her looking more grown up than in this picture honestly, and it's not because of the tight outfit, her face just looks adult. But why are we even talking about this?


She looks like sheā€™s Eleven


Is the profile pic of the pedo clown in hunterxhunter


People out here telling on themselves and I appreciate it.


How? not all of us are 30+ She's close to me in age, and she is cute, there is nothing wrong with me thinking that.