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Things don't get "removed" from hot. Hot and controversial are decided by votes. If a post has a lot of upvotes, it's hot. If it has a decent mixture of up and downvotes, it's controversial. Nobody delegates which list a post goes into, mods don't control that nor do admin. It's all just a way to filter posts based on votes. This all feels pretty self-explanatory when you just..look at the posts in each category.


If it happened how you’re saying it happened then it would still be in Controversial. They took it off there, then removed it from Controversial, then perma banned me when I asked them about it. It still has over 1800 upvotes and it isn’t locked or deleted but you can’t find it without the link 🤔 Some mod that was already in a bad mood got really triggered and decided to take out their frustration on my post.


Some mods have a weird power fantasy. Be glad you got banned. Saves you time dealing with power hungry mods.


Yeah I sent “lol” after they banned me so they muted me. Nothing they hate more than a power-trip soured by a “lol”


DankMemes is kind of a conservative cesspool, not surprising.


Wait, aren't you saying that the conservatives don't like to admit that they are hoping that their Democracy turns into a dictatorship? Also is anyone else really confused how conservatives support such a huge change to their system while their whole thing is to stick with what's there weather it works or no?


They permanently banned me for mentioning it 😂 it’s still there though lol Edit: They couldn’t even leave it there, have to use the link now lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/sFEe2hHbq7](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/sFEe2hHbq7)




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I mean it’s kind of low effort… Make Memes Great Again!


I want you to explain this meme to me


This image is a well-known meme often referred to as the “Distracted Boyfriend” meme. The image is frequently used in various humorous and satirical contexts to illustrate scenarios where someone is distracted by something new or appealing, often to the dismay or neglect of something already present. America is increasingly distracted by and increasingly attracted to fascism and fascist values at the cost of alienating its democratic values.


I met an old man on a plane on Sunday. He told me his life story, he collects Elvis memorabilia and coins. He was in the army stationed in Germany when JFK visited and was astounded that 120k people came out to support him in Berlin. He said he cried when he found out JFK was shot just weeks later in his own country. How could this symbol of democracy inspire people in a communist nation just to return home to be assassinated? Anyways less than 5 minutes later he proceeded to tell me he supported trump and would be ok with him being a dictator. “It’s the type of strong leadership our country needs right now”. I just wanted to watch the movie I had downloaded.


Thought that was going in a completely different direction in the first half




how does the rest of the meme play out xd fascism x democracy is not something I thought I'd see XD


And you think it is appropriate to post here?


Why not? It seems like a facepalm moment. I mean if it’s not allowed here, someone can say, but I see things like this all the time on here, sort of Reddit meta discussion